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Dr. Lyle Rossiter...

Guest RevDDM

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Guest RevDDM

Someone may have already posted this... I haven't had time to read much, since I'm busy with college now...


Also, I'm not sure if this should go in "Science Vs. Religion" or not, since psychiatry is (somehow,) recognized as a science...


Here it goes...


What do you all think about Dr. Lyle Rossiter's work, "The Liberal Mind"; in which Dr. Rossiter claims that liberals suffer from a "psychopathological neurosis"? With him being a psychiatrist, I was a little skeptical at first... however, he presents his case extremely well... if nothing else... I also noticed in the past that many of the people on this board, who are ex-Christians, are also liberals. I would like a good mixture of liberal, conservative, and moderate replies, if possible.



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I think this will need to be moved.


I don't know of any conservatives here. I can't imagine why they would speak up here either, because they would be treated very harshly here. I am merely a moderate and I get hammered for it here.

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I'm not liberal, moderate, conservative, libertarian or anything at all. I take the position that I consider make most sense at the time. :)



Liberals are just people who want to have a revolution and create an anarchy, while the Conservatives are just hard ass idiots that only want a totalitarian fascist state... ;)


Of course one side doesn't make sense to the other, because if it did, he probably wouldn't believe what he believes. I think the problem is that each ideology have made some form of patent on different ideas, and the construct of these ideas for each one of them can be argued reductio ad absurdum, and would lead to the diagnosis of "psycho pathological neurosis." But that's not how we should judge politics. Just the simple thing as "individualism" vs "collectivism". They have both good and bad sides, but they are on opposite sides of the spectrum. Real politics should live somewhere in the penumbra between those two.

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I think this will need to be moved.


I don't know of any conservatives here. I can't imagine why they would speak up here either, because they would be treated very harshly here. I am merely a moderate and I get hammered for it here.

I'm mostly moderate. Balance is the key. Yin/Yang of politics... :grin:


To where do you think it should be moved?

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To where do you think it should be moved?

I don't know. :shrug: Maybe let it stay?

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I pulled up a brief excerpt:


... his agenda does not insist that the individual is the ultimate economic, social and political unit; it does not idealize individual liberty and the structure of law and order essential to it; it does not defend the basic rights of property and contract; it does not aspire to ideals of authentic autonomy and mutuality; it does not preach an ethic of self-reliance and self-determination; it does not praise courage, forbearance or resilience; it does not celebrate the ethics of consent or the blessings of voluntary cooperation.

I say 'strawman'. I consider Myself to be rather liberal and do, in fact, support the virtues he's claiming that liberals reject.


And I fail to see how differences of opinion in these particular spheres would constitute "psychopathological neurosis". Cranial trauma from banging one's head repeatedly against the wall, perhaps...

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As for myself I'm mostly old, but I get labeled as a liberal even though I feel like I'd like to conserve the human race from it's own cancerous warmongers. Nevertheless, I can't comment on the said doctor having never read him.


I don't doubt that liberals are nuts, and I don't doubt that conservatives are nuts. I don't see how one can get along in modern society without being insane. Hey you know we have enough nukes to turn the planet into a cinder several times over and people are like :shrug: Don't tell me that is not insane, or you will make me mad -- mad I tell you!!!


Edit: Okay I confess I've been conservative and I've been liberal, and I've been crazy in both guises. But I think I was less crazy as a liberal because I was taking pills for it and because I didn't vote Republican anymore.

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Rev, consider the word "liberal".


Does it make you angry? If a gay, liberal, greenpeace hippie asked you out on a date, would your blood pressure rise? WHat if he were your next door neighbor and he were inviting homeless HIV infected crack addicts to sleep on his lawn? Do you stay awake at night worrying that one of your family members might marry one? That society is "going to the dogs" because of this pinko, ne'er-do-well, gay liberal trash that seems to be cropping up more and more these days?



Psychologists might call this an unhealthy obsession, in more lay terms. Get on with your life. Life is much easier and more beautiful when you stop hating others because they look different or believe different things than you do.



The word 'liberal' has become a strawman, manufactured for convenience's sake. I know a LOT of people, but I can't seem to find anyone who fits the bill of "liberal" lock stock and barrel. Such a creature only exists in the media and on the tongues of lowbrows and politicians.

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What do you all think about Dr. Lyle Rossiter's work, "The Liberal Mind"; in which Dr. Rossiter claims that liberals suffer from a "psychopathological neurosis"? With him being a psychiatrist, I was a little skeptical at first... however, he presents his case extremely well... if nothing else... I also noticed in the past that many of the people on this board, who are ex-Christians, are also liberals. I would like a good mixture of liberal, conservative, and moderate replies, if possible.




It seems ridiculous on the face of it to call the large number of people who hold "liberal" convictions "psychopathologically neurotic." I object to labelling people. Therefore, I won't waste my time.


I wonder why you bothered to read it Rev. Maybe you are a bit bothered by "liberals" as HuaiDan says? Can't manage to present a case for Christianity so now trying to attack us for our politics? Seems to me when you left last time you hadn't answered a great many of our questions, so why should we take you seriously?

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The man sounds like a quack...

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...I get labeled as a liberal...

There's a good reason for that Chef. You are a liberal. Why not own it?

