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Why Is Christianity So Obsessed With Sex?


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and apparently an absolute fave is lotsa guys in a gang bang with one gal..


I hate that.  I've always wondered who likes it as I don't understand who wants to see a sausage fest in their porn unless they happen to like kielbasa. 


I agree with your post regarding monogamy though.  At the very least, I don't think all of us are wired to be monogamous.  If we are truly honest with ourselves, I imagine that most probably are not.  Societal conditioning has merely made the subject so taboo we can't even discuss the possibility openly. 

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it ain't just Christianity that is so obsessed with sex.


MadameX, I think you hit the nail on the head there, and that's probably the best answer one could give to the OP.


Her's was a good post, but I'm not sure that it dismisses the idea that xians are ultra obsessed.  In addition to the fact they unnaturally deny themselves human need, data, as I understand it, has shown that the countries and states that consume the largest amounts of pornography are those that are the most fundamentally religious, while countries like Sweden and Germany, where the subject is far less taboo consume the least. 

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One day I'm going to write something, and you'll agree with it Vigile.


Nah, just kidding.

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It'll probably happen when you strip a bit more of your old religious thinking. 

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No it won't!!



(Edit: That line was a joke, btw.)

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Guest MadameX



Please do not misunderstand my observation as any kind of endorsement of the naturalistic fallacy. Yes we may be a way oversexed species that dominates the females in order to control their sexuality and fertility. Of course religion just like any other social control machine would enforce this. Just because this is the way it was (and maybe not always, as 'Sex at Dawn' authors suggest) does not mean it should continue to be this way in the future.


At the moment, Christianity is particularly obsessed with sex; it is going to take a long time for this backward looking religion to accept and deal with the fact that women now can control their fertility.


In the meantime, while Christians (and Moslems, etc) obsess about what goes on in the bedroom, what goes on in the board room is where the real immorality occurs.


Our energies wasted on age old tribal living patterns mock the suffering of millions of impoverished people. While we debate whether we should accept the present and move into the future or whether we should attempt to freeze time and live in the past, people suffer and die.


Don't be part of this giant smokescreen.

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If you wait until sex before marriage, this has many benefits for a cult wanting to grow it's members.

I'd like to keep this short, so I will go with two of the main psychological benefits.

If someone doesn't become exposed to pleasure and the freedom that goes along with it, it increases the odds that their mind will remind closed and they will focus on fairytale lie the church has created in the person's mind.

Finally, if you wait until marriage to have sex, this is the perfect system to keep someone ensnared in the lies.

It's two birds with one stone, on the one hand it will push away any non believer because healthy minded people will want to have sex. On the other it increases the likely hood of making a serious commitment to another Christian who is just as obsessed with the lies as the church is. Thus making them a life member.

It's really just a emotional mind virus to reduce turnover.

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It's really just a emotional mind virus to reduce turnover.



But where lies the cause and effect?
Is the sex doctrine designed to do that?
Or has the cult simply survived in a contest of survival of the fittest because of the effects of its sex doctrine?
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Controlling sexual behavior is a fabulous way to control people in general, isn't it, though? Like the ring in the nose of a bull.

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It's really just a emotional mind virus to reduce turnover.



But where lies the cause and effect?
Is the sex doctrine designed to do that?
Or has the cult simply survived in a contest of survival of the fittest because of the effects of its sex doctrine?


The men who did the hands on designing were motivated by problems they faced in their own historical context.  However even mindless biology can use natural selection to ensure adaptive survival.  The replication of DNA and also the ideas that ender into the minds of religious apes can both be random and yet the competitive edge is revealed in the struggle.

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So you're saying its both?

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I remember when I was 17....it was the first time I heard about rules that all the religions have about waiting for marriage to have sex, sex as an obligation inside a marriage (like you must do it once a week evan if you don´t feel like it), only missionary position is allowed. I was really shocked! I thought the reason why one should wait until marriage was for security reasons. Like, to be sure that if you get pregnant you won´t remain a single parent etc. Especially since divorce is not possible. But, for me personally. Marriage is just a piece of paper. And I don´t need society to allow my relationship and tell me when I can have sex with the man I love. I think it´s just ridiculous. Also, in my country the government is trying to introduce sex education in schools and the Church (which is pretty powerful in my country) opposes it strongly and is telling children on the TV to skip the sex education classes. People keep saying "Why should they learn about sex? Sex is something intimate." Well, yeah, I agree. Sex IS something intimate, but who interferes in the intimacy more then Church? Telling you when to have sex, how many times, with who, which poses are allowed and which are not....It´s just ridiculous.

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I didn't know there were rules about positions!

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Well....as far as I know only missionary is allowed, everything else is condemned.

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It's really just a emotional mind virus to reduce turnover.



But where lies the cause and effect?
Is the sex doctrine designed to do that?
Or has the cult simply survived in a contest of survival of the fittest because of the effects of its sex doctrine?


Well a virus if successful, ends up turning everything into itself and destroys everything different than itself.

The sex doctrine is designed to keep it's cult members breeding, all the while keeping them from the ideas of others beyond the cult itself.

