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What makes me untrue my friend? Off course I stirr you up! If you bring truth in peoples life, and they reject it, it brings arguments....

Show me where I shared strife and anger....

It's not my problem if you cannot receive the truth I'm giving you. I'm just quoting the Bible.

Jesus did the same, and they crucified Him for that!!!



the bible is not truth..... and jesus was not crucified for quoting the bible...even in the canonical gosples he was crucified for political reasons




God is sovereign. Not in Control. The devil controls people.

If you are renting out my flat, can i come in the flat anytime i want? off course not. Although i own the place doesn't give me the right to do that. I have to ask for permission.

The same with God. He gave us the earth to rule. He is the landlord so to speak and He cannot just do what He wishes. He is not a puppetmaster.

YOU have the choice to choose life or death.

You have to ASK God before He can do anything, why?

Not because He cannot do it. Off course He can. But He won't just burst into our lives an take over.

Just like the landlord who can go into the flat whenever he wants, because it ishis property, but he cannot enter it, because someone is renting it out.


You understand what I'm saying man?



Sovereign: One that exercises supreme, permanent authority, especially in a nation or other governmental unit, as:


1. A king, queen, or other noble person who serves as chief of state; a ruler or monarch.

2. A national governing council or committee.


sovereign implies control....your playing more fundy word games again. you understand what I'm saying?


Evolution & Atheism is a RELIGION, because they also BELIEVE in the non-existence of God.

Athiests cannot prove these is no God. Never has been proven.


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Wanna become rich my friend? He offers $250 000 for any evidence for evolution.....[/color]



You have some serious misconceptions about athiesiem, for one most don't claim to KNOW there isn't a god, they just don't believe there is one....there is a difference, not that I expect you to understand said difference....also you are playing with words again, its clear that you know little of how religion is defined, and honestly, if you to lazy to use a dictionary or look up the word on wikipedia then I have no intention of handeling your education....read a damn book.


.......and dr dino is a moron. It is a fact that he is not a real doctor of anything. He is nothing but a bitter psudeo skeptic. and no one has won the money for the same reason that one cannot explain what blue looks like to a person who has been blind from birth. "Dr." Dino only sees what he wants to.


I've read his arugments agains evolution and they show him to be about as believable crazed Arkansas redneck who claims he saw aliens haning out with elvis at a truck stop. but hey, I wasn't there was I? how do I know that Elvis wasn't haning out with aliens?

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You have to ASK God before He can do anything, why?

Not because He cannot do it. Off course He can. But He won't just burst into our lives an take over.

Just like the landlord who can go into the flat whenever he wants, because it ishis property, but he cannot enter it, because someone is renting it out.

:)Radical 4 Him, when we do ask him to come inside our house we're renting, and we ask him to fix some things for us... like cure cancer, muscular dystrophy, or the like... why doesn't he? :huh:


I think there are some good things in these biblical teachings, however... there are lots of problems when taken literally.

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If you are renting out my flat, can i come in the flat anytime i want? off course not. Although i own the place doesn't give me the right to do that. I have to ask for permission.

Of couse you can! You can walk in with blazing guns if you so want, but the reason why you don't is because you don't want to get arrested for assault! Which means you obey a higher law.


So does God have a higher law that something outside him established? Is that what you're saying?



What makes me untrue my friend? Off course I stirr you up! If you bring truth in peoples life, and they reject it, it brings arguments....

Show me where I shared strife and anger....

It's not my problem if you cannot receive the truth I'm giving you. I'm just quoting the Bible.

Jesus did the same, and they crucified Him for that!!!

Jesus stirred up anger in the RELIGIOUS LEADERS, and he showed COMPASSION to the SINNERS and the NON-BELIEVERS. Did you get that? I was trying to shout to get your attention.


You attack the sinners and non-believers, and you side with the religious leaders. You are what Jesus called vipers brood. That's why you're an untrue Christian.


Or, is it that you are calling us the religious leaders? Are we the Pharisees demanding people to tithe and go to church and swear by the throne of Caesar etc? It was the leaders that demanded people to follow their interpretation of their religion that Jesus criticized. You do the opposite. You love your hypocritical preachers, and follow them. That makes you the Pharisee.


And just like the Pharisees you can't see it. You're blinded by your own religion.

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Evolution & Atheism is a RELIGION, because they also BELIEVE in the non-existence of God.


