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Goodbye Jesus

23 Minutes In Hell


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When I was very young, I told a friend of mine about a dream I had. I dreamt I had gone to heaven. My exact words were, "It was soft and fluffy-like."


I wonder where I got that.


Did you have a cat sleeping with you, by any chance? :grin:

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When I was very young, I told a friend of mine about a dream I had. I dreamt I had gone to heaven. My exact words were, "It was soft and fluffy-like."


I wonder where I got that.


Did you have a cat sleeping with you, by any chance? :grin:

Um, when I woke up he was gone. Never came back.




Just kidding. :HaHa:

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The demons I saw were almost always in the form of black shadows, though not always. One was like the statue of David except with very dark green/purple/charcoal skin. Most of the time they were vaguely humanoid silhouettes, although one time I saw one that had a very large, round head. One time I encountered an immensely powerful one that was the size of a midget, but I could sense that his blackness was very very "densely concentrated."


Crazy fucked up shit, yeah? One day I'll tell the full story. I stay awake at night sometimes and I can't fully convince myself I was hallucinating.

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The demons I saw were almost always in the form of black shadows, though not always. One was like the statue of David except with very dark green/purple/charcoal skin. Most of the time they were vaguely humanoid silhouettes, although one time I saw one that had a very large, round head. One time I encountered an immensely powerful one that was the size of a midget, but I could sense that his blackness was very very "densely concentrated."


Crazy fucked up shit, yeah? One day I'll tell the full story. I stay awake at night sometimes and I can't fully convince myself I was hallucinating.


What denomination where you in Vomit? Pentacostal by any chance? I think it is telling that some denominations claim to see demons everywhere, holding sermons were they cast them out and not even preach for example, yet other denominations claim to not see demons at all. I was a Baptist before becoming an atheist and i never saw a demon and i can tell you of no Baptist that i know who has ever seen one or know of anybody ever seeing one.


I also think it has much to do with being indoctrinated within a certain mindframe for years and years and years. I have seen documentaries of voodoo practioners on Caribbean islands and they have talked with former members of the religion and they fully believed that at the time they were in the religion, they witnessed magic, did magic, saw magical things happening, made magical things happen and even claimed to have seen people rise from the dead. These people who were interviewed on the documentary basically said that they believed it at the time because they were so caught up in the mania of their religion that they honestly thought it was all happening before their eyes when it wasn't.

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The demons I saw were almost always in the form of black shadows, though not always. One was like the statue of David except with very dark green/purple/charcoal skin. Most of the time they were vaguely humanoid silhouettes, although one time I saw one that had a very large, round head. One time I encountered an immensely powerful one that was the size of a midget, but I could sense that his blackness was very very "densely concentrated."


Crazy fucked up shit, yeah? One day I'll tell the full story. I stay awake at night sometimes and I can't fully convince myself I was hallucinating.


Damn that sucks bro.

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What denomination where you in Vomit? Pentacostal by any chance? I think it is telling that some denominations claim to see demons everywhere, holding sermons were they cast them out and not even preach for example, yet other denominations claim to not see demons at all. I was a Baptist before becoming an atheist and i never saw a demon and i can tell you of no Baptist that i know who has ever seen one or know of anybody ever seeing one.


Ass(emblies) of God.


Actually, my church didn't preach demons. But then these fucking kids from the Vineyard invaded our youth group when I was 17, and from them it was "demons this" and "demons that." I was about a year or so into my recovery from acute mental illness (it had been diagnosed as childhood schizophrenia, but that diagnosis was reneged when I was in my early 20s). And within several weeks of their arrival, that's when I started seeing shit.


Much of it was sleep paralysis, and once I figured out what sleep paralysis was, that made some of it go away. But by no means all or most of it.


So, to this extent, your assessment works. However...


