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Yeah I'm A Christian, So What?

Guest plastic_mouse18

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Guest plastic_mouse18

For those of you who no longer believe. What are you SO scared of? You don't "allow" Christians in here. You think we are so awful we will "corrupt" those who no longer believe? You think we will brainwash those who are on the edge of losing their faith? Really?? Is that what you're freaking out over? You chose to stop believing in God, right? You hate that Christians try to show unbelievers that Christ died for them, that they have the opportunity to be born again. What exactly is it that YOU are doing? Are not not shoving your lack of beliefs on others? Are you not bashing Christians? Are you not trying to shove us out of the way so you can persuade people not to believe?


What IF you're wrong? What if God is real. What if he's not only real, but what if the general Christian perception of Him is real and what if you will be held accountable to Him one day? Has it occurred to you that you might someday be held accountable to those who you are trying to convince God does not believe. It's so sad to me that those of you who are on the edge of losing your faith, are being persuaded by people who lost their faith. Why should others lose their faith just because you no longer have it??


Those of you who are ex Christians don't know everything. There are millions who will be able to successfully debate with you scientifically and otherwise back and forth, but in the end, you are JUST a person. You are human. On top of that you are ONLY one human. Who are you to try to tell someone else that you are right and Christians are wrong?


What's my view? I believe it's up to the person to decide their faith and what they believe in. If people believe in God because of me, then they can easily be swayed down the road.


And if you are all so convinsed God isn't real, then leave this open to debate. As other Chrsitian forums do, leave the door open for discussion. If you don't beleive in God, then don't pretend to be Him. :grin:


For those of you who would rather not reply on here, feel free to email me.

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Welcome to HECK mousebot...


Ya know, anyone going to a Theist Board of any kind with an opener such as yours would be booted the hell off the lifeboat before the ink dried..


I moved this lil ole post of yours to Lion's Den, as it is more appropriate grist for the large and small critters that will want to digest it.


Thinking "Why should I care what some theist thinks?", and ya know, I just don't anymore.


Have fun mousebot, its gonna be fun.



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Only someone very young, as I suspect you are, could get so much so wrong so adamantly in one brief post.


I'm sure others will elucidate. I'll just sigh.

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Guest plastic_mouse18

haha, funny name for a serious......topic? *shivers in fear of ex-christians* :rolleyes:


so back to my question, what are ya'll so scured of? you already blocked me from responding to the one topic i responded to...geez.

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Guest plastic_mouse18
Only someone very young, as I suspect you are, could get so much so wrong so adamantly in one brief post.


I'm sure others will elucidate. I'll just sigh.



i'll take young any day, be it in a good reference or not. k so there's 2 people that are waiting for others to educate.......i'll just sit here and wait for a couple more minutes...............

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Guest plastic_mouse18

ok, lookie, i'm at work. i came here to show people that you guys are not the INFINITE in what's true, which i already did. sorry, you're just people (hate to break it to ya)! feel free to email me. otherwise, i'm out.

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I quit believing in spooks, spirits, boogers, and the supernatural in any form once I grew up. Fifty years, and I haven't seen or heard one yet. Prove me wrong. :fdevil:

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Let's cut to the chase (or cheese), mouse.


Fuck off, moron.

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For those of you who no longer believe. What are you SO scared of? You don't "allow" Christians in here.

We do allow Christians in here. Read the rules of this forum. You can preach to your heart's content in here, just not other forums where it's considered inappropriate.


I'm not afraid of a discussion of your beliefs. Fire away.


What IF you're wrong? What if God is real. What if he's not only real, but what if the general Christian perception of Him is real and what if you will be held accountable to Him one day?

What if Allah is real, and you will be held accountable for not converting to Islam? Do you not understand the bogus nature of your question?


Has it occurred to you that you might someday be held accountable to those who you are trying to convince God does not believe. It's so sad to me that those of you who are on the edge of losing your faith, are being persuaded by people who lost their faith. Why should others lose their faith just because you no longer have it??

Tell you what, care to debate me and we can let people decide who has the more persuasive points? But before I agree to it with you, I'll need to see you can a least make an argument that sounds reasonable.


