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Trump 2013: “We Will Have To Leave Borders Behind"


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Wonderful, we get to pick between a witch and a buffoon.


I don't see much of anything changing either way, so the Trump "lets-burn-this-motherfucker-down" vote really doesn't make much sense to me.


The rich and powerful will prevail either way, so it's a moot point.  The question is how much do the rest of us stand to lose, based on the outcome?





I see a Trump victory empowering a bunch of kooks like the KKK and the theocratic branch of the right wing. That alone should be reason enough for a "non-believer" to vote for Hillary.

I don't support Trump, but I don't believe hillary is a good alternative. In fact, she may be the worst alternative. Those kooks hate her like they've never hated anyone else. If trump, he'll be gridlocked at every turn and probably give the world a rest from all the crap our Gov spews on the world, but if she gets elected, passes tpp and worse, the next guy the gop offers will be like trump, but actually capable and then we'll see what people fear from trump actually come to fruition in reality.

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Wonderful, we get to pick between a witch and a buffoon.


I don't see much of anything changing either way, so the Trump "lets-burn-this-motherfucker-down" vote really doesn't make much sense to me.


The rich and powerful will prevail either way, so it's a moot point.  The question is how much do the rest of us stand to lose, based on the outcome?




I see a Trump victory empowering a bunch of kooks like the KKK and the theocratic branch of the right wing. That alone should be reason enough for a "non-believer" to vote for Hillary.

I don't support Trump, but I don't believe hillary is a good alternative. In fact, she may be the worst alternative. Those kooks hate her like they've never hated anyone else. If trump, he'll be gridlocked at every turn and probably give the world a rest from all the crap our Gov spews on the world, but if she gets elected, passes tpp and worse, the next guy the gop offers will be like trump, but actually capable and then we'll see what people fear from trump actually come to fruition in reality.




Sorry but a "third party" candidate is not going to win. Gary Johnson's an idiot and Jill Stein is polling at 0%. So Hillary is the only realistic alternative to Trump. 

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Realistic and superior to are two entirely different concepts.

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Anybody else find it hilariously entertaining that Burned Out is like 20 messages into this thread and STILL ignores the Fuhrer Trump's statement in the OP? HAHAHAHAHA!


Sillllennnnceeeeeee is gollllden


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Realistic and superior to are two entirely different concepts.



Fine. Tell me who to vote for, and why. I'm all ears, dude. 

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Realistic and superior to are two entirely different concepts.




Fine. Tell me who to vote for, and why. I'm all ears, dude.

I'll vote for stein. I know she won't win, but I won't be responsible for rounding up muslims or starting wwiii. I'll probably feel a sense of relief if trump wins on Tuesday though as he appears far less likely to fuck with my adopted country and our way of life. There's a reason the neocons fled the gop and flocked to clinton.

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Anybody else find it hilariously entertaining that Burned Out is like 20 messages into this thread and STILL ignores the Fuhrer Trump's statement in the OP? HAHAHAHAHA!


Sillllennnnceeeeeee is gollllden



I am acknowledging it the way you never did when asked what your solution was in another thread.  The fact is, people do change their minds.  And, at this point, what Trump represents is what I care more about.  I know he's not perfect.  He is a hell of a lot less corrupt than Hillary.  But then again, you might try answering questions of the past you never answered, so you might want to LOOK IN THE MIRROR...or is that too much for you to respond to we pedestrians? 




"People change their minds." LOL. I don't recall you ever using that defense for Hillary or any other Democratic politician, for example, Hillary changing her mind on TPP. Whatever they say is a permanent scar against them. The Donald? Not so much. 


But thanks for finally responding to the original post. 

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Realistic and superior to are two entirely different concepts.



Fine. Tell me who to vote for, and why. I'm all ears, dude.

I'll vote for stein. I know she won't win, but I won't be responsible for rounding up muslims or starting wwiii. I'll probably feel a sense of relief if trump wins on Tuesday though as he appears far less likely to fuck with my adopted country and our way of life. There's a reason the neocons fled the gop and flocked to clinton.




