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Goodbye Jesus

Looking Forward To Nothing


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Everyone's looking forward to something. I can't get myself to look forward to anything. I feel like such a non-participant. Heaven was such an awesome thing to look forward to. Nothing can match that.


What now? Waiting to get old and have my kids come visit me at the nursing home? Oh gawd, get me a rope.

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Even though I no longer believe in an afterlife, I still consider death to be a great mystery. We'll all know its secrets someday.

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:/ well, i still have those fleeting thoughts. But i also have been thinking, what is it that I want to do??


"Tell me ~ what is it you plan to do with your one wild & precious life?" -- Mary Oliver

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In your previous life, you lived for a dream. Now it's up to you to build a life worth living now, not holding onto hope for something in the future.


Perhaps that just means learning to enjoy a glass of wine and a conversation with your friends. Perhaps it means climbing Kilimanjaro. Only you know.


The good news is, you are free to do it. No sky daddy to tell you no.

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We'll all know its secrets someday.


Or not.

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In your previous life, you lived for a dream. Now it's up to you to build a life worth living now, not holding onto hope for something in the future.


Imagine all the people living for to-day, do do, do do do

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Heaven was an empty promise. I think there are certainly more tangible rewards to which we can work towards in this life.


For starters, I am looking forward to achieving some personal goals--both short term and long term--and I am looking forward to dinner, wine, and (homemade) strawberry shortcake with friends on Friday night.

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Getting old CAN be good! I am living proof!!!


What's the good of living for an imagined reward after death? It's not real. There is NOTHING worth missing in Christianity. Good riddance, and live life as a free man.


There's no whining in REAL LIFE!!! ENJOY!!!

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Doesn’t that sound like more fun than having to get up and work every day for the next 40 years?


That sure does. Great post! woohoo.gif

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In your previous life, you lived for a dream. Now it's up to you to build a life worth living now, not holding onto hope for something in the future.


Imagine all the people living for to-day, do do, do do do


Ha! This song also started running through my mind when I read your post:


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Doesn’t that sound like more fun than having to get up and work every day for the next 40 years?


That sure does. Great post! woohoo.gif


Thanks :) I initially wrote it as a "fuck you" to a lame English assignment I'd been given. We'd been having all of these inspirational speakers come to the school and give talks and after one of these we were set this writing exercise about what we were going to be when we grew up. Anyway, the other kids in my class were all going on about how they were going to be lawyers and doctors and all that wonderful shit, and I was just sitting there listening and I thought, 'you know what? Fuck you guys.' They all just irritated the hell out of me. So I wrote this, sabotaged the writing exercise, and my teacher loved it so much he chucked it in the school yearbook lol.

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Look forward to all the amazing shit we'll learn about the universe in the next 50 years. It's gonna be awesome!


Great era to be alive!

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In your previous life, you lived for a dream. Now it's up to you to build a life worth living now, not holding onto hope for something in the future.


Imagine all the people living for to-day, do do, do do do


Ha! This song also started running through my mind when I read your post:



thank you India..... thank YOU Vigile.......meant a lot to me! I needed that.

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Deny......I understand. You know I do. So I say this very softly to you. I've been in the same funk. You know I have. We have talked quite a bit. I haven't even posted that much in the last month or so - one of the things that gives me great pleasure. The only way I know how to share is by telling you some of the stuff I go through and if it makes any sense to you....give it a try.......if not.....throw it out!!


Here's how I just booted my ass out of the 'funk' I've been in. I decided that if I have to live on this earth for the next 20 years, I couldn't....I can't.....I won't live, being a miserable ole' cranky, selfish, bitter bitch. I have had so much responsiblility since i have been a little girl and I was tired of it in the last few years. I was 10 when my mom found me a job to support our very poor family. It hasn't stopped for me all through my life. I looked after so many people in my life I should be called, 'Mother Margee' and get a huge medal for it!! I don't mean that to brag (cause I'm not) - it's just a fact.


I am now taking in my 91 year old MIL to look after her within 2 weeks. I was getting ready to practically hang myself, when I decided that I was going to turn life around and fight harder than I ever have. In the blink of an eye - I made my mind up. (after putting myself through 2 months of depression) Within minutes, I changed my attitude. I don't know about an afterlife.....I have had all those questions too....It killed my spirit to think that this was all there was. And it might be - I don't know.


Right now, I don't give a shit if there is or isn't......I need to live happily ...NOW. Here on earth. This minute. Writing to you brings me a small pleasure. I have to try and find all the wonderful moments in between all the responsibility that probably ISN"T going to stop until the day I die. Just finding Pudd's letter and Vigile's 'you tube' on this thread, was enough to make a nice day for me.


Sometimes, just doing the 'right thing', whether you want to or not, can bring us satisfaction if we change our attitudes.