Those of you who are ex Christians don't know everything. There are millions who will be able to successfully debate with you scientifically and otherwise back and forth, but in the end, you are JUST a person. You are human. On top of that you are ONLY one human. Who are you to try to tell someone else that you are right and Christians are wrong?

Of course I don't believe I know everything. However, the Christian uses the Bible like it slams shut any discussion, which in essence makes them come off as thinking they have all the answers. Are you open to be wrong??? Care to test your beliefs against my arguments?


And if you are all so convinsed God isn't real, then leave this open to debate. As other Chrsitian forums do, leave the door open for discussion. If you don't beleive in God, then don't pretend to be Him. :grin:

You're on. Give me your best. :)

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What are you SO scared of?


Who said anyone was scared? This is an assumption on your part and I hope you know what they say about assumptions.


You don't "allow" Christians in here.


Again, you are wrong. There are several sections of this forum just for Christians. So how is this not allowing Christians here? Also, to further prove my point, you are here. No one deleted your account.


Those of you who are ex Christians don't know everything.


You know what they say about those that point fingers at others ... they have three more pointing right back at them.


You are human. On top of that you are ONLY one human.


As are you. So I would suppose that your own argument would apply to your own self as well?


Who are you to try to tell someone else that you are right and Christians are wrong?


Since I am assuming that you are human also, then cannot the same question be asked of yourself? Who are you to tell anyone that they are right or wrong about anything at all? If the shoe fits and all of that ...


I believe it's up to the person to decide their faith and what they believe in.


I think you would find that virtually everyone here believes the same. Each person can believe what they want. Some here are atheistic. Some are agnostic. Some are spiritual. Some are anti-spiritual.


If people believe in God because of me, then they can easily be swayed down the road.


If someone disbelieves in god because of anyone of us here can they not also be swayed in the other direction down the road? So what is your point?


And if you are all so convinsed God isn't real, then leave this open to debate.


It is open to debate here. Again, you have a false assumption. Take a look at this forum. There is more than one area where debates can be held. So enjoy yourself and debate away.


As other Chrsitian forums do, leave the door open for discussion.


Hahahahaha ... Sorry ... I just had to laugh at this one. Seriously.


If you don't beleive in God, then don't pretend to be Him.


Wouldn't dream of it. Again, though, follow your own advice.

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Christians are allowed here, I don't know why you don't think they are? Please bring all your evidence, leave the fear and smear at home tho. You'll have to hold up your "Faith" with truth, you'll soon see that truth and faith are not even remotely related.



I'm not scared, You're the one that seems scared with all your knee jerk accusations. What an introduction. :Hmm: Turn abouts fair play, I wonder how come you don't believe, what are YOU so scared of?


I don't see anyone here freaking out, what's your issue in particular? We are on a website designed specially for Ex-Cers, you're in our house here, not vice-versa. We are not spreading anything, this is a help site and people are at very different stages in their healing and struggles. There are some atheists just as there are some theists, This website is much needed for the massive amount of trauma the Christian dogma does to people and their family.


You're right I hate the spreading of fear and make believe dogma. I detest it more then I can express here. Fear causes people to be irrational and unpredictable, How about you worship in silence like your bible teaches? Why do you feel the need to spread your hate filled dogma here?


If if's and buts were beer n' nuts....


I choose to live with reality, faith is a crippling what if life style. It teaches you to hate any and all choices. Teaches you your not worthy for anything, it promotes self loathing, and loathing of those not like you. Why bother worshiping anything that tortures you for ETERNITY if you don't kiss his ass enough? Are you for real? I'll never worship a tyrant, or an evil tribal god who creates life only to burn and torture it if they don't walk the mysterious tight rope of the ever changing rules. (if your going by the Buybull)


We are waiting for the millions to come and show us with science, logic and reason. Are you up for the challenge? Lets hear it.


Other forums are open to debate? Really? Which one for example? You think a person loses their faith the same reason you keep yours, which are completely emotional based on irrational fears of what if's. Your cult is nothing but emotionality based and not based on facts or reason. The fear monger of what if's will not scare us back to the abuse, no matter how much I know you franticly believe otherwise.


Present facts and reason and you might get a debate. Please leave the drama at the door tho. If god gave you a brain why is it a "SIN" to use it? You're suppose to check all thinking or questioning at the door of faith, no thanks.





