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I'm sorry, but I just can't follow a god so weak that he can't defeat an army because they have chariots of iron.

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Man, a flounce after four pages. So much for fortitude.

Yep, so much for longsuffering. He obviously wasn't a true Christian otherwise he would have exhibited that fruit of the holy spirit along with others.

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As a Pastafarian, I just cannot follow a deity (the Christian one) who thinks a communion could ever consist of a cracker and a splash of wine....my soul needs real food, such as pasta and meatballs and pitchers of beer....which reminds me, I have gift certificates to Olive Garden, I think I will go tonight....Mmmmm, love my Noodly Goodness, however drunk a creator he may be......



Olive Garden? You need a higher class God.

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As a Pastafarian, I just cannot follow a deity (the Christian one) who thinks a communion could ever consist of a cracker and a splash of wine....my soul needs real food, such as pasta and meatballs and pitchers of beer....which reminds me, I have gift certificates to Olive Garden, I think I will go tonight....Mmmmm, love my Noodly Goodness, however drunk a creator he may be......



Olive Garden? You need a higher class God.

Have you seen the "higher class" gods being followed these days....no thanks....at least I can visit with my god in a pinch (Spaghetti-Os), or I can head into Boston's North End if I want some real Prima Italiano dishes in his savory Image.....It truely is a God of the (Hungry) People. Not like these uppity gods using the Earth as a frigging footstool.....ick.

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Have you seen the "higher class" gods being followed these days....no thanks....at least I can visit with my god in a pinch (Spaghetti-Os)

We're all familiar with Buddha in a Box sold at the local Walmart stores, so why not FSM in a Can? Little round demi-gods in a blood bath sauce. The soft, chewy Christ communion treat.


Hey, that's a new marketing idea. High-end communion food for the wealthy churches, and a budget wafer line for those poor inner-city churches. There's money to be had in religious paraphernalia. Time to fleece the sheep. :Sheep:

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Congratulations, Antlerman, you just nearly destroyed my laptop (must remember to not drink while reading threads like this.)

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Time to fleece the sheep. :Sheep:


That's a funny looking fleecing... where are the scissors?

One must calm them first.

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I realize that threeD is gone, but why should there even be justice in a universe where there's a heaven? I mean, one's physical death is finite, what comes after is eternal and, if the person killed was bound for heaven, then it would seem like there'd be more gratitude than enmity toward the perpetrator.


Good point. I say that if Christians are right they should abort all their children out of love. Then the child will not have to traverse this field of tears, nor have the chance to sin or reject God. Of course the parents may suffer anguish and even go to hell for their act, but aren't parents supposed to be willing to die for the good of their children? Isn't it better for you to chance hell in order that your children may certainly enjoy heaven?

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As for who punishes God? No one. Everything He does has a purpose and all was made to bring glory to Himself. Despite what man thinks, it is not about him. The Creator has the right to do whatever He may with His creation for His purposes. Yes God is loving, but if He is just loving, how shall the wicked be punished? If he is just wrath, how shall He show His mercy?


Which makes me wonder. God already had a free-willed cheering section. Why bother creating another?


Oops, sorry about that. Should have read the entire thread before posting.

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Time to fleece the sheep. :Sheep:


That's a funny looking fleecing... where are the scissors?

One must calm them first.

Note to self: Stay far away from AM whenever upset.



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I haven't yet read to the end, so if someone else brought this up first, please forgive me. I can't help but point out that there are Christians who do HORRIBLE things. Or people who do horrible things, and then later become devout. Now, most fundies seem to think that all these people have to do is say sorry to God, and then because they believe that God became man, sacrificed himself temporarily - 3 days - and rose from the dead, they get to escape "justice." Jesus paid the price. As I recall, David Berkowitz and Jeffrey Dahmer both found Jesus during their prison stays. So, these serial killers are going to be sitting on a cloud with God? While I'll burn in hell for the terrible crime of not believing an utterly ridiculous story without any evidence? Ok. THAT is justice! Yeah. Right.


Biblegod does not exist. But if he did, he could not possibly be called "just" or "loving." A just God would not make people who are incapable of believing that crap and then punish them for it for all of eternity. Do you have any CLUE how nuts you sound? Every non-Christian on this site is more loving and compassionate then the monster you worship.


If God were real, and he wanted us to worship him, why make it a secret? Why make us try to guess which religion is the right one? Why not make everyone born knowing him? God gave us our rational minds (supposedly), so he should know that we would need some proof. AN OLD BOOK IS NOT PROOF! Anyone can write a book. There are lots of "Scriptures" out there. The reason your God demands faith, is because he can not provide proof. He can not provide proof because he does not exist. Bronze age desert savages made God in their own image. THE CHOSEN PEOPLE of God. The ones who had no problem with slavery. The ones who treated their women as something less than human. The ones who killed people for working on the Sabbath, eating shellfish, etc.


