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or does this look a lot like the Barbie version of Cinderella, with Jesus cast as Prince Charming...

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Do you think he's about to French kiss her?

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Do you think he's about to French kiss her?



Seriously! and it just got me to think about the whole, waiting for Prince Charming myth. I know I'm not the first one to make the anology to that and xianity, but the pic just made me go whoa. So be quiet, be a doormat, be a "good girl", never defend yourself, be selfless, and Prince CharmJesus will come to save you.

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or does this look a lot like the Barbie version of Cinderella, with Jesus cast as Prince Charming...



I don't know why Purple, but this pic just makes me fuckin sick! Like there is this good fuckin jeezus guy just ready to comfort damsils in distress! Yuk. What do you think?

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I like that picture. It shows that Jesus is loving.

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I like that picture. It shows that Jesus is loving.



Which kind of love?

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His love is unconditional.

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His love is unconditional.



Conditional, unconditional, are terms, not kinds. What "kind" of love do you see in that picture?

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I like that picture. It shows that Jesus is loving.



Which kind of love?



JEEEEEEEZUSFUCKINGCHRIST! Where is he in real life scott?


His love is unconditional.



Conditional, unconditional, are terms, not kinds. What "kind" of love do you see in that picture?



Like he wants her to suck his fuckin cock!

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Not just that but if you're going to show jesus you might as well show him like he most likely would have been (other than mythical that is):





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Not just that but if you're going to show jesus you might as well show him like he most likely would have been (other than mythical that is):







Place a picture of that in your house and the number of happy agnostics/atheists would soar!

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His love is unconditional.



Conditional, unconditional, are terms, not kinds. What "kind" of love do you see in that picture?


It's kinda hard to put into words. I guess I'll have to learn if I'm going to be a minister. :)


In that picture, I see a loving Jesus with His creation. The one He died for. I see Him loving her no matter what she has done or will do. He loves her with the love of a father for his daughter. It shows that His love is unconditional and that no one can ever love her the way He does. He loves with compassion, gentleness, and tenderness. His love is like no other. That's what I see in it, anyway...

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It's kinda hard to put into words. I guess I'll have to learn if I'm going to be a minister. :)

And if you're going to be a "good" minister you see a jesus that wishes she was a little boy. :wicked:



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I've heard a couple of theories on that one.


One he was gay or two he was married to Mary Magdalene.


Sorry Amy Marie, if he was married to Mary Magdalene I guess that makes your marriage null and void.

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How come Jesus the Rabbi wasn't married?


Good question, since Jewish men of that era, especially rabbis, would have been expected to be married around the age of 20. Perhaps Jesus, assuming he existed, and most or all of the disciples were married but the wives weren't mentioned because they weren't important to the story. :shrug:


As to the artwork, I don't want to be critical (because I know I couldn't draw anything even that well), but I don't like it either because I see it as the harlequin-romance version of Jesus rescuing the distressed damsel. I actually prefer the more realistic portrayal which was posted further up this thread because white-washed stereotypes and weak, ditsy women offend me.

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How come Jesus the Rabbi wasn't married?


In "The Messianic Legacy" which is the sequel to "The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail" the authors postulate that Someone of Jesus' status would almost certainly have been married. I am of the opinion that Jesus never even existed.

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His love is unconditional.



Conditional, unconditional, are terms, not kinds. What "kind" of love do you see in that picture?


It's kinda hard to put into words. I guess I'll have to learn if I'm going to be a minister. :)


In that picture, I see a loving Jesus with His creation. The one He died for. I see Him loving her no matter what she has done or will do. He loves her with the love of a father for his daughter. It shows that His love is unconditional and that no one can ever love her the way He does. He loves with compassion, gentleness, and tenderness. His love is like no other. That's what I see in it, anyway...

I'm just curious Scott if you were to see the image above where the woman's arms were not down at her sides, but were clearly up holding his face at the same time, along with the wounds in the hand no longer bleeding, but were a faint distant scar, what would that image say to you? I'm asking this quite sincerely.


