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Is This World Just A Big Game Of Pretend?

Guest Babylonian Dream

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Guest Babylonian Dream

Everytime I hear a Christian say, "you choose to or not to believe," the next thing that comes to mind, and I hold back, is the question:


"Is this world/existence/life/etc... just one big game of pretend/make believe to you?"


So here, I'm going to ask this question to all the Christians here. I've never had a choice over what I believe. Its always been something my brain decides based on observed phenomenon in the material universe. There was never a "do you want to believe this?" option.


If its not make believe, please tell me how you choose to or not to believe in something. Seriously.


Then, decide to believe in something you don't currently believe in. I've had my brother, a fundy, try this. He didn't want to because it sounded stupid to try to believe in unicorns. Until I told them they're in the Bible, and showed it to him. Then all of a sudden unicorns were a metaphor he didn't understand and I had to ask a pastor.


But seriously? Is it? Is this just all make believe or something?

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Everytime I hear a Christian say, "you choose to or not to believe," the next thing that comes to mind, and I hold back, is the question:


"Is this world/existence/life/etc... just one big game of pretend/make believe to you?"


So here, I'm going to ask this question to all the Christians here. I've never had a choice over what I believe. Its always been something my brain decides based on observed phenomenon in the material universe. There was never a "do you want to believe this?" option.


If its not make believe, please tell me how you choose to or not to believe in something. Seriously.


Then, decide to believe in something you don't currently believe in. I've had my brother, a fundy, try this. He didn't want to because it sounded stupid to try to believe in unicorns. Until I told them they're in the Bible, and showed it to him. Then all of a sudden unicorns were a metaphor he didn't understand and I had to ask a pastor.


But seriously? Is it? Is this just all make believe or something?



No it is not a make believe. You need to have an encounter with God - born again experience, if you will - to be a committed Christian.



In terms of 'believing', the Gospel of Jesus Christ is like believing in Maxwell's Equations. You may call it 'make believe' because you do not experienced it. But if you start to go to church, participate in worship, Bible study, etc, you will see changes. Namely Christianity works. Now it may be pretty hard for one to explain why it works, but it does work.

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Everytime I hear a Christian say, "you choose to or not to believe," the next thing that comes to mind, and I hold back, is the question:


"Is this world/existence/life/etc... just one big game of pretend/make believe to you?"


So here, I'm going to ask this question to all the Christians here. I've never had a choice over what I believe. Its always been something my brain decides based on observed phenomenon in the material universe. There was never a "do you want to believe this?" option.


If its not make believe, please tell me how you choose to or not to believe in something. Seriously.


Then, decide to believe in something you don't currently believe in. I've had my brother, a fundy, try this. He didn't want to because it sounded stupid to try to believe in unicorns. Until I told them they're in the Bible, and showed it to him. Then all of a sudden unicorns were a metaphor he didn't understand and I had to ask a pastor.


But seriously? Is it? Is this just all make believe or something?



No it is not a make believe. You need to have an encounter with God - born again experience, if you will - to be a committed Christian.



In terms of 'believing', the Gospel of Jesus Christ is like believing in Maxwell's Equations. You may call it 'make believe' because you do not experienced it. But if you start to go to church, participate in worship, Bible study, etc, you will see changes. Namely Christianity works. Now it may be pretty hard for one to explain why it works, but it does work.


This is about the most asinine comment Ive ever seen. You DO understand this site is EX-C right?? Do you see the "EX" part??


We've all done everything you've talked about. You're not talking to pre-converts here. What is the Gospel of Jesus Christ anyway? Acc to Paul its the whole 'he died for your sins thing". But acc. to Jesus himself, its either "repent and be baptized for the remission of sins" thing, or its the "obey the commandments to get eternal life thing", among others.


Theres no one, set, "gospel of jesus christ". it all depends on who you ask. Partly why theres thousands of denominations.

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Now it may be pretty hard for one to explain why it works, but it does work.


It's easy to explain it Jay......It's all emotional and YOU (and people like me) are the one who gets caught up in it. We THINK it is a spiritual experience, but it's just the brain.......


go watch people's heads being chopped off - it won't be the same experience........wink.png

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Kind of devastating hearing about the six year old boy in Connecticut accidently killed while helping his father in their yard. Certainly makes me question God. And, sadly, there ain't much that can be done. I litterally hate things like this. These things are horrendous. I guess the answer to the OP for me is do I actively choose to keep believing in those things or explanations that support life or do I choose not. I realize that Christianity hasn't exactly supported life for some/ most here, but it also works for many. If I choose hate as I had mentioned, then hate grows and life does not.


So I get the point, some seem incapable of "pretend".....no biggie. For me, if I didn't have a means to "transcend" the facts, I would be intolerable, if I am not there already.


So when it works for me, actually works, then I find it hard not to be true as well. The facts don't work for me. The facts are that I find a lot of humanity disgusting.....

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Kind of devastating hearing about the six year old boy in Connecticut accidently killed while helping his father in their yard. Certainly makes me question God.


