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Goodbye Jesus

To Those That Say There Are No Christians In Foxholes!

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I am just showing them that they are wrong by pointing out that I was the ONLY christian in a foxhole in my unit.

I find this very hard to believe. None of the units I've been in or around meet that

description. I assume you're talking about the US Military. I remember running into a

Army Reservist from the UK who said he didn't think christianity was prominent there.

But I'm not sure about that, it was his opinion. From what I remember the majority of

the people I served with claimed christianity, including myself at the time.

The only way I figure you can make the claim of being the only christian in your

unit in a foxhole is to say the others were not True Christians according to your



Actually, all the other soldiers in my unit said that they were atheists.



Well, I was the only christian in a foxhole! Never lost my faith for even a second!
Wow! Nobody cares!
I was in a foxhole and my imaginary friend was with me every step of the way. I never once lost faith in him being there with me. When I heard the bullets zipping by, I knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that serpents talk and that Jesus walked on water. In the distance, I could hear others scream as their limbs were blown off. But I was steadfast! Water into wine! Sticks into snakes! Water to blood, then back into wine! Ballams ass speaks! *sound of bullet richochet* Praise, Jesus! He rose on the third day, you know? *BOOM!* He's coming back! *KA'POW!*Thank you Jesus for not allowing me to realize that I've been used as a pawn in a war started by our "leaders" *ZING!* Jesus healed the blind! And the fish!!! You wanna talk about fish?!?!?




Well, who should I thank for keeping me alive during that time in the foxhole?

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Well, who should I thank for keeping me alive during that time in the foxhole?


1. The people who trained you when you joined the army.

2. Your commanding officer and the people who trained him.

3. The other people in the foxhole with you and the people who trained them.

4. Any medical types whose skills were used and those who trained them.

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And the guy on the "enemy's" side that missed his target.

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Well, who should I thank for keeping me alive during that time in the foxhole?


hmmmmm..... can we take this to mean that you were the only one in your foxhole that actually survived?! Or was it god that spared your foxhole, and the atheists just happenned to be lucky enough to sharing it with you? Who did they thank?!



1. The people who trained you when you joined the army.

2. Your commanding officer and the people who trained him.

3. The other people in the foxhole with you and the people who trained them.

4. Any medical types whose skills were used and those who trained them.

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Actually, all the other soldiers in my unit said that they were atheists.

I don't know if this is true, but do you like to spread the word of Jesus to everyone? If you do, my guess is they may have just been telling you they were athiest as a way to tell you they didn't care?

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Well, who should I thank for keeping me alive during that time in the foxhole?


Newbite(off more than I can chew)


I'm calling you out on that one. As I said earlier, I've never been in a foxhole - so I won't get into a discussion about the way people cope with it (ie, belief or non belief).


But ... do you have a clue what your statement above says????? :twitch:


"well, who should I thank for keeping me alive during that time in the foxhole?"


See the following:



Story dated: 2/18/2006


The American soldier died when a roadside bomb exploded about 8 a.m. near the Shaab soccer stadium in eastern Baghdad, the U.S. command said in a statement. It was the first death of an American soldier since Tuesday and brought the number of U.S. personnel killed since the Iraq war began in March 2003 to at least 2,273, according to an Associated Press count.


I am Christian, and whether you believe I am "TRUE" christian or not, is moot. I call myself Christian for some very personal reasons. I trust my faith, it is the source of my strength. But thanking a humanized "god" in the sky for keeping you alive while you are surrounded by death on all sides is beyond me. At this point 2,273 american soldiers are dead. No one can give a good count on the number of Iraqi soldiers (and civilians) who are dead.


Do you even have a clue what you just said... if your little man with the white beard in the sky chose to keep you alive ... then where the hell was he for 2,273 other american soldiers? Where was he for all the Iraqi's?


Did it ever once occur to you that if our right-wing religious zealot of a president had listened to those who were telling him that there were no weapons of mass destruction - you (and your buddies) would never have had to be in a damned foxhole? Did it ever once occur to you that if our right-wing religious zealot of a president had LISTENED to those who were telling him that there were no weapons of mass destruction that an untold number of Iraqi's would still be alive, that they would still have schools and hospitals?


Maybe their culture was not what we would choose for ourselves. But, I sit here writing this as that country descends into civil war - and all because one small minded religious zealot thought he had the god-given authority to wield a big damned stick.


Don't thank your small minded god for saving your butt, thank your athiest friends. And look for a larger understanding of GOD, you might be surprised what you find. :vent:

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Ok time for a stupid question, that long list, was that typed up as a joke?


please tell me you are joking, Dianka...


I am just showing them that they are wrong by pointing out that I was the ONLY christian in a foxhole in my unit.


What the hell is it with x-ians that they read something (intended as satire), that they will look at it, see a flaw, and think it proves some kind of point worthy of starting a thread?


hmmmm Do you think they might be under the assumption that our system of faith (or lack of) is built on such flimsy foundations that one little mistake will bring the whole house of cards down?!


