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Goodbye Jesus

Father, Forgive Them; For They Know Not What They Do.


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Hello Pug - the following is your signature line.


Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. Luke 23:34


Please explain what anyone here at Ex-C has done that needs divine forgiveness.


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Well, we want to think for ourselves and refuse to believe that Jebus is real and kiss his holy ass, for one :jerkit:

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Hello Pug - the following is your signature line.


Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. Luke 23:34


Please explain what anyone here at Ex-C has done that needs divine forgiveness.



You know, that's always been one of the major problems I've had with the Christian religion, or at least the fundie versions. The vast majority of people are reasonably good. They don't steal. They don't murder. Yeah, they may do things that fundies consider sins like read Harry Potter or listen to real music instead of hymns, they may swear on occassion when they're upset instead of saying "oh peanut butter" or something equally stupid, but overall, they're not bad people. I know I've never done anything that I regret so terribly that I think I need to be saved from.


So why do we need a savior in the first place when we are already decent people? Why do we deserve to burn forever, simply because we don't blindly believe in things that don't have proof outside of church propaganda? Because we're alive? Uh uh, doesn't cut it.


No truly divine being would torture someone for all of eternity who was a decent person simply for not following one particular religion, period. And yet that is the tripe that fundies wish us to believe. That or instead of being tortured for not being Christian, we'll just die -- yes, be murdered by Biblegod -- for not being Christian.


So how is that fair? How is that just? How is it loving and kind?


It's not. Plain and simple. And for that reason, as well as the no proof, I refuse to be part of the Christian cult.

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Dey'll tell yer Jesus cleansed yer sins

But pardon me if I doubt

How'd I do such dreadful t'ings

Before me mudder squeezed me out?

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Speaking for myself:


1) I DON'T believe gays should be persecuted.


2) I DON'T believe we should leave many people to potentially suffer and die that could potentially be helped by stem cell research.


3) More generally, I believe science should be advanced for the betterment of humanity (even if it turns up stuff that contradicts the babble :o )!


4) I DON'T believe we in the United States should go around killing thousands in our war.


5) I think we are wrong to ignore environmental concerns while mass extinction of species and global environmental crisis continues.


6) I think slavery is abhorrent (I guess I'm a couple of hundred years late for that one, although it's STILL condoned in the babble).


7) I DON'T go around intolerantly condemning those who don't agree with me to hell, and then unleash a doctrine of guilt, judgement, and an abhorrence of critical thought upon them.


Yes, I guess I'm guilty. How can a monster like that who rebels against god with all those atrocities and thought crimes NOT be condemned to an eternity of unimaginable torture in a lake of fire?

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I think I agree with everything that has been said in this thread. Amethyst, what you say is EXACTLY the reason I left. People seem to be basically good. The "evil" can be attributed to psychological or other issues. We have yet to hear from Pug....


I do think of that line a lot when I try to find ways of coping with xians, esp. when I hear of the attrocities they commit against unbelievers or homosexuals. I believe if they knew what they were doing they would not do it. So I must forgive them for they don't know what they are doing.

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explain what anyone here at Ex-C has done that needs divine forgiveness
Let's keep it simple,
People who seem to be basically good

...shouldn't go round blasting and condemning a religion they used to believe in but now don't... it only shows up your upbringing, disrespect, not to mention tarnishing the other people who are really basically good.


I think you know who you are.


Yes, indeed a lot of the fanatical evengelicals do that. Happens here too. They go round blasting, "your parents pray to devils... etc". They should be forgiven too.


In history too, even among Christians...

...finally came to a head in 1054 AD, when Pope Leo IX excommunicated the patriarch of Constantinople, the leader of the Eastern church. The Patriarch condemned the Pope in return, and the Christian church has been officially divided into West ("Roman Catholic") and East ("Greek Orthodox") ever since.


IF you think it's all lies, fine. No need to stomp it into the ground. But who am i to ask you to control your pent up anger - by all means vent, get it all out of your system, whatever it takes to cure yourself. And, never mind, you'll be forgiven anyway.