I also think it has much to do with being indoctrinated within a certain mindframe for years and years and years. I have seen documentaries of voodoo practioners on Caribbean islands and they have talked with former members of the religion and they fully believed that at the time they were in the religion, they witnessed magic, did magic, saw magical things happening, made magical things happen and even claimed to have seen people rise from the dead. These people who were interviewed on the documentary basically said that they believed it at the time because they were so caught up in the mania of their religion that they honestly thought it was all happening before their eyes when it wasn't.


That would be easy and automatic for me to accept were it not for one thing.


The times where me and several others saw the same thing independently (apart from each other) and then found out later we'd seen the same exact thing.


Or the times I sensed my brother was under attack and I would run across the house to rescue him. And sure enough, he was. This happened more times than I can count.


Or the time my brother saw this evil, vile thing in the backyard and heard it laughing and hissing. And the girl he was talking to on the phone heard it too, over the phone.


Or the time me and my best friend painted a painting of a demon (we were really pissed off about something and were in a bad mental frame, and the painting mostly painted itself because we were just tossing paint at a piece of sheet metal. Came out clear as day, actually.) And I showed it to my brother and he went cold and said "I saw that thing three days ago."


Or the time me and my best friend were at Venice Beach and we suddenly spotted a giant demon, and then two seconds later a bunch of crazy homeless people all charged at us spontaneously and we were forced to get out of there.


It's shit like this that keeps me up at night. Otherwise I could let go of all of it very easily. I still think Christianity is bullshit, but I would love to be able to fully believe that those spirits, evil or otherwise, were not real.

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Shock value shit to sell books and make some cash on the motivational speaker circuit.


My friend was recently in a car accident. He broke one of his femur bones. He was in so much pain he was screaming delirious and it took three paramedics to hold him down. This asshole claims every bone was broken in his body. Uh huh.


And ditto on florduh's watch observation.


Speaking of book-selling assholes, anyone remember Mike Warnke? Follow the link, it's funnier than his "comedy."

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Much of it was sleep paralysis, and once I figured out what sleep paralysis was, that made some of it go away. But by no means all or most of it.



Dude, I had a couple of instances of sleep paralysis before I knew what it was. I thought I was being attacked by demons. The Christians I told about this thought the same way. So you ain't the only one who's thought sleep paralysis was demonic attack. D@mn I hate those Mother Fuckers.

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Dude, I had a couple of instances of sleep paralysis before I knew what it was. I thought I was being attacked by demons. The Christians I told about this thought the same way. So you ain't the only one who's thought sleep paralysis was demonic attack. D@mn I hate those Mother Fuckers.


And here's the fuck of it. It took me years to implement the proper method of dealing with it. Years! Years after I was taught it. Why? Because I was too scared that the psychiatrist was wrong and that it was indeed demons attacking me. So I stuck with screaming and whimpering the name of Jesus, which took about 2 hours to fucking work it seemed. I thought if I stopped murmuring "oh Jesus save me Oh Jebus Jebus Jebus in the Name of Jebus Name of Jebus" and tried addressing it with secular medical science, that the demons would go "a-ha!!! We've got you now!!! Your faith has failed!!!" and then I'd be in real deep shit.


It wasn't until just before I deconverted that I tried doing what the psychiatrist instructed me to do, and it worked like an instant fucking charm.

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I read that book. It was the last communication I ever got from my mother, about three years ago, I think.


I felt compelled to keep it as some sort of evidence in case she ever tried to do anything tangible to get her grandchildren out of their demon influenced atheist father's clutches (I know that sounds absurdly paranoid, but it really was pretty warped).


I simply don't remember whether it was before or after she died that I actually read the book--it had been sitting around for quite some time--but once she was gone, I burned it. It was the only book I ever burned.


The contents: pure unadulterated scare tactics. Empty scare tactics. He simply painted the most horrifying hell his cretinous little mind could fabricate. I remember he said something about asking god how he could be able to convince people, or something like that, and the answer he got that it would be up to the holy spirit to convict people.


What really pisses me off about this book and the loathsome fearmongers of Wiese's ilk is that there are those that will be terrified into a conversion, and a particularly dysfunctional one, at that, by claptrap like this. I have to wonder how many lives this cad has screwed up.

