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Goodbye Jesus

What Does It Mean To Blaspheme The Holy Spirit?

Neon Genesis

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..."The bible contains words that God spoke up until 2000/1900 years ago, but we are to live by words that PRESENTLY proceed from the mouth of God".

Yes, since Chef brought that up, I'd be curious to see clarification on that. I believe I know what you meant by that (relating to 'law written on the heart' idea), but am curious if you mean something more than that, like what some groups believe with modern day prophets and apostles and whatnot?

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been there done that..


Try again.


I'm the dull end of the "Brain Trust" of ExC.


Try convincing me of your particular bent on religious words. If you can't do so, then you can't even get to the more intelligent folks and the depth/width of knowledge.


As now, I don't see a hellalot out of your keyboard to get me to bother to read your posts again.


You strike me less "BTDT" and more "SSDD".



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If you read the post where I explained that I grew up in s dysfunctional family and then was ALSO betrayed by the so called "family" of God, you'll understand that I am well aquainted with the personal effects of betrayal.


This website exists. That is a FACT that will always be true (a fact cannot be debated).


If you really are a moderator (I know Antlerman is), you can send me a personal message clarifying the policy if you consider me in violation of it, but I consider no one here as needing protection from me.


A "moderator" could EXPLAIN the policy of this site/forum.


A "moderator" could DISCUSS how policy could be changed in the future.


...but it would make absolutely no sense for a moderator to "debate" ABOUT (vague term for explore/discover...WHAT?), so I realize that the real intention of your challenge to "debate ABOUT" is actually your attempt to establish a busybody exploratory cross examination of ME so that you can criticize, ridicule, and discredit what I write.


If you really are a moderator, and acting in your official capacity, act like one,...ban me, or send me warning emails with points, etc.



If you are really a moderator, but aren't acting in your official capacity, you still have those options available (but then again, I would have no need to know that you are "As a moderator"), but banning for a bad reason makes you a CORRUPT moderator (poetic justice, The Lord is not slack in His judgement).


So, whoever you really are, I am completely aware that there is no reason that I should informed that you are "AS" a moderator or that we should explore "ABOUT" whatever you decide that we should "DEBATE".


Do your duty if you have any, or else keep your pathetic schemes to yourself.

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If you read the post where I explained that I grew up in s dysfunctional family and then was ALSO betrayed by the so called "family" of God, you'll understand that I am well aquainted with the personal effects of betrayal.



Do your duty if you have any, or else keep your pathetic schemes to yourself.


OK SSDDboy...


See the little glorified thingamabobs that Webmaster gives us to signify our various positions here at ExC?

If yer fucking capable of looking over those neat little things, called "words", one of those neato gizmos is named M o d e r a t o r.


When Hans or any of the other Staff speaks, they so do with the full gut wrenching oooOoMppPH! of Webmaster kicking you in the cyber crotch.


If you cannot handle simple courtesy to those who have given you no offense first, then I'll ask you to take your marbles and leave.


That or I'll leave your pitiful ass here in LD to be eaten alive..


More fun to watch...


Carry on becoming carion...



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I am going to reveal a truth that all of humanity (including christianity) has never realized...we are NOT supposed to live according to the bible.

I'm not sure why you are the special person who gets to "reveal a truth that all of humanity (including christianity) has never realized", but...


This is the only thing you've said that actually makes any sense whatsoever. The bible is a collection of human writings that seek to make sense of the ancient world. Since men wrote it between 2000-3000 years ago, their knowledge was far inferior to our knowledge today. Hence, they made most of it up based on patriarchal societies that were vicious and cruel to any who opposed them.


Fortunately for the world, the monotheistic god and the three headed monster called the trinity, are a complete fairytale conjured up out of the wind in order to control the thoughts and actions of the masses. If this god/gods really existed, then I would say the earth lay in the palm of an infantile and sadistic monster bent on the eternal torment of every living thing it created. The god of the bible is the most evil idea humanity has ever created.


That is why we are not ever supposed to live according to the bible. Thus the law of common sense applies!

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If you really are a moderator (I know Antlerman is), you can send me a personal message clarifying the policy if you consider me in violation of it, but I consider no one here as needing protection from me.

I really haven't seen you violate any rules here. I'd say so if I had. Actually... I'm being nice and was trying to protect you. :HaHa: This is the Lion's Den, and you were walking a course I've seen tread enough to know what follows. You seemed sincere enough for me to try to warn you... (Your complimenting us for being ExChristians impressed me).


Yes, Hans is a moderator here.


A "moderator" could EXPLAIN the policy of this site/forum.

There is a forums rule at the top of each forum, and one general one for the site here http://www.ex-christian.net/index.php?act=boardrules



I see no problem here and no reason to consider any sort of action. Carry on...

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I see no problem here and no reason to consider any sort of action. Carry on...