First, some Atheists do believe there are no gods or goddesses, yes, but other simply lack belief in them. Second, a belief does not a religion make, silly. It takes more than that. Read it for yourself:


re·li·gion n.


Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.

A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.

The life or condition of a person in a religious order.

A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.

A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.


Athiests cannot prove these is no God. Never has been proven


Actually, we can. Of course, it's completely subjective, but with the right audience it is possible. Read more here:








Wanna become rich my friend? He offers $250 000 for any evidence for evolution.....[/color]


lol... This silly scam? Are you kidding me? There's a lot you probably don't know about this con artist. Here's a good start:



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08 hawk:


Atheism is not a religion. :Hmm: Atheist don't believe in religion so I don't know how you came up with that conclusion.


Evolution & Atheism is a RELIGION, because they also BELIEVE in the non-existence of God.

Athiests cannot prove these is no God. Never has been proven.


You know, I could actually provide a more intelligent response, but instead I'll keep it simple for you. If the Theory of Evolution is a religion, and not a scientific descriptive model of the FACT of evolution in natural processes, then you actually possess intelligence above that of a straight D student. Since clearly you are an idiot, then science is not a religion. That is as much energy as I intend to waste on a dough head like you.

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:)Antlerman, I'm curious to know why evolution can't be proven? We know of natural adaption and natural selection as a fact, no? We have the fossil records of our own evolution, showing distinct and significant body feature changes. And we now see walking fish changing from fish to amphibians, and on and on... so why can't, at least some degree of evolution be proven? :shrug:

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Since the Christian God is always right, than it's okay that Iraqi children are being slaughtered.





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This repeated statement that an Atheist believes there is no god.


Let's make this clear once and for all, the statement can be produced in two ways;

1. I believe there is no god


2. I do not believe there is a god


To understand the difference between these two statements, replace "believe" with "know" instead. Then we get this:


1. I know there is no god


2. I do not know if there is a god


Anyone with a little brain can see there is a distinct difference between the statements now. For instance what they call a hard atheist, would fall into the number one category, someone that claims they know there is no god, while the soft atheist would fall into the second category.


To go back to the first statements again, the difference between believing there is no god and not believing there is one is a bit narrower than when we use the word "know". But the difference is still there, it is not the same thing to believe there is no god as to not believe at all. To not believe is the same as to say, "I have no notion or experience that there is a god", while to believe there is no god is a bit of more active statement, more like "My opinion is that god does not exist." These two are very close, the only difference is how active role you take in your decision. I have no problem saying "I believe there is no god", but also I'm leaving myself open with "but I don't know if there is a god or not". (Same friggin discussion about agnostic vs atheist) Basically, I have taken a standpoint that I don't know if there is a god, since I don't think we can know, but I also have taken the standpoint that currently I don't believe there is a god, hence I believe there is no god, but I could be wrong.


To wrap it up, this is not a statement of faith though. Because to me, faith has to do with something more than just believing something. It isn't just believing in Santa Claus or Big Bang or Super strings or any unproven idea, but faith is when I starts building additional ideas around the belief. Unfortunately, such faith can't be done to an unbelief. I can't add properties, ideas, knowledge or attributes to god, since there is no god to add them to! So Christians, say what you want about what I believe or not, I have no problem with it, but don't claim it is a religion or a faith, because that is just sheer stupidity on your part. Your ignorance is showing like an open fly.


And again, do understand that the difference explained above, even though I personally can accept both statements on the top, it can not, from obvious reasons, be applied to everyone that is an atheist or agnostic.

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:)Antlerman, I'm curious to know why evolution can't be proven? We know of natural adaption and natural selection as a fact, no? We have the fossil records of our own evolution, showing distinct and significant body feature changes. And we now see walking fish changing from fish to amphibians, and on and on... so why can't, at least some degree of evolution be proven? :shrug:

The process have been proven by observation, mutations and selection happens, and the process of evolution works since it can be duplicated in game theory and in computer software that uses genetic algorithms. But that's just the "process" itself.


