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Need Some Help From Computer Geeks And Any Others Who Can Join In!


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Ok, this is going to be a stupid post-- but I just want to help my poor little brain because I went out on the wild internet- and ended up finding more stupid stuff about the nefarious Mark of the Beast that I would like to clear up without worrying too much more about it.  I was checking out some bar code information because I had been having a conversation with someone as to how the barcode was not the MOTB.  I had read up on this in the past, but had gotten a bit rusty, so had to look it up.  Of course, that brought up a plethora of crazy stuff.  Most of it centered around microchips and how they would have the bar code in them-- therefore they would have 666 right there in them-- and then they would be in us.  I don't think that the barcode even has 666 on it-- it have seen the various explanations and it seems like the first, center and last guide lines don't have any number associated with them, and the number 6 is actually quite a different bunch of lines altogehter. 


However, some fool was on one site going on and on about how computer code starts with 666-- not sure what he means by that.  But, he said that if any type of system has computers involved, that it would be of the devil. Can any programmers help me out with this?  I would not think that all programs start with 666-- but I figured anyone who works with computers alot could help me out.  I would also like to know a bit more about barcodes in general.  It seems that a lot of barcodes are different than just the UPC code. RFID uses an EPC code-- can anyone help me out with this at all?  I would assume that this type of code is what is used in the tags that go into dogs and cats-- and perhaps someday humans. 


I saw a few random things where someone tried to say that people were marked in Sweden with mark in their hands but it appeared to come out of an old book by some conspiracy theorist, so it likely wasn't true.  I did click to see if I could find anything and the only thing I could find was that Sweden was moving away from cash and more to relying on credit cards (not chips in hands that I could see!). 


I would really just like to debunk the thought that these types of things have any relation to 666.  Interestingly enough, some manuscripts have the MOTB as 616-- so not sure if it really matters anyway-- but I would like to argue back that computer code does not have anything to do with 666, and that a barcode in an RFID chip is not even the same as the UPC  code so even if one was stupid enough to believe that the UPC code DID have 666-- that is not what the RFID code would be.


I just would like anyone who is willing to give me a down and dirty lesson as to why I don't have to worry about technology-- and that it is a friend and not an enemy!!


I really need to quit going out on the web-- too much weird stuff!!




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So that's we prayed to Satan at the beginning of every Fortran class!  eek.gif eek.gif

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I'd always heard that the calibrating lines at the beginning, middle, and end of the barcode were sixes, but they are not: http://www.av1611.org/666/barcode.html

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I know, I know-- it is all really stupid, but there is so much crap out there-- and for gullible people (something I have been guilty of for sure), if you don't really understand what people are talking about, things can be scary.  I hear a lot about the "Internet of Things" which is where just about everything will have a connection to the internet through RFID or GPS-- so that if there is a recall, people can be notified, etc.  Lots of cool stuff on the horizon.  I just don't want to live in fear of the future.  But everytime I hear anything about the future-- some religious nutbag has to get onto the comment section of whatever article read about and yell  MOTB!!!  So, that is why I would like for anyone involved in this type of development professionally to tell me more about it, so I can stop worrying that I will be implanting satans name into my right hand or forehead anytime soon!! 


I have talked about the biochips in past posts-- I think that one thing that negates them from being the MOTB based on the common theories is that they are technically removable.  Also, I would like to think that with as many religious crazies that we have our in the world, that if chipping ever did get off the ground, the last place they would have the chips would be placed would be in the right hand or forehead.  In fact, I would hope they would avoid the hands altogether and just go with an arm, shoulder, back of the neck, stomach area, buttcheek, or any other location other than one that would freak people out!! 


Aside from that, I still would also like to have any computer programmers out that that are willing to just give a quick eduation on basic computer coding and how 666 is not involved.  I only know a little about the binary code, but isn't that 0 and 1?  And then lastly, help with the new barcodes and even possibly how EPC codes are developed.  I am really trying to not worry anymore about all this stupid stuff, so if I can remind myself that microchips have information on/in them that has numbers and letters, but don't have 666 in them, then I can let this foolishness go. 