So you're throwing away your vote on someone who has no chance at winning. Fine, but don't throw stones at people who choose to be more pragmatic about the situation. And the notion that Trump would be "less likely" a warmonger to Russia than Hillary is wishful thinking. Trump's the one bragging about using nuclear weapons, not Hillary. 

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Realistic and superior to are two entirely different concepts.



Fine. Tell me who to vote for, and why. I'm all ears, dude.

I'll vote for stein. I know she won't win, but I won't be responsible for rounding up muslims or starting wwiii. I'll probably feel a sense of relief if trump wins on Tuesday though as he appears far less likely to fuck with my adopted country and our way of life. There's a reason the neocons fled the gop and flocked to clinton.




So you're throwing away your vote on someone who has no chance at winning. Fine, but don't throw stones at people who choose to be more pragmatic about the situation. And the notion that Trump would be "less likely" a warmonger to Russia than Hillary is wishful thinking. Trump's the one bragging about using nuclear weapons, not Hillary. 



How am I 'throwing my vote away'? It's my vote. When did we move from asking our government to represent our values to asking the government "please, you can fuck us in the ass, but use lube because the other guy isn't going to use any!"  You're telling me that I have to vote for someone who is going to increase fracking, further guarantee our destruction with global warming, more war, more tax breaks and bailouts for the banks, who may actually get me and my family killed, Goldman execs at Treasury, Pfizer at FDA, Exxon at Energy, etc..., etc... because Trump! if I choose to exercise my right and vote my conscious for something better. One of us is getting seriously played here and we're all paying the price for the stupidity. 


Bragging about using nukes, while horrible, is quite a long ways less horrible than promising to engage in policy that all but guarantees their use. This may be counter intuitive for a lot of people, who react to words and not facts, but it is what it is. 

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Hillary's bogus "FBI investigation" concluded with her being found not guilty. If I thought like you, then I would simply hand wave the entire thing away as a RNC-conceived conspiracy to desperately try anything to prevent a Hillary victory. See how easy that was? The same way hand you wave away all of Trump's 4,000 lawsuits. 


Why are these supposedly "tough" right wingers so afraid of this little old woman? Is it because they know she will kick their sorry asses back to Tobacco Road when she becomes President? 


And no, there is no "reasonable assumption" that Trump could find "the truth" even if it was sitting in the lobby of Trump Tower. He lies constantly, and when he's caught, he invents new lies. He was a globalist in 2013. If he wasn't running for president, he would be a globalist today. 

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Hillary's bogus "FBI investigation" concluded with her being found not guilty. If I thought like you, then I would simply hand wave the entire thing away as a RNC-conceived conspiracy to desperately try anything to prevent a Hillary victory. See how easy that was? The same way hand you wave away all of Trump's 4,000 lawsuits. 


Why are these supposedly "tough" right wingers so afraid of this little old woman? Is it because they know she will kick their sorry asses back to Tobacco Road when she becomes President? 


And no, there is no "reasonable assumption" that Trump could find "the truth" even if it was sitting in the lobby of Trump Tower. He lies constantly, and when he's caught, he invents new lies. He was a globalist in 2013. If he wasn't running for president, he would be a globalist today. 


Wrong. Comey pointed out where she was guilty but didn't recommend charges. The investigation is now re-opened, so it's not yet concluded. Not to mention the other four major FBI investigations currently going on involving Clinton and crew.

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Hillary's bogus "FBI investigation" concluded with her being found not guilty. If I thought like you, then I would simply hand wave the entire thing away as a RNC-conceived conspiracy to desperately try anything to prevent a Hillary victory. See how easy that was? The same way hand you wave away all of Trump's 4,000 lawsuits. 


Why are these supposedly "tough" right wingers so afraid of this little old woman? Is it because they know she will kick their sorry asses back to Tobacco Road when she becomes President? 


And no, there is no "reasonable assumption" that Trump could find "the truth" even if it was sitting in the lobby of Trump Tower. He lies constantly, and when he's caught, he invents new lies. He was a globalist in 2013. If he wasn't running for president, he would be a globalist today. 


