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Anyone ever changed their mind on politics?

Guest aexapo

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A staunch Right of Limbaugh Republican. RNC Mouth piece, Anti-Clinton(s) and his (Their) Lying, used car sales man ways. I detested Injustice to the point where I wanted (Still want) Clinton/ Janet Reno to be held accountable for the massacre at Waco. I wanted Ok. City investigated more, Elian Gonzales (sp) nightmare and the jackboots that kicked in the door. I thought Clinton pardoned to many "real" criminals on his last day in office.


Aside from being Impeached I supported Clinton to be Removed from office for Lying under oath during his Testimony in the sexual harassment case, He committed Perjury under oath and should be held to the same standard and held accountable as John Q Tax payer. I believe Bush should be held at that same level. I believed at the time that GW Bush was going to "Save" America.


I have a strong detest for people who make lame ass excuses for their "guy" as a "Vast Right winged Conspiracy" or a "Anti-American Unpatriotic Liberal". Both of the labels are the same level of bullshit, both are used to dismiss facts, opinions, distain, or questions.


I was always and Remain so today Pro-Choice, Pro 2ed Amendment, Anti-Expansion of federal Government, and Pro-State Rights,



I have changed in the fact that I strongly detest what the RNC has evolved into. Even before 911 there were things that Pissed me off. the CFR (Campaign Finance Reform anti-1st Amendment bill ) which Bush said he'd never support. Stem Cell was another issue. They are "feel" good Big spending liberals who don't give two shits about handing out everyone's money for their half asses promises. They are also Pro War at any cost under any guise. No matter the cost of Lives or Money truth or Facts. Pro-Nation Building (Which W also said he was against before his election) , Today They believe that the US should conquer and rule the world with people that disagree with them. They believe people who disagree with them are "Against" them their for support the enemy. It's also bullshit. They out spend any liberal before them, Have shredded the Constitution more then Any before them. They have mastered the art of Propaganda, Fear, and straight out Bullshit. I wont even touch the Patriot Act or Homeland Security or our joke of a borders issue with the"real war".


They are running so far left they make the "Democrats" look conservative, Clinton was, policy wise as compared to W. I can not even stand to watch the W on the TV, I wanna throw something at it, I usually Interrupt him cussing him out and miss a lot of his mispronunciations, I can't ever hardly believe was so blind as to ever support him.


This last election I voted for Grid-lock and voted Anybody but Bush, which happened to be Kerry whom I'm not fan of, but, Gridlock was better then what we have. Even though Today I feel voting is a waste of time as they are all bastids who worship government control.


I'll probably vote Libertarian in the next Election, however That's subject to change depending...

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**** didn't believe (at the time) that they were both "really" evil, just lying opportunists. My opinion of Gore has remained the same, my opinion of Bush has worsened****


No I was talking about Kerry vs. Bush. I was 100% with Bush when he was elected the first time. The biggest problem I had with Kerry was that I felt like he changed his mind as quick as he changed his shirt. I had absolutly no idea what he stood for.

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I belong to a small party of Freethinkers in the Ballistics Party.


"One Shot, One Veto".


Goobers have again show how a Republic is ridden right into the ground by professional politicians. Voting for Goober Prty 1 or Goober Party 2 gives them and the System they have stolen a form of legitimacy.


Either we return to a Constitutional Republic, repeal the 17th Amendment, and quash this horrible excessive taxation, or there will be the "time of the Cartridge Box" happening soon...


"Always reloading lots of Vetos.."



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Guest aexapo
**** didn't believe (at the time) that they were both "really" evil, just lying opportunists. My opinion of Gore has remained the same, my opinion of Bush has worsened****


No I was talking about Kerry vs. Bush. I was 100% with Bush when he was elected the first time. The biggest problem I had with Kerry was that I felt like he changed his mind as quick as he changed his shirt. I had absolutly no idea what he stood for.


I didn't think that Kerry was the truth-fairy, either, but I know that Bush has been the most reckless executive we've had since Richard Nixon (and, no, I'm not calling him Nixon). I knew Kerry, the intellectual, wasn't as bullheaded, and knowing his history in government, he was more likely to vote for my issues that Bush would.


Bush has only two criteria when making a decision: oil and church. And if yew ain't for those two, then the terrorists have already won! :)

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Back in the 9th grade I filled out an opinion survey, and recently have stumbled across it again. Anti-Abortion. Anti-gay rights. :eek: I don't even remember having these opinions, but that was the time I briefly succumbed to Christianity and I guess I thought Jesus was looking over my shoulder when I filled that out.


For the most part, I've been an ultra PC fluff bunny liberal, but that's toned down a bit when I started slaying all my sacred cows. I'm now libertarian and take an objective approach to everything. When it comes down to the lesser evil, I cast my vote for democrat as they're closer to my worldview than the Neo Cons.

