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    •  Many apologists will say that the arguments for God’s existence should be seen as a cumulative case rather than any single argument being a reason for belief on its own. This is understandable as the majority of arguments for God are second hand inference, God of the gaps or incredulity based, so as evidence goes none of it should not be convincing on its own.

      The cumulative case works in both directions, as there are many reasons to disbelieve in a God’s existence, but any single argument may not be convincing on its own. With that in mind, here are a few of the more common reasons for disbelief and the rabbit hole of questions that these reasons lead to:  
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    • The evidence is clear that evil and suffering exist.
      The evidence that god exists?  No one really has any.
      Moreover, we know that even if a god does exist, evil and suffering obviously do not offend him.  If it did, he'd have put a stop to it by now.  After all, if he is omniscient, then he knows how much evil and suffering there is; and how broken and miserable it makes human existence.  If he really is omnibenevolent, then he wants to prevent his children from brokenness and misery.  If he really is omnipotent, then he has the ability to prevent the evil and suffering that causes brokenness and misery.  And if he really is omnipresent, then he is present every where that evil and suffering exist.
      If god is all of these things, and evil and suffering offend him, then why do evil and suffering continue to exist?  Why has he not moved to alleviate his own offense and save us all in the process? The simple fact that evil and suffering continue in this world is, in itself, evidence that god is not offended by it... or maybe god isn't the omni-max he's made out to be... or maybe god simply does not exist. 
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    • Animal suffering is a subject which I have thought of as simply a variation on the problem of suffering.  If God loved every one of His creations, then why would He set up a system where predators need to kill live prey to survive.  It's a system designed around killing, which is hard to reconcile with a loving, good God.
      However, I came across some other implications of animal suffering that expand the subject in several interesting ways.  The first was that if you are an old Earth creationist, so accept evolution, then the creation of every species that we see was guided by the principles of survival of the fittest, with evolutionary pressure being horrendous suffering (predation, disease, starvation, conflict etc).  The tool that God decided to use was untold misery for hundreds of millions of years, before we get to our current world of diverse life.
      The fact that thousands of T-Rex stalked the lands killing to survive, can't be seen as necessary, when they are all extinct long before His chosen people come along.  Hundreds of millions of years of creatures being torn limb from limb, before any of it mattered for our existence.  Why have that time period of suffering without benefit?
      I was talking to a vegan, who said God loves all of His creations, and believing that Christians should be vegan because killing His creations was against His will.  This just led to pointing to the horrors of the OT, where God requests burnt sacrifices on a regular basis, saying that the smell was pleasing to Him.  Or to the Israelites attacks on various cities, where they are told to kill all of the inhabitants, including the innocent animals.  King Saul even angered God for not murdering all of the animals, as some were taken as plunder.
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    • Hello,
      I guess our reasons for joining this site are slightly different for each person and yet perhaps desperation might be a common theme. So, with that said, a brief introduction. I have been involved with Christianity for many years. Out of sheer despair, I suppose I ended up finding this site. 
      Here is my experience with Christianity:
      The unhappiest times of my life were when I got myself involved in Christianity. I marvel at those who appear to be at ease with it all. I conclude, there's something wrong with me. 
      Never, have I felt more powerless, worthless, unfree. 
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    • Failed prayer, the idea that there is an invisible being , listening to everyones thoughts is beyond laughable. 
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    • Weezer
      I will not argue against it, but will say you described some of my relatives and friends.
