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Goodbye Jesus

Where Are All The Half-Evolved Dinosaurs

Urban Monk

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Now even though I'm a former Christian, I'm not even close to being an atheist. I still believe in God. Or maybe there are several Gods. There is no way I'm going to believe that a man who rapes a woman and doesn't get caught by the police will not have a hell to face; in other words if he dies he just fades away. So God haters constantly try to come up with ways to prove that God and Heaven doesn't exist. Such as with this foolish idea about the theory of evolution. Well here is an interesting article that shows how the theory of evolution contradicts itself:




If evolution is about the slow process of organisms evolving then why were there no fossils of half developed dinosaurs or any other creature. So maybe some God hater can come up with a reason why there are no half evolved dinosaurs.

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It's an invalid argument.


The design of cars have changed over the years. People ask for different colors, shapes, and performance. But still, you can't find someone driving around a half-designed Ford.


The evolution is a slow progression from one kind to another. There are skeletons of smaller dinosaurs, which would be your "half-dinosaurs" you're looking for.

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There is no way I'm going to believe that a man who rapes a woman and doesn't get caught by the police will not have a hell to face


I believe everybody would like to think that evil always gets punished, even if it's after death. Unfortunately, wishing doesn't make it so. There is zero, zip, nada for evidence that consciousness even continues after death, much less that there's a justice system in some spirit world beyond the grave.


Your remark about 'god haters' would be directed at me, as I am an atheist. I'd just like to explain that atheists cannot hate god simply because there is no evidence that a god exists for us to hate. Atheism isn't a decision or belief, it is a conclusion one reaches after much thought, study, and often prayer.


For your own edification I suggest you stop reading the Creationist/Intelligent Design propaganda and pick up a real science textbook instead. There is so much physical evidence for evolution, only those who are completely uneducated in the natural sciences and the willfully blind religionist will deny it. Basic and general questions about evolution are addressed in high school science textbooks, and specifics (such as your dinosaur question) are covered at some websites such as http://www.talkorigins.org/ and others.

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Guest Davka

There are fossils for every step from the first complex organisms right through dinosaurs and up to modern flora and fauna. The question is asked from a place of sheer ignorance. Transitional forms for thousands of animals exist, and more are being found regularly.


As for hating god, I hate god about as much as you hate zwrflyx nik and his twelve-armed band of underwater alien bicycles. Who on Earth would hate someone else's imaginary friend?

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I believe everybody would like to think that evil always gets punished, even if it's after death. Unfortunately, wishing doesn't make it so. There is zero, zip, nada for evidence that consciousness even continues after death, much less that there's a justice system in some spirit world beyond the grave.


Your remark about 'god haters' would be directed at me, as I am an atheist. I'd just like to explain that atheists cannot hate god simply because there is no evidence that a god exists for us to hate. Atheism isn't a decision or belief, it is a conclusion one reaches after much thought, study, and often prayer.


For your own edification I suggest you stop reading the Creationist/Intelligent Design propaganda and pick up a real science textbook instead. There is so much physical evidence for evolution, only those who are completely uneducated in the natural sciences and the willfully blind religionist will deny it. Basic and general questions about evolution are addressed in high school science textbooks, and specifics (such as your dinosaur question) are covered at some websites such as http://www.talkorigins.org/ and others.


But there is no evidence that life completely stops after death. There isn't even any proof that evolution is true. Its just a theory. A science book can tell u anything just like u say the Bible Or Koran can tell us anything

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Told ya' he was a troll.

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Guest Davka

Told ya' he was a troll.


Yep. Or just a Christian liar posing as a homeless guy.


But definitely not homeless. Probably not black, either. And incredibly ignorant - dare I say stupid?


After all, there's no evidence that he's homeless. Or even human. Hell, he could be an alien demon from a Hell dimension, sent here to torment us. He cannot prove otherwise.

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There isn't even any proof that evolution is true. Its just a theory. A science book can tell u anything just like u say the Bible Or Koran can tell us anything


Yes, this is a very ignorant statement. I hope you are not serious Urban. If you are, please do some research.

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Well, there's no more I can say.


Willful ignorance or trolling - all looks the same from here.

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But there is no evidence that life completely stops after death.

In a sense true. It depends on how you define life. Micro organisms start eating away on your flesh, and the proteins and fats that was you is broken down to sub-components and become nutrition for nature. So life actually does go on after death. But does your mind, in particular, go on after death? The problem there is that most evidence show that what you are, what you think, what you remember, etc, is all extremely interconnected with your actual brain-matter. It can't be denied. So the question is, can God download your consciousness at the moment of death to a supernatural harddisk and then recreate a body for you and upload the "You" into that one? I can't tell. Perhaps. Who knows?


There isn't even any proof that evolution is true.



More than 29 proofs for evolution: http://www.talkorigi...g/faqs/comdesc/


15 answers to Creationists nonsense (Scientific America): http://www.scientifi...-to-creationist


Its just a theory.

Just a theory?


Gravity is a theory. Special and General Relativity (proven through many experiments) are just theories. The chemical process for the digestive system in our body is a theory. Need I say more?


Obviously you don't understand what "theory" means in science. It does not the same thing as "I have a little idea here." No, it means a system of coherent explanations for a given context, proven beyond reasonable doubt, but yet not necessarily always complete. Sometimes a theory can be wrong too, but a scientific theory is the explanation that fits best for the observations scientists have made. In other words, it's not a guess.


