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Telling It Like It Is


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Pat Condell, telling it like it is.


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Oh God, this racist asshole again?


I don't agree with the bit where he states that our feelings are more important, because he doesn't give a justification for saying that, but I can't exactly blame him for these particular sentiments. I don't know about you, but I'm pretty over muslims rioting and acting like idiots.

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One can't help but share many of the sentiments he expresses, but I don't think a style this one-sided and confrontational ever resolves anything. It just stirs people up.

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Oh God, this racist asshole again?


but I'm pretty over muslims rioting and acting like idiots.



I think everyone is. The question I have is "What rhetorical approach, if any, is likely to ameliorate this tendency?" Appeasement won't work, and hostility is counterproductive. Perhaps we need a balanced approach.

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Oh God, this racist asshole again?


I don't agree with the bit where he states that our feelings are more important, because he doesn't give a justification for saying that, but I can't exactly blame him for these particular sentiments. I don't know about you, but I'm pretty over muslims rioting and acting like idiots.


I didn't bother to watch this particular vid. I've had more than my fill of this guy who sees the world in simplistic terms and who is basically just a racist hiding his bigotry in atheism IMHO.


I also don't tend to spend a lot of time on Muslims rioting and acting like idiots. I figure it's just a relatively small handful of them and our muslim obsessed media likes to keep them in the limelight. If they wanted, they could find any number of things to get me riled up over, but I guess I have better things to worry about.

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Oh God, this racist asshole again?


but I'm pretty over muslims rioting and acting like idiots.



I think everyone is. The question I have is "What rhetorical approach, if any, is likely to ameliorate this tendency?" Appeasement won't work, and hostility is counterproductive. Perhaps we need a balanced approach.


I think that appeasement would work in the short-term. But in the long run, it only makes the situation more volatile- teaches them that being violent asses gets them what they want.


Personally I think we here in The West need to go on a decades-long 'crusade' of desensitization for these pricks. Not unlike how the gay community has been in the face of the christians for so long that they (christians) have finally just accepted that tha gays are here to stay. If we churn out one offensive video after another, they can only riot and act like asses for so long. They'd eventually have to accept that we're going to do whatever the hell we want and they can't do shit about it.


And what are we gonna do- make the muslim world hate us? They ALREADY hate us (yes, in many cases for good reason). Just the same- fuck them. They've no right to NOT be offended.

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Even if appeasement worked, I would be against it. Fuck appeasement.


I sometimes think you are right, that we should methodically de-sensitize them by cranking these things out daily and sending them to clerics. They can't keep up the outrage forever in the face of that. The problem is that a lot of westerners would die at the front end of such a campaign.

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One can't help but share many of the sentiments he expresses, but I don't think a style this one-sided and confrontational ever resolves anything. It just stirs people up.


While you are right, the only thing that wouldn't stir up certain people is if we all convert to Islam. And those are the ones being the most violent.

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I didn't bother to watch this particular vid. I've had more than my fill of this guy who sees the world in simplistic terms and who is basically just a racist hiding his bigotry in atheism IMHO.


I also don't tend to spend a lot of time on Muslims rioting and acting like idiots. I figure it's just a relatively small handful of them and our muslim obsessed media likes to keep them in the limelight. If they wanted, they could find any number of things to get me riled up over, but I guess I have better things to worry about.


Honestly, I don't know who this guy is. This is the first thing I've seen of his, and I found it by accident- I was watching this other cool doco on YouTube, well, actually, I was having a snooze to it, after over-doing it this afternoon, and this video came on at the end and pretty well woke me up. I was like, what the- ?! I don't know if it was in someone's playlist, or if one of the cats stepped on the keyboard or something, but anyway, it sure woke me up!


I kind of take it on face value, really- dude's just having a bitch. Can't really say I blame him.

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One can't help but share many of the sentiments he expresses, but I don't think a style this one-sided and confrontational ever resolves anything. It just stirs people up.


While you are right, the only thing that wouldn't stir up certain people is if we all convert to Islam. And those are the ones being the most violent.


This, unfortunately, is very true. I think the only way to truly appease muslims is for everyone to convert to their religion. And in short- fuck that.

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Honestly, I think the best approach would be to just ignore them. Seriously. Until they learn to sit down and talk like adults.