    • pantheory
      To Have a "fun" discussion, I would like to play the "Devils Advocate." Even though I am the purest of atheists IMO and would bet my immortal soul against a six pack of beer , I don't laugh at religion since IMHO everyone has a right to their own beliefs as long as they don't infringe on the rights or psychological well-being of others. That being said, I am going to pretend I believe in the Christianity of my own making,, and play the devil's advocate, if anyone is interested . You cannot argue with me personally in this thread, only  with my persona non grata. Realize that you can't talk to pantheory in this thread. If you want to for some reason, personally message me instead.   By doing this please realize that everything I say below this line I don't believe in, don't believe, don't believe, don't believe, don't believe.   As a Christian (Non Grata),  I don't believe in the Bible word for word, especially some parts of the old testament. But I do believe that Jesus was a real man who performed miracles and rose from the dead to save us from our sins. I do not believe in the original sin idea of the old testament. Do I believe in the possibility that some of the new testament could be wrong? Yes, but I believe that nearly all of it is correct but I question the truth of Revelation . I believe in heaven and hell and of the goodness of Jesus and the goodness of his message, such as the golden rule, and helping others as others would help you, such as the good Samaritan, and all the good deeds that Christians and others have done since humans have existed. I believe in evolution of the species and of mankind, but not the entire theory.   Does anyone want to argue against the above paragraph?
    • Wertbag
      There is also a conflict in the two narratives the apologist is trying to spin.  Firstly, they will say the Caninities were evil people (baby sacrifice, bestiality, demon worship etc) so were deserving of punishment and God's wrath.  Then on the other hand will say the killings are hyperbole, it was attacks on military camps only and not civilian centres, the people weren't targeted but were driven from their lands.  If they were just expelled from their homes, then they would continue to perform their evil rituals in their new lands.  The attacks wouldn't be punishment and wouldn't be justice for the baby killings as they would have been free to go. If narrative 1 is true, then it's killing the evil population and the biblical verses of killing everyone stand as justified.  If narrative 2 is true then it was a military campaign and had nothing to do with how evil they were, and the text is just wrong with its descriptions.  So, which is it?  Did they butcher the babies to stop the Caninities from killing them, or did they leave them alive and in the care of the demon worshipping baby killers?   Historians say the Caninities were driven from their lands and settled elsewhere, with the biggest group growing into the Carthaginian empire.  Apparently, Carthaginian's spoke and wrote the Cainite language.  There is evidence of child sacrifice in Carthage, with several Roman historians reporting such things.  While this would support the apologists claim that the war wasn't a genocide and the people weren't the target, this just points towards the attack not being to stamp out such practices and nothing to do with divine justice, but just a good ol' land grab by the Israelites.  If they actually cared or if God cared, then they completely failed to do what was their primary mission.
    • TheRedneckProfessor
      If I would be judged and punished for dashing a baby against a stone, then I am being held to a higher moral standard than god.  That simple fact alone gives the lie to the argument that god is the source of objective morality, or that god is the moral standard.  Objectivity would simply look at the facts--the action and the consequence--and make no allowances or exceptions for motivation or the persona of the aggressor involved.  Objectivity would either hold both god and me as guilty, or we would both be equally acquitted.  Additionally, if god were the moral standard, then there could/should not exist a higher standard against which I would be held.  Yet, the same people who would absolve god would want to see me strung from a yard arm.  Obviously a double standard, which cannot logically exist, if there is one objective standard.
    • Casualfanboy16
    • Weezer
      Yes, it is very sad and scary stuff!!  
    • Fuego
      Sadly, at least in America I'm seeing more open advocates of what amounts to Christian sharia law. Most seem like whiny "beta" males who get off on the idea of being strict rulers over others and enforcing with violence what they believe to be biblical roles for men and women. Some also conflate that with white supremacy and claim god rejected the Jews and has selected them to be his new chosen people. The percentage of them in the populace in America is low, but they appear to either be growing or just more open about it. And they are running for political positions in small government offices as well as nationally. I don't know if this is happening elsewhere in the world.   On one hand humans have lived through countless kings, despots, cult religions, genocides, barbarian raids, and more. On the other, I can't help wonder why humans seem to be so intent on rejecting science, logic, actual history, and keep fanatically promoting their cult beliefs instead of doggedly pursuing ways that bring well-being to most people. I think it is because it makes them feel special, powerful, and magical, and being in a group that echoes the same beliefs is a powerful reinforcement.    But I am also seeing a lot more open talk about deconversion/deconstruction on YouTube, and open criticism of biblical literalism, where people in past years would always repeat "Well, you have to respect their beliefs". So there is a tide change in that respect. 