A science book can tell u anything just like u say the Bible Or Koran can tell us anything

Hmm... it must be the conspiracy of the scientists to take over the world and make Evolution the new religion. Yes?

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It's an invalid argument.


The design of cars have changed over the years. People ask for different colors, shapes, and performance. But still, you can't find someone driving around a half-designed Ford.


The evolution is a slow progression from one kind to another. There are skeletons of smaller dinosaurs, which would be your "half-dinosaurs" you're looking for.


What he said!


(And note that I'm not a "god hater" - which god would that be? - but a genuine, though polytheistic, believer)

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But there is no evidence that life completely stops after death. There isn't even any proof that evolution is true. Its just a theory. A science book can tell u anything just like u say the Bible Or Koran can tell us anything


You are speaking from a position of ignorance. Whether it's willful or not, I can't tell.


1. Just because there's no evidence against something doesn't mean it's true. There's no way to disprove the existence of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (Ramen!) but would you thus say that it must be real?


2. "Evolution is just a theory" translates into "I don't know shit about science and the meaning of 'theory' in a scientific context". Educate yourself.


3. Yes, any book can tell you anything, that doesn't mean shit all by itself. The crucial difference is that both babble and horror-ran have zero, nada, null evidence supporting their claims, and in fact much of their bad-weed-induced-fantasy is positively impossible. Science has evidence aplenty. Go figure.

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Yep. Or just a Christian liar posing as a homeless guy.

Homeless? Well, if that's the case then he should be able to find a public library and research some of these things. Last time I was in a library (in San Francisco) there was no lack of homeless guys.



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Saying that any theory in science is "just a theory" is just plain silly.


In science, Laws describe things. Theories explain them. The Law of Gravity is the description of gravity. Newton's Theory of Gravity did a pretty good job of explaining gravity and Einstein's Theory of Relativity does a much better job of explaining it. These explanations are theories and will always be theories. They cannot be changed into laws because laws are different things. Laws describe, theories explain.


Theory is the ultimate goal in science. Theory is the well-documented, well-supported, well-substantiated explanation.


Evolution is not "just" a theory. Evolution is triumphantly a theory.

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But there is no evidence that life completely stops after death. There isn't even any proof that evolution is true. Its just a theory. A science book can tell u anything just like u say the Bible Or Koran can tell us anything


Once this statement is made in a scientific discussion, you may as well walk away. He clearly doesn't understand the concepts of scientific study and is just parroting the tired old arguments of creationists. Do you also believe that the earth is only 6000 years old? If evolution isn't the vehicle of the formation of life, why would the world need to be billions of years old? Why would there need to be this gigantic universe if little old us is the center of, and meaning for it all?


Come on, man - tell me you have something better than "where are the fossils?" and "evolution is just a theory."

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Evolution is not "just" a theory. Evolution is triumphantly a theory.





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So maybe some God hater can come up with a reason why there are no half evolved dinosaurs.


OOO OOO me me.


Here's one. I believe it was found in Arizona.



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No, no, no, we were talking about the other half. That half is obviously evolved, but the missing-half is the other one. Duh!

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I know where some half-evolved humans are.

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I think that "dinosaur" is an odd choice, probably chosen because of a perception that the evolution of dinosaurs is poorly understood. Shit, Dinosauria became a really large and diverse group, and most of the stereotypical evolved millions of years after the founding dinosaurs. The original dinosaurs were small, bipedal carnivores that don't seem all that astonishing compared to other archosaurs in the eyes of a layman. A major flaw in the thought process of Creationists is the expectation that evolutionary changes will be astounding, when most shifts seem almost mundane. But luckily for us, sometimes we do find examples that are astonishing, such as Archaeopteryx. Seriously, you couldn't ask for a better example of a "half evolved" (whatever that may mean) animal. But the only reason it is so astonishing is the lack of fossils that lead to it from theropod dinosaurs. The more fossils we find, the smoother, and less astonishing the changes become.

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You want proof of a half-evolved dinosaur? Look in the mirror Urban. You're stuck in 2nd grade, you knowledge-hater. How dare you accuse people of hatred when your mind is so narrow and closed. :loser::moon:

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I know where some half-evolved humans are.

Washington DC is filled with them.

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Washington DC is filled with them.

Watch out. You'll get called a racist. Someone isn't 2 quick.



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Now even though I'm a former Christian, I'm not even close to being an atheist. I still believe in God. Or maybe there are several Gods. There is no way I'm going to believe that a man who rapes a woman and doesn't get caught by the police will not have a hell to face; in other words if he dies he just fades away. So God haters constantly try to come up with ways to prove that God and Heaven doesn't exist. Such as with this foolish idea about the theory of evolution. Well here is an interesting article that shows how the theory of evolution contradicts itself:




If evolution is about the slow process of organisms evolving then why were there no fossils of half developed dinosaurs or any other creature. So maybe some God hater can come up with a reason why there are no half evolved dinosaurs.


I have pondered this myself at times. Long ago I read about how creationists believe that everything was supersized before the flood, even humans, and after the ozone was affected and life was shorter and smaller after that. Just thought I would throw that tidbit out there.

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