So I get the point, some seem incapable of "pretend".....no biggie. For me, if I didn't have a means to "transcend" the facts, I would be intolerable, if I am not there already.



this horrible accident is certainly the things I stared to question also end. Pretending was a biggie for me end.

I desperately miss 'pretending'. My whole life was the game 'Let's Play Pretend'! I use to be able to pretend so good, I even 'pretended the bruise on my arse one time wasn't from my own husband. Now that's good. Where did that get me? 5 more years of abuse. I can't seem to play the game anymore!


You say you still have a small 'means' to transend all the facts (and go into denial)......I want that too. woohoo.gif did god bless you with something that I can't have? How do I get it back? I'd love to transend some things right now!!!


You know I like you end! Help me!!!!!!!

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Now it may be pretty hard for one to explain why it works, but it does work.


It's easy to explain it Jay......It's all emotional and YOU (and people like me) are the one who gets caught up in it. We THINK it is a spiritual experience, but it's just the brain.......


go watch people's heads being chopped off - it won't be the same experience........wink.png



Reminds me of what Vladimir Lenin wrote. He watched his father die and he lost all faith in God.



But seeing how his own life turned out, he should have kept the faith!!!

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Now it may be pretty hard for one to explain why it works, but it does work.


It's easy to explain it Jay......It's all emotional and YOU (and people like me) are the one who gets caught up in it. We THINK it is a spiritual experience, but it's just the brain.......


go watch people's heads being chopped off - it won't be the same experience........wink.png



Reminds me of what Vladimir Lenin wrote. He watched his father die and he lost all faith in God.



But seeing how his own life turned out, he should have kept the faith!!!


'Faith' dosen't guarantee that christians will have a wonderful life on earth at all. I've watched all kinds of christians, lose all kinds of things including jobs, houses, loved ones............ or are you talking about this person landing up in hell for his lack of belief?

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Kind of devastating hearing about the six year old boy in Connecticut accidently killed while helping his father in their yard. Certainly makes me question God. And, sadly, there ain't much that can be done. I litterally hate things like this. These things are horrendous. I guess the answer to the OP for me is do I actively choose to keep believing in those things or explanations that support life or do I choose not. I realize that Christianity hasn't exactly supported life for some/ most here, but it also works for many. If I choose hate as I had mentioned, then hate grows and life does not.


So I get the point, some seem incapable of "pretend".....no biggie. For me, if I didn't have a means to "transcend" the facts, I would be intolerable, if I am not there already.


So when it works for me, actually works, then I find it hard not to be true as well. The facts don't work for me. The facts are that I find a lot of humanity disgusting.....



This world is a tough place - and none of us make it out alive ( physically, that is ).


The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the only solid hope for the 'transcend' you are looking for.


If Jesus has resurrected, then all is OK. If not, we are stuck with the tough reality - to do the best we can and then to die into oblivion.


I happen to believe that Jesus has resurrected. So to me, all is OK.

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Now it may be pretty hard for one to explain why it works, but it does work.


It's easy to explain it Jay......It's all emotional and YOU (and people like me) are the one who gets caught up in it. We THINK it is a spiritual experience, but it's just the brain.......


go watch people's heads being chopped off - it won't be the same experience........wink.png



Reminds me of what Vladimir Lenin wrote. He watched his father die and he lost all faith in God.



But seeing how his own life turned out, he should have kept the faith!!!


'Faith' dosen't guarantee that christians will have a wonderful life on earth at all. I've watched all kinds of christians, lose all kinds of things including jobs, houses, loved ones............ or are you talking about this person landing up in hell for his lack of belief?



V.I. Lenin created USSR and destroyed Russia as a country and culture - and is responsible for untold suffering and horror.

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I happen to believe that Jesus has resurrected. So to me, all is OK.


For you Jay... but not for millions of innocent people around the world. How is it possible that you can be so vain with this....do you walk around with your eyes closed? As long as you are 'saved' and can 'transend' things - that makes your little world, with your god alright?

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V.I. Lenin created USSR and destroyed Russia as a country and culture - and is responsible for untold suffering and horror.


Just as our wonderful christian god created the whole world and did the same damn thing!!

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What is the Gospel of Jesus Christ anyway? Acc to Paul its the whole 'he died for your sins thing". But acc. to Jesus himself, its either "repent and be baptized for the remission of sins" thing, or its the "obey the commandments to get eternal life thing", among others.


Theres no one, set, "gospel of jesus christ". it all depends on who you ask. Partly why theres thousands of denominations.



To me, the Gospel is about the cross of Jesus Christ. By dying on the cross as the lamb of God, he has won forgiveness for all our sins. God is now for us - not against us. The Bible teaches that God is Love. Christian life is all about realizing that truth.



Sure, there are challenges, difficulties, even tragedies. But thru all that we are more than conquerors by the power of God who loves us.


I really believe this - and this is how I will live to the end of my days.

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I happen to believe that Jesus has resurrected. So to me, all is OK.


For you Jay... but notfor millions of innocent people around the world. How is it possible that you can be so vain with this....do you walk around with your eyes closed? As long as you are 'saved' and can 'transend' things - that makes your little world, with your god alright?