What people don't understand is back when the Church was putting together the cannon know as the people, they threw out many gospels that dismissed church entirely and spoke of tolerance.

They went to war within their own faith, they hated the Gnostics, or Gnostic Christians, who lived by the scrolls throw out.

Atheists, and Agnostics would have liked this form of Christianity much better, but the Church wiped them out completely, killed them.

They also wiped out various other religions and people, including those who even practiced math.

So, it was a contest of survival of the fittest as well, in the beginning.

Now they can't take us, scrape our skin off with mollusk shells and throw salt on us, or tie us up and burn us at the stake. They old church eliminated their enemies the old fashioned way.

We who are different have more power than ever to fight this evil cult, that being said the church has evolved it's tactics.

They have created powerful forms of manipulation and mind viruses and have placed many of it's members in power and in the public spot light. While at the same time, using new ways to get their old manipulations across.

Now they are more about emotional assassinations and attacking us politics wise (such as their new crusade against gay rights).

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I didn't know there were rules about positions!



There are at least 34 rules.  No exceptions!

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I didn't know there were rules about positions!



There are at least 34 rules.  No exceptions!



If I wasn't at work.... I'd post a Rule 34 picture about religion. 

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SquareOne, DO NOT GOOGLE RULE 34 AT WORK. Do it at home. And prepare to lose whatever innocence you still have.


If my UPC pastors had rules about positions, I never heard about it.

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Okay that was bad of me.  Very, very bad.

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It ain't just Christianity.


If you drop your keys, kick them home.

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I'll step in and say it's not Christianity that's obsessed with sex, it's American culture.  I have a lot of friends, online and off, who come from Europe and Australia, and the debates over gay marriage, abortion, and birth control have been resolved a while ago.  Only in the US (and all the oil-rich and developing countries) do they continue in twenty fucking thirteen.  


American culture states that women must dress in a way that doesn't 'bait' men.  Unfortunately, fashion gives us little choice.  American culture states that marriage is only for heterosexual couples, that heterosexuality is the ideal (not the norm) and that homosexuality is an anomaly or a defect.  American culture dictates that any romantic partnership, gay or straight, must adhere to specific gender roles-- women in the house, men in the world... which is why so many Americans have problems accepting homosexuality as natural and benign.  American culture dictates that women must limit the number of sexual partners they have and hold out for 'the one.'  American culture dictates that all women are naturally loving and nurturing and love children, and so are always willing to have them, which is why abortion is considered so evil.  American culture dictates that women who seek birth control are sluts, because they want consequence-free sex, and women should never have sex without being punished in some way unless they have held out for 'the one' (with or without marrying him, though marriage is always expected at some point).  


The New Testament was written in a time and place where women were not human beings, but were the property of their husbands and fathers.  However, the NT does not go on and on about sexuality.  There are passages scattered throughout, yes, and some have been warped by time and translation.  But the focus is still on helping others and achieving your own salvation.  It is not a list of rules.  It is not a God-inspired series of decrees out to control anyone who didn't have certain sexual characteristics.  American culture has warped Christianity into the controlling misogynist cult we know it as.


That being said, Christianity is still misogynist and Paul was a sexist douchebag.  And I'm an atheist. 

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Vendredie: YOU GO








I will Gangnam Dance with you over the ashes of American patriarchy.

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I've just read Chapter 11 of The Selfish Gene. Professor Dawkins explains what I was trying to say with far greater eloquence:


"To take a particular example, an aspect of doctrine that has been very effective in enforcing religious observance is the threat of hell fire... It might almost have been planned deliberately by a Machiavellian priesthood trained in teep psychological indoctrination techniques.  However, I doubt if the priests were that clever.  Much more probably, unconscious memes have ensured their own survival by virtue of those same qualities of pseudo-ruthlessness that successful genes display.  The idea of hell fire is, quite simple, self perpetuating, because of its own deep psychological impact.  It has become linked with the god meme because the two reinforce each other, and assist each other's survival in the meme pool....


"However speculative my development of the theory of memes may be, there is one serious point which I would like to emphasize once again.  This is that when we look at the evolution of cultural traits and at their survival value, we must be clear whose survival we are talking about.  Biologists, as we have seen, are accustomed to looking for advantages at the gene level (or at the individual, the group, or the species level, according to taste).  What we have not previously considered is that a cultural trait may have evolved in the way that it has, simply because it is advantageous to itself."

Professor Richard Dawkins

The Selfish Gene (1976), third edition reprint (2006), pages 197-198 and 199-200.


In the same way that Prof. Dawkins hypothesises that the hell fire meme is self-perpetuated, so too we might find that the Christian attitude towards sex survives in the meme pool because it either perpetuates itself (e.g. monogamous sexual fidelity means likelihood of only one set of children, on whom it is easier to focus more attention and indoctrinate with the meme); and/or supports the larger God meme (e.g. the believer is less distracted by sexual adventure, and spends more time devoted to focus on God).


These are just my thoughts about why the meme might self perpetuate.  I am sure you can all come up with better reasons why the Christian sex meme might self-perpetuate!

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