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Nearly Everything Is Evil...


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Well, the Lion King has the word "sex" written in the sky in a few frames of the movie. I remember Christians going nuts about that. It's actually there, too.


Disney has said that it says "SFX" because the special effects team put it there as an inside reference. Of course the people saying it says "SEX" are claiming they're trying to cover it up.




There is also a lady's backside on Mufasa's face:




And a whole list of other things that will send subliminal sex to your kid's brains. This lady was obsessed with this stuff back before the internet was popular.

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"Writing on yourself" was another one. I was told i was defacing my body which is "Gods temple". I was told that by my teacher when i was in second grade. I was writing my friends phone number on my hand and i got that lecture for it and guess what? That was in a public school!!



I was told about that too, as a kid.  And anyone with tattoos was treated like a second class citizen.


If I need to write something on my hand, I still feel a little naughty, lol.


I remember somebody being told that their body is a temple and they are desecrating the temple with tattoos. They replied, "I'm adorning my temple!"


I thought it was weird the ladies against tattoos still pierced their ears. That's still body modification, but since everybody else does it, it's acceptable.

I thought the same same. How can one be ok and not the other.

Years ago, i asked my mom this question and it had something to do with dressing a woman up to present her to a suitor. I am not sure where she got her info but that was what she said to me.

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Well, the Lion King has the word "sex" written in the sky in a few frames of the movie. I remember Christians going nuts about that. It's actually there, too.



Disney has said that it says "SFX" because the special effects team put it there as an inside reference. Of course the people saying it says "SEX" are claiming they're trying to cover it up.




There is also a lady's backside on Mufasa's face:




And a whole list of other things that will send subliminal sex to your kid's brains. This lady was obsessed with this stuff back before the internet was popular.


Wow, i never knew about the "ladies backside" one. It really does look like it.

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Well, the Lion King has the word "sex" written in the sky in a few frames of the movie. I remember Christians going nuts about that. It's actually there, too.


Disney has said that it says "SFX" because the special effects team put it there as an inside reference. Of course the people saying it says "SEX" are claiming they're trying to cover it up.




There is also a lady's backside on Mufasa's face:




And a whole list of other things that will send subliminal sex to your kid's brains. This lady was obsessed with this stuff back before the internet was popular.


Wow, i never knew about the "ladies backside" one. It really does look like it.



Yeah ... but how else could you draw the lion's face without it looking that way?

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Well, the Lion King has the word "sex" written in the sky in a few frames of the movie. I remember Christians going nuts about that. It's actually there, too.



Disney has said that it says "SFX" because the special effects team put it there as an inside reference. Of course the people saying it says "SEX" are claiming they're trying to cover it up.



There is also a lady's backside on Mufasa's face:



And a whole list of other things that will send subliminal sex to your kid's brains. This lady was obsessed with this stuff back before the internet was popular.

Wow, i never knew about the "ladies backside" one. It really does look like it.


Yeah ... but how else could you draw the lion's face without it looking that way?

Draw it looking towards the side, just ever so slightly. That should take that effect away. Who knows if there was any intent other than the artist and other people involved with the picture? The thing is Disney is pretty well known for hiding "easter eggs" in their films, why not this one?

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Well, the Lion King has the word "sex" written in the sky in a few frames of the movie. I remember Christians going nuts about that. It's actually there, too.


Disney has said that it says "SFX" because the special effects team put it there as an inside reference. Of course the people saying it says "SEX" are claiming they're trying to cover it up.



There is also a lady's backside on Mufasa's face:



And a whole list of other things that will send subliminal sex to your kid's brains. This lady was obsessed with this stuff back before the internet was popular.

Wow, i never knew about the "ladies backside" one. It really does look like it.


Yeah ... but how else could you draw the lion's face without it looking that way?

Draw it looking towards the side, just ever so slightly. That should take that effect away. Who knows if there was any intent other than the artist and other people involved with the picture? The thing is Disney is pretty well known for hiding "easter eggs" in their films, why not this one?




