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Do U All View Prostitution As Ok?

Guest Yakuza

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I'll repeat some points that have already been stated, but I'll also present a somewhat dissenting position.


The act of exchanging money for sexual services is not, by itself, wrong. Also, I don't think anyone is obligated to want a meaningful relationship with anyone. Also, while sex with a stranger isn't as good as it is with someone you are close to, that doesn't mean it is bad. Just like the burgers I buy at McDonalds is not as good as what I can cook on my grill at home, but they still taste good. Sex trafficking is wrong. Sexual slavery, like any other kind of slavery, is wrong. Sex with minors is wrong, regardless of whether or not money is exchanged in the process. But if a fully consenting adult sells sexual services to a fully consenting adult customer, I really do not see that as a bad thing.


I think the way it is done at the Bunny Ranch in Nevada is ok. Every prostitute there is there by choice. They all have the choice to refuse any customer. They are all adults. Security is provided. And they make pretty good money. I don't think I could ever be a customer for such an establishment, but I see no moral problem with others doing so.


Having said that, I have concerns. If your income is so low, then the prostitutes you hire are probably cheap. That means that there is a greater chance that they are under age, paying for a drug habit, slaves to a pimp, have stds, and all the other concerns already addressed in previous posts. I have a hard time believing that if you are too broke for a real girlfriend, you have enough money for a "legit" prostitute.


I agree with NSFG. You're better off watching porn and jerking off until you deal with whatever issues, financial or psychological or whatever, that prevents you from getting a girl friend. Or move to Nevada and use one of the legal brothels where the chances of doing something actually immoral are less.

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I am normal a pretty tolerant guy, but I don't believe you actually posted this.


First) your name is of the japanese mafia.


Second) you calim a belief in God but not in all the bible.


Third) You post this in the Ex-christian Life section. Instead of in the more appropriate protected section.


Fourth) You refer to all women as prostitutes.


My opinion is that you a troll. How could you possibily think you actions would be condoned here, except for the title of the site? Oh these guys don't believe in christianity so they must think this is ok.


You blatantly talking about participating in an illeagal act in 98% of the US and in Canada, Austrailia, New Zealand, and most of Europe where most of the site's member ship is from. And then ask our advice on it. Did you think about that? You just treaded a very fine line of legality and by posting here endangered the entrie community. The website owner could be caused hard ship by this and it could end this site which many on here love dearly.


Furthermore while I appreciate the irony of bible verses in your post. It also causes me to think you are a troll.




To more directly address your questions. Prostitution is manipluative and abusive pratice. There are call girls and escorts that are paid much better, but that doesn't change the fact that by paying for the sex you are adding to the abuse. Prostitution has many levels but it still comes down to the belief that men have sexual rights to women, which is in the bible.


Porn and webgirls face similar issues. However, in those cases, many are there by choice. They enjoy the work, and in a camgirls case she can simple ban any one who is abusive. Ironically many men on those sites will come to the girl's defense. So they generally have more control and are supported in their choice of career.


If you want to attract women, then you have to be attracted to more then their reproductive parts. If you can't hang out and have coffee with them, then they're not going to be interested in you.




1) I chose this name because Yakuza is one of my favorite videogames because it tells the story of how a Yakuza gangsta changed his life around and became an adopting father to a Japanese orphan girl


2) Thats right, I do believe in God and not all of the Bible


3) By me being a former Christian, this is the appropriate section


4) No I didn't, I just said a lot of them are prostitutes


Oh and I'm not just interested in sex, I like to have a good friendship with a woman as well. I even conversate with prostittutes

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  • Super Moderator

Well, Yakuza, since you're back, explain the lightbulbs.

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I even conversate with prostittutes


Oh my. My vow to avoid easy targets is being sorely tested.




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Well, Yakuza, since you're back, explain the lightbulbs.


I honestly don't know, but if they are a problem don't click on them. I'm not trying 2 sell nothing here, don't click the light bulbs

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Well I mean just biologically speaking here... I think women a hardwired to be attracted to those men who 1) have good genes, which is assessed by the phenotype of men, and 2) have the resources necessary to contribute to child rearing.