This is not blind faith. I've examine the Biblical accounts and historical evidence in detail. I came to the conclusion that Jesus Christ did resurrect.

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V.I. Lenin created USSR and destroyed Russia as a country and culture - and is responsible for untold suffering and horror.


Just as our wonderful christian god created the whole world and did the same damn thing!!



But unlike Lenin, God had a solution. The solution is Jesus Christ dying on the cross and creating a whole new reality.

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What is the Gospel of Jesus Christ anyway? Acc to Paul its the whole 'he died for your sins thing". But acc. to Jesus himself, its either "repent and be baptized for the remission of sins" thing, or its the "obey the commandments to get eternal life thing", among others.


Theres no one, set, "gospel of jesus christ". it all depends on who you ask. Partly why theres thousands of denominations.



To me, the Gospel is about the cross of Jesus Christ. By dying on the cross as the lamb of God, he has won forgiveness for all our sins. God is now for us - not against us. The Bible teaches that God is Love. Christian life is all about realizing that truth.



Sure, there are challenges, difficulties, even tragedies. But thru all that we are more than conquerors by the power of God who loves us I really believe this - and this is how I will live to the end of my days.


You know what Jay...you sound like such a nice person...you really do..I would have loved you as a friend when I was a christian. I mean that. I just wish you would go somewhere else now and play, ''Let's Play Pretend'.

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V.I. Lenin created USSR and destroyed Russia as a country and culture - and is responsible for untold suffering and horror.


Just as our wonderful christian god created the whole world and did the same damn thing!!



But unlike Lenin, God had a solution. The solution is Jesus Christ dying on the cross and creating a whole new reality.


that always makes sense to me Jay..........god having to stoop to the measures of killing his own son.......I know, I know....you don't have to tell me......that shows how loving he was........

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I happen to believe that Jesus has resurrected. So to me, all is OK.


For you Jay... but not for millions of innocent people around the world. How is it possible that you can be so vain with this....do you walk around with your eyes closed? As long as you are 'saved' and can 'transend' things - that makes your little world, with your god alright?



Well, my goal is to convince those millions of suffering people that they too can 'close their eyes' and live in 'alternate reality'. Then it will be all right for them as well !


How about you, Marge? Wouldn't you rather join us in seeing the reality of God who is love??

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Namely Christianity works. Now it may be pretty hard for one to explain why it works, but it does work.

Scientology works. Islam works. Anything works for some people some of the time. The blanket statement that "Christianity works" is demonstrably false.

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V.I. Lenin created USSR and destroyed Russia as a country and culture - and is responsible for untold suffering and horror.


Just as our wonderful christian god created the whole world and did the same damn thing!!



But unlike Lenin, God had a solution. The solution is Jesus Christ dying on the cross and creating a whole new reality.


that always makes sense to me Jay..........god having to stoop to the measures of killing his own son.......I know, I know....you don't have to tell me......that shows how loving he was........



It all became OK when Jesus triumphantly resurrected! His followers' crushing sorrow turned into utter joy - the joy that no one could take away from them.

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Namely Christianity works. Now it may be pretty hard for one to explain why it works, but it does work.

Scientology works. Islam works. Anything works for some people some of the time. The blanket statement that "Christianity works" is demonstrably false.



Well, I like to think we who live in this 'alternate reality' are much happier than scientologists or muslims. Have you ever been to Lakewood church under Joel Osteen?? It is a very happy place. Scientologists or muslims do not have anything remotely comparable.

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But unlike Lenin, God had a solution. The solution is Jesus Christ dying on the cross and creating a whole new reality.

Isn't that cute? God created a world of pain and suffering, and then eternal torture, and the only solution is that we must "believe" in a fairy tale instead of God talking directly to us. What a load of bullcrap.

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Kind of devastating hearing about the six year old boy in Connecticut accidently killed while helping his father in their yard. Certainly makes me question God. And, sadly, there ain't much that can be done. I litterally hate things like this. These things are horrendous. I guess the answer to the OP for me is do I actively choose to keep believing in those things or explanations that support life or do I choose not. I realize that Christianity hasn't exactly supported life for some/ most here, but it also works for many. If I choose hate as I had mentioned, then hate grows and life does not.


So I get the point, some seem incapable of "pretend".....no biggie. For me, if I didn't have a means to "transcend" the facts, I would be intolerable, if I am not there already.


So when it works for me, actually works, then I find it hard not to be true as well. The facts don't work for me. The facts are that I find a lot of humanity disgusting.....



This world is a tough place - and none of us make it out alive ( physically, that is ).


The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the only solid hope for the 'transcend' you are looking for.


If Jesus has resurrected, then all is OK. If not, we are stuck with the tough reality - to do the best we can and then to die into oblivion.


I happen to believe that Jesus has resurrected. So to me, all is OK.


I'm glad you're OK Jay. Go put it into action.

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Have you ever been to Lakewood church under Joel Osteen?? It is a very happy place. Scientologists or muslims do not have anything remotely comparable.

You are wrong about that, and you are either mentally impaired or a simple troll.

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