They could have used different shading and adjust the proportions of the nose and mussel area. Show more cheek area instead of making high nose contrast.


This picture doesn't look like a booty call.




It's possible it's accident or it's possible it's on purpose. But some Christians use it as proof of Satan's influence in Disney movies.


So the argument was that seeing that woman's backside will give children the subliminal message that it's ok to go around in skimpy clothing. I remember arguing that I see ads all the time of women in skimpy clothing where they aren't trying to hide it subliminally. But the way it works is that Satan is working subliminally to tear down children's innocence. Things that are out in the open are easier to recognize and resist. You have to use subliminal messages to start the decay of the mind. So if the kid sees a girly magazine, they will look away because they know it's bad. If they see a lion's face they will look at it and not realize their subliminal brain is looking at a skimpy dressed woman. And all of this is adjusting children's brains to be more slutty so they are easier targets for pedophiles.


The person I knew that argued about this would talk about it daily. She could go on for hours and hours.

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Yeah, playing cards and dancing. Glad I never believed that.

Where I come from there was one group of Xians who'd think smoking was straight from hell, but moderate drinking was okay, and another group that was convinced of the opposite (smoking but not drinking). At least that is how I remember it. Personally, I`ve almost never ran into an Xian who was a smoker, but loads who would have alcohol once in a while.

Playing cards is evil because it is gambling if I'm not mistaken... the unicorn story sounds more than wacko to me! Gosh.

I've met xtians who said you don't have to refrain from every drop of alcohol, but you must not get drunk.


There's also one xtian group here who claim smoking is not a sin at all. Ummmmm.... I forget who. Jehovah's witnesses? Laestadians? Anyhow those guys condemn drinking but smoke like chimneys.



Most of the Christians I know think smoking is less bad than alcohol. I think it's because so many people here smoke. It's like being against tattoos but being ok with ear piercings. The moral rules are really just trying to match whatever the norm is.


I know some sects of Christians that say Jesus never turned water into wine. He turned it into some sort of fruit juice. All the wine in the Bible is fruit juice. They didn't have separate words for fruit juice and wine back then.


And then another smaller group of people that say he DID turn water into wine, but he didn't drink the wine. So alcohol is still sinful.


Then yet another group of people that think alcohol is bad, except for wine because people in the Bible drink wine.

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Another one is when in line paying for something is, if 666 came up or any combo of that number, you should either get something else or put something back to change it,lol.


The reasoning behind this was that you are accepting "The number of the beast" by your transaction.


I remember my mother telling me that when i was a child! Funny thing is the cashier actually mentioned it to her and i just thought that whole situation was strange. When we got home i asked her what happened and she told me that reason.

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Another one is when in line paying for something is, if 666 came up or any combo of that number, you should either get something else or put something back to change it,lol.


The reasoning behind this was that you are accepting "The number of the beast" by your transaction.


I remember my mother telling me that when i was a child! Funny thing is the cashier actually mentioned it to her and i just thought that whole situation was strange. When we got home i asked her what happened and she told me that reason.

I work in the fast food business and while I've never had anyone change their order to avoid getting a bill of $6.66 I have had people comment on it. Once I was having a particularly rough day and when someone commented on his Order of the Beast I told him it was because I'm Satan.

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an aside   ^^^^^  LOVE LOVE LOVE your avatar name...

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Men with beards/mustaches are gay.


Seriously, that is what my dad believed. He went ballistic on me when I was grown up and out of the house when I took a fling at growing one. He acted like I was naive and stupid for not knowing this. He wouldn't tell me why, just told me to think about it. I assumed he meant that the facial hair would seem lijke pubic hair which would be a reasonable conclusion if someone were turned on by public hair. Like most people it doesn't matter one way or the other to me. 

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I don't see how facial hair making someone think of pubic hair has anything to do with attracting gay men. You would be found more attractive by people who find facial hair attractive in general.


I always wondered why many Christian sects promote clean shaven faces among men. It seems like if god made it so that men grow beards and women don't grow beards then shaving your facial hair off is actually feminizing the male's appearance. Making a male face more feminine by shaving off his facial hairs seems like it would be more likely to be considered gay or "wrong" than the other way around.



