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Belief-o-matic Do You Believe What You Think You Believe? Find Out!


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My top 5:


Secular Humanism

Unitarian Universalism


Theravada Buddhism

Liberal Quaker



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Guest I Love Dog

My results:


1. Secular Humanism (100%)

2. Unitarian Universalism (91%)

3. Liberal Quakers (77%)

4. Nontheist (72%)

5. Theravada Buddhism (69%)

6. Neo-Pagan (67%)

7. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (60%)

8. New Age (52%)

9. Taoism (47%)

10. Orthodox Quaker (42%)

11. Reform Judaism (42%)

12. Mahayana Buddhism (42%)

13. Baha'i Faith (30%)

14. Sikhism (30%)

15. Scientology (29%)

16. Jainism (29%)

17. New Thought (27%)

18. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (24%)

19. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (21%)

20. Seventh Day Adventist (19%)

21. Hinduism (18%)

22. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (18%)

23. Eastern Orthodox (16%)

24. Islam (16%)

25. Orthodox Judaism (16%)

26. Roman Catholic (16%)

27. Jehovah's Witness (12%)

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This is weird. Every now and then this poll comes up here. I last took it many years ago and it seems to make a degree of sense to where I was at, secular humanist/universalist. Now, as I take it it's almost the questions don't relate very well and when I try to answer as they present them it comes up with some strange category that doesn't fit at all. That is what was interesting in and of itself. It's like the whole thing was geared towards a certain spectrum of thought. I broke their test. :HaHa:

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  • 4 weeks later...

1. Secular Humanism (100%)

2. Unitarian Universalism (90%)

3. Nontheist (79%)

4. Liberal Quakers (73%)

5. Theravada Buddhism (67%)

6. Neo-Pagan (61%)

7. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (58%)

8. Taoism (47%)

9. New Age (44%)

10. Reform Judaism (41%)

11. Orthodox Quaker (34%)

12. Mahayana Buddhism (33%)

13. Sikhism (27%)

14. Scientology (26%)

15. New Thought (23%)

16. Baha'i Faith (20%)

17. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (20%)

18. Jainism (18%)

19. Seventh Day Adventist (18%)

20. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (17%)

21. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (15%)

22. Hinduism (13%)

23. Eastern Orthodox (11%)

24. Islam (11%)

25. Orthodox Judaism (11%)

26. Roman Catholic (11%)

27. Jehovah's Witness (6%)


How the hell Protestantism got in there, I have no idea... :twitch: *is somewhat insulted*

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Secular humanist with Buddhist leanings. Sounds like me

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Guest Valk0010

1. Secular Humanism (100%)

2. Unitarian Universalism (91%)

3. Liberal Quakers (79%)

4. Neo-Pagan (73%)

5. Nontheist (70%)

6. Theravada Buddhism (68%)

7. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (65%)

8. New Age (54%)

9. Taoism (54%)

10. Orthodox Quaker (48%)

11. Reform Judaism (48%)

12. Mahayana Buddhism (44%)

13. Sikhism (36%)

14. Scientology (35%)

15. New Thought (32%)

16. Baha'i Faith (31%)

17. Jainism (29%)

18. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (28%)

19. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (26%)

20. Seventh Day Adventist (23%)

21. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (20%)

22. Hinduism (19%)

23. Eastern Orthodox (16%)

24. Islam (16%)

25. Orthodox Judaism (16%)

26. Roman Catholic (16%)

27. Jehovah's Witness (14%)

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1. Secular Humanism (100%) 2. Nontheist (90%) 3. Unitarian Universalism (90%) 4. Theravada Buddhism (69%) 5. Liberal Quakers (63%) 6. Neo-Pagan (49%) 7. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (47%) 8. Taoism (40%) 9. New Age (30%) 10. Orthodox Quaker (28%) 11. Reform Judaism (28%) 12. Sikhism (28%) 13. Mahayana Buddhism (22%) 14. Baha'i Faith (18%) 15. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (18%) 16. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (18%) 17. New Thought (18%) 18. Scientology (18%) 19. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (15%) 20. Eastern Orthodox (9%) 21. Hinduism (9%) 22. Islam (9%) 23. Jainism (9%) 24. Orthodox Judaism (9%) 25. Roman Catholic (9%) 26. Seventh Day Adventist (9%) 27. Jehovah's Witness (0%)

Uhhh, nontheist 90%? It's the same as "secular humanism" on the links. Hmmm!