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Dude, I had a couple of instances of sleep paralysis before I knew what it was. I thought I was being attacked by demons. The Christians I told about this thought the same way. So you ain't the only one who's thought sleep paralysis was demonic attack. D@mn I hate those Mother Fuckers.


And here's the fuck of it. It took me years to implement the proper method of dealing with it. Years! Years after I was taught it. Why? Because I was too scared that the psychiatrist was wrong and that it was indeed demons attacking me. So I stuck with screaming and whimpering the name of Jesus, which took about 2 hours to fucking work it seemed. I thought if I stopped murmuring "oh Jesus save me Oh Jebus Jebus Jebus in the Name of Jebus Name of Jebus" and tried addressing it with secular medical science, that the demons would go "a-ha!!! We've got you now!!! Your faith has failed!!!" and then I'd be in real deep shit.


It wasn't until just before I deconverted that I tried doing what the psychiatrist instructed me to do, and it worked like an instant fucking charm.


I had sleep paralysis once and it was as intense as you describe but didn't last nearly as long as yours. I wonder if you are possibly highly suggestible to hypnosis or something like that leaving you to suffer in a hypnotic like state. It makes sense since as you said it stopped when you stopped believing it IIRC.

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And here's the fuck of it. It took me years to implement the proper method of dealing with it. Years! Years after I was taught it. Why? Because I was too scared that the psychiatrist was wrong and that it was indeed demons attacking me. So I stuck with screaming and whimpering the name of Jesus, which took about 2 hours to fucking work it seemed. I thought if I stopped murmuring "oh Jesus save me Oh Jebus Jebus Jebus in the Name of Jebus Name of Jebus" and tried addressing it with secular medical science, that the demons would go "a-ha!!! We've got you now!!! Your faith has failed!!!" and then I'd be in real deep shit.


It wasn't until just before I deconverted that I tried doing what the psychiatrist instructed me to do, and it worked like an instant fucking charm.


Wow. I never had it that bad. If the Christians actually addressed this with real medical science, they would probably not be able to control people. Their superstition and ignorance makes for a dangerous combination.


Did you ever talk with other people in your Church or pastor about it? Did they try to convince you that you were sinning or that Satan wanted you or some shit like that?

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Why don't you see or hear them now that you have left the faith? I believe the things you saw/experienced with another person, like your brother, where because you two were of a like mind. If one person "saw" something then the other would likely go along with it even if they didn't. This sounds silly but it is a common theme in religion and they elaborated on this in that voodoo documentary i mentioned before.


Another thing, don't you find it interesting and telling that you and others didn't start seeing demons until those youths came to your church? It also seems apparent that if demons were as common as what you and others claim to have witnessed, they would have been seen and documented by science.

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Did you ever talk with other people in your Church or pastor about it? Did they try to convince you that you were sinning or that Satan wanted you or some shit like that?


There was actually only a small handful of people in my church who were seriously into that demon shit, and of those, none of them as seriously as my best friend and I were. The pastor(s) would have humored me at best while thinking I was crazy in private, or they would have told me I was crazy. Though maybe only one of them would have recommended professional help of some kind.


The ones in my church who were into that shit weren't in positions of authority. I actually got most my advice and support from two internet friends, one of them located in Iowa and the other located in Australia. (Shit, if either of them is out there reading this, they'll instantly figure out who I am.) They would always always say that there was some unresolved sin in my life. Some even said it could have been some kind of family curse going back to a wicked dead ancestor or some shit like that.


So I spent years trying to figure out what the fuck it was so that the demons would have less license to fuck with me so directly. I cannot say that I ever did figure out what the spiritual root of it was. Hopefully because there wasn't one! The only ever lead I ever managed to dig up was that the family home had been owned by Mormons before my parents bought it.