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People who seem to be basically good

...shouldn't go round blasting and condemning a religion they used to believe in but now don't... it only shows up your upbringing, disrespect, not to mention tarnishing the other people who are really basically good.


I think you know who you are.


Again, according to the Book of Pug, Atheists should just shut up and be seen and not heard, because no one has the right to condemn Xianity or point out all the sick crap it promotes :jerkit:


Saying that we should keep silent so as not to "blaspheme" your nonexistent deity or offend your obviously delicate religious sensibilities only shows your disrespect, the disrespect your religion cultivates for other paths and those who follow them. But since we're all hellbound, why be nice to us, right?


I won't shut up for you or anyone, so deal with it.

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Wow Pug thats good that absoulty does not answer any of the questions here.


I will not keep silent either, why should we? Christians are the ones trying to force their religions down peoples throats since it was created. That's the whole reason you are here to condemn us to hell, you are just like the rest. So let me get this straight Pug, Christians can promote, persucute gays, kill people in the name of God and have preachers molesting boys and you want us silent. That is not happening.


Why are you here then? I want Christians to be silent about their religion like Judaism is? No Christianity all it is a political tool and a tool for power.

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Again, according to the Book of Pug, Atheists should just shut up and be seen and not heard, because no one has the right to condemn Xianity or point out all the sick crap it promotes


Why do you always twist what i write? Duhhh... you should NOT shut up. Say what you wish but tone it down; then later i relented and agreed, hey it's your site, scream and condemn all you like if it makes you feel good. Please use all the colourful words you want.


Again, you should not shut up.


How amazing is that? How dare i demand any body to zip their gap at their own home? Can you see the logic of THAT?

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Why do you always twist what i write? Duhhh... you should NOT shut up. Say what you wish but tone it down; then later i relented and agreed, hey it's your site, scream and condemn all you like if it makes you feel good. Please use all the colourful words you want.


I'm not twisting a thing, dearie. You can accuse me of being a liar (presumably because I disagree with you and am not a Xian) but that's your right. You've said many a time that I (or anyone who leaves Xianity) should not speak out against it, because we dont' believe in it and therefore have no business getting all "worked up" over it. That's basically telling people they should shut up and behave if they won't do what you'd have them do.

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That's basically telling people they should shut up and behave if they won't do what you'd have them do.


I see. Then I'm sorry.


It was simply my roundabout way of pointing out to you and pleading that please word it less violently but also knowing that you won't. Does that make sense?


But, all means, carry on.

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IF you think it's all lies, fine. No need to stomp it into the ground. But who am i to ask you to control your pent up anger - by all means vent, get it all out of your system, whatever it takes to cure yourself. And, never mind, you'll be forgiven anyway.
Why does curing oneself need forgiveness, divine - or otherwise?


Webmaster Dave creates a safe location for Ex-Christians to cure themselves. To my knowledge folks here don't go around standing on local street corners venting their anger at passers-by.


Yet, it isn't uncommon, in our culture, to be accosted on a street corner by people releasing their pent-up anger in the form of telling us we will fry in hell if we don't accept Jesus as our "Lord and Savior". Heck, we don't even have to be walking down the street, sometimes they come to our doors and release their pent up anger on us by telling us in - on our doorsteps - that we need to accept Jesus as our "Lord and Savior" - or hell awaits.


The stark reality, Pug, is that Christians regularly vent their anger on the world in very destructive ways. How is any of the venting you see on this board hurting the larger world? These people haven't put together any kind of creed, that I know of. They don't carry their anti-beliefs into the public square and push them on other people. They don't use their anti-beliefs to divide people and wage war. So - exactly what is it that is so awful as to need divine forgiveness? :shrug:

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explain what anyone here at Ex-C has done that needs divine forgiveness
Let's keep it simple,
People who seem to be basically good
...shouldn't go round blasting and condemning a religion they used to believe in but now don't... it only shows up your upbringing, disrespect, not to mention tarnishing the other people who are really basically good.