It was a lot easier not to worry about some of this back before all this new technology came out-- but now that it is here, I need to rethink how I deal with it.  I am trying to move myself to a better place in my life, where this shit doesn't consume me-- I have done pretty well, but every once in a while, something comes along that gets me on the topic in my mind.


I know how Overcame Faith so clearly explained how microchips are not the mark in his Top Ten Reasons-- and I am in complete agreement with all of that-- but I am looking at this from the computer-side and looking for even more validation that these looneytoons are just making up stuff to scare people.  I hate them, and I hate what they do. 

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In order for there to be a mark of the beast, there would need to be a beast. There isn't. Problem solved.


Here is a list of dates predicted for apocalyptic events. Rather enlightening. 


I'm all for being scared through horror movies or how a woman really looks without makeup on but when it becomes a life-controlling reality, I think it's time to take a step back, you know?

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Yeah-- I have thought a lot about that as well, Slave2Six.  For example, one day, there may be the availablity for us to put a chip in our bodies that might help evaluate various things in our body, such as temperature, heart rate, sugar levels, etc.  So, it could be of good use.  We might also want to use chips to unlock stuff, access our phones, etc.  It would simply be a tool to use to make things easier.  However, as long as we are not worshipping some asshole who proclaims himself to be god, I can't see how any of these things could be related in any way to what the bible has to say.  I don't think we will ever have some demigod who comes along and demands that everyone bow down to him.  But, if you go on any sites about things of this nature-- people don't think that way. 


That is why I like to discuss this type of thing with my friends at ex-c. 

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I've done a small amount of programming, and I can tell you that the number 666 has nothing to do with it. All it is is writing a series of instructions in a programming language people can use that will then be interpreted into something computers can understand. There very website you read that information on needs computer code to work and display on your computer screen. If 666 ever showed up, there would be a purely technical reason for it. Otherwise, 666 is only going to come up if it's part of the code you're writing, like a math equation or something. Binary "code" isn't really code, it's a number system, just like the decimal system that most people use. It's simply a way of representing numbers in a way that computers can understand. 0 in binary is 0 in decimal. 1 in binary is 1 in decimal. 10 ( one zero) in binary is a 2 in decimal. And so on. If you want to learn more, I'll post an article explaining the base 2 system in the context of computer science. http://computer.howstuffworks.com/bytes1.htm
As you can see, there's nothing Satanic about it at all. Though you'll need to get someone else to explain to other things, I can guarantee you that it is complete and utter bullshit, as people much smarter and more knowledgeable than me can explain.

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Sample C# programming code:


 * Created by SharpDevelop.
 * User: Midniterider
 * Date: 7/14/2012
 * Time: 12:19 AM
 * To change this template use Tools | Options | Coding | Edit Standard Headers.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Threading;

using  System.TheGreatDeceiverSatan.666 (just kidding)

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I can assure you that this what those people are saying is complete nonsense, and as Endemoniada mentioned it is only likely to come up when you need to use the number for some mathematical equation. It has nothing to do with the devil.


You can feel free to download a compiler and try you hand at some coding for yourself. For java I use Eclipse



Here is a hello world program to get you started

public static void main (String arg[]){
   System.out.println("Hello World!");


Programming is but another tool, and there are lots of tutorials out there to learn more about programming. It is nothing to be afraid of.

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It's typical bullshit, babbled by a morontheist who


1. has no fucking clue about anything


2. needs to have an answer to everything right now, no matter how wrong the answer might be, lest she starts to think for herself and finds that the cult only babbles bullshit


666 has no special meaning in any programming language or other doodad I ever heard of. By the way, unless I'm seriously mistaken, RFID does not connect anything to the internet. It's just a digital watermark/tattoo/mark of the... nah, just kidding. Seriously, a RFID chip cannot receive any information. It's just a thingie that broadcasts a pre-set unique code when close enough to a reader.