Wrong. Comey pointed out where she was guilty but didn't recommend charges. The investigation is now re-opened, so it's not yet concluded. Not to mention the other four major FBI investigations currently going on involving Clinton and crew.




The investigation into Clinton was not "re-opened." That's what some idiotic Republican tweeted, and the dumb media just repeated that mindlessly, just like they repeat Trump's lies ad infinitum. 


Like I said, if I thought like you and BO, I would conclude that any and all FBI investigations of my candidate are politically motivated, and therefore can be dismissed as a sham. 

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Why isn't the FBI investigating all the Attorney Generals in states that illegally dropped their fraud cases into Trump University when Trump bribed them with campaign money? That's some high level criminality there -- both the Attorney Generals of those states and Trump should be in jail. 

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  • Super Moderator
Except Trump says what he means.


He changes positions as quickly and easily as any of them. None of them mean anything they say. One day he's with Hillary on Iraq and another day he isn't and denying that he ever was. One day he's a globalist and on another he's building walls. Like the rest he just says what he thinks his demographic wants to hear on a given day.

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What point do you and the Clinton gang have with this particular semantical rebuttal? Are you trying to say that the FBI isn't investigating her? 

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Hillary's bogus "FBI investigation" concluded with her being found not guilty. If I thought like you, then I would simply hand wave the entire thing away as a RNC-conceived conspiracy to desperately try anything to prevent a Hillary victory. See how easy that was? The same way hand you wave away all of Trump's 4,000 lawsuits. 


Why are these supposedly "tough" right wingers so afraid of this little old woman? Is it because they know she will kick their sorry asses back to Tobacco Road when she becomes President? 


And no, there is no "reasonable assumption" that Trump could find "the truth" even if it was sitting in the lobby of Trump Tower. He lies constantly, and when he's caught, he invents new lies. He was a globalist in 2013. If he wasn't running for president, he would be a globalist today. 


Wrong. Comey pointed out where she was guilty but didn't recommend charges. The investigation is now re-opened, so it's not yet concluded. Not to mention the other four major FBI investigations currently going on involving Clinton and crew.




The investigation into Clinton was not "re-opened." That's what some idiotic Republican tweeted, and the dumb media just repeated that mindlessly, just like they repeat Trump's lies ad infinitum. 


Like I said, if I thought like you and BO, I would conclude that any and all FBI investigations of my candidate are politically motivated, and therefore can be dismissed as a sham. 



So the FBI isn't looking into her emails again? Because every news source on both sides and up the middle says they are.


If you thought like BO and myself you'd realize the fact that Hillary Clinton's entire political life is a sham.  Saudi money up the wazoo. Perjury under oath. Destroying evidence that has come under subpoena. Corruption and insider deals involving cash for favors. Her "second daughter" Huma (she of Muslim Brotherhood fame) that has after years and years of being sewn to Hillary's hip suddenly becoming just a staffer, a prelude to being thrown under the bus. Getting rich ripping off the brown people in Haiti. Bringing super predators to heel. KKK big shot Byrd being her mentor and worthy of her praise. Her admiration of Margaret Sanger the eugenicist that built her abortion mills where the black people were. Being given the debate questions in advance by the current head of the DNC and keeping it a secret. Rigging the primaries against Bernie with the help of the last head of the DNC who had to resign in shame on the eve of their biggest national convention in years. 

Should I continue?

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Hillary's bogus "FBI investigation" concluded with her being found not guilty. If I thought like you, then I would simply hand wave the entire thing away as a RNC-conceived conspiracy to desperately try anything to prevent a Hillary victory. See how easy that was? The same way hand you wave away all of Trump's 4,000 lawsuits. 


Why are these supposedly "tough" right wingers so afraid of this little old woman? Is it because they know she will kick their sorry asses back to Tobacco Road when she becomes President? 


And no, there is no "reasonable assumption" that Trump could find "the truth" even if it was sitting in the lobby of Trump Tower. He lies constantly, and when he's caught, he invents new lies. He was a globalist in 2013. If he wasn't running for president, he would be a globalist today. 


