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Awww, Poor Persecuted Churchies...


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Found this gem on the fb page of a girl I went to school with:


A little grumpy, because this has been bothering me for some time, but I haven't been sure how to bring it up.

Dear non-Christian friends: I respect you and your choices of what to believe or not to believe. I will never, ever mock you for that. And I believe that most/possibly all of you would return the favor to my face at least. However, some of you think nothing at all of mocking my belief on your facebook, and when it shows up in my newsfeed, it really, really hurts me. Now, I get that it's pretty hard to be non-Christian (whether that's Pagan, Athiest, Agnostic, or anything else), and maybe you feel that you can get some of your own back by doing this. I also get that what you post to facebook is totally up to you, but I would ask you to take a moment and think about whether you would feel comfortable saying that to my face before posting. Or think about how it would feel to be similarly mocked for something important to you, (or think of a time when someone has actually mocked you). Just... think for a minute before you hit "share" on some meme or other that derides Christianity as being stupid, or crazy as a belief system. Please.


I should note: I am perfectly aware that Christians do and have done many stupid things, and I am also not devoid of a sense of humor. However, I would like to think that we are all capable of drawing a line between hurtful mocking and funny jokes or serious articles discussing problems with the church.


Apparently they get to go on all fucking day long about how awesome Gawd is and make up their own stupid memes and post verses as status updates. They get to rub their stupid zombie-worshiping religion in our fucking faces but that's just "sharing my faith."


Did it ever occur to you somewhere in that thick fucking skull of yours that the very premise of your religion offends me? Did it ever occur to you that all your stupid "praying for you" comments make my blood boil and that I wind up bitching about it on an ex-christian message board when I should be working?


Moreover, did I ever ask YOU to stop? No I fucking didn't because your goddamn wall is your goddamn wall and it's an extension of your personality where you are allowed to post whatever the fuck you want whenever the fuck you want to post it. But see anything anti-jeebus, PERSECUTION!!!!!!!!!!!!! PERSECUTION!!!!!!!!!! Don't mock MY beliefs cause I have a right to live my whole life without ever seeing anything that hurts my little feelings.

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oh and btw... I called her on it. We'll see what she has to say.


I might lose a fb friend today.



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Oops! Her privilege is showing.


I try to be fairly respectful of other people's faiths, so I expect a certain amount of decorum in return. If they're going to go on and on about praying for people and gloating about coincidence-based "miracles" and whatnot, I consider that fair game for comments and questions. I get just as annoyed by people who put their sexuality on display in RL or online--I don't want to get dragged into someone's private life that much. I'd have a tough time on FB--probably everybody I know is Mormon or evangelical in this town (except perhaps for a pair of sweet young stoners I knew from work, and who knows, maybe they are too), so I suspect I'd get a quick reputation as a cunt before too long.

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There is nothing else in the world like religion where ignorance of facts is a badge of honor. It doesn't matter how absolutely stupid the belief may be, it is taken as a personal attack when someone says anything contrary. Here is a good example:


"Man, I can't believe I was so stupid to think that the earth is flat. How dumb could I have been?"


"Man, I can't believe I was so stupid to think that I had a personal relationship with the creator of the universe. How dumb could I have been?"


Even though in both instances I was speaking about myself, which one do you think the religious will take as a personal insult?

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Oops! Her privilege is showing.



I like that!

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What I'm dying to know, 3DollarBill, is what you said when you called her on it!!!

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Found this gem on the fb page of a girl I went to school with:


A little grumpy, because this has been bothering me for some time, but I haven't been sure how to bring it up.

Dear non-Christian friends: I respect you and your choices of what to believe or not to believe. I will never, ever mock you for that. And I believe that most/possibly all of you would return the favor to my face at least. However, some of you think nothing at all of mocking my belief on your facebook, and when it shows up in my newsfeed, it really, really hurts me. Now, I get that it's pretty hard to be non-Christian (whether that's Pagan, Athiest, Agnostic, or anything else), and maybe you feel that you can get some of your own back by doing this. I also get that what you post to facebook is totally up to you, but I would ask you to take a moment and think about whether you would feel comfortable saying that to my face before posting. Or think about how it would feel to be similarly mocked for something important to you, (or think of a time when someone has actually mocked you). Just... think for a minute before you hit "share" on some meme or other that derides Christianity as being stupid, or crazy as a belief system. Please.