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Why don't you see or hear them now that you have left the faith? I believe the things you saw/experienced with another person, like your brother, where because you two were of a like mind. If one person "saw" something then the other would likely go along with it even if they didn't. This sounds silly but it is a common theme in religion and they elaborated on this in that voodoo documentary i mentioned before.


I'll give you a real freaky example. If you can debunk the example I'm about to give you, I will give you a hug.


One time there was this girl in our young adults group. My best friend and I became convinced that she was being possessed or oppressed by a particularly nasty demon whose greater aim was to fuck up our entire church. We also thought this demon was trying to get her to destroy the senior pastor's daughter, because at the time they had this weird fucked-up co-dependent friendship going. We strongly suspected that the girl had Borderline Personality Disorder (and we still suspect that to this day, because she continues to fuck shit up for others), and we figured that the demon was there to exploit this to great effect.


One day I got super fucking sick of her bullshit. We were at some event with several hundred young people, and I disappeared into the crowd and exited the building. Nobody saw me leave. I stood on a hill above the building and I decided to perform my first Exorcism, despite the warnings by fellow spiritual warriors about how badly a novice can fuck that up. I performed an Exorcism from a distance of about 400 yards.


And... oh shit, I think it worked! I sensed that one very pissed off demon went flying out through the ceiling and off into the stratosphere.


So I stayed standing on the hillside, pondering what had just happened. Five minutes later my friend came running out the door and saw me. "Dude, dude, dude!!! I've been trying to find you for five minutes! The demon left her! I saw it fly out of her and through the ceiling!!!"


I nearly pissed my pants. When I regained my composure I told him what I had done, and he nearly pissed his pants.


How the fuck does somebody directly debunk that? I sure hope one of you can, because it's probably in the "Top 3" of Unexplainable Past Experiences that keeps me up some nights and makes me think that maybe I've made a real bad fucking move by telling Jesus to fuck off.


To me, if both of us weren't having some long-distance telepathic shared hallucination that is currently unexplainable by any scientific understanding that I am presently aware of, then the best case scenario is that Christianity is phony after all and that I don't have to worry about me and most of my loved ones going to hell, but that spirits are real and that some of them aren't very nice. Refer to my dialogue with Multifarious Bird Lady in the Science forum.


Another thing, don't you find it interesting and telling that you and others didn't start seeing demons until those youths came to your church?


At the time, I figured that they had made me aware of the truth. And once I was aware of the truth, latent spiritual 'gifts' such as "Spiritual Sight" (as they called it) suddenly started expressing themselves.


It also seems apparent that if demons were as common as what you and others claim to have witnessed, they would have been seen and documented by science.


The demons wouldn't reveal themselves to scientists because they don't want their cover blown. They want everyone to think that only crazy religious loons see them.


I am not playing the old "yes, but" game. Those are the justifications and explanations that I generated back then, in response to the very two problems you raise. For these surely did occur to me back then; my ability to reason wasn't completely asleep at the time. As you can see, the more bat-shit strains of fundamentalism require a greater level of sophistry and mental gymnastics to stave off all the cognitive dissonance.

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The demons I saw were almost always in the form of black shadows, though not always. One was like the statue of David except with very dark green/purple/charcoal skin. Most of the time they were vaguely humanoid silhouettes, although one time I saw one that had a very large, round head. One time I encountered an immensely powerful one that was the size of a midget, but I could sense that his blackness was very very "densely concentrated."


Crazy fucked up shit, yeah? One day I'll tell the full story. I stay awake at night sometimes and I can't fully convince myself I was hallucinating.


Hi Vomit,

I know someone who occasionally has sleep paralysis and some kind of brain condition related to migraines. He can at times see figures, including one that sounded similar to the midget you described here. When he has them they do not seem like hallucinations.


Like I mentioned in the other thread, it might be helpful to check out Carl Sagan's Demon-Haunted World, especially since you mention in this thread that you had been diagnosed with schizophrenia as a child. Although you're not diagnosed that way now, your brain still might be highly imaginative. The book makes a good case that certain things which happen in the brain produce hallucinations that are patterned after what the person experiencing them has been conditioned by their culture to see. And your background seems to have taught you to see Christian demons.

