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Goodbye Jesus

The Different Types Of Ex-Christians


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I'm fascinated by the different types of ex-Christians, so I've decided to categorize them.

As I read your comments in the forum, I will modify the list below.

I'll update and post this list periodically until I'm satisfied it's complete.

Your participation is invited, but is certainly not necessary.


3 categories of ex-Christians:

NO -- Christian in Name Only (e.g. born into a Christian family), never born-again

BA -- Born Again Christian (i.e. God’s Spirit came inside, began to reveal truth)

3rd -- There is a 3rd, TBA if I’m convinced I've found one


Reasons for "NO" ex-Christians:

NO1 -- Never had any meaningful spiritual experience

NO2 -- Horrendous things in the world too much to handle

NO3 -- Had a bad experience with a Christian

NO4 -- Disagreed with Christian teaching

NO5 -- Saw problems with the Bible

NO6 -- Totally hopeless to control the sin nature


Reasons for "BA" ex-Christians:

BA1 -- Had a real bad life experience ... hate God and/or Christianity

BA2 -- Saw big problems with the Bible ... rejected Christianity

BA3 -- Really deceived by Satan ... gave up and dropped out

BA4 -- Struggle to control the sin nature ... gave up and dropped out

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Cool story bro. Needs more dragons and shit.



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Here's the problem Doug: people don't fit into neat little boxes. I find it insulting that you would think you could "categorize" us.


Also, you should probably start posting in the Lion's Den if you're going to stick around.

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I'm 110% sure this guy is just totally fucking with us.


Even Thumby and OC aren't this asinine. It can't be real.

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Wow, he can do neat tricks. We should totally keep this one!yelrotflmao.gif

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What do you hope to gain by categorising us?

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  • Moderator

Before you do all your 'surveys'...go back to your first post and answer all the questions you said you could answer. Maybe then we can start to respect you a little................

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nonsense deleted


Jesus Christ WendyDoh.gif

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nonsense deleted


Jesus Christ WendyDoh.gif


Even a double facepalm is not enough for this guy.



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Funny, there is only one category for Christians.


Christians: Delusion people who refuse to accept reality and choose to live a lie.

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Reasons for "BA" ex-Christians:

BA1 -- Had a real bad life experience ... hate God and/or Christianity

BA2 -- Saw big problems with the Bible ... rejected Christianity

BA3 -- Really deceived by Satan ... gave up and dropped out

BA4 -- Struggle to control the sin nature ... gave up and dropped out


Where do I fit in?

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Doug, I'm a BA2. The problem I saw with the bible is that it is total bullshit. All of it is made up.

BA3 doesn't exist because satan isn't real.

BA4 and NO6 doesn't exist because there is no such thing as "sin nature."


Hope this helps you with your little project.

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And another damn thing... how about you go back to those other threads you started...you know, those ones where your arguments got shredded to pieces...and try to recover some of your credibility? I mean, you'll probably just embarrass yourself more but this one isn't nearly as entertaining.

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Looks like Doug's mom paid the internet bill. I was wondering where he went...I wonder if he can return to his previous thread? Dogs, vomit and all that.

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  • Super Moderator

In Doug's profile under Interests:


I believe I have an answer for just about everything.




Doug needs to add:

Except for in all those threads where I didn't answer your questions!



To paraphrase a popular quote:


What an arrogant twatwaffle fucktard!



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Doug, from San Diego, hmm let me guess...you go to a Calvary Chapel church. They like to think they have all the answers.


Doug, you seem to have gained very little from your reading of our stories.

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You're wrong. There is but one "category" of exchristian. That category is those who saw the truth and were willing and able to come to terms with it until they had no choice but finally to accept that the religion is untrue. In that sense, no one left Christianity. Rather, we realized and accepted that it is false and so began living our lives with that reality.


You have not categorized exchristians. Rather, you have categorized Christians.

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I think i'll go try something more intellectually stimulating.


Where's the latest BO thread................ silverpenny013Hmmm.gif

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Come on doug go ack to the other thread or start answering our questions here.


And you act like you can come here and "catagorize" us? if your just a troll i give props as you do a good job but if your serrious you need to stop acting like you rbetter than everyone here and that you have this "devine" knowlege.

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Reasons for "BA" ex-Christians:

BA1 -- Had a real bad life experience ... hate God and/or Christianity

BA2 -- Saw big problems with the Bible ... rejected Christianity

BA3 -- Really deceived by Satan ... gave up and dropped out

BA4 -- Struggle to control the sin nature ... gave up and dropped out


BA5 -- Could not attain the excellency and all-knowing power that only elect Christians such as BA Doug Troll encompass.

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Where do I fit in?


The idea is for you to tell me ... I just can't seem to read your mind.


Question: Why is it that you guys and gals have so much hatred?


News Flash! ... Your posts reek with it. I see no love anywhere, just hate.


Oh yeah, I got it ... you dislike me so much because I'm Christian.

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You're wrong. There is but one "category" of exchristian. That category is those who saw the truth and were willing and able to come to terms with it until they had no choice but finally to accept that the religion is untrue. In that sense, no one left Christianity. Rather, we realized and accepted that it is false and so began living our lives with that reality.


Yes, absolutely this! I did not want to leave and I didn't "give up", I held on for dear life until it was so apparently obvious it was all a lie. Experiences--mine and those of nearly all other people--do not line up with what the bible says and the bible is a contradiction itself. No "bad experiences" drove me away, I just came to the intellectual conclusion that things don't add up where religion is concerned.

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Where do I fit in?


The idea is for you to tell me ... I just can't seem to read your mind.


Question: Why is it that you guys and gals have so much hatred?


News Flash! ... Your posts reek with it. I see no love anywhere, just hate.


Oh yeah, I got it ... you dislike me so much because I'm Christian.


I don't hate you, Doug, nor do I hate any christians. I do, however, despise your arrogant attitude.

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