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I Don't Like Christmas...


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Xmas has never had any real meaning for me. Even as a Xian it didn't mean much. So we supposedly celebrated Jebus's birth on earth. Big fuckin' deal. What turkeys and trees and gifts had to do with that I have no clue...okay we can make a pile of shit up to make ourselves feel better about it, but we should have stopped kidding ourselves.


My family isn't very big and never made a big deal about it. Thus, I never have as well.


When I was married it was just a stressful, depressing time for me. It was entirely about giving an insane amount of gifts to the kids. Just spending a shitload of money every year that would take months and months to recover from.


It was fun the first few years when the kids were younger and got all excited. After a while though it was just "too much". A few years ago my little girl got so much stuff...I almost felt sick...there was no "specialness" or "meaning" to any of it at all.


I feel like I should volunteer for something or other, but I don't know where and I don't want to just do it out of guilty conscience or anything.


I honestly wish I had a big family and that Xmas was this memorable time that we got together every year.


I just don't know how to celebrate it, I guess. Going to my parent's home for the Xmas week, but it's more for the company than anything. Not really certain how badly I even want to go.

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I think it's one of those things that our culture has made into such a big deal, that all these expectations are now associated with it. Like Thanksgiving.


Volunteering is a good idea. Google is as good a starting place as any. Try to find something that actually fits your interests if you can, like maybe something to do with art since you seem to like computer graphics. If nothing else, you'd have other people to talk to for a while.

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My 2 cents worth:


One of the best things about having been raised a christian and then choosing to leave is that nothing else has that big a hold on me anymore. I have chosen, for the second year in a row, not to celebrate christmas. Meaning, no tree, no gifts. I've told my kids I have enough stuff and please don't buy me anything.


I asked my daughter, who really wants to give me gifts, to please spend an afternoon with me and help me organize my photos and memorabelia as a gift. She loves the idea. Of course my husband and sons are just gleeful that they don't have to go shopping for me and they don't mind not receiving gifts... My sons both want a bottle of booze from my bar, so ok, that's their gift. My little granddaughter will get something from me and my daughter said she'd purchase it for me. So that's that.


It feels just fine for me, the christmas songs on the radio don't bother me anymore, and I am enjoying the lights. I don't have a christmassy feeling and I don't care.

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I'm with you, GG, only I'm not sad. I wish we could go directly from the thanksgiving turkey to the new year's champagne and get rid of the time wasting, extravagant, bullshit bloated parody of a holiday we call christmas completely. /rant

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I like the idea of not celebrating it. I've asked people not to get me anything. I really don't want anything. I'd rather go out with them and have a good time.


It's just that people keep asking me if I've set up my tree and shit yet. My tree is my little girl's. She picked it out, decorations and all.


I have friends that absolutely love Xmas and their houses and trees are just gorgeous with decorations.


...I just don't care and wish I didn't have to explain myself to people all the time...

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When I worked for Filipinos, who had satellite television, they explained that they celebrate christmas during any month that ends in -ber. So for the last 4 years, I had to watch Filipino christmas specials that start in FREAKING SEPTEMBER!!! I hate celebrating christmas ON christmas, so that shit made me want to vomit every day.


Ever since the year I got nothing as punishment for... bad grades I think, I have had no desire to celebrate christmas. All it really ever was to me was a series of compulsory family gatherings, and gifts of sweaters and other clothes I hated. For the last few years, since I've moved out of the house, I haven't bought anyone anything, and no one has bought me a thing, and that's how I like it.

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You're not alone. I fucking LOATHE Christmas.


I've loathed it ever since my dad's parents died in the late 90's. I was closer to them than anybody else in my family, so it's like when they died, there just wasn't much point anymore.


But I seriously hate it. I hate the sense of obligation about getting presents for people I don't really care that much about and hardly see and have very little relationship with. I hate the preparations, the decorating and the planning and the time spent, especially now when the economy is fucking crap and I have to spend as much time as possible working just so we can survive another month. I hate the reminders that I'm something of an afterthought to my family, and the sense that they probably wouldn't invite me to their house if they didn't feel obligated. I hate the memories that come up, and I hate that somehow we've never quite managed to come up with any good new ones (though spouse and I have been working on it). The only thing I even remotely like is the lights, because it's so fucking DARK this time of year.


I could really do without the rest of it, though. I mean if we just had a potluck and hung out or something, that'd be fine by me.


New Year's is just so much better. Champagne, fireworks, staying up late, midnight nookie... I'm SO there. :woohoo:

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Guest awake now

I've struggled with Christmas since I can remember. There are wonderful parts. There are really stupid parts. How does one make this all mesh into something nice and logical?


