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Goodbye Jesus

Number One Reason For Not Believing?


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What is your reason for unbelief that you hold above all others?


Mine is that God is completly unessesary in the universe and even though God is this mighty being his book and all his pratices are very humanistic.

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I've learned to trust and believe only those things which have evidence supporting them. I don't consider dreams, visions, ecstatic feelings or revealed wisdom to be evidences of the supernatural, though many do.

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I'm okay with the idea of a divinity of some sort, but the one in the Christian Bible makes some pretty outrageous claims about its history and cosmology that are easily debunked. That, and the things in it just don't line up with the reality that I live in--prayers don't get magically answered by God, bad things happen to utterly undeserving people, and his religion encourages bigotry, shame, and hatred. So I guess the short answer is, "It's just not true." I don't have time to waste anymore on things that aren't true.

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The four gospels studied in parallel fashion demonstrate not just that there are inconsistencies and some contradictions, but why there are.

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An all powerful God who craves and demands worship reveals himself only to one pissant little tribe in the middle of nowhere only to give them petty laws on morality and to rape and pillage their neighbors. Could never wrap my head around that.

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the bible

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Christianity? It just reeks of being a myth. God doing all this magic stuff, destroying cities, impregnating women, all really quite horrible stuff...then about 2000 years ago he completely fucking disappears and now is apparently going to great lengths to hide his existence? Yeah right.


There's just no evidence ANY of that shit ever happened. The only verifiable aspects of the bible are some of the names of places, and that's hardly surprising. None of the miracle claims of any importance ever happened. Period.

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Irreconcilability with science.

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Christianity? It just reeks of being a myth. God doing all this magic stuff, destroying cities, impregnating women, all really quite horrible stuff...then about 2000 years ago he completely fucking disappears and now is apparently going to great lengths to hide his existence? Yeah right.


There's just no evidence ANY of that shit ever happened. The only verifiable aspects of the bible are some of the names of places, and that's hardly surprising. None of the miracle claims of any importance ever happened. Period.

Also consider that he was doing all his magic and smiting on one tiny corner of the planet. It you look outside of the Holy Land its as though Yahweh wasn't even there.
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Guest Valk0010

No good way to prove a miracle.


The problem of evil.


My somewhat limited understanding of the historical and logical and ethical fails of the bible.


The fact that, I can't see a different all things considered between the god of the bible and likes of Mao or Stalin.

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the bible


Same here.

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Mainly I don't believe because I don't have any good reason to believe. And also, I'm happier this way.

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Because everything eventually has a natural explanation.

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The Bible. The history of it and the way it was written.

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The so-called promises of God turned out to be empty. Again and again.


No dial tone.

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Years of unanswered prayers and seeing bad things happen to good people on a continuous basis. I couldn't keep turning my head the other way or make excuses anymore.

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I can't see it, smell it, taste it, hear it, or touch it. I can't verify 'god' in any way. And I'm not about to take somebody's word on something that important. I don't believe shit just because my mom (or my preacher, or whomever) told me so.

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It was the conjunction of two things which primarily catapulted me from Christianity. The Christian tendency to deny biological fact coupled with their penchant for controlling the lives of others was a very poor combination indeed. What need do I have for a blind navigator?

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What is your reason for unbelief that you hold above all others?


I was born this way

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I can't see it, smell it, taste it, hear it, or touch it. I can't verify 'god' in any way. And I'm not about to take somebody's word on something that important. I don't believe shit just because my mom (or my preacher, or whomever) told me so.


Cant taste, smell, hear, or touch gravity in any way either, in fact we dont even know what it is completly, we jsut understand it by its effect. wink.png hehe

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I can't see it, smell it, taste it, hear it, or touch it. I can't verify 'god' in any way. And I'm not about to take somebody's word on something that important. I don't believe shit just because my mom (or my preacher, or whomever) told me so.


Cant taste, smell, hear, or touch gravity in any way either, in fact we dont even know what it is completly, we jsut understand it by its effect. wink.png hehe


But you can feel gravity. And you can easily reproduce its effects.


I DO believe in 'god' in the sense that 'god' is an idea- that's easy to prove. You can see that on paper, hear it in peoples' speech, and see it in their behavior. But 'god' as a real, physical entity? I would be fascinated to see ANY proof of that.

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I can't see it, smell it, taste it, hear it, or touch it. I can't verify 'god' in any way. And I'm not about to take somebody's word on something that important. I don't believe shit just because my mom (or my preacher, or whomever) told me so.


Cant taste, smell, hear, or touch gravity in any way either, in fact we dont even know what it is completly, we jsut understand it by its effect. wink.png hehe


But you can feel gravity. And you can easily reproduce its effects.


I DO believe in 'god' in the sense that 'god' is an idea- that's easy to prove. You can see that on paper, hear it in peoples' speech, and see it in their behavior. But 'god' as a real, physical entity? I would be fascinated to see ANY proof of that.


haha i was just trying to play captian theologian for a second.

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I can't see it, smell it, taste it, hear it, or touch it. I can't verify 'god' in any way. And I'm not about to take somebody's word on something that important. I don't believe shit just because my mom (or my preacher, or whomever) told me so.


Cant taste, smell, hear, or touch gravity in any way either, in fact we dont even know what it is completly, we jsut understand it by its effect. wink.png hehe


But you can feel gravity. And you can easily reproduce its effects.


I DO believe in 'god' in the sense that 'god' is an idea- that's easy to prove. You can see that on paper, hear it in peoples' speech, and see it in their behavior. But 'god' as a real, physical entity? I would be fascinated to see ANY proof of that.


haha i was just trying to play captian theologian for a second.


