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Goodbye Jesus

Tithes, to burn or not to burn?


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I mean this with all sincerity but your bible says that if people don't want the offer of salvation that you are to shake the dust off of your feet and move on.  Many of us were Christians for decades, we've not only heard the gospel, but accepted it.  There are ex-pastors, ex-children church leaders, ex-home group leaders, ex-worship leaders here and so on and so forth.  You may be on fire for Jesus, but we are the fire hose, ready to extinguish that flame.


Sister Serenity, you rock! I will now set aside my chocolate and worship at your altar. :grin:

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Pray away. But whether you remain a christian or not, your "fire" will die down.  It seems unbelievable, like a person who first falls in love and thinks they will never feel anything but that mushy, gooey, "I gotta be with you every minute" feeling- but eventually it does happen.  The enchantment will end, you will fall into a routine.  This is 24 years of observation speaking.  Very few retain that first "high", even those devoted to the church.  Those who do will eventually be branded "nuts" or "eccentric" because they will have to do more and more outlandish things to retain their high.


I know, I know. I have witnessed it here and read most of your testimonies. So, just let me walk until i fall off?

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What would Jesus Do? Well I'm sure he wouldn't be wasting his time posting silly as platitudes to a bunch of apostates and heretics. He'd be OUT in the world healing and casting out demons. HE would be about His Father's business. Not hiding his light under the Ex-Christian bushel, where people are "BLIND" to His "truth".


The question remains, "What Should PUG Be Doing?"

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What would Jesus Do?  Well I'm sure he wouldn't be wasting his time posting silly as platitudes to a bunch of apostates and heretics.  He'd be OUT in the world healing and casting out demons.  HE would be about His Father's business.  Not hiding his light under the Ex-Christian bushel, where people are "BLIND" to His "truth".


The question remains, "What Should PUG Be Doing?"



IF God wills the Pug to cast out the demons from apostates and heretics and make them believers again?

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Hey, no problem.  Enjoy the ride.  Though I do have to remind you that you came here and this is a pretty good place to lose your Jesus high fast.


Yeah, scary. Sitting down now.

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Hey Thomas,


I think this is da ultimate place to test my faith and relationship with God!

Toss in actually reading your bible with an unbiased eye and you'll be joining our ranks soon enough.


As for Tithes....what the hell does god need money for?

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IF God wills the Pug to cast out the demons from apostates and heretics and make them believers again?

I hope you are not implying that we are possessed by demons? You must be pentecostal, right? Is that your purpose of being here? To kick big ol' nasty critters outta us? To win us back? Back to what? I would never return to that life I had....have no desire to. Many things have brought me to be here to this website, and are the many things that keep me away from a church and god and the bible today. I am just hoping that you are not "hinting" that we have demons. If I took that quote you said wrong, my bad, but that is how I took it.

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tithe is now called "love offering" in my part of the world (Malaysia).


no need 10% ~ that's OT. Give from your heart.


I offered my love, so now it's dead, hence no more tithing.


I can give 10% of what God gives me, no problem.

The problem is that God doesn't give me anything!

So 10% of zero, is zero.

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Dude - is your name pug, smug, or UGHH? Give it up partner. We are way way beyond you. Serenitynow is ten times the person you are.


MadameM - I can't tell you how much I appreciate your posts. Your insights are really good. I mean it. thanks.


Now then, you know what's even sicker than the "robbing god" and 10% guilt trip? How about getting old folks with one foot in the grave to will their house and all of their belongings to the church? No kidding, I've seen it. Pastors salivate over that shit all the time.

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is that






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What would Jazz do?


I dunno... Tell everybody to loosen up? :shrug:


I think the appropriate question is, WWSSD?


Answer: Shave the llama.










...anyone who gets that joke is free to smack me upside the head now :lmao:

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*sigh*  I've known 100 Pugs.




When I read that little line, it reminded me of one of my favorite movies back when I was a kid called, The Great Race. Jack Lemmon played two roles in that movie. He was the villain along with playing the part of a silly drunken king who had a bunch of pugs for pets.






For those who have never seen it, find it and watch it. It's a funny old semi-musical that just about anybody can enjoy. :grin:


I have it on VHS and I try to watch it at least once a year.

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<<<frantically waving hand>>>

OOoo! OOOooo! I do! I do! :woohoo:

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Hey Thomas,


I think this is da ultimate place to test my faith and relationship with God!


