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Weird Things You Like To Do


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I like to fornicate, and cuddle afterwards... And then fornicate again... And then walk around the house in my over priced robe as if I were hue hefner :HaHa:

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  • HuaiDan


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  • The Sage Nabooru


  • Clearview


I like to talk to my horses out loud and then answer for them in a manner I think they would, could they talk. It's weird and stupid, but it cracks people up, especially people who haven't seen me do it before. Any horse people who hang around me long enough start doing it too.
I don't think that's weird or stupid at all. That's pretty cool, actually. ^_^
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I order cheesy things...."without cheese". Like pizza. I order pizza without cheese all the time. Today I had smoked salmon quesedillas.....without the queso for lunch. :)


It's actually practical.....just weird for others to watch. I can't seem to swallow melted cheese very well. It sticks in my throat, I gag, and then I instantly lose my appetite.

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Whenever I eat a Whopper from Burger King I like to remove the bottom bun, put french fries on it, fold it in half and eat it. Then I take the top bun along with all of the fixin's and fold it in half and eat it. Then, once all of that's gone, I eat the meat separately.


Back when McDonald's had their McD-LT (anyone remember that?), I was in Heaven. :wub:



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I like to talk to my horses out loud and then answer for them in a manner I think they would, could they talk. It's weird and stupid, but it cracks people up, especially people who haven't seen me do it before. Any horse people who hang around me long enough start doing it too.


Do you reply for them in your best Mr. Ed voice? :lmao:


Hmm....weird things I like to do. Well, lots of people think it's weird, but I just think it's fun...I like to sit and play World of Warcraft for hours on end! I've played for a full day before. Not 24 hours...just the productive part of the day. :loser:


Speaking as one who was awake until nearly 5 AM this morning doing exactly that, I don't think it's weird at all. :grin:


another weird thing I like to do is flirt online...even though in real life, I only talk to guys I know. I'm not usually the type who goes up to strangers. I also can't get away with half of the things offline that I can get away with online, people would be shocked. I guess that's the thing about the internet. Its kind of ironic.


Me too! I'm so not my real life self when I am online. I wonder which is really me...my online self or my real life self. I tend to think that due to some of the shit I endured as a child, my online self is really me trying to get out. Unfortunately, there is a hard hard shell around me in real life...and the only thing that seems to soften it up is alcohol! Lots and lots of alcohol! Sad... :ugh:


I think this is the case for just about everyone. I won't even bother pointing out that my behavior is drastically different on/offline--even the people here who have never physically met me could tell you that. :HaHa:


The anonymity of the internet is very freeing. It allows people to be who they really want to be, rather than who they may think they should be.


Of course, this does usually have the same effect on all aspects of a person's behavior and personality. It is from this unfortunate reality that we get John Gabriel's Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory.


Myself, I'm another collector, but only of a few specific things. Ceramic sculptures (everything from a cliff-mounted castle to a drinking horn), Celtic music, and (predominantly) tabs. Like the kind you get off soda cans. Not just any tabs, though. Mountain Dew tabs only. I've got over 5000 of the things now, collecting more all the time.


To top it all off, I'm such a geek that I'd like to find a way to link enough of them together to make a mock chain hauberk. :dance::lmao:


Oh yeah, and I always have to be busying my hands in some way. Usually by flipping things--a pen, page-corners as I'm reading a book; whatever happens to be nearby.

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I drink beer when I clean the house. (lots of beer.) And I play techno music really loud.


I talk to myself when I drive. And I yell at other drivers, even though they can't hear me.


I have long conversations with my wiener dog. (I don't dress her in little wiener dog clothes, though. Except in the winter when it's snowing, and then she gets a little sweater.)


I lick my wiener dog's nose. But only after she licks mine.


Sometimes I crave Twinkies. Usually after smoking a lot of weed.


I make weird art, mostly collages. With stickers and old keys and pieces of old envelopes that nobody has used for years.


Are those things weird? I have no idea.

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HuaiDan, I thoroughly share the joy in your so called wierd endeavor. Are you a black guy? Because I know it's unusual for African Americans to partake.


We have three cats and I would be moritfied if our house ever started smelling like cat piss. So every day I clean the cat litter boxes with surgical percision. I have four sepatate tools I use, and it is a slow tedious process. No one else in the house is allowed to do this but me. Not the wife or kids. I am the only one who can do it right.



I don't know if you're the only one who got my stupid joke, or the only one who cared enough to respond to it.


No, not african american.

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As for you people who collect things, I HATE collecting things. I refuse to collect things. It freaks me out when someone gives me a gift that is part of a collection and tells me that now I can start collecting that thing. No! You can't make me!!! I'm the anti-pack rat, I suppose.

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HuaiDan, I thoroughly share the joy in your so called wierd endeavor. Are you a black guy? Because I know it's unusual for African Americans to partake.


We have three cats and I would be moritfied if our house ever started smelling like cat piss. So every day I clean the cat litter boxes with surgical percision. I have four sepatate tools I use, and it is a slow tedious process. No one else in the house is allowed to do this but me. Not the wife or kids. I am the only one who can do it right.



I don't know if you're the only one who got my stupid joke, or the only one who cared enough to respond to it.


No, not african american.

i guess he didnt see the Huai in your name, and the fact it says your from Shanghai :grin:

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i guess he didnt see the Huai in your name, and the fact it says your from Shanghai FrogsToadBigGrin.gif


That's a reasonable assumption, but still jumping to conclusions. I'm plain old American white bread. HuaiDan literally means bad or broken egg in chinese, figuratively means scoundrel.