I understand that, but u gotta understand that we live in an unfair economy, which makes it difficult for a lot of guys to get the necessary resources to contribute to child rearing. When economics was introduced to America by those christian fuckers who killed the respectable Native Americans, a lot of things in life became more difficult including getting a woman. Just because I don't make a lot of money doesn't mean I should be denied sexual pleasure

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1) I chose this name because Yakuza is one of my favorite videogames because it tells the story of how a Yakuza gangsta changed his life around and became an adopting father to a Japanese orphan girl


2) Thats right, I do believe in God and not all of the Bible


3) By me being a former Christian, this is the appropriate section


4) No I didn't, I just said a lot of them are prostitutes


Oh and I'm not just interested in sex, I like to have a good friendship with a woman as well. I even conversate with prostittutes


1) okay that's all well and good but doesn't change what it is. I chose the name stryper becuase they are a christian metal band that I use to like, now the irony of the name choice is to delicious to resist.


2) fair enough


3) No, the appropriate section is the protected forum which you don't have access to yet. By posting it here, it is searchable and the whole internet can see it. Thus my extended rant about legality.


Add to that your choice to make this your first post is extremely suspect. Had you taken the time to post about other issues, gotten involved with other thread, maybe even revealed a bit of your story, then we might believe you were being honest.


4) perhaps that was what you meant but that wasn't what came across. Calling any woman a prostitute who isn't actually given sex for money is an insult to all women.


As to the conversation, that doesn't make what you are doing any better or legal for that matter. If you want a friendship you need to be a friend. It takes work and time to do. There must be trust invovled. It would seem to be highly unlikely that a woman would trust you if they found out about your behavior in your spare time.


Further more based upon what you have stated as your monthly income, I don't see how you can afford a "clean" prostitute and rent and food for yourself plus the obvious internet acces you have. Therefore, adding to the suspicion that I have that you are not what you claim to be. Addtionally, that means you are probably getting the craig's list girls and what not, so there is a stronger possibility that you are opening yourself up to dieases. Unless you live in a place with socialized medicine, i'd say your in for a world of hurt, if not sooner then definately later if you continue current behaivors, which then ties to the whole trust issue. So


Your additional claim to not understand the light bulbs in your post is also suspect because I really don't understand how they could've gotten in there unless coded in when you typed the orginal post. If you didn't do it there is stong suspicion your computer is corrupted and you've got bigger issues.


I simply have no reason to believe you are legitimate.

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I understand that, but u gotta understand that we live in an unfair economy, which makes it difficult for a lot of guys to get the necessary resources to contribute to child rearing. When economics was introduced to America by those christian fuckers who killed the respectable Native Americans, a lot of things in life became more difficult including getting a woman. Just because I don't make a lot of money doesn't mean I should be denied sexual pleasure



Did you really just say that...... :banghead:



Wow you really need your head examined if you think that you "deserve sexual pleasure". Where'd you get that idea that you have some right to sex?


Guess what, if you aren't will to take the time to get to know women, then you don't deserve any sex.


It is not a male right.


It is an expression of the intamacy two people share.

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3) No, the appropriate section is the protected forum which you don't have access to yet. By posting it here, it is searchable and the whole internet can see it. Thus my extended rant about legality.


Add to that your choice to make this your first post is extremely suspect. Had you taken the time to post about other issues, gotten involved with other thread, maybe even revealed a bit of your story, then we might believe you were being honest.




I don't think discussions of the legality and morality of prostitution can cause any legal problems for the site.


EDIT: The dude may very well be a troll though.

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3) No, the appropriate section is the protected forum which you don't have access to yet. By posting it here, it is searchable and the whole internet can see it. Thus my extended rant about legality.


Add to that your choice to make this your first post is extremely suspect. Had you taken the time to post about other issues, gotten involved with other thread, maybe even revealed a bit of your story, then we might believe you were being honest.




As to the conversation, that doesn't make what you are doing any better or legal for that matter. If you want a friendship you need to be a friend. It takes work and time to do. There must be trust invovled. It would seem to be highly unlikely that a woman would trust you if they found out about your behavior in your spare time.


Further more based upon what you have stated as your monthly income, I don't see how you can afford a "clean" prostitute and rent and food for yourself plus the obvious internet acces you have. Therefore, adding to the suspicion that I have that you are not what you claim to be. Addtionally, that means you are probably getting the craig's list girls and what not, so there is a stronger possibility that you are opening yourself up to dieases. Unless you live in a place with socialized medicine, i'd say your in for a world of hurt, if not sooner then definately later if you continue current behaivors, which then ties to the whole trust issue. So


Your additional claim to not understand the light bulbs in your post is also suspect because I really don't understand how they could've gotten in there unless coded in when you typed the orginal post. If you didn't do it there is stong suspicion your computer is corrupted and you've got bigger issues.


I simply have no reason to believe you are legitimate.