Also what's with the Your just people mantra? Who here claims we're not people? WTF???

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For those of you who no longer believe. What are you SO scared of? You don't "allow" Christians in here. You think we are so awful we will "corrupt" those who no longer believe?

We don't allow Christians in here? Eh...?...?... You're a Christian... right?... You're here, right? ... so, did we throw your stupid ass out, or did we just allow you to be here?


Did you learn logic on the back of an empty cornflakes box you found behind your playhouse? Sometimes stupid is beyond measure.


You think we will brainwash those who are on the edge of losing their faith? Really?? Is that what you're freaking out over? You chose to stop believing in God, right? You hate that Christians try to show unbelievers that Christ died for them, that they have the opportunity to be born again. What exactly is it that YOU are doing? Are not not shoving your lack of beliefs on others? Are you not bashing Christians? Are you not trying to shove us out of the way so you can persuade people not to believe?

Wow... just wow. Every sentence contains at least two errors. Amazing feat. (no, not feet, that's an a member of the body, no, not that member... *sigh* go back to Sunday school, maybe they'll serve cookies today.)


What IF you're wrong? What if God is real. What if he's not only real, but what if the general Christian perception of Him is real and what if you will be held accountable to Him one day? Has it occurred to you that you might someday be held accountable to those who you are trying to convince God does not believe. It's so sad to me that those of you who are on the edge of losing your faith, are being persuaded by people who lost their faith. Why should others lose their faith just because you no longer have it??

Most of us have already thought about those questions, about... 400 times? We have someone like you asking those questions every month, and sometimes several a week. So what's new?


Those of you who are ex Christians don't know everything. There are millions who will be able to successfully debate with you scientifically and otherwise back and forth, but in the end, you are JUST a person. You are human. On top of that you are ONLY one human. Who are you to try to tell someone else that you are right and Christians are wrong?

Back at ya. You're only one human too. And you can be wrong too. Have you thought about that, have you, huh? Huh? Have you? Huh? Maybe Islam is right and you're going to Hell with us! Muahaha!!


What's my view? I believe it's up to the person to decide their faith and what they believe in. If people believe in God because of me, then they can easily be swayed down the road.


And if you are all so convinsed God isn't real, then leave this open to debate. As other Chrsitian forums do, leave the door open for discussion. If you don't beleive in God, then don't pretend to be Him. :grin:


For those of you who would rather not reply on here, feel free to email me.



I get it.


You intentionally is trying to troll us, so we get rallied up and ban you, and you can go back to your home forum and claim that we deny debate with Christians. Well, I won't do it. Some other mod might, but I'll keep you around just to prove you wrong.. schmuck. (Btw, I spell better than you.)

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haha, funny name for a serious......topic? *shivers in fear of ex-christians* :rolleyes:


so back to my question, what are ya'll so scured of? you already blocked me from responding to the one topic i responded to...geez.

??? I don't think anyone of us blocked you yet. Unless you tried to post in the Eximony section, because only that one, and maybe one other, is off limits for Christians. Other than that, we haven't made a decision to block you yet. Btw, I'm not sure we can block for a specific topic. You either get banned, or on probation, or post review, or observation etc. But not specific threads.


I noticed there's some problem with the forum right now. It's slow and sometimes screw up the graphics. It could be my computer, or if you experience the same thing, maybe the server is bogged down. I hope it's not because you are doing something vicious? Are you using your magical superpowers and cursing our website and calling down God's wrath upon us? Damn... I knew the day would come... I'm looking out the window for the lightning which is about to hit me.




Ah, I found it. Yes, you were trying to post in the Ex-Testimonies section. Your post is there. But, you idiot didn't read the guidelines for that section! Just because we let you into the house, we won't let you piss in our food. Idiot. You can post mostly everywhere on this website, but that section is limited to ex-Christians only. So what? You can post in this section. Or do you mean that you have the right to defile everything because you're stinking Christian? Oh... yes, you probably do...

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For those of you who no longer believe. What are you SO scared of? You don't "allow" Christians in here. You think we are so awful we will "corrupt" those who no longer believe? You think we will brainwash those who are on the edge of losing their faith? Really?? Is that what you're freaking out over? You chose to stop believing in God, right? You hate that Christians try to show unbelievers that Christ died for them, that they have the opportunity to be born again. What exactly is it that YOU are doing? Are not not shoving your lack of beliefs on others? Are you not bashing Christians? Are you not trying to shove us out of the way so you can persuade people not to believe?