Hear that Mr. Been? That's the sound of wolves howling at the moon...they sound hungry! :wicked:

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I'm aware that there are other people in the world who will realize that the bible is not the word that we should live by (it is in plain black and white), but unfortunately that understanding never has been part of mainstream Christianity or the common understanding about God in society.


I also understand that scripture verses will usually be considered out of place here (makes perfect sense to me), but when I came across this thread, there was more scripture in most posts than there is in most sermons. I never burdened anyone here requesting an explanation of that, but feel free, I'm interested. So, silly me, I got the mistaken impression that quoting verses wouldn't bother anyone.

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So, silly me, I got the mistaken impression that quoting verses wouldn't bother anyone.
Proverbs 12:15

The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice.

You can quote all you like! :grin:

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If you really are a moderator (I know Antlerman is), you can send me a personal message clarifying the policy if you consider me in violation of it, but I consider no one here as needing protection from me.

... ???


Read the label to "Group:".


I've been a moderator here since 2005.


I just clarified, very politely, that this section of the website, called the Lion's Den, is a place where you could and should expect treatments like you have experienced...


Go to the top of the page, click on the link that says "Lion's Den Rules". Read that.


A "moderator" could EXPLAIN the policy of this site/forum.


A "moderator" could DISCUSS how policy could be changed in the future.


...but it would make absolutely no sense for a moderator to "debate" ABOUT (vague term for explore/discover...WHAT?), so I realize that the real intention of your challenge to "debate ABOUT" is actually your attempt to establish a busybody exploratory cross examination of ME so that you can criticize, ridicule, and discredit what I write.


If you really are a moderator, and acting in your official capacity, act like one,...ban me, or send me warning emails with points, etc.

You know what... okay. granted. 1 week cool-off.


I seriously don't like people taking tone with me. I tried to politely ask you to change your attitude and try to understand this part of the forum. The Lion's Den is more crude and allow more stuff. If you can't handle it, but not only that, also attack us moderators, I can only find the solution that you need a time to think about your attitude.

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we are NOT supposed to live according to the bible.


Then why keep quoting scripture? To satirize it?

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I am going to reveal a truth that all of humanity (including christianity) has never realized...we are NOT supposed to live according to the bible.


Yes, that's right, I said it.

therefore to quote ...

(2 Thessalonians 2:10) ... (Hebrews 6:1) ... (Hebrews 9:14).

becomes a rather pointless exercise.


The bible contains words that God spoke up until 2000/1900 years ago, but we are to live by words that PRESENTLY proceed from the mouth of God.

And your evidence for this statement would be?


This proof only comes from the 'law of common sense' (which christianity has traded for a book because this law is not in the bible).

I see. So apparently just your assertion.


In case you missed the proof I gave, read the WHOLE SENTENCE of the proof again (the great scholars would not enjoy only one sentence)...


..."The bible contains words that God spoke up until 2000/1900 years ago, but we are to live by words that PRESENTLY proceed from the mouth of God".

I'm reading this "proof" again (and again and again and again and again) but apparently I'm slow on the uptake since you've neither presented evidence of any "god" nor evidence that the bible contains the words of any "god(s)" nor that there are any "god(s)" speaking at the present time.



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I'm aware that there are other people in the world who will realize that the bible is not the word that we should live by (it is in plain black and white), but unfortunately that understanding never has been part of mainstream Christianity or the common understanding about God in society.

Are you sure about that? What do you consider mainstream? If you're saying the conservative Evangelicals and or fundamentalists are mainstream, they technically aren't. Most 'mainstream' (non-evangelicals) maybe pay lip service to the Bible as a 'sacred' book, but they're more just social believers and likely don't own a Bible, let alone read it and feel terribly obligated to follow it. Saying "Oh yes, sure the Bible is God's word", and actually believing it is are different matters.


As an example I was talking to a guy at work who goes to church, and he freely admits that he sees all those stories as just stories about something else, not that he believes they really happened. Church to him is more about family and society. That's really what is more reflective of the 'mainstream'.


That the more ardent Bible-worshipers group has become more into the mainstream, is strictly a statistical trend that I believe is leveling itself out, giving thanks to the negative light that's been cast on it having been thrust into the mainstream through this present administration ruling the white house, which had been building since the 1980s. This was all part of a longer 40 year cyclical swing that happens. I believe we'll see us swing back to the center soon, and in another 30 some years we'll swing back to the liberal side again like the 60's, etc - that is if we survive as a nation through all the negative things that have happened as a result.


Religious conservatism is driven by social trends, and not so much the other way around. The same voices are always there, but it's how much they're listened to that drives its rise and fall from power. This why you see me less blaming the religious in a free society for our problems. People have a choice of who to listen to.


I also understand that scripture verses will usually be considered out of place here (makes perfect sense to me), but when I came across this thread, there was more scripture in most posts than there is in most sermons. I never burdened anyone here requesting an explanation of that, but feel free, I'm interested. So, silly me, I got the mistaken impression that quoting verses wouldn't bother anyone.