The most ironic thing to me was the pictures of long haired, bearded Jesus hanging in the Christian school I attended. They had strict rules that boys must be clean shaven and have very short hair. So we are supposed to aspire to be like Jesus as long as we don't try to look like him. All the Bible heroes we were supposed to look up to had long hair and beards in all the artwork. I wanted so badly to know why are we looking down on the culture that we are simultaneously claiming were god's chosen people by making rules forbidding boys from mimicking that look? Basically they didn't want us to look like "hippies."

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Men with beards/mustaches are gay.


Seriously, that is what my dad believed. He went ballistic on me when I was grown up and out of the house when I took a fling at growing one. He acted like I was naive and stupid for not knowing this. He wouldn't tell me why, just told me to think about it. I assumed he meant that the facial hair would seem lijke pubic hair which would be a reasonable conclusion if someone were turned on by public hair. Like most people it doesn't matter one way or the other to me.

He should have read Leviticus 19:27: "Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard."

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Then look at 1 corinthians 11:14/15. The contradictions are amazing.



Men with beards/mustaches are gay.

Seriously, that is what my dad believed. He went ballistic on me when I was grown up and out of the house when I took a fling at growing one. He acted like I was naive and stupid for not knowing this. He wouldn't tell me why, just told me to think about it. I assumed he meant that the facial hair would seem lijke pubic hair which would be a reasonable conclusion if someone were turned on by public hair. Like most people it doesn't matter one way or the other to me.

He should have read Leviticus 19:27: "Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard."

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Silly… Hebrews wore beards… ROMANS were clean shaven (Greeks too) Judaism was Hellenized.

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I thought of another one: yoga. I remember my dad saying that it was like praying to a false god. Makes sense since yoga pants are evil and all.



Ahh yes, of course.


Also judo and such. Starts out innocent and "good", opens doors for eeeeviiiiiil forces to work within you.


Taking random Bible verses for 'prophecy' (well, not like that's not stupid anyway).


Not having a "vision" of my "calling" when much younger & Pentecostal was looked upon as weird too. Not necessarily evil, but how was I to make big life decisions without elaborate visions from god, eh?

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Then look at 1 corinthians 11:14/15. The contradictions are amazing.



Men with beards/mustaches are gay.

Seriously, that is what my dad believed. He went ballistic on me when I was grown up and out of the house when I took a fling at growing one. He acted like I was naive and stupid for not knowing this. He wouldn't tell me why, just told me to think about it. I assumed he meant that the facial hair would seem lijke pubic hair which would be a reasonable conclusion if someone were turned on by public hair. Like most people it doesn't matter one way or the other to me.

He should have read Leviticus 19:27: "Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard."



It is yet another a problem if you want to be a True ChristianTM. There's a work-around for this one, though, sort of: You need to wear your hair like Ben Franklin would look like if his pate was short and fuzzy rather than bald, and if he had a big, bushy beard, with no trimmed "edges." Then, you'd have the beard that God is concerned with, and at least technically, you'd have the short hair that he wanted you to have when he channeled his will through Paul and hair not cut on the sides, like he demands in Leviticus. I looked for a picture to illustrate, but I couldn't find any. Guess there aren't many True Christians out there. Interestingly, Justin Bieber did pop up, who is clean shaven with with long hair on top cropped short on the sides.  Guess he isn't a True Christian, either.

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Yes!  You found it!  That's it exactly.  Now there's a TRUE Christian!

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Jenovaswitness: Oh gosh, I used to listen to Adventures in Odyssey, and we watched the movies in Sunday School

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Jenovaswitness: Oh gosh, I used to listen to Adventures in Odyssey, and we watched the movies in Sunday School

Speaking of movies, i remember when our sunday school class made us watch A THIEF IN THE NIGHT. It was a movie made in the early 1970s about the rapture. What a thing to show a 9 year old. Crazy. There is a full version on youtube if you have time to waste.

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