Even as a child I took major issue with Santa Claus. Weren't we only supposed to worship ONE god? How does worshiping this guy during Christmas help us remember what Christmas is supposedly about?


Aren't we supposed to be humble and not burdened with a lot of riches and possessions? How does shopping 'til we're broke, obtaining more useless clutter, and wrapping everything up in wasteful paper help us strive toward humility and modesty?


Then I de-converted msyelf from Christianity and I've had to really think about what I want from it all, if anything.


The wonderful parts (for me): Going to the Nutcracker, taking the train all the way across the country to see beloved grandparents, aunt and uncle and cousins, getting frostbite from playing in the snow too long, eating one gigantic and extremely tasty meal while laughing our heads off, making and eating gingerbread cookies, enjoying the beautiful lights and decorations, making homemade greeting cards to send to folks you care about but haven't kept in touch with much over the year. A truly, well thought out, gift (bought or handmade), that hits the mark, whether given or received.


I've made a conscious decision to make the holiday be what I need/want it to be for me and mine. I will not judge how or why others do it (or don't!) differently and all I ask is the same sentiments in return.


I don't want it to become something I hate. If you don't want to celebrate it, then I would only hope you are very happy and satisfied with that option. Same goes for those who do celebrate it, for whatever reason. I would only hope they do it because they want to and not for some dumb obligatory reason.


That was really just a self-talk session, but take it for what it's worth.

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I hate the sense of obligation about getting presents for people I don't really care that much about and hardly see and have very little relationship with...


I am totally on board with you on this. Why should we have to rack our brains every year to try to come up with something for some co-workers that just tolerate your presence the rest of the year?


I also don't like it because it is used as an excuse for Christian members of the family to try to convert me. Somehow behavior is supposed to be suddenly acceptable that is not any other time of year.


Since I am a single person far away from family at least I don't have to put up with the obligatory family get together crap. I also don't accept any invitations from friends or neighbors I don't know really well. There is waaay to much of the attitude that they must invite the "lonely single person" to their gatherings who otherwise has nowhere to go. No friggin thanks people. I am not your good samaritan deed for the holidays.

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I love you people!!


Because I hate Christmas too, and no matter who else I talk to about it, they all seem to think it's *my* problem, and that I have a bad attitude, it is what you make it, etc.


But seriously, it's the biggest bullshit holiday, and I get depressed every year when I'm surrounded by bullshit. Every year Christians try to reclaim the holiday as something meaningful, and the department stores kidnap the baby Jesus and make it theirs ... over and over. It's hilarious. The holiday is a TRUE homage to our TRUE religion: Consumerism.

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But I seriously hate it. I hate the sense of obligation about getting presents for people I don't really care that much about and hardly see and have very little relationship with. I hate the preparations, the decorating and the planning and the time spent, especially now when the economy is fucking crap and I have to spend as much time as possible working just so we can survive another month. I hate the reminders that I'm something of an afterthought to my family, and the sense that they probably wouldn't invite me to their house if they didn't feel obligated. I hate the memories that come up, and I hate that somehow we've never quite managed to come up with any good new ones (though spouse and I have been working on it). The only thing I even remotely like is the lights, because it's so fucking DARK this time of year.


I only get presents for people I care about. Can't afford to do otherwise. If they ask why you don't do it, just say "financial difficulties" -- in this day and age, most people have them anyway.

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I don't care for Christmas either. It's a bunch of social obligations I'd rather not keep, and it's just too damn cold. It's also the time of year where it's okay to put Jesus on everything.



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I used to really like xmas. Even after I deconverted I still liked it. I went to Disneyworld and saw this show they put on about the nativity and it had the guy from the passion movie (this was at xmas 2004) and I thought it was great (I still have it on tape somewhere). The next year the shit hit the fan and xmas got dragged into as early as March. Then at xmas things got really bad and xmas day was crappy for a number of reasons. It brought to light a number of realizations about things that I knew but overlooked because, well, because. Since then I haven't liked xmas. Pull it from the calendar. Good riddance.



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Yeah! And I'm a broke student, how am I supposed to buy twenty nice, thoughtful gifts using only fifty bucks? Stresses me out. Plus I have to spend a lot of money and time going back and forth. We live in Stockholm and go to Gotland for christmas, that's a three-hour boat trip and a two-hour drive. Then we go back to sthlm for a few days and then on to gothenburg, a six-hour drive. It's not joyful and calming and merry!

