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To Those That Say There Are No Christians In Foxholes!

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Errr..... you have that quote wrong.


The quote is that there are no athiests in foxholes.



And as for weather or not that quote is accurate, it's really not fair to judge. Do you believe in times of extreme duress, that atheists are not "allowed" to talk to anybody? That speaking to god is for religious minded people only?


Such an idea stems from the notion that you cannot have god without also having religion. As a deist I find such a close-minded presumption totally asinine.

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Guest newsbite

Well, I was the only christian in a foxhole! Never lost my faith for even a second!


The original saying was, "There are no atheists in foxholes."


Someone rebutted by saying, "There are no christians in foxholes." I am just showing them that they are wrong by pointing out that I was the ONLY christian in a foxhole in my unit.

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The original saying was, "There are no atheists in foxholes."


Someone rebutted by saying, "There are no christians in foxholes." I am just showing them that they are wrong by pointing out that I was the ONLY christian in a foxhole in my unit.


OK then, we've established that you were the ONLY christian in a foxhole.


May I ask why you felt the need to come to a board full of ex-christians to announce that?

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Guest newsbite

Well, I was the only christian in a foxhole! Never lost my faith for even a second!


The original saying was, "There are no atheists in foxholes."


Someone rebutted by saying, "There are no christians in foxholes." I am just showing them that they are wrong by pointing out that I was the ONLY christian in a foxhole in my unit.


Well, I read somewhere on this board that there are no christians in foxholes, and I am rebutting that.


Also, some of my best friends are non-christians!

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OK then, we've established that you were the ONLY christian in a foxhole.


May I ask why you felt the need to come to a board full of ex-christians to announce that?

Well, I read somewhere on this board that there are no christians in foxholes, and I am rebutting that.


Also, some of my best friends are non-christians!


Well Newbite ... I have to tell you .... you picked a pretty charging way to come in here.


I've never been in a foxhole - I imagine it's hell on earth. The only people qualified to legitimately have a conversation about christians/athiests/whatever in foxholes are those who have been there.


So ... I will not respond to your charging approach with one of my own. And I sincerely hope that you've come here for learning and not preaching.


If you've many friends who are non-christian, then you will know better than to preach. If you don't know better, you'll soon find out. Be aware that I'll be one of the first ones to confront you if you should decide it's' your duty to "save" anyone.


Other than that, welcome to the board and I'm happy you're out of the damned foxhole and sincerely hope that you (and all of your friends) remain out of the foxholes.

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Where did you read that?


Provide a link.


And if you read it elsewhere in the Forum, and you did not respond to it in that thread within that forum....am I correct in assuming it's in an area where your religion is unwelcome?


If that is the case, you as the original poster of this thread are obligated to provide at least a link directing us to what you are responding to. It is not our job to hunt n' peck through every forum looking for the one post you are blathering about.


As for your being the only christian in your particular foxhole......congratulations on being the most close-minded person present in a potentially life threatening situation. :shrug:


I mean....what do you want....a cookie?


If you want warm kudos for being a person of faith in a war zone, perhaps you should look for your laurels at a Christian forum instead of an Ex-Christian one!

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Well, I was the only christian in a foxhole! Never lost my faith for even a second!


The original saying was, "There are no atheists in foxholes."


Someone rebutted by saying, "There are no christians in foxholes." I am just showing them that they are wrong by pointing out that I was the ONLY christian in a foxhole in my unit.


Yeah, but were you a true christian?!


You might want to take that up with sub_zero or that kid from the "you almost certainly weren't a true christian" thread...

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Well Newbite ... I have to tell you .... you picked a pretty charging way to come in here.



I agree.


Do keep in mind that charging in here with a blind reference that you don't let us know where it's coming from only makes us wonder what the heck you're talking about and makes you look a little bit fanatic.


Make sure you provide a reference next time for clarification.



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Yeah, couldn't have been a TRUE Christian. They supposed to be pacifists.....


At least that is what some sects think.

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Yeah, but were you a true christian?!


You might want to take that up with sub_zero or that kid from the "you almost certainly weren't a true christian" thread...

:lmao::lmao::lmao: True, very true! It doesn't do any good to believe in God in a foxhole, if you're not believing the right way.... You gotta get all the i's dotted just right, and all the t's crossed just right, in order to qualify to recieve God's unconditional love.... Sorry, but that's just the way it is - "point blank" :lmao:


BTW, welcome :grin:

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I used to wonder whether or not there were assholes in foxholes. :mellow:




Today, my doubt has been removed. :HaHa:

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Well, I was the only christian in a foxhole! Never lost my faith for even a second!


