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Goodbye Jesus

What Do You Want To Happen When You Die?


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Just curious as to what everyone on here would say. I bet answers are pretty diverse!

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Yup, I wanna be like Jacob Marley. happydance.gif I highly doubt this will happen, so if I were to be serious, I would have to select "Death with no consciousness whatsoever". I'm OK with that. I don't want to be reincarnated as a cockroach.

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When I saw someone voted for that, I said, " it's gotta be either florduh or Pos".

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None of the above. Sorry.

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One with the universe would be cool.

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None of the above. Sorry.


Ok, now you HAVE to elaborate!!!

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Well the Christians say I'm choosing to go to hell but I don't see that option. J/k

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None of the above. Sorry.


Ok, now you HAVE to elaborate!!!


Ha Ha Ha!! Not while I'm drinking - you will have to wait until tomorrow!

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I'd take heaven if it's the way you describe it. Actually they all sound ok. I suspect I'll just be worm food though.

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If I had to choose from your list, "one with the universe" but I'm totally okay with just dying and being dead.


As long as I don't have to go back to being human again, honestly. Unless I could be born an alien on another planet. That would be cool.

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If I had to choose from your list, "one with the universe" but I'm totally okay with just dying and being dead.


As long as I don't have to go back to being human again, honestly. Unless I could be born an alien on another planet. That would be cool.

If I had to choose from your list, "one with the universe" but I'm totally okay with just dying and being dead.


As long as I don't have to go back to being human again, honestly. Unless I could be born an alien on another planet. That would be cool.


But if you didn't have any memory of your past life, living as an alien wouldn't be cool. It would be normal. Mundane, even. You'd think being an earthling would be super cool. lol

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None of the above. Sorry.


Ok, now you HAVE to elaborate!!!


Ha Ha Ha!! Not while I'm drinking - you will have to wait until tomorrow!



Drinking is supposed to make you MORE LIKELY To tell us!! Keep on tippin that bottle. You'll open up eventually!

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I would have preferred if you had asked what I wanted to happen when you die, McDaddy.


I would have answered... I want everyone at your funeral to bust out laughing and do little dances of joy and good tidings.


... because I'm pure evil. :pureevil:

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I know you are , but what am I.

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I know you are , but what am I.




Well, you're no cupcake over there, champ.


You're no Cinderella.

You're no princess.

You're no morning flower with pearls of golden dew.




You're more like this...



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Feelin frisky tonight, Leeg?

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Feelin frisky tonight, Leeg?




Hey man, if you're feeling froggy,... then jump.


Space and opportunity. :shrug:



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"Roam the earth as a disembodied spirit" sounds like fun, with an option to go on other planets, and have spiritual secs

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Ha! No one is anxious to come back on earth (yet). And I thought I was depressed... smile.png

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After I die, I want to have loved and inspired someone while I was alive enough so that they will want to continue doing the same thing for someone else.

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I want complete and total annihilation. No consciousness, no sleep, no remnant whatsoever except a rotting corpse and maybe a few peoples' memories. And I'm reasonably sure that's what I'm going to get.

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I suppose I like the last option best :) Part of it though is I'd like to be able to see how my family does after I'm gone.


Like many others, though, I'm sure that once the lights go out, I'll be gone completely and forever.

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I picked the last one, finally, though I considered the "one with everything" one - but, as egoist as it is, I don't want to be passive. And I kind of dig this existence. As messy as it is, and as depressed as I can be, I do.


Also, I think some species of the last one is what happens, so why not be content with what's coming? ;)

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