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But I'll promise to keep up the in-house asshattery.


Damn good asshat..


Anyway, thing for me is that our Represenative system seems to work when folks are bothered to use the damn thing.


Pisses me off to no end "I won't vote because of 'X' " or whatever reason of day is.


The system, and I'm not referring to theFed as Goodyman, giving treats from the deep pockets of The People, but the unifying element that the "united States" is, continues to work despite all the shit the modern userpers have done to it.


Not gonna tell the assembled that there is an Easy Answer, but the one to work on repairing sure beats doing it all over again, or watching the various agents of over governments take what is owed them in land...


Not gonna surrender a well earned bad attitude because it is politically correct to kiss ass,



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Simply put, since I am being pessimistic, you choose who you want to vote for and you choose where you want to live. All in all, everybody will become one with the dirt since we have no control over the events when our time comes to expire. All religious matters and the fallout that results shall become the ultimate of moot points, of renderings obsolent, once the great living beast that is Universe will wipe us out. Debating politics, debating philosophy, debating religious, these matters are trifling at best. Once the gamma ray burst turns all of the global warming scenarios into the running jokes they deserve to be, there won't be any need to lament anymore since nobody will ever lament humankind.

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Simply put, since I am being pessimistic, you choose who you want to vote for and you choose where you want to live. All in all, everybody will become one with the dirt since we have no control over the events when our time comes to expire. All religious matters and the fallout that results shall become the ultimate of moot points, of renderings obsolent, once the great living beast that is Universe will wipe us out. Debating politics, debating philosophy, debating religious, these matters are trifling at best. Once the gamma ray burst turns all of the global warming scenarios into the running jokes they deserve to be, there won't be any need to lament anymore since nobody will ever lament humankind.


See, you get the joke :) Play the game like it means something, but never forget it's a game :scratch:

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But I'll promise to keep up the in-house asshattery.


Damn good asshat..


Anyway, thing for me is that our Represenative system seems to work when folks are bothered to use the damn thing.


Pisses me off to no end "I won't vote because of 'X' " or whatever reason of day is.


The system, and I'm not referring to theFed as Goodyman, giving treats from the deep pockets of The People, but the unifying element that the "united States" is, continues to work despite all the shit the modern userpers have done to it.


Not gonna tell the assembled that there is an Easy Answer, but the one to work on repairing sure beats doing it all over again, or watching the various agents of over governments take what is owed them in land...


Not gonna surrender a well earned bad attitude because it is politically correct to kiss ass,




No compromise, even in the face of Armageddon... I actually admire that in a person... I'm too pragmatic and too fond of my own hide to take that stand easily, but I can respect when a person has reached the place Great Uncle K has...


Take that as ass kissing or sarcasm... it was meant as neither... :Hmm:

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*I mean no offense, P, but your post really did come across with a rather strong accusatory tone.

I just read through the posts since my little rant, and what I said underscores the old warning about engaging the brain before putting the mouth (or in this case keyboard fingers) in gear. My post did say some things I now regret saying to the group here, and I apologize.


No harm, no foul. :) Also, a friendly tip I picked up early on in my own time here at Dave's house; on the occasion one does inevitably make a meal of them, those feet taste a lot better with a bit of lemon juice. ;)


I do think that because someone we consider to be a religious fanatic could be elected is no good reason to abandon your country. There might be other reasons to do so, and if you want to live elsewhere in the world, for the experience of it, you certainly have that right. I do hate to see America's bright younger folks thinking about abandoning the country to the christofascists, though.


But as you know, I'm an oldster, I've earned my place here, I've got a lot at stake what with retirement fast approaching, and I hate to see America sliding down the way it's doing. Better to resist, at least for me. I'd like to think most others feel the same way. I don't mean armed revolution, I mean by using the vote (despite growing voter cynicism and apathy), the power of the internet (before we get govt censorship), and using the power of the pen to write to our politicians and give them a piece of our minds.