Wrong. Comey pointed out where she was guilty but didn't recommend charges. The investigation is now re-opened, so it's not yet concluded. Not to mention the other four major FBI investigations currently going on involving Clinton and crew.




The investigation into Clinton was not "re-opened." That's what some idiotic Republican tweeted, and the dumb media just repeated that mindlessly, just like they repeat Trump's lies ad infinitum. 


Like I said, if I thought like you and BO, I would conclude that any and all FBI investigations of my candidate are politically motivated, and therefore can be dismissed as a sham. 



So the FBI isn't looking into her emails again? Because every news source on both sides and up the middle says they are.


If you thought like BO and myself you'd realize the fact that Hillary Clinton's entire political life is a sham.  Saudi money up the wazoo. Perjury under oath. Destroying evidence that has come under subpoena. Corruption and insider deals involving cash for favors. Her "second daughter" Huma (she of Muslim Brotherhood fame) that has after years and years of being sewn to Hillary's hip suddenly becoming just a staffer, a prelude to being thrown under the bus. Getting rich ripping off the brown people in Haiti. Bringing super predators to heel. KKK big shot Byrd being her mentor and worthy of her praise. Her admiration of Margaret Sanger the eugenicist that built her abortion mills where the black people were. Being given the debate questions in advance by the current head of the DNC and keeping it a secret. Rigging the primaries against Bernie with the help of the last head of the DNC who had to resign in shame on the eve of their biggest national convention in years. 

Should I continue?




No, the FBI is investigating Anthony Weiner's emails, not Hillary's. How sad that you are so easily duped by anything anti-Hillary that the media puts out there. 


The rest of your rant is just typical right wing boilerplate. Trump's entire life is one big lie from start to finish yet you have no problem with his lies, deceptions, scams, and frauds. The double standards being applied make me sick. 

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  • Super Moderator
Trump's entire life is one big lie from start to finish yet you have no problem with his lies, deceptions, scams, and frauds. The double standards being applied make me sick.


I don't think anyone is ignoring the myriad faults of Trump, but some do see him as the lesser evil in spite of his, well, awfulness. Personally, I can't make a call on which is lesser. Different problems for each, but both so horrible I can't choose.

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No, the FBI is investigating Anthony Weiner's emails, not Hillary's.


Haha. Yeah, this doesn't touch Hillary in any way. Obama and the Clinton team aren't at all concerned over this because, hey, it's Wiener who is under investigation here, not Clinton! 


How sad that you are so easily duped by anything anti-Hillary that the media puts out there. 



Isn't it ironic. Doncha think? Kind of like rain on your wedding day. 

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Dude, I wanna have your baby. wub.png


Aw, shucks, Fwee. blush.png

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Hillary's bogus "FBI investigation" concluded with her being found not guilty. If I thought like you, then I would simply hand wave the entire thing away as a RNC-conceived conspiracy to desperately try anything to prevent a Hillary victory. See how easy that was? The same way hand you wave away all of Trump's 4,000 lawsuits. 


Why are these supposedly "tough" right wingers so afraid of this little old woman? Is it because they know she will kick their sorry asses back to Tobacco Road when she becomes President? 


And no, there is no "reasonable assumption" that Trump could find "the truth" even if it was sitting in the lobby of Trump Tower. He lies constantly, and when he's caught, he invents new lies. He was a globalist in 2013. If he wasn't running for president, he would be a globalist today. 


Wrong. Comey pointed out where she was guilty but didn't recommend charges. The investigation is now re-opened, so it's not yet concluded. Not to mention the other four major FBI investigations currently going on involving Clinton and crew.




The investigation into Clinton was not "re-opened." That's what some idiotic Republican tweeted, and the dumb media just repeated that mindlessly, just like they repeat Trump's lies ad infinitum. 


Like I said, if I thought like you and BO, I would conclude that any and all FBI investigations of my candidate are politically motivated, and therefore can be dismissed as a sham. 



So the FBI isn't looking into her emails again? Because every news source on both sides and up the middle says they are.