I should note: I am perfectly aware that Christians do and have done many stupid things, and I am also not devoid of a sense of humor. However, I would like to think that we are all capable of drawing a line between hurtful mocking and funny jokes or serious articles discussing problems with the church.


Apparently they get to go on all fucking day long about how awesome Gawd is and make up their own stupid memes and post verses as status updates. They get to rub their stupid zombie-worshiping religion in our fucking faces but that's just "sharing my faith."


Did it ever occur to you somewhere in that thick fucking skull of yours that the very premise of your religion offends me? Did it ever occur to you that all your stupid "praying for you" comments make my blood boil and that I wind up bitching about it on an ex-christian message board when I should be working?


Moreover, did I ever ask YOU to stop? No I fucking didn't because your goddamn wall is your goddamn wall and it's an extension of your personality where you are allowed to post whatever the fuck you want whenever the fuck you want to post it. But see anything anti-jeebus, PERSECUTION!!!!!!!!!!!!! PERSECUTION!!!!!!!!!! Don't mock MY beliefs cause I have a right to live my whole life without ever seeing anything that hurts my little feelings.


If someone posts something religious they should suck it up if someone else posts an opposing opinion. Religion and politics are topics which impassion people and start wars. If you dont like someone's response on your wall, delete it. :-) Don't expect non-believers to keep quiet. If you can't handle the heat, dont post Jeebus stuff or else unfriend people whose opinions you don't like. :-)

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Please send this to Jezebel.com this post deserves to be mocked.

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What I'm dying to know, 3DollarBill, is what you said when you called her on it!!!

Kept it short and simple, sorry if you were hoping for a rant. I tone it down for fb, my best material gets posted here:)

"So you're getting pissy about what people post on their OWN walls? And you think you have the right to tell them to stop?"

She has yet to respond, although I wasn't the first comment. Somebody else gently disagreed with her and she ranted again about how "ideas should never be mocked and this is not something I would allow in the lunchroom" (she's a teacher)


Sorry honey but fb isn't the schoolyard and we're not your fucking kids. If a belief is ridiculous, then expect mockery. Plain and simple.


If someone posts something religious they should suck it up if someone else posts an opposing opinion. Religion and politics are topics which impassion people and start wars. If you dont like someone's response on your wall, delete it. :-) Don't expect non-believers to keep quiet. If you can't handle the heat, dont post Jeebus stuff or else unfriend people whose opinions you don't like. :-)

If she argues back at me I'm going to semi-plagiarize this. Your signature is hilarious btw.

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Just as a funny aside, the bitch who wrote this was my girlfriend's freshman year dorm roommate. One night we run into her and she goes off on a crazy rant about how my girlfriend hadn't been buying her share of toilet paper and now they were out and she had to go to walgreens in the middle of the night.


Girlfriend calmly replied that she had stayed with me every night for the last 6 months and as far as she was concerned, they didn't live together. Priceless.

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What I'm dying to know, 3DollarBill, is what you said when you called her on it!!!

Kept it short and simple, sorry if you were hoping for a rant. I tone it down for fb, my best material gets posted here:)

"So you're getting pissy about what people post on their OWN walls? And you think you have the right to tell them to stop?"

She has yet to respond, although I wasn't the first comment. Somebody else gently disagreed with her and she ranted again about how "ideas should never be mocked and this is not something I would allow in the lunchroom" (she's a teacher)


Sorry honey but fb isn't the schoolyard and we're not your fucking kids. If a belief is ridiculous, then expect mockery. Plain and simple.


No, that was priceless enough all on its own lol

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Just as a funny aside, the bitch who wrote this was my girlfriend's freshman year dorm roommate. One night we run into her and she goes off on a crazy rant about how my girlfriend hadn't been buying her share of toilet paper and now they were out and she had to go to walgreens in the middle of the night.


Girlfriend calmly replied that she had stayed with me every night for the last 6 months and as far as she was concerned, they didn't live together. Priceless.


I'm not a professional by any means - but I smell a personality disorder.

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I think you're a tad oversensitive, 3DB. People--and not just Xians--can be thoughtless like that. She might not realize how she's acting.

