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Nearly Everything Is Evil...


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My parents told me I shouldn't watch Disney cartoons with animated animals (Donald Duck, etc ) because they 'promoted evolution' . Seems like they depict animals talking and doing human things. 


God be praised- I nearly lost my faith because of  Mickey Mouse!

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I was also taught that burning candles was sinful because that is what Catholics do, and they are going to hell.

I just laughed out loud, for real. Glad I wasn't in the middle of taking a drink.


PS - I was raised Catholic. Funny how they think everyone else is going to hell.

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Just read a thread on a Pentecostal forum where they're super concerned about parents talking to their young about studies, careers and love, when they should be talking to them about eternity and warning them that there is hell awaiting for them unless they focus on the blood of jesus.

Sounds like the Duggars, as far as studies and careers anyway. Have I ever mentioned that I loathe them? The parents, at least. The kids are victims. I'm rooting for one of them to bust free and write a tell all book and start a movement to save others from the brainwashing.

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omg, just disregard the nonsense that happens when I try to post from my phone...nothing to see here...

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Okay...I'm better now..


Oh lord..unicorns? Rainbows? Are kittens and butterflies evil too? Are you serious...refrigerators are evil because they don't glorify gawd? Hahahahahahaha


I heard that all the time when I was growing up, that when you are in church and at home and in the shower and peeing and waking up and going to sleep and masturbating and hoping you don't get caught because you will be forced to publicly confess your sin and repent, you need to honor gawd. They really never took it that far, though. I can't think of anything to beat the part about the refrigerators.

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Wait, rainbows?




Doesn't the Bible say that God made them?




So god creates rainbows to remind himself not to flood the world when he gets pissed off because everyone turns gay because of the rainbows he created!

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I remember being taught that when you are having sex with your spouse, it should be so holy that you should be able to pray the Lord's Prayer while you are doing it. If you cannot there is some sin hanging over one of you such as doing it for the wrong reasons, imagining you are doing it with someone else, etc.

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I remember being taught that when you are having sex with your spouse, it should be so holy that you should be able to pray the Lord's Prayer while you are doing it. If you cannot there is some sin hanging over one of you such as doing it for the wrong reasons, imagining you are doing it with someone else, etc.


Thy kingdom cum...

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My dad was a part time Baptist preacher. He wanted no worldly influence on me. I remember in High School bringing home some issues of 'Time' magazine to use for school projects. Without saying anything to me, he went through them and carefully clipped out all ads for cigarettes or liquor. This was in the 60's so there wasn't much left to read. 

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The various doses of intellectual and emotional poison, which several posters have identified in this thread, are simple nonsense.

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I remember being taught that when you are having sex with your spouse, it should be so holy that you should be able to pray the Lord's Prayer while you are doing it. If you cannot there is some sin hanging over one of you such as doing it for the wrong reasons, imagining you are doing it with someone else, etc.


So make sure you don't enjoy it at all or you will burn for eternity.

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Given what Christianity teaches there cannot be any delineation between Sin and Non-Sin.


In other words, according to the story of the Fall of Adam, and given the fact that the entire world has fallen, there is nothing which we cannot do as humans which is not sinful. And how could it be any other way? If we live in a fallen world, then All Things must be Fallen—not just Some.  In other words, not only is fornication sinful, but so is sex between a married man and woman.


According to Christianity :)

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My initial reaction to the ops post was that he/she was making it up!


Then I remembered a fundie missionary who was a family friend. Once I was watching a magic show on tv... nothing outrageous, someone called Paul Daniels. In the UK his show is considered family entertainment. The fundy missionary was watching it with us started going on about how he only has those powers because he is in league with Satan and made us switch channels.


She also said music in general is the domain of Satan because (my mom was playing some classical music, Mozart I think on the hifi)... I can't remember her reason other than something about how music creates distance between you and God.


hehe such craziness...

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My parents told me I shouldn't watch Disney cartoons with animated animals (Donald Duck, etc ) because they 'promoted evolution' . Seems like they depict animals talking and doing human things. 