If you thought like BO and myself you'd realize the fact that Hillary Clinton's entire political life is a sham.  Saudi money up the wazoo. Perjury under oath. Destroying evidence that has come under subpoena. Corruption and insider deals involving cash for favors. Her "second daughter" Huma (she of Muslim Brotherhood fame) that has after years and years of being sewn to Hillary's hip suddenly becoming just a staffer, a prelude to being thrown under the bus. Getting rich ripping off the brown people in Haiti. Bringing super predators to heel. KKK big shot Byrd being her mentor and worthy of her praise. Her admiration of Margaret Sanger the eugenicist that built her abortion mills where the black people were. Being given the debate questions in advance by the current head of the DNC and keeping it a secret. Rigging the primaries against Bernie with the help of the last head of the DNC who had to resign in shame on the eve of their biggest national convention in years. 

Should I continue?




No, the FBI is investigating Anthony Weiner's emails, not Hillary's. How sad that you are so easily duped by anything anti-Hillary that the media puts out there. 


The rest of your rant is just typical right wing boilerplate. Trump's entire life is one big lie from start to finish yet you have no problem with his lies, deceptions, scams, and frauds. The double standards being applied make me sick. 



The NYPD investigation involving Anthony Weiner's pedo case revealed 650,000 emails on his laptop. Some were emails that involved Hillary. Enough of them for the FBI to reopen the investigation into Hillary's emails.  Sorry Blood, that's just the truth.


It's odd that a smart person like you, who claims to have an aversion to double standards, can't see the truth about the Clintons.


Don't you want to talk about how they stole from the brown people in Haiti? Don't you want to talk about how the KKK's own Robert Byrd was praised by Hillary as her mentor? Don't you want to talk about the Margaret Sanger Award and how Hillary received it, and what Margaret Sanger believed?


Do you really think the Democrat party has changed? You think there was a big flip when suddenly both teams went into the locker room at half time and switched uniforms. That's pretty silly.


The Republican party (and I'm not a member) was formed in part against slavery. Its first candidate for president (I believe it was John Fremont) didn't make it, but the second one, Abraham Lincoln did. I know you can call up some Lincoln quotes and deeds that sound awful, but in the end, he preserved the Union and abolished slavery.


The party of segregation, the party of the KKK, the party of Jim Crow, is and has always been the Democrat party.


ETA: I removed an apostrophe. 

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We can ignore this because it's Fox:




FBI Sources Believe Clinton Foundation Case Moving Towards "Likely an Indictment"
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Hillary's bogus "FBI investigation" concluded with her being found not guilty. If I thought like you, then I would simply hand wave the entire thing away as a RNC-conceived conspiracy to desperately try anything to prevent a Hillary victory. See how easy that was? The same way hand you wave away all of Trump's 4,000 lawsuits. 


Why are these supposedly "tough" right wingers so afraid of this little old woman? Is it because they know she will kick their sorry asses back to Tobacco Road when she becomes President? 


And no, there is no "reasonable assumption" that Trump could find "the truth" even if it was sitting in the lobby of Trump Tower. He lies constantly, and when he's caught, he invents new lies. He was a globalist in 2013. If he wasn't running for president, he would be a globalist today. 


Wrong. Comey pointed out where she was guilty but didn't recommend charges. The investigation is now re-opened, so it's not yet concluded. Not to mention the other four major FBI investigations currently going on involving Clinton and crew.




The investigation into Clinton was not "re-opened." That's what some idiotic Republican tweeted, and the dumb media just repeated that mindlessly, just like they repeat Trump's lies ad infinitum. 


Like I said, if I thought like you and BO, I would conclude that any and all FBI investigations of my candidate are politically motivated, and therefore can be dismissed as a sham. 



So the FBI isn't looking into her emails again? Because every news source on both sides and up the middle says they are.