:Doh: oh wait, who is that believes one single error could void thier beliefs....?

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Well, who should I thank for keeping me alive during that time in the foxhole?


Well as much as I hate to break it to you, Everything Isn't all about you...


So tell me, Who do you blame for other people dieing? Are you saying that soldiers who have died over in Iraq didn't believe enough and that's the reason they died? What about the innocent kids who happen to be born in Iraq? Open minded gave you an accurate ass chewing on that aspect and I'll leave what he said on that topic as a wake up call to you.


I also find it hard to believe that you have an entire unit full of self proclaimed Atheists. Atheist aren't like Christians and don't need to spread their beliefs like seeds all over every person they meet. I think you're exaggerating and creating stories here, its to far fetched to be believable in my bitchy opinion! :P

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Ok time for a stupid question, that long list, was that typed up as a joke?


I'm too lazy to go back and read the entire list, but speaking of jokes, here's a quasi one (sort of):


Mary: "My boyfriend says he doesn't believe in a diety, but every time we make love, he shouts 'Oh God, Oh God' when he comes. What does that tell you?"


Sue: "That there are no atheists in foxy holes."


Guess I'll go to hell for telling that one. Oh well :Wendywhatever:

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My fatherin-law is an atheist and has two purple hearts for the war in Vietnam. Evil heathen....taking a bullet like that....how selfish.



Serene....we have more little things in common! My Dad got three purple hearts in Vietnam! And while he publically stays mum on the subject for my mother's sake, his views are not specifically christian. It wasn't until my own beliefs shifted, that I recognized the signs in my own dad that he was something "else" too! I still don't know how his beliefs would be classified...he's my father, and knowing specifically is completely unimportant to my relationship with him.


Yeah. He still has a piece of shrapnel in his leg......and get this......he was shot clean through one wrist, and not quite all the way through the other. He still has the scars (my dad has Jesus scars! :eek: ). He also has a scar where a bullet went through a section of his neck.

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Actually, all the other soldiers in my unit said that they were atheists.


Well, who should I thank for keeping me alive during that time in the foxhole?


When you say unit, what level are you speaking? I think company size when using the term unit.

That's roughly 100 or more people isn't it? Depending on your MOS, etc.

So out of 100 soldiers, you are the only christian? Now I've only been out for

about 10 years. If the atheist/christian ratio has shrunk to the proportions you speak of,

then you've given me hope for the future.


Who should you thank? Your buddies in your unit.

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Do you even have a clue what you just said... if your little man with the white beard in the sky chose to keep you alive ... then where the hell was he for 2,273 other american soldiers? Where was he for all the Iraqi's?



Very well said, your whole post OM, but that particular quote caught my attention.



It has nothing to do with the military, but I remember watching a news report years ago, it was a father of a girl that was spared from a murderer, while she witnessed her best friend being stabbed to death. The reporter said something in the effect, "I bet you are thankful to god that he spared your daughter." What he said stood out to me... "I will not thank god for saving my daughter, because then that would mean I would have to thank him for allowing her friend to be killed instead." (not the EXACT wording, but you get what I am trying to say...I hope?)

That really stood out to me. Her father was right. To say that god saved her would mean that he turned his back on her best friend.....what kind of god would he be to do such a thing? Kill one, save the other? Certainly not someone I would be thankful to. If he was all powerful, why not save them both? Why play favorites? No respecter of persons, remember?

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Well, I was the only christian in a foxhole! Never lost my faith for even a second!
Wow! Nobody cares!
I was in a foxhole and my imaginary friend was with me every step of the way. I never once lost faith in him being there with me. When I heard the bullets zipping by, I knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that serpents talk and that Jesus walked on water. In the distance, I could hear others scream as their limbs were blown off. But I was steadfast! Water into wine! Sticks into snakes! Water to blood, then back into wine! Ballams ass speaks! *sound of bullet richochet* Praise, Jesus! He rose on the third day, you know? *BOOM!* He's coming back! *KA'POW!*Thank you Jesus for not allowing me to realize that I've been used as a pawn in a war started by our "leaders" *ZING!* Jesus healed the blind! And the fish!!! You wanna talk about fish?!?!?


Well, who should I thank for keeping me alive during that time in the foxhole?
Everybody, or nobody. :mellow:


Those are the only real choices.

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Very well said, your whole post OM, but that particular quote caught my attention.


It has nothing to do with the military, but I remember watching a news report years ago, it was a father of a girl that was spared from a murderer, while she witnessed her best friend being stabbed to death. The reporter said something in the effect, "I bet you are thankful to god that he spared your daughter." What he said stood out to me... "I will not thank god for saving my daughter, because then that would mean I would have to thank him for allowing her friend to be killed instead." (not the EXACT wording, but you get what I am trying to say...I hope?)

That really stood out to me. Her father was right. To say that god saved her would mean that he turned his back on her best friend.....what kind of god would he be to do such a thing? Kill one, save the other? Certainly not someone I would be thankful to. If he was all powerful, why not save them both? Why play favorites? No respecter of persons, remember?