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My top five are:


1. Neo-Pagan (100%)

2. Mahayana Buddhism (94%)

3. Unitarian Universalism (90%)

4. New Age (86%)

5. Hinduism (81%)


Sounds about right. I consider myself agnostic with an inclination toward paganism/nature worship, heh.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've taken this test ten or fifteen times over the last few years, and I always get a different answer, because spiritual reality is non-linear and not easily described by giving answers to a multiple choice test. So this time I decided to post the alternative answers and give my answer in as few of my own words as can .... and it usually includes several of the suggested answers, with elaborations or qualifications. I'm going to start out by posting just three answers, and if they draw interesting comments, I'll post more.


Q1. What is the number and nature of the deity (God, gods, higher power)? Choose one.

1 Only one God--a corporeal spirit (has a body), supreme, personal God Almighty, the Creator.

2 Only one God--an incorporeal (no body) spirit, supreme, personal God Almighty, the Creator.

3 Multiple personal gods (or goddesses) regarded as facets of one God, and/or as separate gods.

4 The supreme force is the impersonal Ultimate Reality (or life force, ultimate truth, cosmic order, absolute bliss, universal soul), which resides within and/or beyond all.

5 The supreme existence is both the eternal, impersonal, formless Ultimate Reality, and personal God (or gods).

6 No God or supreme force. Or not sure. Or not important.

7 None of the above.

IMO, the fourth answer has some appeal to me, because it's ambiguous enough to fit into the category of, "It means nothing, therefore it also means anything." But #6 gets a strong yes to the first part, meaning I'm definitely atheistic, but I feel quite sure about this and I consider it very important. But if I HAD to make a choice, it would be for #7, because I believe that disembodied human spirits have a profound influence over our lives on the Earth Plane ... but there's nothing superhuman or supernatural about them. And I place a high priority on this selection.


Q2. Are there human incarnation(s) of God (or of gods/goddesses)? Choose one.

1 God is (or gods/goddesses are) supreme, and no incarnations.

2 One incarnation.

3 Many (or countless) incarnations.

4 No particular incarnations because God is all and all are God (or God is in all).

5 No incarnations as there is no God. Or not sure. Or not important.

6 None of the above.

The only answer I can give to this one is #6, because people incarnate over and over, and no two of us are equal. Some people's souls have a lot more knowledge and skills than others, in or out of the body, which can create the illusion that gods or devils incarnate.


Q3. What are the origins of the physical universe and life on earth? Choose one.

1 As in the book of Genesis, God created a mature universe and mature life forms from nothing in less than 7 days, less than 10,000 years ago.

2 As in the book of Genesis, but 'day' is not 24 hours, possibly refers to thousands (or even millions) of years, or to creation phases.

3 God is creating and controlling the phenomena uncovered by scientists. Or there are other spiritual explanations, but not in conflict with scientific discovery.

4 All matter and life forms are manifestations (or illusions) of the eternal Absolute (Ultimate Truth, Universal Soul or Mind, etc.).

5 Only natural forces (like evolution) and no Creator or spiritual forces. Or not sure. Or not important.

6 None of the above.

Again, I have to answer #6, because I believe that the universe is in the process of creating itself by a process that defaults to operating by evolution based on random mutation and natural selection ... BUT I also believe that human beings live on an almost infinite number of worlds and that we have been trying to guide the course of evolution for several billion years, at least. And I believe that this puts certain elements of "intelligent design" into the mix.

