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Guest radical4him

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Looks like its about time for your worthless God to get off his lazy ass and do something about it. Oh..thats right...he cant. So sad.


A God that does nothing is worthless.

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Well, Radical, what about this article: http://web.amnesty.org/library/Index/ENGPOL100182006




Or this one: http://www.unicef.org/index.php


Both non-Christian, doing similar work. Protect kids, life, freedom...

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Guest radical4him

I agree. he is a dumcuff. a real zeffer mate.


Luckily I don't serve the god your'e talking about.


Your religion, atheism, seems to believe in such a god?? mmmmm


My God overcame death my friend. More than you can ever do.

Jesus rose from the dead. You will still die and stay dead.


Look at Christ. The only way you'll ever live. He is life. The only life you'll ever find.


Get off this site and go do something good with your life. Help others or help the poor.

If you don't believe in a god, why waste you time on this site with all this god nonsense!

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I agree. he is a dumcuff. a real zeffer mate.


Luckily I don't serve the god your'e talking about.


Your religion, atheism, seems to believe in such a god?? mmmmm


My God overcame death my friend. More than you can ever do.

Jesus rose from the dead. You will still die and stay dead.


Look at Christ. The only way you'll ever live. He is life. The only life you'll ever find.


Get off this site and go do something good with your life. Help others or help the poor.

If you don't believe in a god, why waste you time on this site with all this god nonsense!


Wow. You are such a clone.


1. Atheism isnt a religion

2. Jesus never rose from the dead

3. When I help others, I do it because they need help. When you(and the people on that site) help others, it because you are trying to impress your invisible dad in the sky and trying to avoid Hell.


You dont serve the God I'm talking about?

If the God of the Christian Bible is real, then he needs to be assassinated, because that God is worthless, ridiculous, childish, lazy, mean, and doesnt deserve a single follower.

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I agree. he is a dumcuff. a real zeffer mate.



Luckily I don't serve the god your'e talking about.

No? So which God didn't help the kids you gave link to? Did your God help them? Aaah! He helped through humans! What a miracle! He can blow up a storm to kill people but not help starving kids.


My God overcame death my friend. More than you can ever do.

Oh, what a miracle. He invented death, and managed somehow to overcome it! Oooh. Would be like me writing a note and then managed by a miracle erase my note with a eraser! Wow! Ain't that some super-powers if anything?


Look at Christ. The only way you'll ever live. He is life. The only life you'll ever find.

Where is he? Show me the walk-around-so-look-alive-Jesus.


Get off this site and go do something good with your life. Help others or help the poor.

If you don't believe in a god, why waste you time on this site with all this god nonsense!

And how do you know that we that don't? Do you even know what some work with that's on this site?


You're projecting my friend. Your guilt pushes you to throw the blame our way. But your conscious tell you that you're the one to blame, and you're the one not doing anything. You get out and do something, instead of ranting and spamming our site!



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I agree. he is a dumcuff. a real zeffer mate.


Luckily I don't serve the god your'e talking about.


Your religion, atheism, seems to believe in such a god?? mmmmm

:)Radical 4 Him, if you ever can muster the fortitude to serve the god of HanSolo, you will have one heck of an internal fortitude to face the most difficult situations. If you knew anything... you'd sit back and listen.


My God overcame death my friend. More than you can ever do.

Jesus rose from the dead. You will still die and stay dead.

Come back when you grow up, ok?


Look at Christ. The only way you'll ever live. He is life. The only life you'll ever find.


Get off this site and go do something good with your life. Help others or help the poor.

If you don't believe in a god, why waste you time on this site with all this god nonsense!

Come back when you grow up girl... you're still living in a paper doll world. When you're saying things to HanSolo like this... you're way out of your league. Maybe you should be talking to me instead?

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Pftt! As soon as I see a stupid username like that one, I ususally just ignore them. It's either a kid, or a genuine nutjob. :shrug:

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Pftt! As soon as I see a stupid username like that one, I ususally just ignore them. It's either a kid, or a genuine nutjob. :shrug:


But its a "Radical" for "Him"

Now we shall all worship "Him" in "His" name if "He" will allow it.