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for some reason, that he was 3700 miles under the earth.


That's where the earth's core is. Seems like the person scammed on the debunked Well to Hell story that was circulating in the 90's.

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There was actually only a small handful of people in my church who were seriously into that demon shit, and of those, none of them as seriously as my best friend and I were. The pastor(s) would have humored me at best while thinking I was crazy in private, or they would have told me I was crazy. Though maybe only one of them would have recommended professional help of some kind.


The ones in my church who were into that shit weren't in positions of authority. I actually got most my advice and support from two internet friends, one of them located in Iowa and the other located in Australia. (Shit, if either of them is out there reading this, they'll instantly figure out who I am.) They would always always say that there was some unresolved sin in my life. Some even said it could have been some kind of family curse going back to a wicked dead ancestor or some shit like that.



I used to be into that spiritual warfare shit. I got a lot of bad advice. Now that I reject Christianity, I can see I was wasting my time and that the people who I believed were brainwashed or mentally ill.


Dead ancestor? Christians say the OT is not valid any more with the coming of Jesus, so how how does the generational curse in the Torah apply to Christians? Plus the OT contract with Yahweh was exclusive to the Hebrews, so even if it was true, it wouldn't apply to non-Jews. More picking and choosing of the OT by Christians.


I thought I might have had the same thing with the generational curse since most of my mom's side of the family is Hindu (except for her and few others). This fucked with my relationship with them for while. Now I've learned to respect them and treat them like humans instead of thinking they are agents of the devil.


God damn, I hate Christianity so fucking much when I think of how it fucked with my relationships with people.

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I used to be into that spiritual warfare shit. I got a lot of bad advice. Now that I reject Christianity, I can see I was wasting my time and that the people who I believed were brainwashed or mentally ill.


I'd have to agree with you there, brother. Some of them were truly bat-shit in hindsight. Although others were perfectly sensible otherwise, and often would pause and think to themselves "this is so crazy, it's real but it's such madness!" Kind of like Alice pausing to remark on the insanity of it all in a world gone topsy turvy, though she didn't think that Wonderland was a figment of her imagination.


Dead ancestor? Christians say the OT is not valid any more with the coming of Jesus, so how how does the generational curse in the Torah apply to Christians? Plus the OT contract with Yahweh was exclusive to the Hebrews, so even if it was true, it wouldn't apply to non-Jews. More picking and choosing of the OT by Christians.


Yeah, no shit. As an aside, these people were often criticized for extra-biblical beliefs, because the Bible was silent about most the shit they were talking about, or only very vaguely referred to it.


I asked one girl "how do you know all this stuff? It's not really in the Bible." She said it was from years of accumulated experience, as if the Spiritual Warriors were some ancient esoteric order like the Knights Templar or something, who'd been working mostly in the shadows for centuries.


I thought I might have had the same thing with the generational curse since most of my mom's side of the family is Hindu (except for her and few others).


Ah, that must be one of the reasons why you're a non-redneck! :scratch:


This fucked with my relationship with them for while. Now I've learned to respect them and treat them like humans instead of thinking they are agents of the devil.


Oh, I surely know that story. It almost ruined my family.


And my brother. My poor brother. I could break down crying if I thought about it too hard. Like me, he has that mentally ill borderline schizophrenic tendency. He always had it worse than I did when it came to this demon shit, but back then when I was deluded myself, I thought it was because his gifts of "Spiritual Sight" were far more powerful than mine were.


Christ. I feel like I failed him, feeding his delusions like I did. My only excuse was that the delusions were shared. He's still trapped in it, but I escaped. But it kills me... it just kills me... to see that he's still trapped. For example, he won't sleep at night anymore. He'll only work the graveyard shift. He believes if he closes his eyes after the sun goes down, he'll be good and fucked. He's like a fucking vampire now. Well, he can be out in the sunlight, but night is the enemy so he must be awake. Kind of like that horror movie from the 90s where the evil tooth fairy would show up unless you kept the lights on at all time, except in his case the only light that works is the sun, and you have a much better fighting chance if you're awake during the night when they are at their strongest and most active.