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I was surprised when it said I was most like Baha'i. Now, I'm going to have to figure out what that is!

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  • 3 weeks later...

On a whim, I took it again.


Here's my results:( I provided links to my top five results)


1. Unitarian Universalism (100%)

2. Secular Humanism (90%)

3. Theravada Buddhism(90%)

4. Nontheist (83%)

5. Neo-Pagan (73%)

6. Liberal Quakers (70%)

7. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (63%)

8. Reform Judaism (56%)

9. Mahayana Buddhism (55%)

10. New Age (53%)

11. New Thought (48%)

12. Scientology (48%)

13. Sikhism (46%)

14. Taoism (44%)

15. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (41%)

16. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (40%)

17. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (39%)

18. Eastern Orthodox (36%)

19. Orthodox Quaker (36%)

20. Roman Catholic (36%)

21. Orthodox Judaism (32%)

22. Hinduism (32%)

23. Islam (29%)

24. Baha'i Faith (27%)

25. Seventh Day Adventist (27%)

26. Jehovah's Witness (24%)

27. Jainism (19%)

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  • 2 weeks later...

My top 5:


Secular Humanism (100%)

Unitarian Universalism (92%)

Nontheist (82%)

Theravada Buddhism (72%) <---this one surprised me

Liberal Quakers (70%)

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1. Neo-Pagan (100%)

2. Mahayana Buddhism (82%)

3. Unitarian Universalism (81%)

4. New Age (80%)

5. Hinduism (68%)

6. Reform Judaism (67%)

7. Jainism (66%)

8. Liberal Quakers (66%)

9. Theravada Buddhism (66%)

10. Sikhism (61%)


I've taken this before, and I think this is the first time "New Age" was knocked down to 4. It's usually second, which is funny, because I scoff at a lot of "New Age" books I've found.

It's still a fun lil' quiz.

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100% secular humanist haha.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Over a period of years, I have been tracing my ever-changing beliefs using this test. Today I took it again out of curiosity.


1. Neo-Pagan (100%)

2. New Age (85%)

3. Mahayana Buddhism (83%)

4. Theravada Buddhism (78%)

5. Unitarian Universalism (77%)

6. Reform Judaism (73%)

7. Liberal Christian Protestants (69%)

8. Orthodox Judaism (63%)

9. Taoism (52%)

10. Secular Humanism (46%)

11. Non-theist (37%)

12. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (33%)

13. Conservative Christian Protestant (33%)

14. Roman Catholic (28%)


I take the 27 possible results, filter out what I KNOW I'm not, and I'm left with 14 religions that I considered at one time or another. Neo-Pagan has been #1 for months and months. Possibly years. I attend a church and it's at 33%. Go figure?

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  • 2 weeks later...

100% neo-pagan makes sense to me. I was debating to join of the Wiccan communities in town

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  • 1 year later...

Oh wow! this was exactly the quiz I stumbled across that led me to admit to myself that I didn't believe. I was skeptical of a test which claims to be able to sort everyone neatly into a belief system based on their responses, but I answered the questions honestly, with an open mind anyway. It said I'm a Unitarian Universalist, a Humanist Quaker, or a Buddhist! I was hurt/shocked but strangely relieved to hear this.

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Your Top 3 Faith Match Profiles Are:

1. Neo-Pagan (100%)

2. Unitarian Universalism (95%)

3. New Age (84%)

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Your Top 3 Faith Match Profiles Are:

1. Neo-Pagan (100%)

2. Unitarian Universalism (95%)

3. New Age (84%)

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I think Belief-O-Matic is pretty accurate.

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I think Belief-O-Matic is pretty accurate.

I learned so much by clicking on each result it suggested and reading about it! It says I'm 100% UU, and going by UU definition, I can label myself whatever I so choose- LOVE IT!

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