Does everyone have their kool-aid? :grin:

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Pftt! As soon as I see a stupid username like that one, I ususally just ignore them. It's either a kid, or a genuine nutjob. :shrug:

But its a "Radical" for "Him"

Now we shall all worship "Him" in "His" name if "He" will allow it.

Does everyone have their kool-aid? :grin:



So maybe it doesn't take a screwed up username to be a nutjob. :Hmm:





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Pftt! As soon as I see a stupid username like that one, I ususally just ignore them. It's either a kid, or a genuine nutjob. :shrug:

But its a "Radical" for "Him"

Now we shall all worship "Him" in "His" name if "He" will allow it.

Does everyone have their kool-aid? :grin:



So maybe it doesn't take a screwed up username to be a nutjob. :Hmm:





Sheesh Fwee, did I come on here initially acting as ignorant to the present situation as this guy? I will say that he has only posted ten responses since April 10th... but please tell me that I wasn't this ignorant when I came here. :twitch: Tell me the Truth though...

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Guest radical4him

Clearly you don't know and understand God.


People confuse control with sovereignty.


God is NOT in control.Everyone have this idea that God's in control. He is NOT.


Why do I say this??


Because control implies an absolute dominion, manipulative power over something.

God does not do that. He is not a puppet master. He gives us free will.

The devil is a controller.


If God were in control - Would it not be that His will would 100% be done?


What's God's will for every person on this earth? That none should perish!

So if God were in control - NONE would perish.




He would just control that. No problem.

Could God control it? Absolutely

Is it possible for God to control human behaviour? Absolutely




Because God is SOVEREIGN. God can do whatever He pleases.


If God is in control that means He likes everything that is going on on this earth today.

That means that rapists are good,abortions and divorce are good in God's eyes.

That means that God is responsible for all the bad on this earth.

That means that God makes someone rape someone else and makes someone rob a bank.


Is that true? Does God do this? Does God like this? Is that God's idea?


NOOOOO....that's not God's will!



So why is all this bad stuff happening here on earth? Is God impotent to change it? NO.



Now: There is a missing link in this that confuses people.....

God lacks something on this earth.

To accomplish something you have to have knowledge and power.


God works through the exercising of AUTHORITY.


Authority acknowledges the involvement of CHOICE. Does God give us free will? Do we have a choice?

Off course yes! We don't need to do what God tells us and neither does God control us. We have FREE WILL.


Ok, let's move one step on.


What does God lack on earth?






Look at Gen 1:26 'Let them RULE over everything'...SUBDUE it...RULE over it - That is the great commission.


Think of this: A thief wants to steal something in your house.Does he have authority to do that? NO

Does that stop him from stealing in your house? NO


So what has to stop the thief from coming in? The authority YOU have as the house owner.YOU have the authority in your house.


God gave US authority. His authority.

Who's earth is it? - God's earth (Ps. 24)

Is He sovereign over it? Absolutely


He created it. He has all knowledge of it & power over it, all authority over it.

But then God took all His authority and delegated it to man

It is still God's earth, but we have authority over it.


OK, so who stole our authority? Satan. He stole it through trickery - (Adam & Eve)


We really need to understand that we have authority and that Satan has no authority whatsoever! He is the thief!

God gave it to us!

When we speak to demons they have to say yes sir!!!!!

If we don't know we have authority, they'll show you will say to them yes sir!!

We are rulers over them. That's it.


Let me share another illustration with you:


Let's say I bay a flat. You rent it out.


Who's flat is it? Myne

Who's got the authority in that flat? You


I can't just come in your flat without permission from yourself.

I can't just enter the flat when I want to although it is my property.


I need to have permission first before I can enter the flat you rent from me.


does this make sense?


The same with God. God can't just interfere or 'chip in' whenever He wants to.

He can, but He doesn't. He gave us the earth(the flat) to rule over.

Why would we need to pray anyway??

God can just do it Himself if He knows what needs to be done??


God can control us, but He doesn't.


That means that god is NOT in control.


God bless you!

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Umm, no, Amanda. Not at all... :twitch:



Did you see that? :twitch:

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Because control implies an absolute dominion, manipulative power over something.

God does not do that. He is not a puppet master. He gives us free will.

The devil is a controller.




Please show how libertarian free will can co-exist with the concept of an all-knowing being.