When it comes to Evolution as a whole, many fossils and bones have been found, but there always will be the argument of "missing link" or "interspecies". If evolution is a slow process of change from one thing to another thing, then all specimens/individuals are interspecies between the first and the last specimen. The only way to prove evolution completely, beyond any doubt or argument, would be to find skeletons for each and every thousands of generations from speciment A and speciment B, and also have usuable DNA in each one of them to show the small changes, which also requires genom mapping hardware that can do it a tad faster than it used to be (and I think they do now). But there's very little chance of us finding the bones of each link between say a Ooogh the neathertal, and me. (Very little change btw, my wife can testify to that :grin: I gave up drawing on the walls though, for typing on the keyboard).


I think the process of evolution, that it works and is still happening today, could be proven once and for all, if some scientists put a project into motion, where they had a closed ecological environment that could be observed, from time A to time B, and by doing a genome mapping of all the inhabitants first, and during the experiment take DNA samples all the time to see how the DNA changes. But only if there can be found new species in the habitat after the experiment would it really have any meaning. I think this kind of test has been done already, but using fruitflies. Maybe they need to have an isolated island and put a bunch of animals and plants there, to see how it all develops.

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I was listening to Dr. Dino and I was about to go vomit with the bull**** he was spilling out. I can not possibly believe that several professors who all think evolution is correct could be so easily beaten in an argument as Dr. Dino says in the 3rd video.

1. People have way too much pride, they would not give up the argument that easily

2. Evolution does not believe we came from rocks and ill give you to the best of my knowledge what I have read and heard evolution to be


We'll skip the big bang stuff and how the earth was a giant molten rock for a long period of time.


After the earth cooled down, gases and water vapor were pulled to earth (or were already there) because of earth's gravity (I never found out exactly how we gained so much water on earth, fuck those christian fundamentals who wouldn't allow evolution taught in school). Oxygen was released into the atmosphere from banded iron deposists which contain iron oxides for which iron and oxygen are combined chemically :) . Over time large bodies of water would form as the water collects above the surface from constant volcanic activity below. Over millions (well billions) of years the basic chemical compounds in the water would group together and gain jump starts from lightning to create RNA.

RNA would group together to form DNA which would in turn group together to form a single celled organism. This SINGLE organism would then divide and multiply as it became too big to support itself(biology 101). Over millions of years the single celled organisms, or bacteria, would continue to multiply and eventually one offshoot would involve into a multicell organism. Over more time this multicell organism would eventually create the MILLIONS of variations in plants, animals, and insects.


A lot of that is probably wrong but it gives the basic picture. I would like to point out that Dr.Dino is an idiot because evolution does not say we come from rocks...

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When it comes to Evolution as a whole, many fossils and bones have been found, but there always will be the argument of "missing link" or "interspecies". If evolution is a slow process of change from one thing to another thing, then all specimens/individuals are interspecies between the first and the last specimen.


:)HanSolo, thanks for your patience. So there is a common fact accepted that evolution is and has been happening. The debate is the degree that it has happened, from one common life form or man created as a man from the beginning. I have read where some theories leave open that the primordial soup from which life began, had at one time very diverse makings of life. Maybe there were many initiations of different dynamics to life, and that those that were able to thrive became a cell, then those cells congregated making organisms, which evolved to become organs of a greater organism, and so on. This theory would leave open that everything did not come from one life form... however, none of them say that man just popped out on the scene as a man from day one! :HaHa: What is interesting, I was told by a doctor, that if you look at a human fetus developing, there is a stage it has gills, but is lost in its further development.


Is there substantial reason to believe that everything came from only one life form that initiated and diversified to establish everything else? I suppose the first life form had to be for the production of the polypeptide chains to eventually form DNA, to organize amino acids into an ongoing living structure? Couldn't there be variations of this initial process? I'm just curious, 'cause IDK what the leading theory is...

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Atheism is not a religion. :Hmm: Atheist don't believe in religion so I don't know how you came up with that conclusion.


Evolution & Atheism is a RELIGION, because they also BELIEVE in the non-existence of God.

Athiests cannot prove these is no God. Never has been proven.

Really? I'm an Atheist, and I don't believe in the non-existence of gods...

I just lack your belief in any specific god. (which is the majority of Atheistic "beliefs" by the way)


Evolution works both with and without any gods... but I doubt you knew that, given what else you've posted.

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Wanna become rich my friend? He offers $250 000 for any evidence for evolution.....

Ah... Kent Hovind.


He's a lying fraud... if you knew the smallest thing about evolution, you would know that he's not asking for evidence OF evolution... he's asking for ultimate proof of the non-existence of gods.



