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Goodbye Jesus

It Is Sad It Relly Is

Godly Warior

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i have been hangin out arond here for a little wile and it seems to me that you are all very agnry and biter. it is hard to uderstand how somone could see the love of jesus and make it somthing bad and be hatful and spitful about it. please i just want you to think for a minit and see that you are relly hurting yourself with this atitude and that love is beter then hate and if you just pray youl see that soon enouh. stop making fun of poeple like sarah palin and other good people and look at yourselfs and look in your hart and see the sin their and ask god to take it away then you'l be save and go to heven the world wold be a much beter place if we all did this dont forgit that jesus love you and so do i and pray for you to be save. praise the lord!

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  • Godly Warior


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Someone joking with us? Guys, we don't like it when you pretend to be a silly Xristian. So please stop it, whoever it is.

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wait huh you think im joking! you guys are the jokers im just telling you bout jesus hes no joke you now?

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Not to be "that person" but please if you want to make a convincing argument, at least spell it correctly. I mean, Firefox for one is a browser that offers to spell check for you everything you type - I use it all the time being not the greatest speller in the world myself.


You will get no sympathy from anyone on this board, best leave now while you still can. We are not people who have come to our conclusions idly or because we are angry at god. Many of us do not believe in god so there is no one to be angry at but other human beings who use power of emotion and persuasion to control people, often to devastating ends. Some of us were so hurt due to religious upbringings we have needed professional help to get through it.


If Jesus loves us, fine. I do not know him, feel his love nor do I feel anything towards him whatsoever. I do not even believe in that there was such a man described like what is contained within your bible.


I have looked into my heart and I see no sin. I am what I am and while I do things I may regret, I do not call them sins nor would I accept someone else taking the fall for those mistakes. They are mine, I will be held responsible for them. I had a child out of wedlock and I felt no shame. I haven't attended a church in over 4 years and feel only peace. Any supposed sins I do commit (and I am sure you would find many in my life) I feel absolutely nothing towards or find them to be beneficial and fulfilling. So if this is an appeal to emotions, mine are telling me that I am doing just fine, thanks though.

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  • Super Moderator

Don't you love to see cogent arguments from educated and thoughtful Theists?


Meaningful debate with Godly Warior (sic) is only 40 IQ points and one high school education away. Glory!

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wait huh you think im joking! you guys are the jokers im just telling you bout jesus hes no joke you now?

Your spelling and grammar is so bad. No one is that bad and still able to use a computer.

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If this is not a joke, you should stop typing and pay attention to your third grade teacher. School is very important. You should get as much education as you can. Maybe then you can think for yourself.

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wait huh you think im joking! you guys are the jokers im just telling you bout jesus hes no joke you now?


God Damn, I wish the Holy Spirit would learn how to spell.


Better move this to the Lion's den!

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wait huh you think im joking! you guys are the jokers im just telling you bout jesus hes no joke you now?

Hre'es a ltitel hflepul hnit aubot slepnilg, mkae srue you hvae the fsrit and lsat letetr crorcet and popele wlil slitl be albe to raed it. (Of cursoe, you hvae to hvae all the ltetser in terhe too wcihh may not hlep you vrey mcuh) :)

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  • Super Moderator

Yes, no debating "it is sad ... it relly is" how fu(king stupid you are. As I told a similar troll on the main blog (hey, maybe it's YOU again), when he issued his final "May God Bless You" to me:


May reason, rationality, common sense, and a bit of education help you.


Oh, and some duct tape for your mouth and typing fingers might come in handy too.




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wait huh you think im joking! you guys are the jokers im just telling you bout jesus hes no joke you now?


Aside from the horrible spelling and grammar, you do not even bother to capitalize the "J" in Jesus. That's a sin.

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The only thing here that's sad is your feeble attempt at writing a coherent sentence. I could write better than you can when I was in Kindergarten, for fuck's sake. You can pray for us all you want but I very much doubt that it will have the effect that you're after. Prayer is nothing more than mental masturbation. I suggest that you read that link and become enlightened, assuming that you can, in fact, read. Mental masturbation can be fun, and I do quite a bit of it myself, but it can only get you so far, you know? Sometimes, you have to take a more physical approach, if you know what I mean. :wicked:

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wait huh you think im joking! you guys are the jokers im just telling you bout jesus hes no joke you now?


Aside from the horrible spelling and grammar, you do not even bother to capitalize the "J" in Jesus. That's a sin.


Burn the witch! BURN!!!! :fdevil:

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And I wonder: who here is a biter? I don't bite... much. :shrug:


Also, I'm not sure if I ever have been agnry. Is that when you stand on one foot, scream like a crow, flail your arms, and roll your eyes counter clockwise? If that's it, then I have done it *not*.

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And I wonder: who here is a biter? I don't bite... much. :shrug:


Also, I'm not sure if I ever have been agnry. Is that when you stand on one foot, scream like a crow, flail your arms, and roll your eyes counter clockwise? If that's it, then I have done it *not*.