Using one daily, I should know :)

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Thanks for your answers friends. I even chuckled a few times. Thurisaz-- what do you use RFID for? Just curious.

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Quite simple - all the important doors in German Volkswagen sites have RFID readers. You want in, you hold your VW ID card up to the reader and hope you're registered to pass that door :)

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Quite simple - all the important doors in German Volkswagen sites have RFID readers. You want in, you hold your VW ID card up to the reader and hope you're registered to pass that door smile.png


Yeah, we have that where I work too.  And there's a bar code on my ID card!


But those will be obsolete when Obama mandates forehead and hand RFID chips.

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That was all over the net too. I had that debunked on another site-- and fortunately I work for an agency that is assisting in obamacare for our state. No chips! But there is a lot of fear and mistrust--- because rumours like this are out there. And that isn't really funny at all.

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In the spirit of adding a stupid reply to a "stupid post" Dr. House would like to make a suggestion.


Every area of concern may eventually be specifically addressed. It may be shown that this doesn't mean that, so-and-so never said such-and such, this happened because of ABC, not magic, this story was a lie or that photo was faked. Some people will still look for evidence that their religious prophecy is being fulfilled, that their greatest fear is indeed about to consume them, or that just as suspected the leaders of the world governments are all alien lizards - I've seen the photos!


Paranoia and phobias must be addressed at the root, not the unending multitude of ways they manifest. Fear of "666" or demon possession or alien lizards or Hell are unfounded fears, or phobias. There is no evidence for any of the aforementioned, yet we have people who swear it's true. These people need professional help, and not to disprove the existence of alien lizards or the magic of number 666.


Not trying to be a smart ass here. I only hope you will consider looking at the root causes of your paranoia and obsession.

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I know florduh/-- I really am trying to put the baby to bed, so to speak--- but it is hard with all the crud that is out there!! I try to avoid religious sites that talk about stuff like this--- but I could be reading an article about the new fingerprint reader on the iPhone and some crazy will say it is the beginnings of the beast system. Ugh.

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My root cause is truly the indoctrination of people telling me that this technology is coming and that it is evil-- now that some of it is here--,I am trying to change how I think about it in a positive way.

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but it is hard with all the crud that is out there!


The crud out there is irrelevant. That's my point. Debunk today's crud and it gets replaced by new crud tomorrow. The problem isn't the crud, it's the way you obsess about irrational fears.


Paranoia and conspiracy theories abound these days. Unfounded religious fears are in the same category.



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That is a good point.  No matter what you debunk now, something will pop up tomorrow.  I think you've said you've given therapy a shot before? Have you tried at the local university? I found that extremely helpful (and free or low cost).  They usually want people, it just takes a little while for them to get back to you depending on where you live. Also, you gotta usually stick it out, it took me over eight weeks to realize it was actually helping me at all. 


But, anyway, I get why the chip thing and all this is disturbing because then you think it might be true, all those beliefs from before but it's not. People will interpret things the way they want to no matter what.  And any time you see someone posting about how it's the signs of the times, remember people having been saying that to each other for hundreds of years. New things are always the signs of the times. It gets better. 

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The first time I heard of a super-computer called the beast which ran the bar code system founded on three sixes, was in a booklet that came to me in 1984 - 1985.  It was impressive.  The author supported her arguments with research and thorough citings of authoritative sources.  I had no reason to disbelieve it.  Since then I've been keeping an eye to it, and there's still no reason to disbelieve it.  It's perfectly reasonable, predictable and technologically sound.


The thing about it is that prophesies are for men who like to play power, and for pranksters (who like to attain power).  

What I've gotten from it all so far is that the people who set up the bar code system, if they used sixes the way they're reported to have, they did it for fun, a jest on everyone.  Ironically, it's a jest with enough pre-existing momentum to make a huge impact on the people of Earth, on multiple levels.

