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Is it just me, or does the Mayan activity around the prescribed 2012 date sound similar to the Bible's Revelations?


What are your thoughts?

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What does the Maya description of 2012 say? As far as I know, there's no documents saying what will happen 2012 in the Maya calendar. It's only that the counters reset, and all this hype about end of the world etc, is something we are making up today, so it would be reflecting the major religion, i.e. Christianity. But correct me if I'm wrong, and give me some link to a Maya apocalypse. I'm interested.

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What Mayan activity are you talking about? Too little information.

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You mean the part that a god will descend? But what else? From one of the websites, in the FAQ, it states:

Is the world really going to end? Did the Maya really believe the world would end?There is nothing in the Maya or Aztec orancient Mesoamerican prophecy to suggest that they prophesied a suddenor major change of any sort in 2012. The notion of a "Great Cycle"coming to an end is completely a modern invention.


Maya inscriptions that predict the future consistently show that theyexpected life to go on pretty much the same forever. At Palenque, forinstance, they predicted that people in the year 4772 AD would becelebrating the anniversary of the coronation of their great kingPakal.


I recommend that you watch Penn and Teller's Bullsh*t episode about 2012. Many of these "experts" are hacks and build a house of cards from barely nothing. It is modern interpretations of ancient beliefs. People today see what they want to see. So of course, again, the "predictions" will be similar to Christian beliefs.

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Predicting the future is divination, so Christians should completely disassociate with the whole Mayan calender thing.


As for why the Mayan calender stops at 2012, could it be because they simply stopped at that arbitrary date?

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Ya I do think it is similar.


One pile of bullshit, looks and smells like any other pile of bullshit.

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I got paid quite well in 1999 - first for building an underground pantry and filling it with 5-gallon buckets of grain and legumes (I put a hidden safe in the ductwork of the same house, where the owner planned to hide her gold and silver coins) and later, when I had gotten better established in the USA, for helping prep the Fruit of the Loom computer system for the inevitable end of the world. The only annoying thing was that they made the entire IT team come in on New Year's Day, 2000. As if we could do anything in the event of a meltdown anyways!


2012 will provide similar financial opportunities for those who have no compunctions about taking candy from babies.

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Gheesh, the mob mentality here. There is something to Spiritual stuff. Please watch about the children on John Stossels' 20/20 last night. Note the girl that has been drawing auras around people since she was a child.....and faking it ever since......for money of course.



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Gheesh, the mob mentality here.

And gosh, the whining just because people express what they think.

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Gheesh, the mob mentality here. There is something to Spiritual stuff. Please watch about the children on John Stossels' 20/20 last night. Note the girl that has been drawing auras around people since she was a child.....and faking it ever since......for money of course.




So the girl can see a little more of the electromagnetic spectrum than most of us. I fail to see how that is spiritual.

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There is something to Spiritual stuff.



Because? What proof do you have? Just because you say it doesn't make it so.

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There is something to Spiritual stuff.


There most certainly is. Science has shown us that certain parts of the brain "light up" with electrochemical activity whenever we have a "spiritual" experience. And that deliberate stimulation of those parts of the brain can induce a "spiritual" experience.


It has also been demonstrated that hallucinogens such as Pcilocin and LSD can induce "spiritual" experiences. These chemicals have the ability to mimic serotonin at 5-HT2A receptors in the brain. These serotonin receptors are coming under greater scrutiny as the physiology of "spiritual" experience is studied more closely.


So, yes, there is a real, measurable, physical "something" to what we commonly refer to as "spiritual" experience. Something is definitely going on there: your brain is producing serotonin and possibly dopamine, causing sensations of euphoria, sometimes accompanied by psychotic symptoms (such as hearing voices or attributing deep meaning to ordinary objects or events).


Oh, that's not what you meant?

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There is something to Spiritual stuff.


There most certainly is. Science has shown us that certain parts of the brain "light up" with electrochemical activity whenever we have a "spiritual" experience. And that deliberate stimulation of those parts of the brain can induce a "spiritual" experience.


It has also been demonstrated that hallucinogens such as Pcilocin and LSD can induce "spiritual" experiences. These chemicals have the ability to mimic serotonin at 5-HT2A receptors in the brain. These serotonin receptors are coming under greater scrutiny as the physiology of "spiritual" experience is studied more closely.


So, yes, there is a real, measurable, physical "something" to what we commonly refer to as "spiritual" experience. Something is definitely going on there: your brain is producing serotonin and possibly dopamine, causing sensations of euphoria, sometimes accompanied by psychotic symptoms (such as hearing voices or attributing deep meaning to ordinary objects or events).


Oh, that's not what you meant?


Excellent. Your response was much better than mine.

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There is something to Spiritual stuff.