Please remove your rose colored glasses and try to read what the Bible actually SAYS. Christians do a lot of rationalizing. They read something objectionable, and then say that even though it SAYS this, it REALLY MEANS that. Bullshit. You people can't tolerate your own Scriptures as written, and you do mental gymnastics to try to reconcile them with a "loving," "just" God.

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Please remove your rose colored glasses and try to read what the Bible actually SAYS. Christians do a lot of rationalizing. They read something objectionable, and then say that even though it SAYS this, it REALLY MEANS that. Bullshit. You people can't tolerate your own Scriptures as written, and you do mental gymnastics to try to reconcile them with a "loving," "just" God.



This really gets my goat too. Fundies, who's whole belief system is based around a literal, word for word interpretation of the Bible, gloss over certain things and reinterpret others that they don't like. They are contradicting their own creed and dogmas.

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Time to fleece the sheep. :Sheep:


That's a funny looking fleecing... where are the scissors?

One must calm them first.

Note to self: Stay far away from AM whenever upset.




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Man is evil....Man is selfish, prideful, and arrogant.


I don't feel insulted in any way as this topic does not apply to me, since the thread starter refers only to males :phew: You poor XY chromosomed homosapiens!

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Actually I do have a question for atheists/agnostics that you've probably heard before. Do you believe that if someone were to commit murder or any other heinous crime, and not get caught and die without getting caught, is that just the end of it? How does that person get his just due for something society did not catch him for? Thanks.

That's it.


Christianity doesn't resolve this either.... you can be a dranged psychopath who's raped and killed 40 or 50 kids and then discarded their bodies in a dumpster and all you have to do is click your heels together three times and say "Save me Jebus!" and you're as right as rain. Gee, that's some real justice for ya....

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Pity ThreeD is gone. I think he is a 3D game builder or so. If you build simulators you would be able to relate to the thoughts of a god. I am building artificial intelligence in robots myself. Am I gonna punish them later on for what they did wrong? Hell no! If I would start such a thing, I would probably be punished myself by a bigger god then me. I guess the xian God will think the same. It will never be sure that it is alone. I guess it will keep quiet and not infer with emergent moral standards arising in its simulation. Or does the xian God not think about a meta God? Out of its conceptual framework probably...

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Pity ThreeD is gone. I think he is a 3D game builder or so. If you build simulators you would be able to relate to the thoughts of a god. I am building artificial intelligence in robots myself. Am I gonna punish them later on for what they did wrong? Hell no!

You have to build in a pleasure/pain module in them, and then when they do wrong (according to whatever subjective standard you set for the day), you will punish them by giving them pain as long as you live. That's Biblical justice.


You just have to, I mean, imagine the pleasure it would give you! And think of all the wasted material and work to do it!


Just kidding! :grin:


It's rather silly thinking that God in his supreme knowledge and power would do something as stupid as that.

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You have to build in a pleasure/pain module in them, and then when they do wrong (according to whatever subjective standard you set for the day), you will punish them by giving them pain as long as you live. That's Biblical justice.

You might be grinning, but the scientific term for this is "reinforcement learning". Although this does not yet include an actual dimension of pain yet. I, however, think it might even be needed to evolve a module, an artificial amygdala, over the course of several evolutionary generations of robots. So, they have access to subjective feelings. To program this explicitly would be totally insane. If it emerges by an evolutionary process, it might be an intermediate stage. Perhaps even humans will be able to live without pain after a while, in which we can indicate where we have to be repaired/regenerated/healed without suffering. And I would opt for some internal detectors too in that case. It is a pity we are not able to tell a physician which organ is exactly going crazy, just because we couldn't do anything with that information when we didn't have modern physicians. Summary, I prefer God to be an engineer rather than a judge. :-)

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You have to build in a pleasure/pain module in them, and then when they do wrong (according to whatever subjective standard you set for the day), you will punish them by giving them pain as long as you live. That's Biblical justice.

You might be grinning, but the scientific term for this is "reinforcement learning". Although this does not yet include an actual dimension of pain yet. I, however, think it might even be needed to evolve a module, an artificial amygdala, over the course of several evolutionary generations of robots. So, they have access to subjective feelings. To program this explicitly would be totally insane. If it emerges by an evolutionary process, it might be an intermediate stage. Perhaps even humans will be able to live without pain after a while, in which we can indicate where we have to be repaired/regenerated/healed without suffering. And I would opt for some internal detectors too in that case. It is a pity we are not able to tell a physician which organ is exactly going crazy, just because we couldn't do anything with that information when we didn't have modern physicians. Summary, I prefer God to be an engineer rather than a judge. :-)


In human subjects pain and or punishment do not train new behaviors, they only stop potentially dangerous or undesired behaviors momentarily. Often those punishments are looked upon as rewards and actually ENCOURAGE the "wrong" behavior. That is why the classical behaviorists like Skinner said only rewards should be used, never punishments... certainly never punishments by themselves.

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