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If the God of the Christian Bible is real, then he needs to be assassinated, because that God is worthless, ridiculous, childish, lazy, mean, and doesnt deserve a single follower.
<Harvey Birdman>I'll take the case!<Harvey Birdman> :lmao:


R4H, the problem with your "God lacks authority" hypothesis is that you wind up with a gelded god. Or one with a severe mental illness. No authority on Earth? Well, that means the biblical bit about Adam and Eve being evicted from Eden is so much horsepoop.


But wait! Suddenly this very same god does have power, in this mythical place called Heaven. Power to dunk wayward humans into the Fondue Pot of Eternal Ouchness. Power to prevent Satan Junior from rising up and causing a second outbreak of angelic misbehaviour, so that the post-Apocalypse Heaven is Goodness and Niceness Forever and Ever, Ay-men. Okay. Right. Uh-huh. Sure.


Make. Up. Your. Mind.


I think this "God is not in control" silliness points at two very serious problems in your theology:


- Inability to resolve the Problem of Evil except through a fatally flawed appeal to "Free Will."


- Unwillingness to attribute responsibility to your god. Where there is authority there must be responsibility... This is a cornerstone of management theory. Your god has no authority, you say; therefore, your god cannot possibly be responsible for the mess on Earth.


Worshipping an irresponsible god... (sighs, shakes head in dismay, and goes wandering off to play with her cats)

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When we speak to demons they have to say yes sir!!!!!

If we don't know we have authority, they'll show you will say to them yes sir!!

We are rulers over them. That's it.

Shit. No wonder none of the demons I speak with snap to when I address them. :crazy:



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Jesus is but one god that you "serve." You also serve his Daddy and the strange shapeshifter god known as the "Holy Ghost." In addition you recognize, wtheer you realize it or not, Satan and the god of the underworld. You might even worship Mary as a goddess, if you're Catholic or some related sect. You see, your religion is quite obviously polytheistic yet none of you guys will admit it. It's really quite weird. It's like a man with ten wives denying he's a polygamist!


Jesus is not life. He's not even death. He's imaginary. He's just a program you have running in your brain and nothing more. He has no power and lacks the ability to do even the slightest tasks. I'd try to get my money back if I were you. You got jipped.


Christ never rose from the dead because he was never born. He's just a fictional character based on other previous mythologies. He's not even original!


This site is doing something good with our lives. It's socialization, relief for frustration, networking and sometimes our efforts even lead to deconversions of your kind into ours. Sounds pretty great to me!


p.s. If you don't lack belief in all gods and goddesses, why are you wasting your time here?

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Amanda, you were not like R4H. You had and have an open mind, and use your brain. Kudos to you.


Radical, you should look into who Jesus showed compassion to, and who he rebuked. He cared for the sinners, the lost, the doubters and the unbelievers, but he rebuked the pharisees, the scribes, the religious and dogmatic people. Unfortunately, you Radical, do the opposite. You're nothing of a true or honest Christian. And you stir up a debate that's more philosophical than religious. You don't share faith, love or hope, but what you share is strife, anger and less reasons for people to believe you or your god. You are the sad example of how and what a Christian never should become.



That means that god is NOT in control.

Exactly. That's my point. That's our argument all along!


He never was in control, he is not in control now, and he will never be. At the best, God is nothing but the same kind of God the Deist believes in. He's not the God the Bible talks about or the God the Christians believe in.


Now you finally agree to our discussions that God is powerless unto the degree of non-existence? I like that!


You are just an infinitesimal step from becoming an apostate. You have come a long way Radical, but I could never believe you'd take the step to reduce God that way.

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Troll, or 12 year old ?

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:)Radical 4 Him, I hope you stay and participate more on this site. Can you be brave enough to consider other perspectives with an open mind? Can you just think about the logical reasoning to aspects people purpose to you?


What are your ideas of hell? The problem, I think, is that when people believe in a literal hell, they are too frightened to think about anything that they think might cause them to burn for eternity. Once someone releases this 'fear' component... then they may finally have the freedom to think about other ideas more sensibly, not to mention the peace of mind they will gain...


Clearly you don't know and understand God.

And you have the total knowledge and understanding of "God"? :huh:


What's God's will for every person on this earth? That none should perish!