I was an atheist in a foxhole at the firing range in Ft Leonard Wood, MO and I never lost faith that I'd qualify on my M-16. Sure enough, I got an expert badge with 38 / 40.

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I used to wonder whether or not there were assholes in foxholes. :mellow:




Today, my doubt has been removed. :HaHa:



:lmao: ROTFL! Thanks for the laugh.

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Guest newsbite

Where did you read that?


Provide a link.


And if you read it elsewhere in the Forum, and you did not respond to it in that thread within that forum....am I correct in assuming it's in an area where your religion is unwelcome?


If that is the case, you as the original poster of this thread are obligated to provide at least a link directing us to what you are responding to. It is not our job to hunt n' peck through every forum looking for the one post you are blathering about.




As for your being the only christian in your particular foxhole......congratulations on being the most close-minded person present in a potentially life threatening situation. :shrug:


How do you mean?

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I used to wonder whether or not there were assholes in foxholes. :mellow:




Today, my doubt has been removed. :HaHa:

I used to wonder whether or not there were assholes in mouseholes. :mellow:




Today, my doubt has been removed. :HaHa:

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As for your being the only christian in your particular foxhole......congratulations on being the most close-minded person present in a potentially life threatening situation. :shrug:


How do you mean?


OK Skippy ... that's it? That post is what you started all this over?


Go back and look at the poster, he was defending the literalists. He was pointing out how he feels our culture is dominated by athiests. 218 frikking paranoid reasons, to be exact. And ... not only that, the thread was started on Sep 27 2005 - way over a year ago. You started all this - over that?


You might want to take your complaints to the Why Do Xtians Feel Persecuted When They Are The Perpetrators Of Most Violence? Thread?




It seems you have a major persecution complex, sad really :(

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As for your being the only christian in your particular foxhole......congratulations on being the most close-minded person present in a potentially life threatening situation. :shrug:


How do you mean?


OK Skippy ... that's it? That post is what you started all this over?


Go back and look at the poster, he was defending the literalists. He was pointing out how he feels our culture is dominated by athiests. 218 frikking paranoid reasons, to be exact. And ... not only that, the thread was started on Sep 27 2005 - way over a year ago. You started all this - over that?


You might want to take your complaints to the Why Do Xtians Feel Persecuted When They Are The Perpetrators Of Most Violence? Thread?




It seems you have a major persecution complex, sad really :(


Wow. I mean seriously, WOW.


Talk about desperate for attention. Hey, you know, I'll bet someone somewhere in this Forum over a year ago, called all christians close-minded twits.......It's been over a year......time for someone to get a rebuttal ready. :Hmm:

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I used to wonder whether or not there were assholes in foxholes. :mellow:

Today, my doubt has been removed. :HaHa:

I used to wonder whether or not there were assholes in mouseholes. :mellow:

Today, my doubt has been removed. :HaHa:

Then get out of my hole. :Hmm::mellow::Hmm:
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Ok time for a stupid question, that long list, was that typed up as a joke?

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Well, I was the only christian in a foxhole! Never lost my faith for even a second!



Wow! Nobody cares!

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Well, I was the only christian in a foxhole! Never lost my faith for even a second!
Wow! Nobody cares!
I was in a foxhole and my imaginary friend was with me every step of the way. I never once lost faith in him being there with me. When I heard the bullets zipping by, I knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that serpents talk and that Jesus walked on water. In the distance, I could hear others scream as their limbs were blown off. But I was steadfast! Water into wine! Sticks into snakes! Water to blood, then back into wine! Ballams ass speaks! *sound of bullet richochet* Praise, Jesus! He rose on the third day, you know? *BOOM!* He's coming back! *KA'POW!*Thank you Jesus for not allowing me to realize that I've been used as a pawn in a war started by our "leaders" *ZING!* Jesus healed the blind! And the fish!!! You wanna talk about fish?!?!?



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I am just showing them that they are wrong by pointing out that I was the ONLY christian in a foxhole in my unit.

I find this very hard to believe. None of the units I've been in or around meet that

description. I assume you're talking about the US Military. I remember running into a

Army Reservist from the UK who said he didn't think christianity was prominent there.

But I'm not sure about that, it was his opinion. From what I remember the majority of

the people I served with claimed christianity, including myself at the time.

The only way I figure you can make the claim of being the only christian in your

unit in a foxhole is to say the others were not True Christians according to your


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This is a joke. The OP deserves an LoL and thats it.

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