I have friends who do the same thing. I forgive them for overbearing and they forgive me for getting snappy when they mention X. Then we move on.

Try to casually change the subject when people like your friend start preaching. Or request that they not bring it up on your profile at all. Best of luck with the proselytizers.

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Christians talk about being persecuted, but all of our money in the US says 'In God We Trust", and all of our politicians are expected to mention "God" in at least some of their speaches. That, to me, is very disrespectful to atheists, pagans, or others who do not believe in a single, masculine God. Christians are not persecuted at all.

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Aaaaaand here we go:


No, I'm just asking them to think about it before posting hurtful things in a public space. They can still post them, but rather sit there, feeling upset but not saying anything, I was open about something that was hurting my feelings. That way, my friends who don't want to hurt me actually have a chance of knowing that something they are doing is making me sad/angry. If I kept my mouth shut, that would be "pissy", because that would be expecting them to be psychic about it.




Completely clueless. Typical churchie "world revolves around me and my feelings" attitude.


My response:


I'm fairly certain when somebody posts something on his own wall it is not done with you in mind. Profiles are for expressing personality and opinions. Just as you have the right to share your beliefs on here, if someone is of the opinion that a particular religion is worthy of ridicule, then it is his right to share that.

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Aaaaaand here we go:



No, I'm just asking them to think about it before posting hurtful things in a public space. They can still post them, but rather sit there, feeling upset but not saying anything, I was open about something that was hurting my feelings. That way, my friends who don't want to hurt me actually have a chance of knowing that something they are doing is making me sad/angry. If I kept my mouth shut, that would be "pissy", because that would be expecting them to be psychic about it.




Completely clueless. Typical churchie "world revolves around me and my feelings" attitude.


My response:


I'm fairly certain when somebody posts something on his own wall it is not done with you in mind. Profiles are for expressing personality and opinions. Just as you have the right to share your beliefs on here, if someone is of the opinion that a particular religion is worthy of ridicule, then it is his right to share that.


I agree with your response. And also, if she wants to point out someone is hurting her feelings, talk to the person specifically and privately. For people who are not supposed to be "easily offended" they have incredibly thin skin.

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I think you're a tad oversensitive, 3DB.

I don't. I think this illustrates an important point. "Liberal Christians" like this girl like to call themselves "tolerant" because they pay lip service to the notion that there's a great number of people who don't believe what they believe and don't wish to be converted. But it is just lip service...because their true attitude is that I can either: a.) believe what they believe, or b.) quietly don't believe but still show respect for it. They never consider the possibility that I actually don't respect christianity. They allow for two possible opinions: a.) "I love jesus!" or b.) "well, that's nice, but not for me." No room for the opinion that it isn't nice, that such beliefs are harmful to everyone, not just those who adhere to them.


I don't just not believe what you believe...I am wholeheartedly against what you believe. If you are unable to not take that personally, that is not my problem.


Christians talk about being persecuted, but all of our money in the US says 'In God We Trust", and all of our politicians are expected to mention "God" in at least some of their speaches. That, to me, is very disrespectful to atheists, pagans, or others who do not believe in a single, masculine God. Christians are not persecuted at all.

Agreed. Of course now I'm "misinterpreting her comments." That's another bad habit you get from the bible, you can say one thing and then claim you meant something else.

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Awwww, her feewings were hurt?


Well, my BODY was hurt when Christians in college threw ROCKS AT IT IN REAL LIFE.


Christians get no fucking sympathy from me for "hurt feelings." They can lick my ass.

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Christians talk about being persecuted, but all of our money in the US says 'In God We Trust", and all of our politicians are expected to mention "God" in at least some of their speaches. That, to me, is very disrespectful to atheists, pagans, or others who do not believe in a single, masculine God. Christians are not persecuted at all.


Don't stop there. We have:


Bibles in every hotel room

"Moments of silence" (prayer) before public events

Christian cable networks 24/7

Discounts on insurance for being christian

Churches every 6 blocks in cities over 100,000

At least 1 christian bookstore in every town over 12,000

God in the Pledge of Allegiance

Christian billboards along highways advertising everything from vacation brainwashing to avoiding hell

Federally recognized christian holiday (Christmas)

Radio evangelists 24/7

Televangelists 24/7

75% of the U.S. population claims christianity as their faith

Christian (all religious) organizations are tax free

National day of prayer

God in the National Anthem


WTF more do these fucktards want?!