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I have watched a number of his videos on YouTube in the past. Oddly what disturbs me about them is just how much I actually like them. I find myself cheering him on and agreeing with the sentiments. That is what scares me. It’s too simple…too satisfying…it makes me feel justified…it makes me feel like I have all the answers. It makes me feel like a Christian.

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I have watched a number of his videos on YouTube in the past. Oddly what disturbs me about them is just how much I actually like them. I find myself cheering him on and agreeing with the sentiments. That is what scares me. It’s too simple…too satisfying…it makes me feel justified…it makes me feel like I have all the answers. It makes me feel like a Christian.




How easy it is to go with our emotions.

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I have watched a number of his videos on YouTube in the past. Oddly what disturbs me about them is just how much I actually like them. I find myself cheering him on and agreeing with the sentiments. That is what scares me. It’s too simple…too satisfying…it makes me feel justified…it makes me feel like I have all the answers. It makes me feel like a Christian.




How easy it is to go with our emotions.


Yes, there was a lot of rhetoric contained in that video. He didn't really argue anything, just expressed his sentiments.

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Honestly, I don't know who this guy is.


Yeah, this wasn't on you Pudd. He's just had a little history around here before your time.

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Honestly, I don't know who this guy is.


Yeah, this wasn't on you Pudd. He's just had a little history around here before your time.


What, on Ex-C?

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I have watched a number of his videos on YouTube in the past. Oddly what disturbs me about them is just how much I actually like them. I find myself cheering him on and agreeing with the sentiments. That is what scares me. It’s too simple…too satisfying…it makes me feel justified…it makes me feel like I have all the answers. It makes me feel like a Christian.




How easy it is to go with our emotions.


Perhaps that's part of why I dislike the guy so much. What used to move me now has the opposite effect. A big part of my deconversion was recognition of the emotional manipulation and I really resented it.

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I have watched a number of his videos on YouTube in the past. Oddly what disturbs me about them is just how much I actually like them. I find myself cheering him on and agreeing with the sentiments. That is what scares me. It’s too simple…too satisfying…it makes me feel justified…it makes me feel like I have all the answers. It makes me feel like a Christian.




How easy it is to go with our emotions.

+ this.

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Oh, come on, guys! Don't leave me hanging here! (I'm looking at you, Vigile!)


Is this dude a former member of Ex-C?

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Oh, come on, guys! Don't leave me hanging here! (I'm looking at you, Vigile!)


Is this dude a former member of Ex-C?


No, we've just had some big debates over his vids.

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Oh, come on, guys! Don't leave me hanging here! (I'm looking at you, Vigile!)


Is this dude a former member of Ex-C?


No, we've just had some big debates over his vids.


Ah, okay. This dude would make a great alarm, you know. Something about his voice just drills into my head.

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  • Super Moderator

Condell is right. There is no place in civilized society for today's Islam. The US and Britain are already stuck with the Christians, and they fuck things up well enough. We need not welcome another, even more conservative, more violent religion in the name of political correctness. Where Islam is not only the religion but also the law of the land, barbarity reigns supreme. Why should we welcome that where we live? Politically correct diversity? Because not all Muslims kill people? So nobody can throw the word 'bigot' or 'racist' at us? Do we need to forgive everything because of US foreign policy?


Sorry. Don't need them, don't want them. Not worth the trouble. Let those "good Muslims" stay in their own Islamic countries and clean them up first before they move here. People who follow that religion, regardless of their race or country of origin, are idiots at best and barbarians at worst. The vast majority of Skinheads haven't personally committed any murders, but I'd rather not have the Skinheads around either, especially in my corner of the world. I may not be able to legally keep them out, but I don't have to put out the welcome mat and find excuses for their behavior and philosophy.

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Where Islam is not only the religion but also the law of the land, barbarity reigns supreme.


I agree with everything you brought up in your post but just wanted to add an aside. What you mention above is a great measuring stick for religious morality. And way back when Christianity was the law of the land barbarity reigned supreme as well. That is something worth remembering.

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Isn't the real question here "why are the religious so easily offended?" The Islamic version is just an extreme expression of a reality that can be applied pretty much across the board. (go to the Lion's Den, it's pretty apparent)


wait!!!!!! (squirms in seat with hand raised) I know, I know! Because it's all bullshit and any criticism points that out.


(do I pass?)


I kind of like the idea of glutting the world with religious mockery... but let's do it with all the mofo's, just to be fair and all.

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