There's nothing to be scared of. You are allowed here. Nobody is trying to brainwash, corrupt or shove beliefs on anybody. Why are you so tense?


What IF you're wrong? What if God is real. What if he's not only real, but what if the general Christian perception of Him is real and what if you will be held accountable to Him one day? Has it occurred to you that you might someday be held accountable to those who you are trying to convince God does not believe. It's so sad to me that those of you who are on the edge of losing your faith, are being persuaded by people who lost their faith. Why should others lose their faith just because you no longer have it??


Are you on the edge? It kind of sounds like it. Relax, I'm not going to tell you to quit the Jesus-club. You're free to believe what you want. As am I.


Those of you who are ex Christians don't know everything. There are millions who will be able to successfully debate with you scientifically and otherwise back and forth, but in the end, you are JUST a person. You are human. On top of that you are ONLY one human. Who are you to try to tell someone else that you are right and Christians are wrong?


I know I'm just one person. I'm not telling you or any christians anything. YOU are just one person as well by the way.


What's my view? I believe it's up to the person to decide their faith and what they believe in.


Well said, I choose not to believe, thank you.


If people believe in God because of me, then they can easily be swayed down the road.

And if you are all so convinsed God isn't real, then leave this open to debate.


The debate is open. I just don't know if you can take it.


As other Chrsitian forums do, leave the door open for discussion.


In my experience, christian forums do not allow heated discussions like those we have here.


If you don't beleive in God, then don't pretend to be Him. :grin:


Nobody's trying to be god here. Now you are just being a silly rabbit.

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I noticed there's some problem with the forum right now. It's slow and sometimes screw up the graphics. It could be my computer, or if you experience the same thing, maybe the server is bogged down. I hope it's not because you are doing something vicious? Are you using your magical superpowers and cursing our website and calling down God's wrath upon us? Damn... I knew the day would come... I'm looking out the window for the lightning which is about to hit me.

I hate it when Christians have the Holy Ghost mess with computer systems. There's nothing more frightening than a goof who uses God against us! Bastards! It's not fair. We buy all this high-end Cisco gear, and still, like the Chariots of Pharaoh's army, they can't fend off a denial of service attack from Jesus! Damn you Christians, leave our ones and zeros alone! I plead the bits of Data against you, in Batman's name.

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ok, lookie, i'm at work. i came here to show people that you guys are not the INFINITE in what's true, which i already did. sorry, you're just people (hate to break it to ya)! feel free to email me. otherwise, i'm out.



Wow, you sure showed us! I'm not entirely sure what you showed us, but you showed us.

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ok, lookie, i'm at work. i came here to show people that you guys are not the INFINITE in what's true, which i already did. sorry, you're just people (hate to break it to ya)! feel free to email me. otherwise, i'm out.


I was at work - by the way I actually DO work for a living, I don't get to dick around on a computer - and missed your whole appearance. 'I'm a Christian, so what' - well I sure as fuck don't know if you don't.

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I just discovered where this mouse guy learned his debating skills.


How to argue


No wonder we are at such a disadvantage.

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I hate it when Christians have the Holy Ghost mess with computer systems. There's nothing more frightening than a goof who uses God against us! Bastards! It's not fair. We buy all this high-end Cisco gear, and still, like the Chariots of Pharaoh's army, they can't fend off a denial of service attack from Jesus! Damn you Christians, leave our ones and zeros alone! I plead the bits of Data against you, in Batman's name.
Maybe you guys should get computer systems made out of iron since God loses to iron?
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You think we will brainwash those who are on the edge of losing their faith?

You hate that Christians try to show unbelievers that Christ died for them, that they have the opportunity to be born again.

What exactly is it that YOU are doing?

Are you not trying to shove us out of the way so you can persuade people not to believe?

I like you. You're my new best friend. (((hugs)))



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Are you for real mouseboy? If you are, you just showed us all your assholiness.


I didn't lose my faith, as I am not searching for it. I threw it away because it led me to assholiness. :asshole2:

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For those of you who no longer believe. What are you SO scared of? You don't "allow" Christians in here.