I don't know if it's too late to turn things around. Honestly, I'm pessimistic.


And in that, you're (rather obviously) far from alone.


It's difficult for me to present a consistent image on this subject, as I'm kind of midway between the two camps (and getting a chronological head start on being a cynical bastard doesn't help any). I completely understand and can mostly agree with the thoughts and feelings of those like Kevin and yourself. For all I personally believe the country is descending rather quickly down to Hell in the proverbial hand basket, I don't necessarily agree with those who claim it's irreversibly doomed, even if they stipulate that claim with the variable "If politician X is elected." I think the strongest observable evidence we haven't reached the point of no return yet is we haven't seen the "brain drain" of massive intellectual emigration which, to the best of my knowledge, has afflicted every rising fascist power in modern history (the most prominent example probably being the exodus of scientists fleeing Nazi Germany shortly before Hitler's total consolidation of power).


On the other hand, I'm rather firmly ideally placed in the opposing Camp Get the Hell Out of Dodge. Again, not because I'm personally motivated to escape what I see as a declining political and cultural establishment (though I can't say I won't be glad to be rid of it), but more because I just want to get out there and see what there is to see. Still, even if one's desire to "get out" is motivated thereby, despite my feeling such a stance lacks wisdom I'm hesitant to judge them for it. Even if one is leaving for what I see as the "wrong" reason(s), it may turn out to have been the right thing for that individual to do regardless. We humans are motivated to do all kinds of crazy things by fear, and if a person feels "escaping" the situation is her/his best option... well, I must say I find that highly preferable to the many less palatable options s/he may have chosen.


Ultimately, I suppose I just extend my own mentality of willfully stubborn independence to the decisions of others. I know I've taken rather more than my share of preventable missteps, and though I try to be willing to learn from (the mistakes of) others and listen to good advice I'll probably continue to do so in the future (and probably despite, or even in spite of, the wisdom offered by those around me).


Ah well...I'll try not to be such an asshat in the future.


Now, now, let's not be hasty. You've been around more than long enough to have earned the privilege, and I can hardly imagine a life worth living without the joys of asshattery. :grin:

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Simply put, since I am being pessimistic, you choose who you want to vote for and you choose where you want to live. All in all, everybody will become one with the dirt since we have no control over the events when our time comes to expire. All religious matters and the fallout that results shall become the ultimate of moot points, of renderings obsolent, once the great living beast that is Universe will wipe us out. Debating politics, debating philosophy, debating religious, these matters are trifling at best. Once the gamma ray burst turns all of the global warming scenarios into the running jokes they deserve to be, there won't be any need to lament anymore since nobody will ever lament humankind.


See, you get the joke :) Play the game like it means something, but never forget it's a game :scratch:


But of course. I always try to emulate the words of the great Bugs Bunny: "You shouldn't take life too seriously, folks, 'cause you'll never make it out alive." :grin:


No compromise, even in the face of Armageddon... I actually admire that in a person... I'm too pragmatic and too fond of my own hide to take that stand easily, but I can respect when a person has reached the place Great Uncle K has...


Agreed. As I said previously, I may not agree with all his opinions (would probably scare the bejeezus out of both of us if I did), but I damn well have to admire his conviction.

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I just read through the posts since my little rant, and what I said underscores the old warning about engaging the brain before putting the mouth (or in this case keyboard fingers) in gear. My post did say some things I now regret saying to the group here, and I apologize. I do think that because someone we consider to be a religious fanatic could be elected is no good reason to abandon your country. There might be other reasons to do so, and if you want to live elsewhere in the world, for the experience of it, you certainly have that right. I do hate to see America's bright younger folks thinking about abandoning the country to the christofascists, though.


No problem.


I myself would not leave except as a last resort, especially since I can't afford to move anywhere right now. But I can see things potentially getting that extreme if another fundamentalist -- and one worse than Bush -- got elected.

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