That's not what I heard...






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see this is what im sayin wold you be this mean if you had jeuss in your hart i dont think so. did it accur to you that i mite have a lernin differnce that makes me not spell good thats why. i been prayin for jesus to heal me but i gess i dont belive it enugh but i have fath hes gonna do it somday. but when you gonna get healed of your biterness and anger i dont now it seems like never to me. did you now that jesus can heal you if you just belive and let him in to your hart he will. you can pray for that and ill pray with you to have the scails fall ofa your eyes and see the turth cuz it aint no way to live bein biter. i will live you with a scirpture that helped me to belive. john 3;16.

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My only reaction is: :twitch:

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My only reaction is: :twitch:



i dont get it.

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see this is what im sayin wold you be this mean if you had jeuss in your hart i dont think so. did it accur to you that i mite have a lernin differnce that makes me not spell good thats why. i been prayin for jesus to heal me but i gess i dont belive it enugh but i have fath hes gonna do it somday. but when you gonna get healed of your biterness and anger i dont now it seems like never to me. did you now that jesus can heal you if you just belive and let him in to your hart he will. you can pray for that and ill pray with you to have the scails fall ofa your eyes and see the turth cuz it aint no way to live bein biter. i will live you with a scirpture that helped me to belive. john 3;16.

No offense, but I if I had a speech impediment, I wouldn't join the debate team.


Try typing your responses into Word or something with spell check and then paste it. As for praying to be "healed" of your learning disabilities... good luck with that.


I don't know if you didn't read my response to you in the other thread, but you could be presenting the most convincing argument ever, and no one will listen to you (because your grammar and spelling are so bad).


Again, this is "Ex-Christian". You aren't telling us anything we haven't heard before (and much more eloquently stated). Indeed, many of us have been on the other end of the argument and eventually saw the errors of our ways. Hell, some of us were even preachers.


"Angry and bitter" - I hear this alot from christians. You know what actually makes me angry and/or bitter? Hearing the same arguments from people over and over again, when we've already spent a lot of time and effort to answer them for ourselves. I'm not angry at christianity, I'm agry at Christians that can't seem to use the brain that god supposedly gave them.


Anyways, good luck. I think if you can get past your own prejudices (and make an effort in the typing department), you might actually learn something around here.




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i dont now nothing about your devil words all i now is when you got jesues you got the cure for canser and when you got sin you got canser and jesus is the cure for it and its stuped not to cure your canser if you can now what i mean? just cuz i aint no good speler dont mean i cant cure canser if jesus give me the pour and he said he give all his belivers the pour to cure canser not real canser but the kind in your sole you now? we can pray togeher if you want rite hear we can pray to cure the canser.

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i dont now nothing about your devil words all i now is when you got jesues you got the cure for canser and when you got sin you got canser and jesus is the cure for it and its stuped not to cure your canser if you can now what i mean? just cuz i aint no good speler dont mean i cant cure canser if jesus give me the pour and he said he give all his belivers the pour to cure canser not real canser but the kind in your sole you now? we can pray togeher if you want rite hear we can pray to cure the canser.

Well... I tried.


Take care "Godly Warior" - I hope it all works out for you. But I really don't think this site is the best place for you.


I made an honest effort to reach out to you and be civil and you threw back this drivel.



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Oh my goodness what on earth are you even saying??

Get over your excuses about your spelling and use a freaking spell check! If you want to converse with us, you must make yourself comprehensible. Even then, from what I can gather, your stance is so utterly weak that there is no way you will convince anyone of anything (except reaffirming opinions that religion is a crutch for the uneducated). I am sad for you, please get some help with your learning problems and get yourself an education. It will help you in all parts of your life and you could stop wasting time here.

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i dont now nothing about your devil words all i now is when you got jesues you got the cure for canser and when you got sin you got canser and jesus is the cure for it and its stuped not to cure your canser if you can now what i mean? just cuz i aint no good speler dont mean i cant cure canser if jesus give me the pour and he said he give all his belivers the pour to cure canser not real canser but the kind in your sole you now? we can pray togeher if you want rite hear we can pray to cure the canser.

You call us angry and bitter yet you are condescending and arrogant in your exclusive claim to what is right. I'll take angry and bitter if those are the only options. Thanks.

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their aint no time the world is fixin to end i mean you can see it im shure theirs darkys everwere and socalism and even robuts and i herd some guy is makin a time mashine and the new world oder and i now jesus said you never now when its gonna happen but you can see the sines if you look you now? somone else here said its 2012 but it could be today are out redy to meet him in the sky cuz if you aint then you now whats gonna happen and it aint prety you now?

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And I wonder: who here is a biter?


I am! :grin:


I swear, though, this has to be some kind of prank. I don't understand what the hell this guy is on about now. Robots, Jews, and "darkys"? Jesus Christ! Where the hell are you from?! Could you seriously be any more racist?

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