Not afraid of anything, and we DO allow Christians in "here," you got in didn't you? We are actually much more tolerant of Christians on this board than most Christian forums are tolerant of Atheists.


You think we are so awful we will "corrupt" those who no longer believe? You think we will brainwash those who are on the edge of losing their faith? Really?? Is that what you're freaking out over?


If you are talking about not allowing Christians to post in places like the testimonials forum then get over it, we just prefer that Christians not come in and be an ass to people who are going through crap right now.


You chose to stop believing in God, right? You hate that Christians try to show unbelievers that Christ died for them, that they have the opportunity to be born again. What exactly is it that YOU are doing? Are not not shoving your lack of beliefs on others? Are you not bashing Christians? Are you not trying to shove us out of the way so you can persuade people not to believe?


People are free to come to this site or leave, we aren't pushing our views on anyone. Christians are the ones trying to use the U.S. government to take away peoples civil rights. I don't hate Christians, I just hate the religion, if you can't separate a belief from the people who believe it then that is your problem not mine.


What IF you're wrong? What if God is real. What if he's not only real, but what if the general Christian perception of Him is real and what if you will be held accountable to Him one day? Has it occurred to you that you might someday be held accountable to those who you are trying to convince God does not believe. It's so sad to me that those of you who are on the edge of losing your faith, are being persuaded by people who lost their faith. Why should others lose their faith just because you no longer have it??


What if Allah is real? What if Zeus is real? Those questions are on equal grounds with yours IMO.

Ok, lets assume that the Christian god is real. Then he is a dick, If he is going to hold me and other accountable (and punish us) for using the brain he gave us then he is doubly a dick. I wouldn't worship such a being anyway, and I hardly see how worshiping such a being for eternity would be a better alternative to hell. In fact to me it WOULD be hell.


If you think that Christians are going to loose their faith just at my word you seriously overestimate our power. If Christianity is true then one would think you have nothing to worry about.


Those of you who are ex Christians don't know everything. There are millions who will be able to successfully debate with you scientifically and otherwise back and forth, but in the end, you are JUST a person. You are human. On top of that you are ONLY one human. Who are you to try to tell someone else that you are right and Christians are wrong?


Who are YOU to to tell us we are wrong, you are just a person as well. You think Christians have the right to evangelize, which amounts to telling other people they are wrong, but we don't have that right? Double standard much?


What's my view? I believe it's up to the person to decide their faith and what they believe in. If people believe in God because of me, then they can easily be swayed down the road.


And if you are all so convinsed God isn't real, then leave this open to debate. As other Chrsitian forums do, leave the door open for discussion. If you don't beleive in God, then don't pretend to be Him. :grin:


Well you are wrong about Christians forums being open, many of them ban Atheists right out, most of the others allow them only if they are polite to a fault and allow themselves to be a punching bag for all of the theists there.


Your post is still here, but don't expect much, you aren't the first christian to come here and spout this stuff. If you have evidence of god's existence present it.


We are all too happy to leave posts like there here, it helps the newly deconverted see just how silly and fear based Christian apologetic are. You, quite unintentionally, have become another nail in Christianities coffin.

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"So What?"


Exactly my point! I don't give a shit, my fellow ex-cer's don't give a shit, and you don't give a shit either...since you don't even FOLLOW THE INSTUCTIONS GIVEN IN THE BOOK YOU CLAIM TO BELIEVE IN. Yeah...that part about shaking the dust from your sandals and moving on? Didn't feel a need to listen to Jesus regarding people who don't give a damn about your message, did you? Nope. Had to go to the trouble of becoming a member to give us a piece of your mind instead of shaking your head and MOVIN ON.


So exactly! SO WHAT?


Oh...perhaps you meant something ELSE by that?



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Wow, you sure showed us! I'm not entirely sure what you showed us, but you showed us.


What they showed us:


Bad spelling and grammar.

How to pull assumptions out of one's ass.

How to be a chicken shit and not respond to any of us.

How to feel superior to other people.

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Hey trapped mouse!


I think your own personal statement in your profile says it all!


"I gave everything to Jesus, including my brain."


We can see that!! No need to debate that with me! LOL!!!

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