You've misunderstood what I've said. Speaking as strictly an experienced member here (not officiating as a mod in other words), go back and read my post about how we communicate our thoughts. I guarantee without doubt that when someone has had scripture quoted "at" them their whole lives trying to "tell" them what to do, and what not to do, the first response when they hear someone who says they believe in God quoting from scripture.... is going to be guess what?? That's right, it's going to feel like more of exactly the same thing, whether or not you intended it that way or not.


Hence why all the advise to you in how to communicate, if in fact you simply see the Bible as having good advise and it means something to you personally, versus it supposedly dictating commandments to us. No one here wants to hear the Bible being used to dictate to them. And if you are, you'll be at the mercy of the pack around here. If you don't mean it that way, then you should honestly try to listen to the good natured advice that I've been trying to offer you.

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*hums a barre of that smell by lynard skynard, feeling almost peckish* Been There, do you see the cirlceing birdys? I mean i never saw one of these things live......um,




I'm aware that there are other people in the world who will realize that the bible is not the word that we should live by (it is in plain black and white),


Ok see here, This is that i am seeing you say.... Your point A , is that You realise that the bible is not *our* guide. ( multiplied by things in parenthisis = but You are keeping yourself under the word of the bible exclusivly albeit loosly, as a guide. And you are insistin' that we take a peek at your veiw.) Is this an explaination or an answer to explain why we cannot blaspheme the holy spirit because the bible said so?


but unfortunately that understanding never has been part of mainstream Christianity or the common understanding about God in society.


No friend, that mentality is a part of mainstream, only in a reversal. It applies because they follow the church ( which you disagree with obviously= doctrinism) instead they say' we realise that the bible is not our literal guide.'(but i will still belive i have the right thing and insisting that you pander to my sensitivities.) and also in the self justification when they say "i know the bible says no but i thik god is leading me in a new direction." It looks like cognitive dissonnence. But i am uneducated.


AS for the common understanding of God. there is no such thing. God has or does not have any such one understanding.




I also understand that scripture verses will usually be considered out of place here (makes perfect sense to me)



OK see here. this is where you do a mental double take. it is liek a double negitive and negates what you said previously, therefore you acan make nosence.


, but when I came across this thread, there was more scripture in most posts than there is in most sermons. I never burdened anyone here requesting an explanation of that, but feel free, I'm interested. So, silly me, I got the mistaken impression that quoting verses wouldn't bother anyone.


Rather than appologise for useing verses....why not weave the wisdom ( that vision your seeing) you ought not need to use chapter and verse for athority is the world is your spiritaul oyster. If the Bible is in principle, well friend, those principles exist in other words of truth. You dont even need the bible, so what are you fighting about? I feel like i am on a tetter totter with you...for everythign you say, you yank it away and try to proove ( with that you said) that you didnt have to say that.


(is that your logic? or am i the mad one?) Cause i really dont think that makes sence. I think your spinning in circles just like them birdies.


Quoteing verses, sure if it has to do with the topic. I mean we use verses to discuss things. We *know* your christian of a sort and i think we expect you to use some bible when we ask a biblical why or what questions. But instead of telling us that just use the verses in wisdom.



but you are likely about to stop checking back....i mean i would, of course i'd appoligies first and try to switch angles with my following reply , IF you know what I Mean...........*points up at the birdies.... hums a barre of Gallows pole*

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I'm aware that there are other people in the world who will realize that the bible is not the word that we should live by (it is in plain black and white), but unfortunately that understanding never has been part of mainstream Christianity or the common understanding about God in society.


I also understand that scripture verses will usually be considered out of place here (makes perfect sense to me), but when I came across this thread, there was more scripture in most posts than there is in most sermons. I never burdened anyone here requesting an explanation of that, but feel free, I'm interested. So, silly me, I got the mistaken impression that quoting verses wouldn't bother anyone.


Sorry that you got a suspension for being an asshole besides being a dolt. You can use the time carrying your "the end is near" sign through the parking lots at the mall.


Quoting scripture doesn't bother anyone, the point of asking you why you do is that you have said it is not to be used guide anyone's life today.


Do you really think that your snotty attitude will convince anyone here that you are one of the witnesses? You have arrived with an extraordinary claim which means that the burden of proof is on you, Sonny. Acting like the reincarnation of Jerry Farwell is not considered proof.


By the way, if scripture is all wrong, why should we think that there is any real ChristianGod at all? You seem to think that Jesus is real, but why grasshopper? That is, if scripture is not right, where did you get this strange idea? The Church? But the Church is a fucked up too according to you, so that can't be it. Did you get blasted off your donkey on the way to Damascus by the real Jesus? Did Washington speak to you from a dollar bill?


Isn't it about time you present your bona fides? So far you have only convinced me that you are missing a couple of screws and that the rest of your screws are loose.

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