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Christians talk about being persecuted, but all of our money in the US says 'In God We Trust", and all of our politicians are expected to mention "God" in at least some of their speaches. That, to me, is very disrespectful to atheists, pagans, or others who do not believe in a single, masculine God. Christians are not persecuted at all.


Poor widdle Christians. So put upon. Maybe one day they'll be like...an 80% majority in the US. They'll have whole stores dedicated to their religious paraphernalia. Maybe they'll even have a Christian president...for the 45th time. What a shame. Hang in there!

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Christian persecution is an Illusion, they want to be persecuted to give themselves a higher purpose and make themselves feel special over others.


Its part of the identity complex, we like to feel important and it offers them a way to prove their own truth.

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A few more replies back and forth, and then my pm to her is as follows. I decided to post it here as you could consider it an open letter to all "liberal christians."


"Don't want this bit out in public, but I need to explain why your post got my blood pressure up...


I've never known you to rub your beliefs in others' faces. It's only fair you should give as good as you get. But life ain't fair. I think it would be great if everybody left everybody else alone on religion, but that will never happen.


I am an atheist. I used to be a christian. Specifically, a baptist, which as I'm sure you are aware, is one of the more exclusionary denominations. I was never the "god hates fags" type but definitely leaned toward fundamentalism. If you want to know specifically why I changed my mind and belief, I'll tell you.


You said you understand how hard it is to be a non-believer...well, I sincerely appreciate you trying but actually, you don't. You can't. And I hope you never do because even if you "de-convert" in the future, I hope the future is a more tolerant place.


You can't know what it's like to say the pledge of allegiance, or read a dollar bill, and get reminded that you are the minority, that you're not part of the club. And every time you dare say something about it you're told to "respect tradition."


I doubt you know what it is like to run into an old friend at the airport, only to have him look at you like you're an alien when you tell him you aren't a member of any church...and that's after he brought it up! I was very fortunate to have moved to a different state for college, because I know very well that this part could be far worse.


You've probably never woken up physically ill from a hell nightmare. I have, more than once. Religious belief is so large a part of who you are that going through a change is more than a little traumatic. I wouldn't have chosen this, but it wasn't really a choice.


You cannot possibly know what it is like to live worrying about what your family is going to think when they inevitably find out. Honestly, they're deluding themselves if they haven't figured it out by now...yet the awkward avoidance of the topic has gone on for years. I cannot hold a false hope it will go on forever though. Even in the best case outcome, they don't give me grief but I'll still have caused them real pain, and things cannot and will not be the same after.


As you might now imagine, non-believers can be more than a little touchy when believers say they're feelings are hurt. We should be sympathetic I suppose...but we're only human. And that's why, though I wish it were easier to just let it go, sometimes we just need to post that damn meme on our profiles. It goes way beyond "getting back some of our own" as you put it. We feel like we're being silenced- in politics, on facebook, at family gatherings, and everywhere else. That, unfortunately, is how your post will be interpreted by non-believers, though you did not mean it that way.


Hope you're well


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You should reply "\_/ This is my care cup, as you can see it's empty." It would rustle their jimmies. I never understood why they don't understand to just deal with it. I knew a girl who posted emo music lyrics EVERY SINGLE DAY, I just dealt with it.

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Do the triple whammy






But post a link to this thread first in a personal message.. :D

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I like your reply. In Christian terms, her original post was at least trying to be sympathetic, and I do see a difference between someone posting a prayer or nice thing they think God did for them, and someone posting something about how stupid Christianity is. One is positive, the other negative. Were she complaining about posts that just talk up the virtues and benefits of atheism, she wouldn't have a case, but there are times when people post things that are only about attacking the beliefs of others, and it's not exactly courteous, whether it's an atheist posting about "How can anyone believe this crap - God kills all the cute little babies in the world (in Noah's Ark) - and you call him good?" or a Christian posting about "I feel so sorry for those so deluded as to become atheists, and how they're going to hell."


There is a difference between attacking someone's beliefs, and promoting your own. Of course anyone can post as they like on their own wall, but she did have a reasonable point reasonably stated - and OP here also has a reasonable point that he has reasonably stated in his PM.

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