Get that fightin' attitude goin' and fight with me!! You and I say, ''looking forward to 'nothing'. 'Nothing' can be made to be 'Something' .....even if it's just the small pleasures in life. I might even start to bring some people a little happiness like I used to do.


If I get to sit on a cloud with god and my sister in the afterlife some day - that will be 'bonus'.


That's all for now my dear friend...a huge hug for you today....

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Guest Valk0010

Personally I don't see anything good in living 80 years. 59 more years of the past 21, fuck it, I don't know people who have had way worse then me do it. I mean what, more poverty, more sucking on the government to survive, more issues. I wish there was a heaven and was a life, because planet earth sucks.


The only reason I see to not, just get it over with now, is because you leave everyone else to clean up the mess. Doing that is just wrong, no matter how you slice it. You owe it to others to not do that to them.


No this is not me being depressive, its just calling it like it is.

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59 more years of the past 21, fuck it,


You're only 21? It gets better.


I'll tell you what my old business partner told me as we sat around drinking beer at the pub on a Friday evening when I was in my late 20s. He told me that in his 20s he experienced huge emotional highs and lows in his life and that in his early 30s things evened out and while the highs weren't so high, the lows never got to be so low ever again.


In my own life this has held absolutely true.

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59 more years of the past 21, fuck it,


You're only 21? It gets better.


I'll tell you what my old business partner told me as we sat around drinking beer at the pub on a Friday evening when I was in my late 20s. He told me that in his 20s he experienced huge emotional highs and lows in his life and that in his early 30s things evened out and while the highs weren't so high, the lows never got to be so low ever again.


In my own life this has held absolutely true.

I do not disagree with this for a certain percent of the people I know. This is a wonderful 'blessing' for a lot of people. But I do feel this depends on situations and the personality of the person. I feel that some have to fight a little harder in life to stay on top of emotions.


Having a good job where one is making enough money to live comfortable, relationships that work and a small social circle can make all our years much more enjoyable. I think it depends on the person's situation. I know people who have had a close, dear loved one die, every 2 years from some kind of diaster. People leave reltionships and leave behind more diaster. Jobs are hard to come by for others..... Some people are just luckier than others. Don't you think?


I feel the best thing to do is keep moving towards what you want, don't give up easily, learn to deal with the hard knocks of life and enjoy as much of it as you can.

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All true Margee. Trials of life itself don't get any easier. I've just found that they don't impact me emotionally now the way they impacted me emotionally when I was younger. I also don't go through inexplicable mood swings like I did when I was younger. This may not be true for everyone. It's been true for myself and a lot of people I know.

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Everyone's looking forward to something. I can't get myself to look forward to anything. I feel like such a non-participant. Heaven was such an awesome thing to look forward to. Nothing can match that.



True, its a big adjustment to make.


I've always been a pessimist, because I figured being detached and pessimistic about this world would help keep me focused on the next. But now, I figure there's no utility whatsoever in being a pessimist. We are all in the process of dying, so why waste what little time we have in being depressed? When you go to the amusement park, you want to make the most of your time and go on all the best rides, likewise that's how I want to approach the rest of my life!

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Guest Valk0010

Well I dunno, I am starting to be under the belief that the last year or so of my life, is what is going to be for the next 60 years of my life. So I am wondering to be honest why anything called life is worth it, if it wasn't the fact that, taking yourself out of the picture would be one of the worst things you could do to other like your family. Im scared of 2013 being anything like 2012 or 2011.

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Ok, I found one:


Looking forward to my kids moving out. Not likely in the next 10 years but eventually it will come.


I am not free. Have to feed them and clean up after them, morning to night, day after day. I cannot do what I want. I have to do what a parent has to do.


School ends next week. Kids will be bored, will want to go to the park, to the beach, to here, to there. It's all about kids, always about kids, doing kid stuff for kids, kids, kids.


Wife: "Why don't you bring them visit your family up north for a week like you did last year?" Six hours in the car with them, no thank you. I'll probably drive off a bridge "by accident."


Wife: "Why don't you plan a nice trip down south, just the four of us?" I DON'T WANT TO GO ON A TRIP WITH THEM!!


Impolite, dirty, stinky, rude, ungrateful spoiled brats.


I booked summer camp for them three weeks in August. Cost $980


I love my kids but I want them out of my house. It's not even MY house, it's their house. My stuff is their stuff. My food is their food. My yard is their yard.


Kids birthday parties: I'm sick of them.


Go to facebook: photos of kids.


Got an advertisement this week in the mail: "Don't You Want What's Best For Your Kids?" with big photo of huge-eyed baby. Buuawrk, I almost barfed.


Yesterday my son (7) ran into the house crying because my daughter (9) was throwing dog poo at him. Fuck they're so stupid.

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OMG Deny, you just made me laugh so hard. That's exactly the sort of shit my dad would say.

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I'm often reminded that my decision to refrain from procreation was the correct one.

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