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I Fucking Quit.


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What the fuck was I thinking, going back to school? Should have known I'd fucking bomb the ONE CLASS i needed to pass!


Fuck it all -- I quit. I'm done.

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Uh oh, this doesn't sound good.

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i'm sorry to hear that. hope you don't quit, though...

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Hey. I made it to my senior year of pharmacy school and failed out. 6 years, almost 100k down the toilet.


It can't be THAT bad.

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Pick up, brush off and press on.

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Hey. I made it to my senior year of pharmacy school and failed out. 6 years, almost 100k down the toilet.


It can't be THAT bad.

Can you share how that happened? I mean, you got throught most of the schooling until the final year? Were the courses that hard or what? Just curious...
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I am sorry to hear that. Hey I know...Have a good day....ON PURPOSE!!!

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Hey. I made it to my senior year of pharmacy school and failed out. 6 years, almost 100k down the toilet.


It can't be THAT bad.


Damn, that sucks! Sorry to hear that, mcdaddy.


OP, so sorry!!! huh.png I know you are fed up right now and want to rant. After you cool off, I'm wondering if there are any options? Retake? I would suggest talking with your teacher about any possible solutions to this problem.

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MAN do I understand how you're feeling right now. Was it a difficult class or a difficult teacher? Or both?

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You were in a PhD program, right? Ouch.

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You were in a PhD program, right? Ouch.


Right. Less than a year way from being a doctor (of pharmacy).


In short- I failed one class in spring of my third year, by 2 points. I had to sit out an entire year waiting to retake the class. I passed the 2nd time, but when I started senior rotations, I got the HARDEST ONE *randomly* and BARELY failed it. Basically it was because while I was waiting to retake the class, I wasn't inundated with the material and forgot some of what I'd learned.


I got one chance to remediate the failed rotation, and it was another doozy as well. Started bad, finished well, but "sorry, te points you lost at the beginning in your first week are what cost you".


They don't care how you FINISH- if you start out sub optimally, that can bite you in the end.


That's a gross simplification.

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Hey. I made it to my senior year of pharmacy school and failed out. 6 years, almost 100k down the toilet.


It can't be THAT bad.

I bombed out in Journalism major. Classes required were never available and I ran out of time after five years and no money. College is a crash course in how to have your money taken from you with no promise of delivery. If I had to go back to school, I would go to culinary school or some other tech school. Not ever college again!

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Hey. I made it to my senior year of pharmacy school and failed out. 6 years, almost 100k down the toilet.


It can't be THAT bad.

I bombed out in Journalism major. Classes required were never available and I ran out of time after five years and no money. College is a crash course in how to have your money taken from you with no promise of delivery. If I had to go back to school, I would go to culinary school or some other tech school. Not ever college again!



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Hey. I made it to my senior year of pharmacy school and failed out. 6 years, almost 100k down the toilet.


It can't be THAT bad.

I bombed out in Journalism major. Classes required were never available and I ran out of time after five years and no money. College is a crash course in how to have your money taken from you with no promise of delivery. If I had to go back to school, I would go to culinary school or some other tech school. Not ever college again!

You got that right - it's one big rip off and unfortunately, many college grads are now finding that out in the 2nd depression we're in that no one wants to talk about. I'd gone to 3 different ones but never got the degree. I only went to take certain courses that could help me with some skills I figured I needed in life. Examples - English writing, History of Western Civilization were a couple. But I never bought into the lie of getting a degree to make mucho moola - it was pure bs. As you just said - tech school is the place to go if you want some kind of meaningful and viable training for a career.
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What the fuck was I thinking, going back to school? Should have known I'd fucking bomb the ONE CLASS i needed to pass!


Fuck it all -- I quit. I'm done.

WMD..... BIG hug.....I am so sorry you feel defeated with this. It's an awful feeling. wink.png


I quit something at least once a day! I already said it today, about a personal issue!! But now, after I steam off a bit and look at the situation more calmly, I can make my plan to move foward in a solution of some kind.


Maybe you can write this test over or something? What solution can you come up with?


You're allowed to quit for a little while as you find out how to work out a problem. Take that break you need..... but don't stop trying, my friend. Don't roll over and die.... you were born to be alive!!


Best wishes for you today.... and a hug.


I'd love to hear a good report back!!

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Btw WMD, I am sorry for your circumstances.



It sucks, trust me I know. Without a wife with a great job, I'd be up a fucking creek.

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Wow, the American system sounds so inflexible and like such an easy way to fuck people over.

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Wow, the American system sounds so inflexible and like such an easy way to fuck people over.