As far as becoming a minister to be able to put things into words, that really has more to do with education. With education comes a greater vocabulary. The greater your vocabulary, the more you are able to conceptualize, IMO. I am all for that! By all means continue to expose yourself to ideas.

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Kinda sad that the only identifying feature Jesus seems to have for artists is perpetually bloody holes through his wrists.


Let's say I go on in my life to cure cancer, find safer treatments for AIDS, and negotiate a lasting peace in the countries of the middle east.


Then I die tragically in a car accident.


Will artists hence really need to depict me in their work with a steering wheel imbedded in my sternum?

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It looks very Mary Sueish. For those not familiar with the term Mary Sue:




Thanks for adding a new term to my lexicon. I think the following, from the website you referenced, is most apropos in this discussion:


"Mary Sue is any original or deeply altered character who represents a slice of his/her creator's own ego; s/he is treasured by his/her creator but only rarely by anyone else. More negatively, a Mary Sue is a primadonna (usually but not always badly-written) who saps life and realism out of every other character around, taking over the plot and bending canon to serve his/her selfish purposes."

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His love is unconditional.

Scott I've thought about this. It says in the bible something to the effect of... For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. That's the gist if I remember correctly.


Isn't this a CONDITIONAL statement? IF you believe THEN you will not perish. His love stops at those who fail to believe in him. Therefore this love is conditional, right?

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It's kinda hard to put into words. I guess I'll have to learn if I'm going to be a minister.


In that picture, I see a loving Jesus with His creation. The one He died for. I see Him loving her no matter what she has done or will do. He loves her with the love of a father for his daughter. It shows that His love is unconditional and that no one can ever love her the way He does. He loves with compassion, gentleness, and tenderness. His love is like no other. That's what I see in it, anyway...


Scott, the problem is, for me, and I believe for some others is the very romantic look of the picture. A picture that should be showing a love of diety. This picture, has combined brotherly, fatherly, and romantic love. It may not be biblically incorrect since Jesus is called our brother, he says he and the father are one, and he is also reffered to as the bridegroom. I supposse, maybe, in some cultures, or differnt times and place having someone be your brother, father and groom would be ok, maybe even beautiful, but for me it's creepy.


I wrote the op because I had been reading in the lions den, even if I was not posting, and kept seeing the pic each time AmyMarie posted. The picture was very creepy to me, and when I would scroll by it quickly it really did look like Barbie. Disscussion of art is a pretty common theme in my home, my husband is an artist, up until a year ago, he worked as an art director, my eldest is also an artist, and so is my 10 year old. That's visual arts, most here express themselves in other arts as well. I am not calling into question AmyMarie's abilities to paint or draw, or even her ability to express. To me, good art garners a reaction, an emotional reaction. I prefer art that pulls out positive emotions in me, but I do not think that is the only kind of art, or should be. I believe a good piece of art does two things gets a reaction, this did, and gets the reaction intended by the artist. I am not sure this is getting the reaction AmyMarie intended, not here anyway. Now, partly you need to, as an artist know something of your audience. You may, within your own culture get exactly the reaction you intended, and then take the same piece of art into a different culture and get a very different out come. This, to me, is what has happened here. Within her culture, christianity, her picture is met with the expected emotional responce. Like what you saw. Outside her normal circle though we see it differently.

To me as an artist, she can leave that pic up, and enjoy the reaction she gets from it. Many artists do, and I believe that is a legit part of expression. AmyMarie, by leaveing up this pic that the people here do not see the way you and her do, to me, is expressing how misunderstood she feels. She also though, as a christian, an artist, and I believe a pretty sensitive person, could, if she were so inclined, listen to the responces she gets here, drop the defensive reaction and attempt to express what she feels to the audience she has here. It would be a huge challange I admit, to visually express the love she has for Jesus, and the love she feels Jesus has for her to this audience, but the picture here does not do that, and you cannot blame the audience.

Okay now I have gotten seriously verbose. bleh

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The ones that most people ignore or turn away from in disqust, He would make feel like a princess.


What if they're guys? He treats them like princesses too?

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The NT also depicts the Bride of Christ as an army, the Warrior-Bride.


Where in the NT does it depict that?

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