Its not like I'm giving out my favorite prostitute's phone number here, so therefore nothing illegal is going on. Since I'm an ex-christian, I'm posting about my ex-christian lifestyle because if I was still a christian, I would be manipulated into not getting a prostitute. And I have been good friends with girls before and the relationship still turned to disaster. As for my income let me break it down:


I just found out I can work more hours so here are the numbers:

Monthly income: Around $1,000


Rent: $395

Electricity: $50

Phone $37

Internet: $30 (Comcast special)

Food: $50-$60 (I try to keep it around that price)

Total Expenses: $562


Total Money to Myself: Around $438

Price of a Prostitute: $100-$200 (Its affordable as long as I do it like once every 2 or 3 months


Oh and I just installed AVG for my computer so hopefully there's nothing wrong with it

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Did you really just say that...... :banghead:



Wow you really need your head examined if you think that you "deserve sexual pleasure". Where'd you get that idea that you have some right to sex?


Guess what, if you aren't will to take the time to get to know women, then you don't deserve any sex.


It is not a male right.


It is an expression of the intamacy two people share.


I have the right to take the opportunity of sex with a prostitute regardless of what society says. And again, I have been very nice girls before, but apparently that wasn't enough

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Yakuza, seriously, women are more than walking vaginas. They have minds, very good minds. And with these minds they likely see right through you.

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Yakuza, seriously, women are more than walking vaginas. They have minds, very good minds. And with these minds they likely see right through you.


I understand that, and I'm looking 4 a woman with a good mind. I'm not just looking 4 sex. I just deal with prostitutes because thats all I can get now

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Yakuza, seriously, women are more than walking vaginas. They have minds, very good minds. And with these minds they likely see right through you.


I understand that, and I'm looking 4 a woman with a good mind. I'm not just looking 4 sex. I just deal with prostitutes because thats all I can get now

Alright, so why do you come here to us with this? :shrug:

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  • Super Moderator

Personally I don't care what consenting adults do. BUT, practically speaking, prostitution is illegal in most places (don't know about where you live). If you think it's difficult getting a good paying job now, just think about how much more difficult it will be if you get caught in a sting -- your picture plastered in the newspapers, tv, etc. -- not to mention a criminal record. Many jobs require security clearances and background checks. A record could significantly lessen your chances of a successful career. (Just ask all the politicians who are dropping like flies because of their sexual escapades. GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif) You also could be financially and legally liable if you give someone AIDS/HIV/STDs later on. So keep that in mind too.


Oh, and biblegod doesn't exist, so that's the least of your problems. Unless you are totally different from how you're coming across here, I stand by my earlier post. This "woman with a good mind" that you say you want would be completely turned off by your attitude displayed here. For your sake, I hope you don't come across the same way in real life.


Most women I know want a friend first.


Good luck. But remember, life is a combination of luck and work.

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/on legality

as to leagality.... it may not be illeagl. But because it was posted on this forum and we read it anyone of us up to and including the webmaster could be questioned by police on the matter, should it come to light.


It doesn't fall under failure to report because to my knowledge no one is realted to Yakuza and so far no statement has been made that explicitly says any of the women in question were under age.


however, it could still cause problems. Thus my concern as I would prefer to not lose this social group because of the actions of another.


/on Topic

Yakuza, you are correct. You to have the right to choose how you want to live you life. However, since you brought it up in a public forum, we have the chocie to tell you how stupid it is. We also have the choice to tell you, you have no right to getting sex. You have a choice to choose to do so through the methods you have chosen. Being married I can tell you, should I tell my wife I have the right to sex, not only would sleep outside, but should I choose the methods you've employed, I would find myself divorce and homeless as well.


This is most likely illegal where you are. It is frought with potential health issues. You are endangering yourself and anyone else you have sex with because of that. By engaging in these activities you are a walking public health risk. You are also contining to enbale possible worse habits in others. Therefore, while you have the choice to live this lifestyle and admit it publicly, I choose to condem it and point out at what I percieve to be issues that could affect the wide community.


Finally, While I commend your personal finance skills, I have a large issue with spending $50- $60 on food in a month. When i was single and in college. It was at least $40 -$50 a week on groceries and I live in a reasonable part of the US as such things are concerned. But whatever.

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As far as whether you should hire prostitutes, I liked what another poster said about it being fine on the surface if you can afford it and don't mind the legal implications, but you'll have to consider for yourself the larger moral implications.


The truth is that a lot of women judge a man mostly by how much money he has and his material possessions. So considering that I only make around $850-$900 a month and I don't have a car, I am not able to catch the interests of a lot of women. So in a sense, u can say that a lot of women are prostitutes, even though they don't walk the streets or advertise themselves online.