If you thought like BO and myself you'd realize the fact that Hillary Clinton's entire political life is a sham.  Saudi money up the wazoo. Perjury under oath. Destroying evidence that has come under subpoena. Corruption and insider deals involving cash for favors. Her "second daughter" Huma (she of Muslim Brotherhood fame) that has after years and years of being sewn to Hillary's hip suddenly becoming just a staffer, a prelude to being thrown under the bus. Getting rich ripping off the brown people in Haiti. Bringing super predators to heel. KKK big shot Byrd being her mentor and worthy of her praise. Her admiration of Margaret Sanger the eugenicist that built her abortion mills where the black people were. Being given the debate questions in advance by the current head of the DNC and keeping it a secret. Rigging the primaries against Bernie with the help of the last head of the DNC who had to resign in shame on the eve of their biggest national convention in years. 

Should I continue?




No, the FBI is investigating Anthony Weiner's emails, not Hillary's. How sad that you are so easily duped by anything anti-Hillary that the media puts out there. 


The rest of your rant is just typical right wing boilerplate. Trump's entire life is one big lie from start to finish yet you have no problem with his lies, deceptions, scams, and frauds. The double standards being applied make me sick. 



The NYPD investigation involving Anthony Weiner's pedo case revealed 650,000 emails on his laptop. Some were emails that involved Hillary. Enough of them for the FBI to reopen the investigation into Hillary's emails.  Sorry Blood, that's just the truth.


It's odd that a smart person like you, who claims to have an aversion to double standards, can't see the truth about the Clintons.


Don't you want to talk about how they stole from the brown people in Haiti? Don't you want to talk about how the KKK's own Robert Byrd was praised by Hillary as her mentor? Don't you want to talk about the Margaret Sanger Award and how Hillary received it, and what Margaret Sanger believed?


Do you really think the Democrat party has changed? You think there was a big flip when suddenly both teams went into the locker room at half time and switched uniforms. That's pretty silly.


The Republican party (and I'm not a member) was formed in part against slavery. Its first candidate for president (I believe it was John Fremont) didn't make it, but the second one, Abraham Lincoln did. I know you can call up some Lincoln quotes and deeds that sound awful, but in the end, he preserved the Union and abolished slavery.


The party of segregation, the party of the KKK, the party of Jim Crow, is and has always been the Democrat party.


ETA: I removed an apostrophe. 





Why do I always have to do your research for you? Have you read Comey's letter? You can read it here:




FBI Reportedly "Reopening" Clinton E-Mail Investigation (Snopes.com)


Comey: "The FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails..." 


Nowhere, nowhere at all, does the letter state, or imply, that the previous investigation, which concluded in the summer with Clinton's exoneration, has been "reopened." That word is never used. 


Sorry, Dude, that's just the truth. I'm sorry that you suspend all critical thinking when it comes to Republican propaganda about Hillary Clinton. 


The rest of your rant is just more hysteria cribbed from far right websites that is utterly removed from the current election. If you're so concerned about the KKK, perhaps you should pause a moment to reflect that they just endorsed Donald J. Trump. As has every other white supremacist and neo-Nazi group out there. 

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Hillary's bogus "FBI investigation" concluded with her being found not guilty. If I thought like you, then I would simply hand wave the entire thing away as a RNC-conceived conspiracy to desperately try anything to prevent a Hillary victory. See how easy that was? The same way hand you wave away all of Trump's 4,000 lawsuits. 


Why are these supposedly "tough" right wingers so afraid of this little old woman? Is it because they know she will kick their sorry asses back to Tobacco Road when she becomes President? 


And no, there is no "reasonable assumption" that Trump could find "the truth" even if it was sitting in the lobby of Trump Tower. He lies constantly, and when he's caught, he invents new lies. He was a globalist in 2013. If he wasn't running for president, he would be a globalist today. 


Wrong. Comey pointed out where she was guilty but didn't recommend charges. The investigation is now re-opened, so it's not yet concluded. Not to mention the other four major FBI investigations currently going on involving Clinton and crew.




The investigation into Clinton was not "re-opened." That's what some idiotic Republican tweeted, and the dumb media just repeated that mindlessly, just like they repeat Trump's lies ad infinitum. 


Like I said, if I thought like you and BO, I would conclude that any and all FBI investigations of my candidate are politically motivated, and therefore can be dismissed as a sham. 



So the FBI isn't looking into her emails again? Because every news source on both sides and up the middle says they are.