Thanks Angel....


The type of thought process that god would protect/save/favor me and mine in the face of other's pain, well it's just plain sad. :shrug:


I know one young man who served in Iraq. He signed up and left for Iraq right after highschool graduation. He came back a changed boy/man - and not in a good way. He uses alcohol to numb the pain - war sucks. And when we ruin people's lives over weapons of mass destruction, that never existed in the first place - when we rip a country to shreds - when untold numbers of civilians die - all for what??? And then Bush underlies every thing about this war in religious terms - as if he had some divine authority to cause so much damage.


And these are the people with the "morals" and the "family values"? :vent:


I don't blame the personnel on the ground at all. They didn't ask to be put there. But - as a culture - we need to take a hard long look at the cultural reasons we ended up there. Like it - or not - Bush didn't do this alone. His underlying use of literal Christianity, to push his agenda, is (at least passively) supported by the majority of people in this country. :shrug:

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I also find it hard to believe that you have an entire unit full of self proclaimed Atheists. Atheist aren't like Christians and don't need to spread their beliefs like seeds all over every person they meet. I think you're exaggerating and creating stories here, its to far fetched to be believable in my bitchy opinion! :P


Obviously you've never heard of the Army's 101st Atheist Battalion - the Fightin' Doubters! :mellow:


This crack squad of elite non-believers dares god to put their names on a bullet. And they won't hesitate to throw themselves on a rosary or Gideon's bible for their comrades. :woohoo:

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I also find it hard to believe that you have an entire unit full of self proclaimed Atheists. Atheist aren't like Christians and don't need to spread their beliefs like seeds all over every person they meet. I think you're exaggerating and creating stories here, its to far fetched to be believable in my bitchy opinion! :P


Obviously you've never heard of the Army's 101st Atheist Battalion - the Fightin' Doubters! :mellow:


This crack squad of elite non-believers dares god to put their names on a bullet. And they won't hesitate to throw themselves on a rosary or Gideon's bible for their comrades. :woohoo:

Japedo, sorry I missed you saying that earlier. That's been my point also. The premise that

he was the only christian in the unit is absurd. Unless he was the obnoxious type and the other

guys in his squad told him they were atheists just to mess with him. Then, being a persecuted

xtian, he took them literally and fancied himself the only xtian in his godless company.

I'm not saying that's what happened but I just can't see how he would honestly come to that

conclusion. I doubt he took a poll.


AGF, Hey I've heard of that unit. I think they were a "Cwack Weigion" lead by

Biggus Dickus.

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I've never really understood what that saying means anyway.

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I've never really understood what that saying means anyway.
The correct saying is, "There are no atheists in foxholes."


What that means is that theists are the only ones who hump foxes. :mellow:



Now do you get it? :shrug:

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those who believe in god are fox fuckers? huh?

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I've never really understood what that saying means anyway.


I think the meaning of "there are no athiests in foxholes" is that everyone believes there is a god when there is an real danger of being killed in the near future. (foxholes are what they called the pits the soldiers would camp in durring WWI)


of course the statment is dumb because it says nothing about god's actual existance, but simply that people who are afraid they will die often believe because it gives them hope.


as far as the "there are no chrstians in foxholes" statment....I've never heard that one once, nor do I know what the point of the statment even is.

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I've never really understood what that saying means anyway.


I think the meaning of "there are no athiests in foxholes" is that everyone believes there is a god when there is an real danger of being killed in the near future. (foxholes are what they called the pits the soldiers would camp in durring WWI)


of course the statment is dumb because it says nothing about god's actual existance, but simply that people who are afraid they will die often believe because it gives them hope.


as far as the "there are no chrstians in foxholes" statment....I've never heard that one once, nor do I know what the point of the statment even is.

The version I've heard of it is "there are no atheists on an aeroplane when it's about to crash!" Whatever.

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those who believe in god are fox fuckers? huh?
Well, yeah! :Doh:


But only those who Truly™ believe. :HaHa:



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Well I ain't fucking no fox anytime soon. ;)

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Very well said, your whole post OM, but that particular quote caught my attention.


It has nothing to do with the military, but I remember watching a news report years ago, it was a father of a girl that was spared from a murderer, while she witnessed her best friend being stabbed to death. The reporter said something in the effect, "I bet you are thankful to god that he spared your daughter." What he said stood out to me... "I will not thank god for saving my daughter, because then that would mean I would have to thank him for allowing her friend to be killed instead." (not the EXACT wording, but you get what I am trying to say...I hope?)

That really stood out to me. Her father was right. To say that god saved her would mean that he turned his back on her best friend.....what kind of god would he be to do such a thing? Kill one, save the other? Certainly not someone I would be thankful to. If he was all powerful, why not save them both? Why play favorites? No respecter of persons, remember?


Thanks Angel....


The type of thought process that god would protect/save/favor me and mine in the face of other's pain, well it's just plain sad. :shrug:


Well, I am well associated with people that believe that as long as God helps them get good grades or whatever, that is all that matters.

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