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Emme, learn to knit. Scarves for everyone. ;)


I also fucking loathe xmas... mostly because I work in retail. I think being a retail employee at this time of year is enough to sour anyone on xmas for life. I've observed about enough "holiday cheer" this season to incite a nuclear holocaust. Rampant consumerism + not enough money to buy all the useless shit on your list = being really mean to the salesgirl because the prices of the merchandise are ALL HER FAULT!! Fuck that. I want to hide in my apartment till New Year's Eve. I have to work xmas eve and boxing day this year; just thinking about it makes me want to go hang myself.



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Emme, learn to knit. Scarves for everyone. ;)



Great idea! Now, 20 scarves in a week shouldn't be a problem :grin:

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  • Super Moderator

In joining the majority here I'd like to say I fucking HATE Christmas and the Baby Jesus. I hate the Virgin Mom.


I hate being expected to buy gifts for people I barely know, and often dislike anyway. I hate the goddamn Salvation Army bell ringers. I hate the Christmas movies and television specials. I hate spending time with extended family I don't like.


I'm a grumpy old fuck. Merry Christmas.

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Emme, learn to knit. Scarves for everyone. ;)



Great idea! Now, 20 scarves in a week shouldn't be a problem :grin:


1. Chunky yarn.

2. Huge needles.


And you're done! ;)

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The only "hate" I ever had from Christmas was A: being reminded that my father's side barely ever remembers my existence, and B: my former boss trying to con me out of my right to have the day off (since I had seniority) because I wasn't Christian. Other than that.....I spend the day with my parents, my mom actually cooks, and I'm allowed to ask for expensive gifts I can't afford the rest of the year. I'm buying gifts for three people: my parents, and my friend-with-benefits. That's it.


I do want to shoot the radio and any speaker that blares Christmas music at me, however. WHEN IT'S NOT EVEN THANKSGIVING WHY ARE YOU PLAYING "WHITE CHRISTMAS"?! In a few years I'll be screaming because it'll be the week before Halloween, and they'll pre-empt my spooky happy holiday with green shit. My revenge (when I worked in retail): play the most ridiculous Christmas music I could find. Sailor Moon had three Christmas albums, you know. In Japanese. Mwahahaha.

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Don't forget the horrid CHRISTMAS MUSIC!




(LOL ... feels good to rant, no?)

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Don't you guys just hate the sickly sentimentality of Christians this time of year.


Tacked on the wall at work is a poem with begins:


"If you look for me at Christmas,

You won't need a special star,

I'm no longer just in Bethlehem,

I'm right there where you are,


( remainder deleted for the sake of your sanity)






Makes you want to puke, doesn't it?

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My revenge (when I worked in retail): play the most ridiculous Christmas music I could find. Sailor Moon had three Christmas albums, you know. In Japanese. Mwahahaha.
Did you make sure to blare out Rei singing Last Christmas in horrible cheesy Engrish? I love that cd.
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Emme, learn to knit. Scarves for everyone. ;)


I also fucking loathe xmas... mostly because I work in retail. I think being a retail employee at this time of year is enough to sour anyone on xmas for life. I've observed about enough "holiday cheer" this season to incite a nuclear holocaust. Rampant consumerism + not enough money to buy all the useless shit on your list = being really mean to the salesgirl because the prices of the merchandise are ALL HER FAULT!! Fuck that. I want to hide in my apartment till New Year's Eve. I have to work xmas eve and boxing day this year; just thinking about it makes me want to go hang myself.




I work in retail too so, SECOND THAT!!!1!1eleventyone!1


They started sprinkling xmas songs in our muzak the fucking day after HALLOWEEN at my store. Now there are a few 70's songs sprinkled in with the xmas music. If I never hear "Jingle Bell Rock" again in my life, it will be TOO SOON.


I send out New Year's cards because I refuse to do the xmas card thing. I have to admit, that I like prezzies, though there will be precious few around my house this year...

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Reading this thread actually made me happy! I love all of you for hating Christmas!!! For many reasons this time of year makes me feel sad, guilty, depressed, stressed, full of regrets, and just generally miserable. And, since the majority of people seem to actually enjoy the season, I feel isolated even when I’m around others. It’s so nice to know that I am not alone!


I’ve decided that in the future, I’m going to find new, fun ways to spend the holidays. I’ll give myself something exciting to look forward to and hopefully the holiday part will just fade away. :magic:

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Omflog*, I used to work retail too. I totally feel for those of you who are doing so. You couldn't pay me enough to take the kind of bullshit abuse pissy cheapass customers heap on underpaid retail slaves. I think I'd rather be an Assistant Crack Whore. At least the money's better and you get more respect.


This year we're going to visit my gma and have a family potluck at her house. I told everybody we're broke, so they aren't getting anything other than CD's of music and family photos. (Grandma will get a warm fleece lap quilt.)


New Year's is just SO much better than xmas. Fuck xmas.









*Oh My Fucking Lack of God.

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