There most certainly is. Science has shown us that certain parts of the brain "light up" with electrochemical activity whenever we have a "spiritual" experience. And that deliberate stimulation of those parts of the brain can induce a "spiritual" experience.


It has also been demonstrated that hallucinogens such as Pcilocin and LSD can induce "spiritual" experiences. These chemicals have the ability to mimic serotonin at 5-HT2A receptors in the brain. These serotonin receptors are coming under greater scrutiny as the physiology of "spiritual" experience is studied more closely.


So, yes, there is a real, measurable, physical "something" to what we commonly refer to as "spiritual" experience. Something is definitely going on there: your brain is producing serotonin and possibly dopamine, causing sensations of euphoria, sometimes accompanied by psychotic symptoms (such as hearing voices or attributing deep meaning to ordinary objects or events).


Oh, that's not what you meant?


I see, the "we knew it already response"....research 1962, Buferd et.al.....Brain Lights Up...Journal of I Told You So

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There is something to Spiritual stuff.



Because? What proof do you have? Just because you say it doesn't make it so.


I was referencing John Stossels' report on 20/20. The young girl that sees auras and the two boys that see and talk to spirits. It wasn't my say so. But if you would help you, I say so as well.

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There is something to Spiritual stuff.



Because? What proof do you have? Just because you say it doesn't make it so.


I was referencing John Stossels' report on 20/20. The young girl that sees auras and the two boys that see and talk to spirits. It wasn't my say so. But if you would help you, I say so as well.


I saw what you were referencing. But you were the one that stated there is something to spiritual stuff. I don't think children saying they see and talk to spirits or a young girl saying she sees auras is proof of anything other than extraneous brain activity. Schizophrenics see and hear things that aren't really there, except in their brain. I'm not saying these kids have schizophrenia (I'm also not ruling it out); I'm just saying it doesn't prove thee existence of a spirit world. I haven't ruled out the existence of all things "spiritual"; I'm just not impressed with these sorts of reports, or scared by supposed predictions of catasrophe from long ago prophets and fortune tellers.

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I've seen auras around people a couple of times in the past. I had my eyes checked out and the explanation was astigmatism and stress. A pair of correcting lenses, and more appropriate sleeping patterns, removed the auras.


I had a freaky incident several years ago when high stress caused my right eye to start seeing metallic shapes in the right sphere. Nothing they could do. Also caused by stress. It went away by itself, but my eyesight wasn't as good anymore after that.

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All joking aside, it would be interesting if we could use her theory coupled with the experiment that showed people emitted light....the "who knew we had halos" thread....possibly as a diagnostic tool.


btw, my sister says she sees people as colors, but she is more of a nutcase than I am.

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btw, my sister says she sees people as colors, but she is more of a nutcase than I am.


And here I was thinking that wasn't possible. :P

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btw, my sister says she sees people as colors, but she is more of a nutcase than I am.


Hi, End!


Have you heard of synesthesia? Here's an article on it: New Insight Into People Who 'See' Colors In Letters And Numbers


I first heard of synesthesia through the videos of an amazing autistic woman, who posted one about

. I was intrigued because I associate letters, numbers, and states with certain colors at times. However, those colors match a state map puzzle I had as a kid and a bunch of magnetic letters and numbers, so...not the same thing. But fascinating, no less.




That's cool P, I will relate this to her. I had never heard of this before. Thanks

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All joking aside, it would be interesting if we could use her theory coupled with the experiment that showed people emitted light....the "who knew we had halos" thread....possibly as a diagnostic tool.

Which would indicate that the halos are natural phenomenon, and not supernatural or spiritual. :shrug: I can see things in color, does it make the spectrum of light a spiritual phenomenon or a natural?


btw, my sister says she sees people as colors, but she is more of a nutcase than I am.

Does she hear voices or strange sounds too?

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Which would indicate that the halos are natural phenomenon, and not supernatural or spiritual. :shrug: I can see things in color, does it make the spectrum of light a spiritual phenomenon or a natural?


The Bible mentions this more than one place, a few if I am not mistaken. The limited research suggests that the visible light is 1000 fold less that what our eyes can detect. So why would you not recognize this child as Spiritual if she can recognize this?

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Which would indicate that the halos are natural phenomenon, and not supernatural or spiritual. :shrug: I can see things in color, does it make the spectrum of light a spiritual phenomenon or a natural?


The Bible mentions this more than one place, a few if I am not mistaken. The limited research suggests that the visible light is 1000 fold less that what our eyes can detect. So why would you not recognize this child as Spiritual if she can recognize this?