Well since we all know from a similarly silly argument that hell is the absence of god... then all you gotta do is go from 'hell' to 'not hell' to observe the existence of god.


And seeings how I no longer live in my nasty little home-town in East Tennessee, I have apparently (though unknowingly) observed His effect.



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Guest wester

Hypocrisy regarding war.


When I was a young'un, we in the USA had a terrible problem called the Vietnam syndrome. This was caused by the public revulsion for war and especially getting out asses run out of Vietnam on a rail, and caused by most americans being disgusted by the idiot proposition that we should just nuke all the de-humanized Vietnamese to hell. The Vietnam syndrome lasted from approximately 1975-1992.


So in this time, Christianity was shoveled down my throat in rather a totalitarian manner. I was made to memorize the ten commandments and attend sunday (brainwashing) school and church every week which was horribly traumatic for me since I had to miss reruns of Star Trek. But I was a good soldier and did as I was told.


During this time I came to really love and appreciate the anti-war philosophy of religious people like Martin Luther King, Phil and Daniel Berrigan, Father John Dear and Father Roy Bourgeois (who is still trying to close the school of the americas).


Then 1992 came around and Bush 1 who was elected in a racist campaign that mobilized the vote of "Christians" in the Republican party. Then the campaign (built on lies - whoa surprise there, no?) to launch a murderous blood and guts theater of gore and butchery festival in Iraq. And in this time all the good fundy christian folks I knew, who shoved the ten commandments down my throat until I gagged, they did absolutely nothing, swallowed the kool-aid, sat on their asses, shut their mouths and watched as several thousand Iraqis were killed using weapons purchased with American tax dollars. "Support the troops" never meant support the troops but always meant support the muderous policy.


To put it mildly, I was horrified and pissed off that I would be subjected to these 10 iron rules and then watch as all the "good" christians I knew just pissed them all down the drain in full public view. I watched Billy Graham up in the White House with Bush 1 "praying" for peace (praying to Satan?).


The whole situation was so traumatic and disgusting to me that my view of church and the doctrine was destroyed utterly. When I brought up the hypocrisy, no christian i ever met wanted to talk about it.


I ended up eventually hooking up with some African Americans who had the only church with guts to call BS on the war.

Since my family are a bunch of hillbilly closet racists, they were mystified and horrified that I would stoop to this level.

They criticized me to no end. From then on my course was set.


So I started to feel that Religion was all about inducing trauma and fostering denial.

I was traumatized first by having the doctrine shoved down my throat, second by the denial and hypocrisy about war, third by racism. And even after that things just got worse and worse.

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Hypocrisy regarding war.


When I was a young'un, we in the USA had a terrible problem called the Vietnam syndrome. This was caused by the public revulsion for war and especially getting out asses run out of Vietnam on a rail, and caused by most americans being disgusted by the idiot proposition that we should just nuke all the de-humanized Vietnamese to hell. The Vietnam syndrome lasted from approximately 1975-1992.


So in this time, Christianity was shoveled down my throat in rather a totalitarian manner. I was made to memorize the ten commandments and attend sunday (brainwashing) school and church every week which was horribly traumatic for me since I had to miss reruns of Star Trek. But I was a good soldier and did as I was told.


During this time I came to really love and appreciate the anti-war philosophy of religious people like Martin Luther King, Phil and Daniel Berrigan, Father John Dear and Father Roy Bourgeois (who is still trying to close the school of the americas).


Then 1992 came around and Bush 1 who was elected in a racist campaign that mobilized the vote of "Christians" in the Republican party. Then the campaign (built on lies - whoa surprise there, no?) to launch a murderous blood and guts theater of gore and butchery festival in Iraq. And in this time all the good fundy christian folks I knew, who shoved the ten commandments down my throat until I gagged, they did absolutely nothing, swallowed the kool-aid, sat on their asses, shut their mouths and watched as several thousand Iraqis were killed using weapons purchased with American tax dollars.


To put it mildly, I was horrified and pissed off that I would be subjected to these 10 rules and then watch as all the "good" christians I knew just pissed the all down the drain in full public view. I watched Billy Graham up in the White House with Bush 1 "praying" for peace (praying to Satan?).


The whole situation was so traumatic and disgusting to me that my view of church and the doctrine was destroyed utterly. When I brought up the hypocrisy, no christian i ever met wanted to talk about it.


I ended up eventually hooking up with some African Americans who had the only church with guts to call BS on the war.

Since my family are a bunch of hillbilly closet racists, they were mystified and horrified that I would stoop to this level.

They criticized me to no end. From then on my course was set.


So I started to feel that Religion was all about inducing trauma and fostering denial.

I was traumatized first by having the doctrine shoved down my throat, second by the denial and hypocrisy about war, third by racism. And even after that things just got worse and worse.


I think the Gulf war was a nessesary event to maintain peace in the middle east, and yes i think some things where unnessesary like the highway of death but most Iraqis where treated kindly and given full quarter. Saddam was a madman who shot those at his own table and invaded kuwait to maintain his oversized army that he was going to latter use to invade Saudi Arabia now. he killed his own people by the thousandes and im sure by his phsycology he would of killed people by the hundreds of thousands in the lands of others. War is a horrible thing and must be avoided but when you are dealing with a person who thinks his own death is his own gain diplomacy has failed.


I kinda follow Christiphor Hitchens opinion on Sadam.

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