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My pet peeve is when someone says "I seen" instead of "I saw". I am forever correcting people on it!

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If you can't get "lose" and "loose" correct, then I loose all respect for you.

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If you can't get "lose" and "loose" correct, then I loose all respect for you.


I seen what you did their GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif

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i could care less that your to picky ;)

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Whenever I was listening to a friend yesterday and she misused the word "whenever" at least 5 times. I must resist the urge to correct someone whenever they make this mistake.

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Every single one of those is a pet peeve of mine. Th@ & using numb3rs inst3ad of l3tters. I h8 th@.

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I've seen his and he's used interchangably too.


I have a decent eye for detail and I'm a stickler for good English so seeing most of the above mistakes really sink my battleship.

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There always misusing there theirs. There 2s to! Its more annoying then there thans. It makes no since!




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now, know, now :nono:


What I sea hear and their as I reed is an agagaravation of the misuze of language, yo.


Don't be hatin'.


I once read something to the effect that the way people treat language is the way they treat people.

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Wait, is this a passive-aggressive post florduh?

It's a helpful site that provides some tricks to remember correct usage and therefore be taken more seriously. Native English speakers have no excuse, others get a pass (though they often learn English better than some native speakers). Deliberately bastardizing the language is another topic.

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I've seen his and he's used interchangably too.


I have a decent eye for detail and I'm a stickler for good English so seeing most of the above mistakes really sink my battleship.


...Was that a deliberate grammatical error at the end there?

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Irregardless of what you think, I need a grammar refresher......

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i could care less that your to picky wink.png


One of my biggest pet peeves is when people say "I could care less" when what they mean to say is "I couldn't care less".

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The difference between "knowing your shit" and "knowing you're shit"; the first means you are clever the latter means you are not biggrin.png

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My pet peeve is when someone says "I seen" instead of "I saw". I am forever correcting people on it!


Judge Judy was correcting someone on her show. The girl said, "Me and Jessie." Judge Judy said, "Jessie and I." The girl repeated her reverse grammar a couple times with Judy correcting her till finally she said it "Jessie and I." lol.

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If you can't get "lose" and "loose" correct, then I loose all respect for you.


I seen what you did their GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif


Ya loosers.

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Irregardless of what you think, I need a grammar refresher......


Someone I work with used 'Irregardless' too much. :-)



A friend posted:

They don't think it be like it is, but it do


-Oscar Gamble

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Those are helpful pointers for writing, and yes, it's a quite useful skill to know how to communicate in standard English. However, to the extent that prescriptivist rules are invoked to 'correct' all speech or writing, I heartily disagree.


For one, the language's orthography has needed an update for awhile now...txtspk is a (somewhat-incoherent) response to a baroque system of spelling.

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I saw a recent article (I wish I could remember where) that discussed how certain grammatical rules make no sense and should probably be dropped. One of the proposed things to ignore was the ending of sentences with prepositions; there is just no good reason why one can't end a sentence with a preposition, as long as the sentence makes sense. Splitting infinitives is another one that I can think of.


Oh, and tenants live in a building; tenets are opinions or doctrines. I hate seeing those two get confused by people trying to make themselves look smarter than they actually are.

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Those are helpful pointers for writing, and yes, it's a quite useful skill to know how to communicate in standard English. However, to the extent that prescriptivist rules are invoked to 'correct' all speech or writing, I heartily disagree.


For one, the language's orthography has needed an update for awhile now...txtspk is a (somewhat-incoherent) response to a baroque system of spelling.

The written (or spoken) word can be formal or informal, and language evolves, but right and wrong still exist. Txtspk is a shorthand that evolved when a proper keyboard wasn't available for typing; similar shortened "words" evolved when the use of Morse code became prevalent. If people learned arithmetic to the extent many have learned spelling and grammar, they wouldn't be able to make change, know which coins to insert into a vending machine, or calculate a proper tip. Lazy speech and spelling have the effect of causing one to appear less intelligent; why handicap yourself needlessly?

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My wife consistently uses "then" for "than" and "than" for "then," even though the error has been pointed out to her numerous times. It can drive me nuts, but life's too short to get too concerned with it, so I've learned to just laugh it off and go on.

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My wife consistently uses "then" for "than" and "than" for "then," even though the error has been pointed out to her numerous times. It can drive me nuts, but life's too short to get too concerned with it, so I've learned to just laugh it off and go on.


gotta be honest, it took me a while to figure out the proper usage of then & than. Now, would someone like to help me with affect and effect??

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