If you thought like BO and myself you'd realize the fact that Hillary Clinton's entire political life is a sham.  Saudi money up the wazoo. Perjury under oath. Destroying evidence that has come under subpoena. Corruption and insider deals involving cash for favors. Her "second daughter" Huma (she of Muslim Brotherhood fame) that has after years and years of being sewn to Hillary's hip suddenly becoming just a staffer, a prelude to being thrown under the bus. Getting rich ripping off the brown people in Haiti. Bringing super predators to heel. KKK big shot Byrd being her mentor and worthy of her praise. Her admiration of Margaret Sanger the eugenicist that built her abortion mills where the black people were. Being given the debate questions in advance by the current head of the DNC and keeping it a secret. Rigging the primaries against Bernie with the help of the last head of the DNC who had to resign in shame on the eve of their biggest national convention in years. 

Should I continue?




No, the FBI is investigating Anthony Weiner's emails, not Hillary's. How sad that you are so easily duped by anything anti-Hillary that the media puts out there. 


The rest of your rant is just typical right wing boilerplate. Trump's entire life is one big lie from start to finish yet you have no problem with his lies, deceptions, scams, and frauds. The double standards being applied make me sick. 



The NYPD investigation involving Anthony Weiner's pedo case revealed 650,000 emails on his laptop. Some were emails that involved Hillary. Enough of them for the FBI to reopen the investigation into Hillary's emails.  Sorry Blood, that's just the truth.


It's odd that a smart person like you, who claims to have an aversion to double standards, can't see the truth about the Clintons.


Don't you want to talk about how they stole from the brown people in Haiti? Don't you want to talk about how the KKK's own Robert Byrd was praised by Hillary as her mentor? Don't you want to talk about the Margaret Sanger Award and how Hillary received it, and what Margaret Sanger believed?


Do you really think the Democrat party has changed? You think there was a big flip when suddenly both teams went into the locker room at half time and switched uniforms. That's pretty silly.


The Republican party (and I'm not a member) was formed in part against slavery. Its first candidate for president (I believe it was John Fremont) didn't make it, but the second one, Abraham Lincoln did. I know you can call up some Lincoln quotes and deeds that sound awful, but in the end, he preserved the Union and abolished slavery.


The party of segregation, the party of the KKK, the party of Jim Crow, is and has always been the Democrat party.


ETA: I removed an apostrophe. 





Why do I always have to do your research for you? Have you read Comey's letter? You can read it here:




FBI Reportedly "Reopening" Clinton E-Mail Investigation (Snopes.com)


Comey: "The FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails..." 


Nowhere, nowhere at all, does the letter state, or imply, that the previous investigation, which concluded in the summer with Clinton's exoneration, has been "reopened." That word is never used. 


Sorry, Dude, that's just the truth. I'm sorry that you suspend all critical thinking when it comes to Republican propaganda about Hillary Clinton. 


The rest of your rant is just more hysteria cribbed from far right websites that is utterly removed from the current election. If you're so concerned about the KKK, perhaps you should pause a moment to reflect that they just endorsed Donald J. Trump. As has every other white supremacist and neo-Nazi group out there. 



Snopes? Bwahahahaha!!!


Here Blood, is a Google search page:




Even your Snopes people get a mention. Whether Comey's letter says "reopen" or not is immaterial. A rose by any other name is still a rose, after all, as you will see if you peruse the link. Even a glance should do it.



I can show you a lot of love from Hillary towards KKK people and others with similar ideas.  I already mentioned Robert Byrd and Margaret Sanger.

Trump has disavowed the KKK and David Duke and etc, but I guess you missed that.


I'd put the KKK newspaper endorsement somewhere along with the KKK's Grand Dragon Will Quigg's endorsement of Hillary (sorry to use a vast right wing conspiracy source http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2016-03-14/ku-klux-klan-grand-dragon-will-quigg-endorses-hillary-clinton-for-president).


You see, it's not what the nutters  say about the candidate that matters, it's what the candidates say about the nutters.


Here's a nice opinion piece from the Wall Street Journal. I hope the WSJ isn't too right wing for you.  



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