So if God were in control - NONE would perish.

Everyone will perish, physically... anyway. What happens after we die is only a theory... as NO ONE KNOWS, they only have theories. If you can even keep that in mind, that seems like it will help you be much more open to other ideas. It is the life we have right now, that is only for sure that we get to live. :wink:

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Clearly you don't know and understand God.

And you have the total knowledge and understanding of "God"? :huh:

Good point Amanda.


Isn't it fascinating that the more someone becomes radical or extreme in their beliefs about God, the more pride they show in that they "know" God? Which only proves how much less humble they are, and less righteous, and hence missing the "mark" again. The more radical, the more sinful.

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"Your religion, atheism, seems to believe in such a god?? mmmmm"


Atheism is not a religion. :Hmm: Atheist don't believe in religion so I don't know how you came up with that conclusion.


"Look at Christ. The only way you'll ever live. He is life. The only life you'll ever find.'


Some people don't believe in your god, deal with that, please.

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"Look at Christ. The only way you'll ever live. He is life. The only life you'll ever find.'


Hmmmm I still manage to get up for work without dropping down dead. There's no one called Jesus helping me shave in the morning. So I seem to be alive and living just fine.

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Guest radical4him
you Radical, do the opposite. You're nothing of a true or honest Christian. And you stir up a debate that's more philosophical than religious. You don't share faith, love or hope, but what you share is strife, anger and less reasons for people to believe you or your god. You are the sad example of how and what a Christian never should become.


What makes me untrue my friend? Off course I stirr you up! If you bring truth in peoples life, and they reject it, it brings arguments....

Show me where I shared strife and anger....

It's not my problem if you cannot receive the truth I'm giving you. I'm just quoting the Bible.

Jesus did the same, and they crucified Him for that!!!


He never was in control, he is not in control now, and he will never be. At the best, God is nothing but the same kind of God the Deist believes in. He's not the God the Bible talks about or the God the Christians believe in.


God is sovereign. Not in Control. The devil controls people.

If you are renting out my flat, can i come in the flat anytime i want? off course not. Although i own the place doesn't give me the right to do that. I have to ask for permission.

The same with God. He gave us the earth to rule. He is the landlord so to speak and He cannot just do what He wishes. He is not a puppetmaster.

YOU have the choice to choose life or death.

You have to ASK God before He can do anything, why?

Not because He cannot do it. Off course He can. But He won't just burst into our lives an take over.

Just like the landlord who can go into the flat whenever he wants, because it ishis property, but he cannot enter it, because someone is renting it out.


You understand what I'm saying man?




08 hawk:


Atheism is not a religion. :Hmm: Atheist don't believe in religion so I don't know how you came up with that conclusion.


Evolution & Atheism is a RELIGION, because they also BELIEVE in the non-existence of God.

Athiests cannot prove these is no God. Never has been proven.


Watch and download this free stuff.




Wanna become rich my friend? He offers $250 000 for any evidence for evolution.....

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I'm just quoting the Bible.

Jesus did the same, and they crucified Him for that!!!


Where in the bible does Jesus quote the bible?


Do you even know what you are saying?


God is sovereign. Not in Control. The devil controls people.

If you are renting out my flat, can i come in the flat anytime i want? off course not. Although i own the place doesn't give me the right to do that. I have to ask for permission.

The same with God. He gave us the earth to rule. He is the landlord so to speak and He cannot just do what He wishes. He is not a puppetmaster.

YOU have the choice to choose life or death.

You have to ASK God before He can do anything, why?

Not because He cannot do it. Off course He can. But He won't just burst into our lives an take over.

Just like the landlord who can go into the flat whenever he wants, because it ishis property, but he cannot enter it, because someone is renting it out.


You understand what I'm saying man? [/color]


We understand the landlord concept. Except......if I don't pay my rent, the landlord may only evict me. The landlord may NOT douse gasoline all over my body and set me on fire.


If you want your landlord concept of god to work, then you have to concede that god could only deny us entry to his heaven. He cannot send us to hell. And if there are souls existing outside heaven, then god would not have any jurasdiction over them, and so no "say" as to what happens to them. Only the christian mind is so limited to not be able to imagine there may be other "places" beyond the earthly veil.

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