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Goodbye Jesus

The White Throne Judgement

Guest end3

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I understand that the White Throne Judgement mentioned in Revelation is for the non-believing, general population. Now, if there is a judgement, then there would be the possibility for life or death.


So, how can this be that everyone that does not believe in Christ goes to hell?

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You tell us, you're the one who believes in fairy-tales.


No, I have listened to the rhetoric for two years now.....you tell me.

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I understand that the White Throne Judgement mentioned in Revelation is for the non-believing, general population. Now, if there is a judgement, then there would be the possibility for life or death.


So, how can this be that everyone that does not believe in Christ goes to hell?



Are there not a plethora of other verses in your Bible that indicate non-belief will be punished?

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How can I tell you? I don't believe in any judgment, white throne or otherwise.


What are you attempting here? You want ex-Christians to tell you what the Bible means? It doesn't mean anything. It's a collection of stories which have no real connection one to another save that which was forced on it during the early Diaspora period. It's complete nonsense.

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I'm not really inclined to play along with this one. Perhaps a non-christian theist or a pagan might be willing to interpret the bible with you.

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Revelation 20:15 "And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire". OK then so basically once you get to the great white throne you better have your name written in the book of life. Rev 13:8 All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast—all whose names have not been written in the book of life belonging to the Lamb that was slain from the creation of the world. NASB or for another translation And all that dwell on the earth shall worship him, every one whose name hath not been written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb that hath been slain. ASV (The underline is to emphasize how they translate differently don't know the correct one) anyway from looking at the verses (there are more you can see them here) I generally get the impression that if your name is written in the book of life that by necessity means you are a christian. You may think otherwise.

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1. I understand that the White Throne Judgement mentioned in Revelation is for the non-believing, general population. Now, if there is a judgement, then there would be the possibility for life or death.


2. So, how can this be that everyone that does not believe in Christ goes to hell?



1. I understand the John the Revelator was stoned on soma, which supposedly made acid look like a baby bike with training wheels. Those scrolls he had to eat -- blotting paper baby!


2. It can't be because there is no hell to go to, unless you mean Florida.

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I understand that the White Throne Judgement mentioned in Revelation is for the non-believing, general population. Now, if there is a judgement, then there would be the possibility for life or death.


So, how can this be that everyone that does not believe in Christ goes to hell?

I'm too lazy to look up the other Bible verses, but I think Paul makes some claims that all who does not believe will be condemned.


Secondly, Jesus says (supposedly) that even some Christians will be condemned. People who used the name of Jesus, but they were do-not'ing-do-gooders, for no use, and thrown away. Junk Christians, in other words.


Are you sure you're not one of them?

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2. It can't be because there is no hell to go to, unless you mean Florida.


It's not Florida. There are too many believers here for this to be Hell.

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2. It can't be because there is no hell to go to, unless you mean Florida.


It's not Florida. There are too many believers here for this to be Hell.


Isn't that the truth. This morning I step outside my door, only to see huge letters written in the sky GOD = (drawing of large smiley face). Good grief, the xian skywriter is at it again.

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"Xian Skywriter". Possibly a member of religious "Mystery Men" collaborative?



I loved that movie! :grin:

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Sorry to derail the thread but we can only guess at the entire message the skywriter wrote - the first word had already blown away and we were left with


(missing word) + GOD = smiley face.


My guess was the first word was YOU. I could be wrong though. Anyway, yuck!

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I thought John wrote this during the persecution of Christian Jews by Ceaser worshipers, therefore this book is related to the coming of Christ (in that time period) and their suffering, and the Roman government (beast).

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I understand that the White Throne Judgement mentioned in Revelation is for the non-believing, general population. Now, if there is a judgement, then there would be the possibility for life or death.


So, how can this be that everyone that does not believe in Christ goes to hell?

It depends on the mass and volume of an angel. If truly immaterial, then the mass is undetectable, and the volume too small to measure. Heaven in a thimble.


According to the Epic of Gilgamesh, the lesser gods cowered at the sounds of the thunder as the rain drowned the people of the Earth. Is this what you mean?


But the burnt sacrifice was pleasing to the gods, and they vowed never again to destroy mankind.


So, yes, there is a possibility for life or death. Unless you consider reincarnation.


Did I get the answer right?

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2. It can't be because there is no hell to go to, unless you mean Florida.


It's not Florida. There are too many believers here for this to be Hell.


That means Florida is hell for unbelievers. Except for the beaches B)

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I understand that the White Throne Judgement mentioned in Revelation is for the non-believing, general population. Now, if there is a judgement, then there would be the possibility for life or death.