    • Wertbag
      Doing the rounds of atheist YouTube is an interview that Alex O'Connor did with William Lane Craig (mockingly called low bar Bill after admitting he didn't care about evidence but would lower the bar to make Christianity acceptable because he wants it to be true).  The main topic was sparked by a comment by Richard Dawkins, who said he wouldn't debate WLC as he found the man's position on OT morality and defence of genocide to be abhorrent.  Alex grilled WLC about the biblical exterminations of the Amelikites and Canninites and got some truly horrific answers including killed babies get to go to heaven so it's really a blessing to be killed, and anything God commands is by default good, so if God tells you to butcher babies it must be the right thing to do.   The Mr Deity YouTube channel did a 6-part series going over every horrific thing that WLC said, and boy was it morally repugnant.  It does go to show that otherwise good people can be convinced of horrible things as good.  As the saying goes "Good people do good things and evil people do evil, but for good people to do evil requires religion". But of course, these are the same Christian apologists who claim there is an objective moral standard and that it is "written on our hearts".  We instinctively know that killing babies is wrong, and that is put forward by apologists as a lynchpin in the moral argument for God.  Yet, in the next breath they say that God can break that objective moral standard and it is not immoral when He does so.  It's a glaring bit of special pleading and cognitive dissonance.   One apologist that I had more respect for was Gavin Ortlund of the Truth Unites YouTube channel.  I've seen him talk out about how wrong ideas like young earth, bible inerrancy, fundamentalist ideas and the global flood are, so he at least is somewhat grounded in science and reason.  His latest video goes over the OT slaughters and is one of the biggest stretches I've seen an apologist make to try and justify the horror described.  One of the verses at the centre of the controversy is 1 Samuel 15:3 "Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.” So firstly, he says the bible is full of hyperbole, and killing everyone and everything is just over the top boasting.  He then tries to say that the bibles use of the word "city" actually means a military camp, and therefore there might not have been any civilians harmed at all.  I'm sure the fundamentalists who love their literal readings would be enraged at both of these ideas.   But if you are willing to accept when the bible says kill everyone, it doesn't mean it, and when it says to target women and children, it doesn't mean it, and when says you come to a city, it doesn't mean it and when it says blessed are those who smash the little ones on rocks, it doesn't mean it...  then by ignoring what the text says you can convert the story from what it says it was, to only an attack on a camp that was evil men only.   It reminds me of famous quote by Winston Churchill "History is written by the victors".  Justifying wars and slaughters can be done, and with no counter story we only have the victor's tales of their demonised enemy to go on.  The "other guy" was always the bad one and our guys were the just and fair saviours doing holy work, until it was Christian on Christian conflict then each side claimed God was on their side, they were the righteous and the others were evil heretics.
    • Weezer
      The biggest fantasy is that the Sumerian gods were from planet Nibiru  (planet X).  It supposedly has a strange orbit around the sun that takes over 600(?) years.  We can't see it now because it is so far away.  If I remember this correctly, when it comes around it gets so close to earth that it causes extreme tsunamis which was the cause of the great flood.  That is how the gods knew it was going to happen.  There was also something about them mining gold with the human slaves they created.  They transfered the gold to Nibiru by space ships, and used gold dust(?) in their planets atmosphere to control the climate.  This is the wildest fantasy I remember. This probably helped to kill any confidence in his deciphering the tablets.   One problem with all these Sumerian stories is that very few people can decipher the clay tablets.  There are apparantly lots of tablets, but they are under lock and key and very few people have access to them.  Some believe Christians (and others?) want to limit access because they don't want anything coming out that would undermine their religion.  I believe there is an effort to use AI (artificial intelligence) to decipher them.  I keep checking the internet to see if there is anything new, but so far there is nothing.   One thing to remember is that even these writings may have come from myths they heard, and wrote them down as "facts".  Similar to how we got our bible.
    • moxieflux66
      I've heard of this guy but never read any of his stuff. What did he come up with that doesn't add up specifically?    I too am a Star Trek fan and just about anything that happened in the show seemed and still seems possible, including beings from countless other planets and galaxies. 
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