More like the system has a cost basis that was affordable for many until the mid 1980s and then the costs started inflating way higher than inflation (same with our medical system). Right now there are a rather large percentage of people graduating college with no real job prospects and shit loads of debt. The problem with this is the secondary school system (high schools) pushes kids to go to college. But you are looking over 60k at the best and more than 80 on avergae for tuition and living expenses. You can also go to a trade shool or community college for something with job potential (nursing, med lab tech, electrical technician) and be in little or no debt and actually be marketable for industry. The US has become a joke, our educational system is the worst of all the industrialized nations, our medical system is not that highly rated, our food supply is a joke, most people are on some med and the dollar is not doing well at all.

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The US has become a joke, our educational system is the worst of all the industrialized nations, our medical system is not that highly rated, our food supply is a joke, most people are on some med and the dollar is not doing well at all.


What's wrong with the food supply? The US's food supply is pretty good, IMO especially relative to most of the rest of the world.


The educational system definitely is a joke, but that's because American youth is brainwashed into believing that if they don't spend upwards of $100k to get a degree, they'll end up losers and never be able to get a job other than fast food, or they'll end up unemployed, addicted to crack and living off food stamps or homeless. And now, the brainwashing extends to even those in college, convincing students that a 4-year degree is simply not enough, and to stay competitive you must pursue your Masters or even PhD (and another $30k-$50k of debt), or you may not be able to get a job other than working in an office answering phones or making copies.


Every day when I read news articles and posts like this, while I completely sympathize for those who've been suckered into the scam, I am so thankful I never went to college, and I still managed to make more money than most people who do have all those "prestigious" degrees. I really wish more young people were educated to think about college as potential gateway to legalized corporate slavery, rather than a "requirement" for a successful life.

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The US has become a joke, our educational system is the worst of all the industrialized nations, our medical system is not that highly rated, our food supply is a joke, most people are on some med and the dollar is not doing well at all.


What's wrong with the food supply? The US's food supply is pretty good, IMO especially relative to most of the rest of the world.


The educational system definitely is a joke, but that's because American youth is brainwashed into believing that if they don't spend upwards of $100k to get a degree, they'll end up losers and never be able to get a job other than fast food, or they'll end up unemployed, addicted to crack and living off food stamps or homeless. And now, the brainwashing extends to even those in college, convincing students that a 4-year degree is simply not enough, and to stay competitive you must pursue your Masters or even PhD (and another $30k-$50k of debt), or you may not be able to get a job other than working in an office answering phones or making copies.


Every day when I read news articles and posts like this, while I completely sympathize for those who've been suckered into the scam, I am so thankful I never went to college, and I still managed to make more money than most people who do have all those "prestigious" degrees. I really wish more young people were educated to think about college as potential gateway to legalized corporate slavery, rather than a "requirement" for a successful life.


I don't believe in going to univeristy for the sake of getting a job. As far as I am concerned, you go to university to learn more about something you are passionate about, not to simply get a job.

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What the fuck was I thinking, going back to school? Should have known I'd fucking bomb the ONE CLASS i needed to pass!


Fuck it all -- I quit. I'm done.


I really hope there's some way to retake the class or test. That's just awful to think about. I hope it works out some other way, WMDK.

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A couple of semesters ago, I completely bombed a course that I need in order to graduate with a bachelors, but since I refuse to be a statistic on college drop outs, I will retake it later.

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The US has become a joke, our educational system is the worst of all the industrialized nations, our medical system is not that highly rated, our food supply is a joke, most people are on some med and the dollar is not doing well at all.


What's wrong with the food supply? The US's food supply is pretty good, IMO especially relative to most of the rest of the world.


The educational system definitely is a joke, but that's because American youth is brainwashed into believing that if they don't spend upwards of $100k to get a degree, they'll end up losers and never be able to get a job other than fast food, or they'll end up unemployed, addicted to crack and living off food stamps or homeless. And now, the brainwashing extends to even those in college, convincing students that a 4-year degree is simply not enough, and to stay competitive you must pursue your Masters or even PhD (and another $30k-$50k of debt), or you may not be able to get a job other than working in an office answering phones or making copies.


Every day when I read news articles and posts like this, while I completely sympathize for those who've been suckered into the scam, I am so thankful I never went to college, and I still managed to make more money than most people who do have all those "prestigious" degrees. I really wish more young people were educated to think about college as potential gateway to legalized corporate slavery, rather than a "requirement" for a successful life.


In terms of quantity of food, we have it good, but much of the food (especially corn and soy) is genetically modified and there is too much processed food and fake oils etc.

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In terms of quantity of food, we have it good, but much of the food (especially corn and soy) is genetically modified and there is too much processed food and fake oils etc.

Genetically modified food isn't any more unhealthy than natural food.

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In terms of quantity of food, we have it good, but much of the food (especially corn and soy) is genetically modified and there is too much processed food and fake oils etc.

Genetically modified food isn't any more unhealthy than natural food.


It does depend on the nature of the modification, but in general, yes, that is correct.

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