I think you know who you are.


Yes, indeed a lot of the fanatical evengelicals do that. Happens here too. They go round blasting, "your parents pray to devils... etc". They should be forgiven too.


In history too, even among Christians...

...finally came to a head in 1054 AD, when Pope Leo IX excommunicated the patriarch of Constantinople, the leader of the Eastern church. The Patriarch condemned the Pope in return, and the Christian church has been officially divided into West ("Roman Catholic") and East ("Greek Orthodox") ever since.


IF you think it's all lies, fine. No need to stomp it into the ground. But who am i to ask you to control your pent up anger - by all means vent, get it all out of your system, whatever it takes to cure yourself. And, never mind, you'll be forgiven anyway.




You see what pug did? He didn't answer a single question. All he did was make a list of personal grievances. Mighty arrogant, don't you think? Passing off his personal grievances as offensive to the Almighty Ruler of the Universe. Just a measly little man. I wonder if his avatar is him. Sick, snotty nosed rebel. Disgusting. Peeking out from under his deeply bowed head to take advantage of the instant the Master looks away. The very embodiment of xianity.

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I will not keep silent either, at least not here, in the one place where I am allowed to speak without fear of retribution. If you don't like people venting about religion, then don't come here. That's one of the things this site is for; a safe haven to vent where we cannot be condemned by friends or family or co-workers or bosses. There are plenty of Christian sites on the Internet where people get banned for just not being Christian and posting about it, so go there if you want that sort of thing. I recommend ChristianForums, they seem to have a track record of consistently banning anyone who uses logic and reason, from what I hear.

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So what is it, exactly, that we don't know we do?


Also, if we suddenly knew we did it, would we cease doing it?

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So what is it, exactly, that we don't know we do?


Also, if we suddenly knew we did it, would we cease doing it?


I second that what is it that we are doing?

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I second that what is it that we are doing?


You guys know damn well what you're doing.


Every time you jack off, it pounds another nail into Jesus.

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I second that what is it that we are doing?


You guys know damn well what you're doing.


Every time you jack off, it pounds another nail into Jesus.


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


Glory, Brother Mythra!

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I second that what is it that we are doing?


You guys know damn well what you're doing.


Every time you jack off, it pounds another nail into Jesus.



You mean me jacking off :jerkoff: puts a nail in Jeebus :crucified: ?



:HaHa::HaHa::HaHa: Well I wonder how many times we have put nails in Jesus?

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Well I wonder how many times we have put nails in Jesus?


Lots and lots of times.


Why do you think people are always proclaiming his holeyness?


When Jesus returns, he's gonna look like a goddamn piece of swiss cheese.

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I see. Then I'm sorry.


It was simply my roundabout way of pointing out to you and pleading that please word it less violently but also knowing that you won't. Does that make sense?


But, all means, carry on.


You're damn skippy you're sorry. In more ways than one.


And I have no intention of being "less violent" about it. I choose strong language because it fits my personality and also fits the nature of the topic. I hate Xianity and have no intentions of trying to make it seem less than what it is. For me to try would be for me to be less honest.


And yes, what is it that we don't know we're doing? Believing differently? Rejecting the Xian cult because it contains a number of cruel or contradictory or illogical teachings? Being proud and strong in ourselves rather than believe we need your god to tell us we're ok? Realizing that we made all the gods in our images, not the other way around?


What do we do that's so wrong? Being human? Hell, I don't want forgiveness for that. Or need it.

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- exactly what is it that is so awful as to need divine forgiveness?
Err... here's a sweet one?
Every time you jack off, it pounds another nail into Jesus.



...kiss his holy ass
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You mean me jacking off puts a nail in Jeebus


Just curious, i wonder why none of you lot dare spell "Jesus" correctly? Nothing to fear you know. Spell it correctly, words have meanings. If you spell it as jeebus you are nailing the wrong dude.


One other thing to forgive, getting His name wrong.

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