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Someone may have already posted this... I haven't had time to read much, since I'm busy with college now...


Also, I'm not sure if this should go in "Science Vs. Religion" or not, since psychiatry is (somehow,) recognized as a science...


Here it goes...


What do you all think about Dr. Lyle Rossiter's work, "The Liberal Mind"; in which Dr. Rossiter claims that liberals suffer from a "psychopathological neurosis"? With him being a psychiatrist, I was a little skeptical at first... however, he presents his case extremely well... if nothing else... I also noticed in the past that many of the people on this board, who are ex-Christians, are also liberals. I would like a good mixture of liberal, conservative, and moderate replies, if possible.




I can make a well written case that religion is a form of psychosis. If it is well written enough would you believe me and change your life accordingly?



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The man sounds like a quack...

Psychiatrist, or psychiatrist pretending to be a sociologist and abusing his trade using it to brand things in a field he's no expert in for political purposes? What's the psychiatric term for that pathology?


Anyway, the vast majority of people are both conservative and liberal. In some areas of my life I'm somewhat conservative, in others I'm liberal. Let's take a look at some of the pillars of conservative-land. Do they step over the line into 'liberal' behaviors? You bet they do, the sole difference being they make up all sorts of excuses and justifications, or outright lie about it, whereas a "balanced" individual has learned to be comfortable with who they are and are *real*. Personally, I wonder if being "liberal" is simply more a case of not feeling you need to act like you are what others say should be like, and not so much 'what' you believe.


Sounds to me like this guy is a lot like the guy who talks about how messed up gays are his whole life, only for everyone to discover that he himself was gay. I wonder if this guy has some member of his family he's disapproving of and is doing all this over? Like some teenage daughter who went and joined a hippie commune, and he is trying to shift his feelings of guilt for failing her to some 'clinical' reason? Something like that maybe? Pity really that people can't be people and accept themselves. Doing that is the key to accepting others, IMO.



So Rev, what are your thoughts on this, not sending us to read someone else's?

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In our modern times liberal has become synonymous with free thinker, and conservative more set in one's ways. I'm not saying that's always true, but its ubiquitous.

Oh, and lets not forget the religious right (although we may want to.)

This message brought to you by your local loveable hippie pinko commie fag weirdo liberal.

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At least Par4 has the balls to own his liberalism.

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...I get labeled as a liberal...

There's a good reason for that Chef. You are a liberal. Why not own it?


Well mostly because I'm interested in conserving things rather than destroying things. Perhaps the labels got switched around. I'm not sure. Look at Slick Willy Clinton. They call him a liberal, but out of him we got the WTO and less help for the poor. I'm for not blowing things up and or invading at the drop of a hat. I know that is called liberal, but I don't know why. It sounds conservative to me. I'm for not taking the planet apart and filling garbage dumps with it. Again that sounds conservative to me. I'm for destroying all the nukes so that we can't carbonize the planet in a fit of pique. It is all too confusing to me, I presume that's because I'm old.

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If you're liberal and you know it, clap your hands.

If you're liberal and you know it, clap your hands.

If you're liberal and you know it,

then your life will surely show it.

If you're liberal and you know it, clap your hands.

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*clapping vigorusly*


Madame, I agree. Xtians always say the word with an expression varying between disgust and pity.

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*clapping vigorusly*

I have respect for you Par4. You are willing to own it.


The rest of these pansies can kiss my ass.

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LR, Damn! Now that song will be stuck in my head the rest of the day! :vent:

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LR, Damn! Now that song will be stuck in my head the rest of the day! :vent:


If you're liberal and you know it, clap your hands.

If you're liberal and you know it, clap your hands.

If you're liberal and you know it,

then your life will surely show it.

If you're liberal and you know it, clap your hands.

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I can't tell if you're being sarcastic Leg, there isn't much of a label to own up to. It doesn't really fit, too black and white. And as Madame said, its more of a straw man used by the right, and the religious right to label all the many people they hate.


I consider myself a liberal in many areas, but I don't buy into every bit of economic and social philosophy that the token "liberals" espouse. Its not like a party or group name where you either are or aren't in it, its a vague almost meaningless epithet, so I choose to describe my political views in other ways.

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I did a little research and read some excerpts from his book. I whole heartedly disagree with what he states "Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded. Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave."


Dr. Rossiter breaks a cardinal sin in science. He refuses to be objective. He writes his book from a conservative bias and uses "The Ann Coulter School of Psychology". Nor does he even have the slightest idea, except through the tinted lenses of his political views, what people who have liberal viewpoints believe and want.


Conservatives remind me of the modern equivalent of 18th century aristocrats. Why don't we just bring back the workhouses and homes for the indigent and pretend they don't exist, because after all, it's their own damn fault they're poor.


If caring and being concerned about the plight of those less fortunate than I am makes me a liberal and is considered a psychiatric disorder than I will gladly accept that diagnosis.



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NOOOOOOOOOHH!!! :jesus::clap::wacko: Brain... turn to... slush... :crazy:

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Doc, I am a moderate. And I own it. Now the stigma of this label is that I am a spinless turd who waits for consensus before forming an opinion. But that's not me. So they can attach all the stigma they want; I don't care.

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