There is a certain kind of profile exhibited by men who attain power from prophesies like this.

1. They don't believe it themselves

2. They recognize how much is to be gained by playing it out

3. They don't care how many people die

4. They laugh about it.


Could it go the way of the Revelations?  Sure, if people decide to try and play it like that.  But will they?  Will we?


It sounds like there may be some confusion about the numbers, they're not supposed to be mystical, just human.

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As Endemoniada says, computers deal in 1 or 0, not sixes. Even the earliest programmable machine, the Jacquard loom, used binary. It's just easier that way. See a Jacquard Loom, and punch cards. You might also recognize the player piano (or even a music box) as a similar programmable machine. This mechanical, binary punch card system was even carried over into early electronic computers, which is why all programs were written on cards. (1964 IBM film strip on program punch cards.) Of course, punch cards have been supplanted by electronic equipment. These bits of information, 1 or 0, are stored on my computer, on a magnetic hard drive. They're fed into the Central Processing Unit (CPU) in the microprocessor chip, and stored for processing in Random Access Memory (RAM). All a computer does is basic mathematical and logical functions, but it does it really blindingly fast. Gigahertz (GHz) refers to the number of complete mathematical functions a processor can do in a second. One Gigahertz is a BILLION functions per second. When you hold a smartphone, you have in the palm of your hand more computing power than went to the moon on one of the Apollo missions.


So, how does a processor know where to find strings of information it needs next? Each sector of information has a header, which is unique, and used like a call number in a library. No two books have the same call number, and no two chunks of programming have the same header. The CPU asks for information to be fed from the area with the matching header, just like you would find the book in the card catalog, and then on the shelf under the call number. These headers all have to be different, or the CPU wouldn't be able to find anything at all, and the computer wouldn't function.


TLDR: So, that person has no idea at all how computers work. If the headers were all the same, the computer couldn't possibly function.

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Not all computers have been binary though. Binary is just very convenient because you don't need to spend insane amounts of money on getting sufficient quality out of anything that might ever need to check what value a given unit has. (Just being careful about this so we don't start debunking clear bullshit with less-so-but-still-wrong bullshit.) Also, some modern memories store data with two bits per cell - basically, the cell can take any out of four different values, but when it's parsed by the hardware in it, it gets passed on as two separate bits rather than as one single four-bit.

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So- Voice--- are you saying that you believe that bar codes have 6's in them?  That this book is true?  Was this Mary Relfe's book back in the 80's???  I thought the beast in brussels was debunked?  I have to say, you did not encourage me to feel better about all of this. You make it sound like you think this stuff is true. 


I have read up on barcodes too-- and at no time have I found that anyone intentionally put 6's in the codes on purpose-- for play or otherwise.  More that there was a mix up from the first, middle and last guide lines looking like 6-- I think True Freedom provided a good link to debunk this.  I also read some informaiton from the guy who originally invented the UPC and he stated that he was dismayed by all of this junk about his poor barcode.

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As Endemoniada says, computers deal in 1 or 0, not sixes.


So, then, this would be the Mark of the Beast: 001101100011011000110110


Doesn't have as much literary flare as 666 though (7 being the perfect number and three sixes being just shy of perfect).


I think I'll get that number tattooed and see if any Christians notice.


(Or maybe I'll go with ASCII (054054054) since that's shorter and less painful)

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Not all computers have been binary though. Binary is just very convenient because you don't need to spend insane amounts of money on getting sufficient quality out of anything that might ever need to check what value a given unit has. (Just being careful about this so we don't start debunking clear bullshit with less-so-but-still-wrong bullshit.) Also, some modern memories store data with two bits per cell - basically, the cell can take any out of four different values, but when it's parsed by the hardware in it, it gets passed on as two separate bits rather than as one single four-bit.


I learn so much on this forum.

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