Because if we're talking about the natural light, and that the girl somehow can see this natural light, then it is natural light she is seeing. Lets say that somehow she can see this 1000 fold less detectable light, why would a "supernatural" explanation be the only possible? To me it sounds just like how the old pagans explained thunderstorm with a Thor riding on the clouds and throwing his hammer. Just because it can't be explained right now, doesn't absolutely and automatically conclude that it is supernatural. Perhaps it's just a matter of super-sensory perception? There are a genetic defect (I don't remember it's name) where the kid stops growing intellectually, but they have an extremely developed hearing. They can hear like dogs. Question for you, is it possible that some people develop (or by genetic chance) get "eagle eyes" (the ability to see motion thousands of feet away)?


Think of this End, lets say some native tribe in the Amazons suddenly were presented with a cell phone. And lets say we called someone and they could talk to the person on the phone. Would they believe it was electronics and radio signals transferred over satellites, or would they believe it was supernatural? We, who know the true, know it is not supernatural, but it is most likely they would believe it was.


Just take the idea which exists in some of these tribes (for real), that if you take a photo of them, a part of their soul will be stolen and put on the paper, and that's why some native Indians won't allow you to take pictures of them. How silly... right?


Before we had cars and airplanes, or more accurately just before the mass production of them, and before they were the speed-monsters we have today, there were some people (in America and Europa--according to the history books I read at lest) who believed that if you traveled faster than 45 MPH, you would die instantly, because your soul wouldn't be able to follow. This was just 150 years ago or so. No many believed this, but there were some crazy dudes who had this notion... Well, how come they were wrong?


Why did they guess these over-natural, non-natural, supernatural, concepts? Why is the explanation supernatural just because we don't know yet? Do gravity pixies cause gravitational force, or perhaps dirt-gnomes guides the worms in the earth, or maybe the laws of aerodynamics really are part of invisible flying jellyfish? Why not?


Another thing to consider, the halo is not unique to Christianity or Judaism, it existed it many other religions as well. If I remember right, Buddha is portrayed sometimes with a halo, and Mithra (or Mithras) too.

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Which would indicate that the halos are natural phenomenon, and not supernatural or spiritual. :shrug: I can see things in color, does it make the spectrum of light a spiritual phenomenon or a natural?


The Bible mentions this more than one place, a few if I am not mistaken. The limited research suggests that the visible light is 1000 fold less that what our eyes can detect. So why would you not recognize this child as Spiritual if she can recognize this?

Because if we're talking about the natural light, and that the girl somehow can see this natural light, then it is natural light she is seeing. Lets say that somehow she can see this 1000 fold less detectable light, why would a "supernatural" explanation be the only possible? To me it sounds just like how the old pagans explained thunderstorm with a Thor riding on the clouds and throwing his hammer. Just because it can't be explained right now, doesn't absolutely and automatically conclude that it is supernatural. Perhaps it's just a matter of super-sensory perception? There are a genetic defect (I don't remember it's name) where the kid stops growing intellectually, but they have an extremely developed hearing. They can hear like dogs. Question for you, is it possible that some people develop (or by genetic chance) get "eagle eyes" (the ability to see motion thousands of feet away)?


Think of this End, lets say some native tribe in the Amazons suddenly were presented with a cell phone. And lets say we called someone and they could talk to the person on the phone. Would they believe it was electronics and radio signals transferred over satellites, or would they believe it was supernatural? We, who know the true, know it is not supernatural, but it is most likely they would believe it was.


Just take the idea which exists in some of these tribes (for real), that if you take a photo of them, a part of their soul will be stolen and put on the paper, and that's why some native Indians won't allow you to take pictures of them. How silly... right?


Before we had cars and airplanes, or more accurately just before the mass production of them, and before they were the speed-monsters we have today, there were some people (in America and Europa--according to the history books I read at lest) who believed that if you traveled faster than 45 MPH, you would die instantly, because your soul wouldn't be able to follow. This was just 150 years ago or so. No many believed this, but there were some crazy dudes who had this notion... Well, how come they were wrong?


Why did they guess these over-natural, non-natural, supernatural, concepts? Why is the explanation supernatural just because we don't know yet? Do gravity pixies cause gravitational force, or perhaps dirt-gnomes guides the worms in the earth, or maybe the laws of aerodynamics really are part of invisible flying jellyfish? Why not?


Another thing to consider, the halo is not unique to Christianity or Judaism, it existed it many other religions as well. If I remember right, Buddha is portrayed sometimes with a halo, and Mithra (or Mithras) too.


So you think humanity had this quality many hundreds of years ago, and was able to recognize it.....but not understand it? It must have been fairly prevalent and commonplace to be mentioned and written about?


And then for many hundreds of years, the mass population mentions nil about this quality of humanity that was so prevalent before? I think that to be unlikely as it stunned us a few months ago that humans emit light.


Pull up the Moses Face thread and let's look at the comments made by the knowledgeable here....


Edit: here it is: http://www.ex-christ...dpost&p=306172 (Must be gone)

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