Do you think this "white throne" represents a toilet? Why is your god so lazy? Judging from the toilet like that. Why doesn't it just read like everyone else? Do you think it had to invent hell as a sort of giant match to cover the odor?


So, how can this be that everyone that does not believe in Christ goes to hell?

How can it be that hell goes into the lake of fire and that's generally considered hell? How can hell go to hell? How can hell be emptied out if it's the final destination? How can death and hell be "no more" after being put in the lake of fire but everything else put in there apparently burns forever? How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? The world may never know.



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Sorry to derail the thread but we can only guess at the entire message the skywriter wrote - the first word had already blown away and we were left with


(missing word) + GOD = smiley face.


My guess was the first word was YOU. I could be wrong though. Anyway, yuck!


Think positively. It might have said "LSD + GOD = :grin:"

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For the longest of time, it was believed that all the people of the world had already had the chance to hear about Christianity, but when explorers found people in other worlds, the theologians had to re-evaluate their position on non believers going to hell. From that, they formulated the idea of the righteous savage who did well enough in life to qualify to enter heaven even though only Christians could.

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For the longest of time, it was believed that all the people of the world had already had the chance to hear about Christianity, but when explorers found people in other worlds, the theologians had to re-evaluate their position on non believers going to hell. From that, they formulated the idea of the righteous savage who did well enough in life to qualify to enter heaven even though only Christians could.


Thank you OG, finally, a decent answer.

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Well I figure it this way. If there is an afterlife, which neither I nor anyone else knows that there is, it would be a kind of continuation of this life. Now it is well enough known that we create Heaven or Hell for ourselves in this life, usually (although not always) by our own free will and our own actions. Basically we create Heaven for ourselves by following the Golden Rule which in its christian version lays down that we are to do to others as we ourselves would be done by; and we create Hell for ourselves by doing its opposite.


If that be true then when we die the same thing obtains. We shall be surrounded by those who were/are of like minds to ourselves and with them we shall have to exist, in misery if we are with the wicked, in peace if we are with the better sort. I should say we won't be judged except by ourselves, or perhaps by some kind of Over Self (the kind of person we ideally should have been if you like).


If it be objected that this would not be an impartial Judgment then I beg leave to resort to an old joke; when someone asked if it were possible to put a tax on beauty, some wag responded that the matter was a simple thing; let every woman be the judge of her own beauty and she would surely be generous enough!


As for Revelations (or the Apocalypse as it's also known) we-ell, the island of Patmos where John was held has a lot of what you'd call "Magic Mushrooms" growing on it. If John as often as not had a belly full of those he may have been describing some of the Lower Astral Hells that are often seen under the influence of psilocybin (the active principle in 'shrooms).


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We shall be surrounded by those who were/are of like minds to ourselves and with them we shall have to exist, in misery if we are with the wicked, in peace if we are with the better sort. I should say we won't be judged except by ourselves, or perhaps by some kind of Over Self (the kind of person we ideally should have been if you like).


What about the severely mentally retarded? I mean the ones that drool and have tiny little heads.

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We shall be surrounded by those who were/are of like minds to ourselves and with them we shall have to exist, in misery if we are with the wicked, in peace if we are with the better sort. I should say we won't be judged except by ourselves, or perhaps by some kind of Over Self (the kind of person we ideally should have been if you like).


What about the severely mentally retarded? I mean the ones that drool and have tiny little heads.


They're already in heaven.

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Firstly when I say this is my belief as to an afterlife, I'd like to stress that it is my view, or perhaps more accurately, a view I share with others. I don't seek to force it on anyone.


What about the severely mentally retarded? I mean the ones that drool and have tiny little heads.


That's a good point, and to answer it I'd say it is possible that this is the operation of Karma. That is, we cycle through lives and deaths until we are sufficiently evolved that we don't have to do this any more. Each time we are reborn, if this in general be correct we choose a life for ourselves, including a corporeal body which we also choose in accordance with what measure of good (or evil) we have done in previous lives.


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For the longest of time, it was believed that all the people of the world had already had the chance to hear about Christianity, but when explorers found people in other worlds, the theologians had to re-evaluate their position on non believers going to hell. From that, they formulated the idea of the righteous savage who did well enough in life to qualify to enter heaven even though only Christians could.


Thank you OG, finally, a decent answer.

This is actually quite interesting. We have theology that is clearly not "revealed" but rather deduced from logic. But why wasn't it revealed? Why wasn't this clearly stated in the Bible (old or new testament). We see, instead, xenophobia and conquest, massacre and slavery.


If our beliefs must change to accomodate reality, then perhaps our guide should be reality and not priests that clearly are clueless despite having access to what they feel is the revealed truth of their god.

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