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I have to use liquid fabric softener (not the dryer sheets) and I use twice as much as I am supposed to because the clothes and blankets HAVE to smell like it or I'll put them through the rinse cycle again with more liquid fabric softener.



I'm not sure if it's weird, but I'm incredibly picky about my laundry detergent. We just got one of those new high-effiency, ahem, European washing machines, and we have to get a certain kind of detergent for it. I prefer the All that comes in a blue bottle, but my mom keeps buying the Tide Mountain Air or Fresh Mountain Meadow crap and I hate it.


I only use the liquid fabric softener in the winter, though, to counteract static cling. I use the dryer sheets in the summer to counteract that crappy Tide Mountain of Fresh Crap smell.


A weird thing I do sometimes when nobody is around. I imagione I am a major leage baseball pitcher. I am on the mound and pitching to a batter. I will go through the pitching motions. I will even mentally agonize which pitches to throw....fastball, curve, slider, knuckle ball.....(I used to be a baseball fan when I was a kid).


I've known people (all men), who, in the middle of conversation, will suddenly play a slow-motion game of air golf or air baseball. It's very weird indeed.


I like to talk to my horses out loud and then answer for them in a manner I think they would, could they talk. It's weird and stupid, but it cracks people up, especially people who haven't seen me do it before. Any horse people who hang around me long enough start doing it too.


There's nothing weird about that. I would say most people who live with animals talk with them and imagine them comprehending (which of course they do to an extent), and answering for them as well. My family and I have created an entire seperate language, based on American English but almost unintelligible, that we use with our dogs and birds. A typical statement in Doglish goes like this:


"Well hewwo widdo babee dawg! Dere she is! Duszoo a big goo? Duszoo? Duszoo? Yeeah, dee's da big babee gurrel! Dus so pitty. Dee's a pitty gurrel! Dusda big brown-eyed dawggy baby!"

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I like to talk to my horses out loud and then answer for them in a manner I think they would, could they talk. It's weird and stupid, but it cracks people up, especially people who haven't seen me do it before. Any horse people who hang around me long enough start doing it too.


There's nothing weird about that. I would say most people who live with animals talk with them and imagine them comprehending (which of course they do to an extent), and answering for them as well. My family and I have created an entire seperate language, based on American English but almost unintelligible, that we use with our dogs and birds. A typical statement in Doglish goes like this:


"Well hewwo widdo babee dawg! Dere she is! Duszoo a big goo? Duszoo? Duszoo? Yeeah, dee's da big babee gurrel! Dus so pitty. Dee's a pitty gurrel! Dusda big brown-eyed dawggy baby!"


Heh, I'm thoroughly convinced my cat understands perfectly every single word I say to her.

























She just doesn't care. :Wendywhatever:



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Picked up expended cartridges and pulled bullets and fragments from bodies and places I've tended the wounded in.


Got quite a collection...



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There's nothing weird about that. I would say most people who live with animals talk with them and imagine them comprehending (which of course they do to an extent), and answering for them as well. My family and I have created an entire seperate language, based on American English but almost unintelligible, that we use with our dogs and birds. A typical statement in Doglish goes like this:


"Well hewwo widdo babee dawg! Dere she is! Duszoo a big goo? Duszoo? Duszoo? Yeeah, dee's da big babee gurrel! Dus so pitty. Dee's a pitty gurrel! Dusda big brown-eyed dawggy baby!"



Nah, we have real conversations.








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Sometimes I like to put peanut butter on my cheeseburgers.

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Sometimes I like to wake up my snoring dad by screaming. It's funny because he always wakes up screaming, too.



































Well, I think it's funny.

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Sometimes I like to put peanut butter on my cheeseburgers.




That's cute. :HaHa:






The Sage, you're hilarious! I bet your dad has gotten a few grey hairs from you. ;)





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I like grape jelly on my egg mcmuffins. Try it, it's delicious. It's why my hair is blue.

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I like grape jelly on my egg mcmuffins. Try it, it's delicious. It's why my hair is blue.



Mmm, that's the best!! :yum:

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I like to go to the local Poultry Show and check out all the weird and wonderful chooks.


That's what I'll be doing tomorrow instead of going to church!!! lol

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I like to hide in the pants racks at department stores and the wal-mart.


I like to wear my socks mis-matched. But in themes. So like. Crabs and lobsters are sea life, popcorn and ice cream are snacks, stars and mushrooms are mario, pirates and ostriches are things that bury things in the sand.


I like to give the spiders that live in the corner of my bathroom literary names.


When I'm driving for long periods of time I like to pretend I am playing a video game and make appropriate noises.


Oh also: I collect eyeballs, monster feet, and anteaters. It is hard to find items in these themes.

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Guest Shiva H. Vishnu

I like to hide in the pants racks at department stores and the wal-mart.


I like to wear my socks mis-matched. But in themes. So like. Crabs and lobsters are sea life, popcorn and ice cream are snacks, stars and mushrooms are mario, pirates and ostriches are things that bury things in the sand.


I like to give the spiders that live in the corner of my bathroom literary names.


When I'm driving for long periods of time I like to pretend I am playing a video game and make appropriate noises.


Oh also: I collect eyeballs, monster feet, and anteaters. It is hard to find items in these themes.



Hey feets, I checked out your site and I love your artwork. Neat stuff.

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I like grape jelly on my egg mcmuffins. Try it, it's delicious. It's why my hair is blue.


Is that why your eyes are rotted out and your skin is pasty, too?

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Hey feets, I checked out your site and I love your artwork. Neat stuff.


Thanks! ^_^


That's another weird thing I like to do. Draw ... weird things. :HaHa:

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