Still, if you're gonna be gullible....

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Is there substantial reason to believe that everything came from only one life form that initiated and diversified to establish everything else?

I think so. The exact process for how it happened at that point and before isn't known yet. Many ideas and theories, but nothing conclusive. The only way to figure it out is to make a big soup of the basic compounds in a closed container with the same conditions as back then, but the risk is always that it could be contaminated. And we don't know the exact conditions either.


I suppose the first life form had to be for the production of the polypeptide chains to eventually form DNA, to organize amino acids into an ongoing living structure? Couldn't there be variations of this initial process? I'm just curious, 'cause IDK what the leading theory is...

It's possible. IMO. I think they found some evidence of amio acids in a far star system, but I be completely wrong about that info. Maybe the first steps were not on the planet but under a different condition in space. And then this initial form of replicators (not necessarily a DNA/Lifeform/Cell but just a rudimentary replicator, virus maybe?) seeded the planet.

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:)Antlerman, I'm curious to know why evolution can't be proven? We know of natural adaption and natural selection as a fact, no? We have the fossil records of our own evolution, showing distinct and significant body feature changes. And we now see walking fish changing from fish to amphibians, and on and on... so why can't, at least some degree of evolution be proven? :shrug:


Whether something is proven or not is an opinion. You see, in order for something to be considered "proven," it has to be shown to be true through argument or evidence. If the subject does not believe, after the arguments and evidence, that evolution is true, it hasn't been proven -- to them. To those who do see it as true due to the evidence, it has. It gets confusing, I know. Just remember the word "subjective." It'll keep your mind afloat.

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And Burnout, don't you find it scary that if you look back at yourself, Radical could have been you just a few years ago? At least I can, and it freaks me out. How ignorant and stupid I must've been... I can remember certain times when I was out on the street witnessing and knocking doors, and I feel like a complete IDIOT for ever been doing it. And now I can see another poor creature, just like I was, arguing his faith as a complete ass. And also, now I understand those poor atheists and agnostics I debated too. And I understand their frustrations. Especially one discussion I had back in high-school (long time ago), and I still can remember it. And now, I would sit on the other side of the table. Man, they must have thought I was a friggin nut-case arguing Christianity and faith. Or in religious studies,... argh... can't think of it, too much...

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And Burnout, don't you find it scary that if you look back at yourself, Radical could have been you just a few years ago? At least I can, and it freaks me out. How ignorant and stupid I must've been... I can remember certain times when I was out on the street witnessing and knocking doors, and I feel like a complete IDIOT for ever been doing it. And now I can see another poor creature, just like I was, arguing his faith as a complete ass. And also, now I understand those poor atheists and agnostics I debated too. And I understand their frustrations. Especially one discussion I had back in high-school (long time ago), and I still can remember it. And now, I would sit on the other side of the table. Man, they must have thought I was a friggin nut-case arguing Christianity and faith. Or in religious studies,... argh... can't think of it, too much...


Man, I'm so glad I never got into Christianity like you guys. I was but a simple believer and nothing more. I never knocked on doors or witnesed. Hell, I never even liked church. It was something I was forced to do despite my best arguments.

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Yes, Rev, in a way you should be happy. But in a way it was a good experience to have, I know what it's like, eventhough I don't like it as much now. I had much good times too in Church, and good friends. And maybe it's the good parts that draw people to it, and they accept the bad parts just because of the good parts? IYKWIM.

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Yes, Rev, in a way you should be happy. But in a way it was a good experience to have, I know what it's like, eventhough I don't like it as much now. I had much good times too in Church, and good friends. And maybe it's the good parts that draw people to it, and they accept the bad parts just because of the good parts? IYKWIM.


Well, I was in the the church community -- just not that much. I didn't dive into it. I was there, sang the songs, made my friends, had my fights and that was about it.

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Your religion, atheism, seems to believe in such a god?? mmmmm


Too bad that not all of us here are atheists, eh?


Hail Thor!


My God overcame death my friend. More than you can ever do.


Your gawd, by admission of its own "revealed word", cannot even overcome some shitty iron chariots. Read Judges 1:19.

Lemme guess: That's why it doesn't appear down here today. It's too fucking scared shitless by all the Abrams, Challenger, Leopard II and other models of modern main battle tanks. It knows that we'd blast its sorry arse all the way back into the hell out of which it crept.