Kind of masochistic, this religion of which you need to "test" as if you can't be sure of your own feelings for someone(thing?) until you push them to the brink. I wonder if, with all the self-flaggellation around, Christians will start bringing back the hair shirts and brambles in the bedsheets... :scratch:

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Give from your heart.
Are we talking about church here, or the Red Cross? :shrug:



I know the Red Cross takes donations "from your heart" on a daily basis. Your heart pumps its donations right into those cute little bags.

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Serenity, don't let him work you up.

Sorry Serenity. Didn't mean to. Plus don't know any of your history/background, pain and suffering.


I don't understand the point of half his responses. Repeating someone's words in red is inane.

I'm repeating her words cos i feel the same way. That's why i'm here. If i posted it big, it would seem like shouting, so it's small. My bad, if you don't understand half of my responses.


Putting WWJD? under the post of someone who doesn't believe in Jesus is silly.

It is? You all used to believe, so just take it as a LOL code then.


I think Pug is just so blown away right now with his salvation experience that he can't understand why anyone would ever leave.

Not blown away by salvation, afterlife stuff. Amazed and delighted by answered prayers and miracles this life, now.


Coupled with the fact that he is green and all these pat answers that seemed so right, so intelligent in church, are suddenly looking so trite and ignorant when put under scrutiny.

Yeah, i'm a baby Christian. The "answers" do not seem right or intelligent! I'm still "examining" every pastor's sermon for "false" teaching. If my statements/responses are trite and ignorant, put it right; debate; this is a forum right?


I doubt he has much Bible knowledge or has read much past John and Romans.

Read 80% of Bible. Enjoying Psalms now. Ya, very little Bible knowledge. Relationship with God a little better.


I'm sure you knew the type when you were in church. I can picture him- the wide eyed guy, lapping up everything the pastor says, everyone thinks he is kind of cute- the way he goes out and witnesses to strangers and repeats well worn cliches.

Not lapping up ~ see above^_^ Sorry, I'm not cute. More like sceptical!


everyone is probably impressed with his dedication, as he signs up for every ministry from drama team to running the sound machine; and is there in the front row on Sunday morning, night and wednesday.

Nobody is impressesed with my dedication ~ instead they are worried! I fellowship badly AND I hate the singing! I just want to hear the sermons and participate in Bible class. Much to know and question.


He thinks his faith is strong because it all makes so much sense in church and who would ever not want what he has right now?

I used to be a devout Buddhist and an idol worshipper!! EEeeek how the two can be combined beats me. I was converted to Christianity in a violent way(another story, tell you another day)! The idols didn't want me to leave! My faith is weak. But i'm trying my hardest.


LOL! So he thinks he has enough knowledge to combat 100 apostates-

Of course not. Don't be silly. On the contrary, you are my teachers. I'm here to learn.


they couldn't have anything to offer, because he has read John and Romans, and he is sure the Holy Spirit is right there ready and willing to give him the words of wisdom at the exact moment he needs them.

I do not wish to do that. I am not even capable to take on the Great Commission with the scant knowledge i have.


He has all he needs- Jesus living in his cardiac muscle, the HS hanging out ready to fill his tongue with words and some great Bible verses like John 3:16- and he just knows that the word won't go out void and when we hear it, we will fall on our faces in worship and rush back to the faith, amazed that God could work so much through one person.

*sigh* You should be so fortunate! I should be so blessed to touch you through God. Nope. You're on your own here chum.


*sigh* I've known 100 Pugs. I suggest that if he wants to retain his "morning after" glow from his salvation experience, then he had better flee back to church.

No need glow. That's temporary. Sometimes, there are dry periods. It is a hard journey. Church is for fellowship and receiving His Words. I have to walk alone with Him. I need His help and guidance. It is so much easier to be God-less. I'm just the fool who thinks i can't go it alone and need some being like Jesus Christ to help me every breath of my life journey. Me weak, you strong.


It is wednesday night after all, they will patch up the holes in his brain washing.

No holes to fill. I'm thoroughly awashed with the Holy Spirit. That includes the brain too. Just as you are brain-washed by Science and no god beliefs.

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Differences between pug and Cerise:


Pug + prayer = answered!


Cerise + prayer = unanswered!


Pug = still lovey-dovey christian


Cerise = disillusioned ex-christian


Hey pug...why does your god play favourites?

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Now I just give what I can and think it's towards God's stewards to provide me with His Word. Hey, they gotta eat too.


Hah! This is funny. :lmao:


You do realize that you're being taken advantage of through one of the oldest scams in the world, don't you? I mean, you pretty much just admitted that you tithe to your church so that somebody else will read the bible to you. :mellow:


Leave it to religion to capitalize on one of mankinds oldest and favorite passtimes. That being, sitting in a group (church), around a campfire (church candles), and telling stories that are sometimes quite unbelievable (sermon).