God be praised- I nearly lost my faith because of  Mickey Mouse!


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I never understood why, but I remember being told that Dungeons and Dragons was evil. It was the topic of an episode of Adventures in Odyssey, this Christian radio show from the eighties. Fantasy roleplay was my favorite thing as a kid so I felt pretty guilty after hearing that episode, not that it altered my behavior at all.


My cousins also swore that Yugioh was satanic so of course I got really into it, too.

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I never understood why, but I remember being told that Dungeons and Dragons was evil. It was the topic of an episode of Adventures in Odyssey, this Christian radio show from the eighties. Fantasy roleplay was my favorite thing as a kid so I felt pretty guilty after hearing that episode, not that it altered my behavior at all.


Heh, it's been over 20 years since I heard it but I vaguely remember that episode.

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How can rainbows be gay when they were made by God?  It was his promise to Noah!!!  So God made homosexuals, of whom he hates?  Did Noah turn gay???  




Rainbows - They turn you gay. That's why they are a gay pride symbol.



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More evil things came to my mind:


Playing cards

Love songs that aren't about loving Jesus

Hymns recorded by secular artists

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Just read this thread.  The concept of "all is sinful" is familiar enough, but some of the examples...


Brain's fried.


Still trying to wrap my intellect around the mental image of a sex crazed horse with a penis on its' forehead.


Think I'll go and lie down in a darkened room for a bit.

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Yeah, playing cards and dancing. Glad I never believed that.

Where I come from there was one group of Xians who'd think smoking was straight from hell, but moderate drinking was okay, and another group that was convinced of the opposite (smoking but not drinking). At least that is how I remember it. Personally, I`ve almost never ran into an Xian who was a smoker, but loads who would have alcohol once in a while.

Playing cards is evil because it is gambling if I'm not mistaken... the unicorn story sounds more than wacko to me! Gosh.

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Just read this thread.  The concept of "all is sinful" is familiar enough, but some of the examples...


Brain's fried.


Still trying to wrap my intellect around the mental image of a sex crazed horse with a penis on its' forehead.


Think I'll go and lie down in a darkened room for a bit.

I hadn't heard that one either, and I thought I'd heard weird enough stuff.


Freud's obsession with horses and genitals (and horse genitals) keeps coming to mind.


Also brings a whole new meaning to "d*ckhead".

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Yeah, playing cards and dancing. Glad I never believed that.

Where I come from there was one group of Xians who'd think smoking was straight from hell, but moderate drinking was okay, and another group that was convinced of the opposite (smoking but not drinking). At least that is how I remember it. Personally, I`ve almost never ran into an Xian who was a smoker, but loads who would have alcohol once in a while.

Playing cards is evil because it is gambling if I'm not mistaken... the unicorn story sounds more than wacko to me! Gosh.

I've met xtians who said you don't have to refrain from every drop of alcohol, but you must not get drunk.


There's also one xtian group here who claim smoking is not a sin at all. Ummmmm.... I forget who. Jehovah's witnesses? Laestadians? Anyhow those guys condemn drinking but smoke like chimneys.

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Yes, getting drunk is of course a big no no. Although I imagine it's a lot easier to speak in tongues when you're a bit tipsy (and no effort at all when totally wasted!) :-D

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I thought of another one: yoga. I remember my dad saying that it was like praying to a false god. Makes sense since yoga pants are evil and all.


Also, I came across this picture and thought of this thread:


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"Writing on yourself" was another one. I was told i was defacing my body which is "Gods temple". I was told that by my teacher when i was in second grade. I was writing my friends phone number on my hand and i got that lecture for it and guess what? That was in a public school!!


I was told about that too, as a kid.  And anyone with tattoos was treated like a second class citizen.


If I need to write something on my hand, I still feel a little naughty, lol.



I remember somebody being told that their body is a temple and they are desecrating the temple with tattoos. They replied, "I'm adorning my temple!"


I thought it was weird the ladies against tattoos still pierced their ears. That's still body modification, but since everybody else does it, it's acceptable.

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