It kills me, it really does.


God damn, I hate Christianity so fucking much when I think of how it fucked with my relationships with people.


I hate it for what it did to me. I hate it for the same reason you do. And above all, I hate it for what it's continuing to do to my brother.

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Hey mods, I hope that things don't get too confusing, with two threads about this going at once, and both of them having weird tangents that seem to overlap. If it's getting that way, perhaps some of your splitting and merging magick would be in order.

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I hate it for what it did to me. I hate it for the same reason you do. And above all, I hate it for what it's continuing to do to my brother.




And sometimes I hate it for the fact that you have all these cheesy fundy pastors, and evangelical prophets, that play up this supernatural/demon/hell/spiritual warfare bullshit when they don't actually really believe this shit. Not really, not all the way down to their core.


I asked a pastor a while back who was broaching these subjects; we were alone, not regular sheeple to worry about, he knew that I was an ex-Christian, and I needled him about this stuff and how much damage it can do mentally and emotionally to folks with bipolar disorders, OCD, schizophrenia, paraphrenia, or people who are just so hopelessly naive that they soak this stuff up without any questioning and it can really hurt their lives. I got the usual humming and hawing, but when I asked him, "Hey, aren't you afraid that "demons" might attack you and stuff, he gave me the usual "I'm protected by the blood of Jesus" and I said, "I don't really believe that, I think that deep down you know it's bullshit. That's why none of that bothers you. It's a cute scheme and a cute scam, but like the rest of you "pastors" and "ministers", you go on and on about this stuff, but your "rational" mind doesn't really believe it. He hummed and hawed a little more, but I could tell that I was right, at least with this guy. He didn't even try and argue the point. I've run into this before.


How bad is that ? You profess all these things, try to scare the shit out of as many impressionable people as you can, yet deep down you know it's a fraud. Pastor Joe usually doesn't give it a second thought; doesn't flinch at wierd sounds in the night, I bet you could look through his window with a demon-mask on (just not on Halloween) and the guy wouldn't flinch, because like so many of these lying F-tards, they don't believe in it any more than I do, or Dawkins does, yet they carry on with this mischief which to me is effing EVIL. It's like a form of mind-rape, and deep down I'm revolted by these people, and I'm revolted by the whole culture of these kinds of superstitions; in my society they would be put on trial for attacking the mental health of the public.


Assholes all. And then they want to indoctrinate little kids with this garbage. I'm still surprised at how low an opinion I've been getting from more and more of these Christians as time goes on. Just a cult of mythical superstitions, and it's time to call them on it.

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And sometimes I hate it for the fact that you have all these cheesy fundy pastors, and evangelical prophets, that play up this supernatural/demon/hell/spiritual warfare bullshit when they don't actually really believe this shit. Not really, not all the way down to their core.


Hi Franko,

Over on the other thread I posted a quote from a book by Skipp Porteous where he has a chapter talking about what he did as a pastor when the group he was with got into demons and spiritual warfare. When he started, they really did believe in what they were doing. Only when they saw over and over again that those so "delivered" were never really cured of their problems -- and sometimes were made worse -- did he and the others begin to doubt... but you're right, they were not able to just admit that to the congregation. He said they just de-emphasized it and moved on to something else.

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I hate it for what it did to me. I hate it for the same reason you do. And above all, I hate it for what it's continuing to do to my brother.




And sometimes I hate it for the fact that you have all these cheesy fundy pastors, and evangelical prophets, that play up this supernatural/demon/hell/spiritual warfare bullshit when they don't actually really believe this shit. Not really, not all the way down to their core.