Who was it that said, "There's a sucker born every minute." ?


It had to be a preacher. :scratch:

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Ya, very little Bible knowledge.

Relationship with God a little better.


Oh this is a classic... :scratch:


Hopefully, in time, you will see the Real Truth™ behind this little statement.

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Hey Thomas,


I think this is da ultimate place to test my faith and relationship with God!

I apologize for being late, but somehow this post slipped past me earlier.


WTF??? Posting on the Ex-C forum equates to being the "ultimate test" of your faith and relationship with God?


Are you seriously saying that sitting comfortably at your computer, arguing religion with strangers, is a TEST? An "ultimate test" at that? THIS typing is somehow MORE strenuous and dangerous than selling all you have, giving it to the poor, leaving your family behind and risking your blood on the trail of tears sharing the gospel in FACE-TO-FACE encounters with HOSTILE Muslims?


I'm sorry, but I find your words ridiculous. The REAL "Christians" I've read about SUFFERED torture, shipwreck, imprisonment, starvation, depravations of every sort, humiliations and eventually DEATH.


Now YOU want to try and pass off YOUR little tryst with US at your computer console as the "ultimate test" of your faith?


Excuse me whilst I blow my nose in your general direction.


If I were a "Christian" who had TRULY suffered much for "Jesus", I would be personally insulted by your assertion of THIS being your "ultimate test" of faith.


Might I recommend a better choice of phraseology next time?

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Ohhh...80% of the bible read. Get to the parts where your butchering monster god kills innocent babies for fun and orders his chosen people to rip open the bellies of pregnant women? What if the remaining 20% tell you that you should kill for you god, eat dung, and give away all your possesions all the while practicing ritual canabilism?

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Back on topic Guys!


... But you will find that most are in it for the money and it has nothing to do with the people that depend on them for spiritual guidance.


I doubt this is true. I think that many people who enter the ministry are sincere but the fact that they are not getting their needs, met along with the apparent prosperity of ministers using huckster tactics twists them over time.


One year in my old church, the elders and whoever else is the "higher up" decided to buy the minister a new Envoy...and those are not cheap. It pissed me off because there was NO vote and it was OUR money (the church) that paid for it. Again, they drive the nice cars, yet they take from the people that could use a newer car. UGH!!!!!!!

I know this feeling very well! New Mercedies for the pastor. Congregation not consulted. :angry:


My views on ministers recieving money are a mixed bag of nuts. On the one hand I do feel that ministers should live decent lives. By that I mean that they should live at the same level as the majority of their congregation do. This enables them to identify with the struggles of their congregation and minister to them more effectively. A minister who lives in the suburbs is not going to understand the struggles of people living in the ghetto.


I think a minister (or anyone else in the community who does good for that matter) should be rewarded for their deeds.


What I am against is the fund rasising tactics of the church.


Firstly the tithe from what I know is a complete sham. It is not mentioned in the new testament as a command. It was mentioned in one of the gospels but is not mentioned anywhere after Jesus dies which is the start of the new covenant (this is as far as I know. I might be wrong). There are several passages in the new testament where Paul should have mentioned the tithe if it was relevant to the modern church, but he does not.


Regardless every sunday, the tithe is preached like it is a core part of Christianity. Infact, I think I have heard about the tithe more often then giving to the poor which is mentioned in the new testament.


I hate ministers telling people "I have a word from the Lord, he wants 100 people to give £1000, if you can feel God pushing you to give then do it! Dont disobey the Lord." After 1 hour of singing and preaching etc people are so open to suggestion and mentioning that God wants 'someone' to give £1000 is bound stir that suggestable part of the imagination into thinking that God is speaking to them. Thing is that this never happened in the Bible as far as I know. Paul never said it, neither did Jesus! What a joke.


I remember one time having a minister say "God is calling 120 people to give £1000" but when what definatley looked like way over 120 people showed up at the pulpit he says "The reason there are more then 120 people is because the obedience level here is greater then that of the people of pentacost!" What bollocks.


I also hate having what ever convenient bit of the old testament they can find preached like it is complete fact. They love to take verses on giving money an treat them as commands to give. I wish they would either discard the old testament or accept it 100%. If they accepted it then they would have to kill people who prophesied incorrectly. At least that would get rid of a majority of the ministers on TV!


I havent even got half way through my rant! but I have so much other stuff to do. Later...

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I havent even got half way through my rant! but I have so much other stuff to do. Later...

:lmao: I'm looking forward to the rest, Anomalie! Good stuff, thus far.

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I think Ministers should follow thier bibles and wear sack-cloth and give away thier possessions.

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