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Goodbye Jesus

Why The Gospels Are Myth

Brother Jeff

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Sextus, you really need to tone down your condescending unnecessary personal bullshit. This thread is getting too annoying to follow.

I give back what I get. The fact the passive aggressive crap about how I am dealing in "apologism" and "credulity" doesn't seem to register as "unnecessary personal bullshit" on your radar is most interesting. I respond to civil posts with civility. I respond to "unnecessary personal bullshit" accordingly. So get your prissy and selectively blind finger out of my fucking face. Clear enough for you, sunshine?


Unnecessary personal bullshit ^^^^^

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Sextus, you really need to tone down your condescending unnecessary personal bullshit. This thread is getting too annoying to follow.

I give back what I get. The fact the passive aggressive crap about how I am dealing in "apologism" and "credulity" doesn't seem to register as "unnecessary personal bullshit" on your radar is most interesting. I respond to civil posts with civility. I respond to "unnecessary personal bullshit" accordingly. So get your prissy and selectively blind finger out of my fucking face. Clear enough for you, sunshine?


Unnecessary personal bullshit ^^^^^


Selective indignation ^^^^^


People who can't deal with the content whine about the "tone". Give it a rest pal.

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I'm at a loss as to why some of you seem to need the 'jesus' story to be completely myth so badly. 

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I'm at a loss as to why some of you seem to need the 'jesus' story to be completely myth so badly.

With many it seems to be a reflex fundamentalism - swinging from one extreme to the other. The fact that there is a high correlation between Mythicism and former fundamentalist Christians is telling. Mythicism seems to appeal to people who tend to think in binary absolutes.

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Exactly.  Where are the New Testament Hebrew writings?  Where are the New Testament Aramaic writings?

Why would a sect that spread into a Greek-speaking literary world amongst Greek-speaking Jews and Greek-speaking "God Fearers" (look it up) have surviving Hebrew or Aramaic scriptures? Though would you like the evidence that gMark used an Aramaic text/texts as one of his sources? Because that's right there in his text. Once again Mythicism is based on a total ignorance of the relevant evidence. Seeing a pattern here folks?



Christian apologetics 101 is to cite non-existent Hebrew and Aramaic gospels that supposedly were used by our evangelists, but strangely not preserved by them. We are quite aware of this supposed "evidence." 



I can't believe he is still trying to slander my character.


Making me into a bad person does not give a historical Jesus stronger evidence.  

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I'm at a loss as to why some of you seem to need the 'jesus' story to be completely myth so badly. 


There is no need.  Just following the trail of evidence wherever it leads.

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I can't believe he is still trying to slander my character.


Making me into a bad person does not give a historical Jesus stronger evidence.

What hysterical nonsense. Where have I said anything about your "character"? Show me where I have made you into a "bad person"? Get a grip.

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It's hard to know who or what "Paul" was, but the ideas of the writer of the epistles (which aren't epistles) are stridently and blasphemously anti-Jewish in all respects.

More nonsense. They "aren't epistles"? Pardon? And "blasphemously anti-Jewish in all respects"? What, you mean the texts by the guy who describes himself as "circumcised on the eighth day, a member of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew born of Hebrews; as to the law, a Pharisee....as to righteousness under the law, blameless"?


You were supposed to find me a reference in the seven authentic Pauline epistles to Paul saying Jesus was God, remember? You failed completely, remember? Now, why would that be? Go read the material again and this time do it properly.



The credulity you have toward Biblical writings is remarkable. I suppose you believe the Epistle of Jeremiah is a real letter written by Jeremiah, also?




I thought Romans was considered by expert consensus to be authentic Paul.  You cited a reference in Romans, an authentic Paul epistle, and still Sextus claims that you failed?


That guy is on a crusade.  If he can just mischaracterize the mythists enough . . . 


Mythrists are all the same right?  They are all equally ignorant.  They are all cursed with fundamentalism.  They are all bad people.  None of this makes the evidence for a historical Jesus stronger.

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I'm at a loss as to why some of you seem to need the 'jesus' story to be completely myth so badly. 


There is no need.  Just following the trail of evidence wherever it leads.


I was going to vote this up but I reached my quota, so 3.gif

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I'm at a loss as to why some of you seem to need the 'jesus' story to be completely myth so badly. 


There is no need.  Just following the trail of evidence wherever it leads.


I was going to vote this up but I reached my quota, so 3.gif



Thanks.  For the record I'm not sure if James had a brother named Jesus or not.  The only reason we are even talking about it is because of all the harm done by the gospels.  And it turns out those stories are myth.  There is so much real world suffering and harm perpetrated by church leaders in order to perpetuate lies.  And all of that is because it's what keeps the church leaders in power.


I believe at the beginning of the thread several people pointed out that it really isn't important if there was a preacher Jesus.  I have to agree with them.

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This thread is going nowhere real fast.  I see numerous examples of personal attacks and that is unacceptable.  I have written on this thread several times that the primary purpose of ExC is to serve those who are newly deconverted.  Based on the tone displayed by some on this thread, I think someone who is newly deconverted would be unlikely to make a comment or ask a question because they will be understandably concerned that they, too, will be sniped.


With apologies to those who carried on the discussion in a civil manner, this thread is locked.

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