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What Movies Helped You In Your Deconversion?


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I actually had to re-watch movies that I seriously DID NOT GET when I was in the cult.

When I was entrenched in the cult I watched the Matrix with my husband & I was like....."huh"?

I know the deeper issues went right over my head I was so damn brainwashed.


The Matrix was one of the first movies I re-watched after leaving the cult at the insistence of my husband, who knows me probably better than I know or understand myself. Of course now it's a favorite of mine.


Coraline it's stop motion animation but not really a "kids" movie


Disney's Tangled again, the animated movies are better than you might think


How to Train Your Dragon just awesome is all I can say...very relevant


V for Vendetta need I say more? :D


Little Miss Sunshine it's brilliant!!


The Harry Potter movies


How about you guys?

What movies validated you, comforted you, helped you to understand, was cathartic???....etc.



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This isn't a movie, but the show "Bones" has helped since Booth and Bones regularly have religious discussions where Bones explains why she loves reason in beautiful ways. She also pokes fun at religion a lot.

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This isn't a movie, but the show "Bones" has helped since Booth and Bones regularly have religious discussions where Bones explains why she loves reason in beautiful ways. She also pokes fun at religion a lot.

I've never watched Bones before, but I've seen the ads for it. It looks interesting, forensics type of show right?

The show "Dexter" on Showtime was cathartic in some ways. Though his character is extreme & I don't believe in violence like that, I still can snicker when the bad guys get what's coming to them.

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Nothing wrong with liking animated films. Coraline and Tangled were fantastic. Films like that are good for a pick me up. Studio Ghibli and Pixar make many of my favorites.

Persepolis is a great film. Its about an outspoken young woman dealing with theocracy of Iran.


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Ok my son loves Tangled, he even has the 3 foot tall tower. I've seen it a dozen times and enjoy the movie. But would someone please explain to me what the movie has to do with doconversion?

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Btw, I'm kind of buzzing right now. Where's the goddamd drunk thread???

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Loved that one Positivist!


JoeCoastie, that looks really interesting...I HAVE to see that. I know what you mean about Pixar...they are so good at what they do.

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Ok my son loves Tangled, he even has the 3 foot tall tower. I've seen it a dozen times and enjoy the movie. But would someone please explain to me what the movie has to do with doconversion?


***Spoilers*** If you have not watched Disney's "Tangled" & you don't want the movie plot, etc, to be spoiled

do not read any further


Just a run down....

very controlling "mother" who keeps "daughter" sheltered from the outside world up in the tower

(think of the bible groups that try to control others & keep them from mingling with the "world" some even physically separate the flock from their families to control them more as Jim Jones/ People's Temple did when moving to Guyana)


the mother isn't even her real mother...I remember xpastor "WE are your new spiritual family...you need to forsake your flesh family"

the element of separating folks from their REAL families to better control the naive "believers"


how horrible Rapunzel felt when she wanted to venture out past the lines her "mother" drew in the sand...she felt guilty for wanting to see more & experience more than the life in a sheltered tower (think of the sheltered tower as religion to some degree, yes there was some good...but she was missing so much in being locked away & completely separated from the "world")


The guilt she felt after disobeying mother Gothel in daring to leave the tower & venture beyond the narrow confines of her tower

parallel is the fear & guilt many feel when leaving a church/religion


the part where her mom warned her of outside of the tower & the evil people out there to hurt her

how the preachers warn the flock of those outside of their group


there's more but I'll stop now. :D

except for the song which usually chokes me up

I didn't type all of the lyrics out, just some.


The song "I see the light" music by Alan Menken Lyrics David Slater


All those days, watching from the windows

All those years, outside looking in

All that time, never even knowing just how blind I've been

Now I'm here, blinking in the star-light

Now I'm here, suddenly I see

standing here, it's oh so clear I'm where I'm meant to be


and at last I see the light

and it's like the fog has lifted

and at last I see the light

and it's like the sky is new

and it's warm & real & bright,

and the world has somehow shifted


all at once, everything looks diffren't, now that I see you


...all that time, never truly seeing things the way they were....


All that time, never even knowing just how blind I've been...



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Btw, I'm kind of buzzing right now. Where's the goddamd drunk thread???

Ha ha...I'm having a few smirnoff blueberry lemonades...damn it's GOOD!68.gif
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Marjoe. This movie + the accompanying biography are the sole reason I went from half hearted Calvinist to atheist.



I've heard of Marjoe, did a little research a while ago on him. Glad to see he got away from the BS

I admire anyone who gets away from it & pursues a career as an actor (most preachers are just that...& usually BAD at it)

Sam Kinnison...damn he had talent. so glad he left the preaching & went on to a more honorable career.

To make people laugh...how awesome, so much better than "damning people with the good news".

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Guest wester

The Last Temptation of Christ (1988) - Martin Scorsese - in which Jesus has kids

Battle for the Minds | PBS POV - about the corruption of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

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Higher Ground was very instrumental in my deconversion. It met me right where I was, and I related to it deeply. Will remain one of my favorites.


Great thread! Will check some of the other movie recommendations.

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Really more of a mocumentary than a movie per se, but I found Religulous to be both funny and interesting.

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I'm going to make the bold claim that no other film captures the deconversion experience better than Pleasantville.


And while we're on the Ville's, no film captures the church experience better than Dogville.

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Really more of a mocumentary than a movie per se, but I found Religulous to be both funny and interesting.

Bill Maher...Religulous...hilarious! I liked that one.


Vigile, heard of Pleasantville, never seen it. I want to check the link because I remember hearing about it


Gardener Gal, I haven't heard of Higher Ground, I have to check it out. :)


wester, I remember how offended I was with the "Last Temptation of Christ" all the fundy were ranting how it was blasphemous!!

the Southern Baptist expose sounds like it would be interesting for sure. PBS has some great documentaries.


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The Go Who Wasn't There

The Nature of Existence

The Nature of Existence: Companion Experiance

The Passion of the Christ


and a handful of other documentaries from Netflix. wub.png Netflix

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Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0373889/

the Professor Umbridge character is one we probably would all recognize


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The Passion of the Christ



lol. I love irony.

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Vigile, heard of Pleasantville, never seen it. I want to check the link because I remember hearing about it~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Yeah, do yourself a favor and watch it. It's a must see for all human beings. :)

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At the time I wasn't watching movies, but the last one I saw as a christian, which scared the shit out of me was Dune. Now I own it.

The first movie I watched after deconversion was Forbidden Planet. Its absence of religion and belief in the potential of humanity inspired me.


7 years after deconversion, the next and last movie to challenge any former ties to religion was Caligula. That movie left me disturbed for another 3 years after watching it. Now, having come to appreciate it for its authenticity and full spectrum of historical accuracy, it is IMO one of the best films ever made, if not the best. Now I own it. The making of is a must see too.

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Bridge to Terabithia


There's one line from that movie that hit me so hard...


“You have to believe it and you hate it. I don't have to and I think it's beautiful.”

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