I asked a pastor a while back who was broaching these subjects; we were alone, not regular sheeple to worry about, he knew that I was an ex-Christian, and I needled him about this stuff and how much damage it can do mentally and emotionally to folks with bipolar disorders, OCD, schizophrenia, paraphrenia, or people who are just so hopelessly naive that they soak this stuff up without any questioning and it can really hurt their lives. I got the usual humming and hawing, but when I asked him, "Hey, aren't you afraid that "demons" might attack you and stuff, he gave me the usual "I'm protected by the blood of Jesus" and I said, "I don't really believe that, I think that deep down you know it's bullshit. That's why none of that bothers you. It's a cute scheme and a cute scam, but like the rest of you "pastors" and "ministers", you go on and on about this stuff, but your "rational" mind doesn't really believe it. He hummed and hawed a little more, but I could tell that I was right, at least with this guy. He didn't even try and argue the point. I've run into this before.


How bad is that ? You profess all these things, try to scare the shit out of as many impressionable people as you can, yet deep down you know it's a fraud. Pastor Joe usually doesn't give it a second thought; doesn't flinch at wierd sounds in the night, I bet you could look through his window with a demon-mask on (just not on Halloween) and the guy wouldn't flinch, because like so many of these lying F-tards, they don't believe in it any more than I do, or Dawkins does, yet they carry on with this mischief which to me is effing EVIL. It's like a form of mind-rape, and deep down I'm revolted by these people, and I'm revolted by the whole culture of these kinds of superstitions; in my society they would be put on trial for attacking the mental health of the public.


Assholes all. And then they want to indoctrinate little kids with this garbage. I'm still surprised at how low an opinion I've been getting from more and more of these Christians as time goes on. Just a cult of mythical superstitions, and it's time to call them on it.



See my signature. It's good to see you've realized this for yourself as it does happen... Not all of them are like that, but a good sizeable portion of them are, in my estimation.

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And my brother. My poor brother. I could break down crying if I thought about it too hard. Like me, he has that mentally ill borderline schizophrenic tendency. He always had it worse than I did when it came to this demon shit, but back then when I was deluded myself, I thought it was because his gifts of "Spiritual Sight" were far more powerful than mine were.


Christ. I feel like I failed him, feeding his delusions like I did. My only excuse was that the delusions were shared. He's still trapped in it, but I escaped. But it kills me... it just kills me... to see that he's still trapped. For example, he won't sleep at night anymore. He'll only work the graveyard shift. He believes if he closes his eyes after the sun goes down, he'll be good and fucked. He's like a fucking vampire now. Well, he can be out in the sunlight, but night is the enemy so he must be awake. Kind of like that horror movie from the 90s where the evil tooth fairy would show up unless you kept the lights on at all time, except in his case the only light that works is the sun, and you have a much better fighting chance if you're awake during the night when they are at their strongest and most active.



Holy shit... I really can't offer anything more than my condolences about your brother. I got off easy compared to both of you, especially him. It's this kind of evil that makes me hate evangelical Christianity even more. Fuck...


I don't suppose it's possible to drug him with sleeping pills secretly one night and when he wakes up the next day, prove to him that nothing attacked him? Or do you think that's going a bit too far?

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It is a book by a christian named Bill Wiese. In this book he claims that he actually went to hell for 23 minutes back in 1996. He said he was contained for the most part in a barred cell were two demons, one had fins and spikes; the other had deformaties like arms and legs out of proportion, that guarded his cell. They tortured him by throwing him around the room, breaking every bone in his body according to him and they slashed him up with their claws. He also said there is 6 foot spiders in hell too.


He says god gave him this vision and then told him to go and tell others about the horrors of hell.


My dad has this book and i have read it hear and there and it is REALLY worth the laughs! :lmao:


Here is the Amazon page. http://www.amazon.com/23-Minutes-Hell-Bill-Wiese/dp/1591858828/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1256663171&sr=1-1


I read it. I was thoroughly bored by it. The only thing it left me with was wondering who slipped a roofie into his Shirley Temple.

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