Others have already touched on the evolutionary reasons why females might look for security, financial or otherwise, but I also wanted to provide another perspective. Most women are not gold-diggers or prostitutes (to use your offensive term), and I daresay that many, if not most, do not seek security simply for evolutionary reasons.


To provide a personal example, I ignored the warning signs when I married my first husband. He barely had any money and I thought that didn't matter. Love is more important, right? Well, after we got married, I quickly learned there was a reason he didn't have any money. He was in and out of jobs, spent money like there was no tomorrow, and was completely irresponsible. He was a freaking leech. It doesn't sound like you're like that (most people aren't), but it happens often enough that it scares some women. They wonder whether bad luck with jobs or lack of money indicates irresponsibility. Is it fair to those who are doing the best they can? Maybe not, but it's life, and it would behoove you to try to understand possible reasons as opposed to calling "a lot of women" prostitutes.


One suggestion would be to save your prostitute money and just use your hand. :-) That might help you put together a nice little emergency fund for yourself. And it might make you look more financially put-together (if you're worried about that).


*Edited to add: I am not angry and actually wish you luck as you consider what to do, but wanted to get the point across that it's not respectful to call "a lot of women" prostitutes. I say this with love in hopes that it will help your future relationships.

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Finally, While I commend your personal finance skills, I have a large issue with spending $50- $60 on food in a month. When i was single and in college. It was at least $40 -$50 a week on groceries and I live in a reasonable part of the US as such things are concerned. But whatever.



There was a time when I lived off of ramen noodles for about 60 cents a day. It was really cheap, but not really healthy.

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It comes down to the age old dilemma: Buy or rent.


That wasn't right. Forgive me lord, and god bless the starving pygmies down in new guinea...amen.

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And now that I have been laid off from a good job

At least you got laid once...

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I am normal a pretty tolerant guy, but I don't believe you actually posted this.


First) your name is of the japanese mafia.


Second) you calim a belief in God but not in all the bible.


Third) You post this in the Ex-christian Life section. Instead of in the more appropriate protected section.


Fourth) You refer to all women as prostitutes.


My opinion is that you a troll. How could you possibily think you actions would be condoned here, except for the title of the site? Oh these guys don't believe in christianity so they must think this is ok.


You blatantly talking about participating in an illeagal act in 98% of the US and in Canada, Austrailia, New Zealand, and most of Europe where most of the site's member ship is from. And then ask our advice on it. Did you think about that? You just treaded a very fine line of legality and by posting here endangered the entrie community. The website owner could be caused hard ship by this and it could end this site which many on here love dearly.


Furthermore while I appreciate the irony of bible verses in your post. It also causes me to think you are a troll.




To more directly address your questions. Prostitution is manipluative and abusive pratice. There are call girls and escorts that are paid much better, but that doesn't change the fact that by paying for the sex you are adding to the abuse. Prostitution has many levels but it still comes down to the belief that men have sexual rights to women, which is in the bible.


Porn and webgirls face similar issues. However, in those cases, many are there by choice. They enjoy the work, and in a camgirls case she can simple ban any one who is abusive. Ironically many men on those sites will come to the girl's defense. So they generally have more control and are supported in their choice of career.


If you want to attract women, then you have to be attracted to more then their reproductive parts. If you can't hang out and have coffee with them, then they're not going to be interested in you.


Get life, and a theripist....its obvious you need both.


@ Stryper :wub:

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Hard to believe he's still single.



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When economics was introduced to America by those christian fuckers who killed the respectable Native Americans, a lot of things in life became more difficult including getting a woman. Just because I don't make a lot of money doesn't mean I should be denied sexual pleasure


Are you fucking kidding ME?


Here is the problem for me. If a person is not articulate, or intelligent, or socially adept, I do not want to punish them by treating them badly. But can this possibly be for REAL?!



If you ARE for real...I don't know man, start using your free time to read. Read a few books. The more you read the more articulate you become. And informed, and interesting. Women like smart men.

You can decide to be smart.


Step away from the video games and pick up a book


And what prostitutes are you talking to? Seriously....? Are you on drugs, are you hanging out on the corner to score or something?


Your language is offensive to me...and I live with a fundamental Christian in TEXAS! (lol)


Get a life.


You should be denied sex. Because you might reproduce.


There I said it.


I will be quiet now....

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Get a life.


You should be denied sex. Because you might reproduce.


There I said it.


I will be quiet now....


HAHAHAHA!!! :lmao: +1

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