Look at Christ. The only way you'll ever live. He is life. The only life you'll ever find.


Be brave until your very death. Brave enough so that your story will be told forever. The only way to live on after death, here in Midgard at least. Valhalla is another question of course.

See? I can make unsupported claims too. What now?


Get off this site and go do something good with your life. Help others or help the poor.


Well, how many lifes did you help save so far?

As for me, I've been a volunteer medic for the German St. John's ambulance service for almost ten years - and I'd still do my work there if I wouldn't have had to move home, to an area where they are pretty far away. Let alone that I don't have much time anymore to invest into that kind of work.

Did you ever do more than buy your sorry arse free from your feeling of guilt by throwing coins into the collection box, or than preaching the bullshit to people who already know it's bullshit?



Sheesh Fwee, did I come on here initially acting as ignorant to the present situation as this guy? I will say that he has only posted ten responses since April 10th... but please tell me that I wasn't this ignorant when I came here. :twitch: Tell me the Truth though...


Just my 2 cents worth...


...as far as I remember, you actually behaved like someone who uses his brain to think. Maybe not always (show me one single person who always thinks everything through to the end ;) ), but sufficiently often. In other words, you showed about 1000 times as much IQ as our lil' twit in this thread. :)



Clearly you don't know and understand God.


Clearly you have nothing but bullshit to "support" your dogma. Each and every one of your claims in that looooong posting has been debunked a gazillion times before. Quite telling that you don't even try to refute the refutations. I tell you why: You can't, and you know that you can't.


Watch and download this free stuff.




Wanna become rich my friend? He offers $250 000 for any evidence for evolution.....[/color]


Okay, that does it. Whoever points to hoover as a source of evidence is so far beyond all hope that every word sent to him or her is wasted.




Have a nice moron's life, masoChrist.

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If you guys keep ranting against him too much than you will be no better than him and every other religious radical who wants to impose their beliefs on others.

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If you guys keep ranting against him too much than you will be no better than him and every other religious radical who wants to impose their beliefs on others.


If I went into someone's church and starting preaching the goodnes of Atheism then I would expect to find heavy resistance. How is what he's doing any different? This is our place. It is a place devoted to the ex-Christian. If he thought we'd all just bend over and take his holy harrassment then he was sorely mistaken. This is self defense, not offense.

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If I went into someone's church and starting preaching the goodnes of Atheism then I would expect to find heavy resistance. How is what he's doing any different? This is our place. It is a place devoted to the ex-Christian. If he thought we'd all just bend over and take his holy harrassment then he was sorely mistaken. This is self defense, not offense.


I whole heartedly agree with defeating his arguments and making him look like an idiot but don't go too far... thats just what I'm saying :grin:

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I whole heartedly agree with defeating his arguments and making him look like an idiot but don't go too far... thats just what I'm saying :grin:

We know we won't change Radical or make him understand, we're just using him as a punching bag. Many times we find it to be a fun pastime to throw punches at someone that insists on being ignorant. Call it a hobby if you like. :)

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:)Antlerman, I'm curious to know why evolution can't be proven? We know of natural adaption and natural selection as a fact, no? We have the fossil records of our own evolution, showing distinct and significant body feature changes. And we now see walking fish changing from fish to amphibians, and on and on... so why can't, at least some degree of evolution be proven? :shrug:

Amanda? :shrug: Did you see me say somewhere that evolution can't be proven? What did I say?? Evolution is a fact. The Theory of Evolution is a descriptive process of it's workings in the creation of bilogical species. You've got me really puzzled here :scratch::grin:

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Amanda? :shrug: Did you see me say somewhere that evolution can't be proven? What did I say?? Evolution is a fact. The Theory of Evolution is a descriptive process of it's workings in the creation of bilogical species. You've got me really puzzled here :scratch::grin:

:ohmy: Antlerman, I can see why that seems so confusing. My apologies!


It seems that I had been reading posts, in regards to this statement:


Wanna become rich my friend? He offers $250 000 for any evidence for evolution.....[/color]


And your post was the last one I read, and even though it had nothing to do with proving evolution, this question was still on my mind, I knew you knew the answer... so I just automatically asked you, assuming you would know what I was talking about. :twitch:


Fortunately HanSolo could pick up what I was referring to and he answered it for me. Thanks though... and again, my apologies. :thanks:

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