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I used to be a mega-dittos neocon. My politics was driven in large part by my religious views. After I lost religious faith, I became open to examining my political perspectives as well, which were also driven by faith. Rejection of the concept of faith gave me the freedom to explore.


So, I'm no longer a religio-political drone. Instead of switching from Republican to Democrat I switched to the realization that the very concept of political government is unethical, not to mention a big friggin waste of time/emotional energy for the average person. If I had my 'druthers, I'd pick anarchy. If that ever came up for a vote, I might waste the time to go vote one last time again.

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For what it's worth, for most of my life I was a conservative - as far as German politics are concerned. That changed after one too many arrogant self-glorifying idea of the CDU/CSU/FDP coalition sometime just before the '98 elections to Federal parliament. Since then...


...if we still had some politicians deserving to bear that title I'd lean more to the left (the traditional SPD/Greens alliance), for now viewing the C* with too much suspicion. One reason for that, though not the only one, is that the "C" stands for... well, you guessed right. :Hmm:


In the upcoming elections (September 18th) I so far have no real idea what to vote. The still-ruling leftists have shown themselves to be just as unwilling to deal with the hard truths as the conservatives before them, and there's not that many alternatives that aren't (close to) extremist - mainly the New Left Party and the fucking NPD/DVU hitler lovers.


If some small independent group is available for voting next month, they are probably the ones who'll win my vote. We'll see.


As for US politics, I have in fact been pretty much a shrub-supporter until shortly after the Iraq invasion in '03. Around that time I deconverted and started re-evaluating many positions I once occupied, and shrub was one of the big-time losers then. :fdevil:

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When I first started voting, I was a jackbooted fascist Conservative.


Now, I'm a left-leaning centrist, registered libertarian.


I voted democrat the first time in my life when I voted for Kerry.


So, yes, people do change their minds.

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Poor rapist sitting in jail and should be allowed out because "he paid enough", while the victim will be paying for the rest of her life.


I think they should snip them and get it over with.

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I have been there. I know how the victim feels.



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:Doh: thankful honey, IMHO this is so wrong that I don't even know where to start so I'll just type and see where we end up.


Liberal is not a party for me it is a label for the political and social values. (NOT Morals... Values!)


You are correct in assuming that some who would call themselves liberal, feel that a debt paid is paid no matter the circumstances. Some not all, not even a majority.


I think you are confusing liberal and democrat, in the worst possible light tainted by right wing propaganda. (yes the left has it too so don't pop my bubbles) For me a registered Democrat who considers himself liberal one has to research a parties platform in it's entirely not just hot-button issues and decide who to support.


Gay Rights are obviously high on my list of values but I have not nor will I vote on just that point alone. And Thankful I believe that you are short changing yourself if you micro-focus on a single issue or small set of issues, no matter how inflamitory it/they may be.




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Liberal is not a party for me it is a label for the political and social values. (NOT Morals... Values!)





I am not trying to be a smart ass, but morals vs. values, what is the difference?

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Guest aexapo
ate rights, my right to homeschool, etc. but yet is TOUGH on VIOLENT criminals?  If so, please point me in the proper direction.  Also, remember, I did state that I have possibly been misinformed over the years about liberalism..


I don't know any Democratic politician that's soft on crime. Most of the stuff you've just stated is Republican propaganda . . . not anything in real life. California is one of the most liberal states in the union, and it has been dominated by a liberal state legislature since Moses . . . they have one of the toughest penal systems in the country, they still believe in the death penalty (and use it), and they have the much baleyhooed "three-strikes-and-you're-out" law for felons . . . even if the three felonies were pot peddling . . . three strikes, and you're a lifer.


So, how's that for liberal politics?


Now, there is a difference in nuances: Democrats typically want criminals rehabbed IF their sentence ISN'T for life . . . so that the criminal will have better skills to be productive when they are back in society (as opposed to returning to what they already know how to do -- commit crimes). Republicans GENERALLY don't believe in rehab -- they believe that prison should just be about punishment; no frills -- serve your time and get out. [sarcasm]Of course, that ancient plan has ALWAYS worked so wonderfully -- generally by the time a grand-theft felon serves his seven years under "punishment only," he still doesn't know how to find real work -- but he will have probably learned a great deal more about the profits of crime.[/sarcasm]


The truth of the matter is that not ALL crimes (regardless of how liberal or conservative your state is) have life sentences . . . these people will walk the streets again REGARDLESS of their crime (if it isn't one of the majors). Generally, the lifers are first degree murderers, and habitually violent criminals (people who consistently harm others).


So, when Democrats want the non-lifers rehabbed, they aren't trying to molly-coddle the criminals, they're trying to keep those that WILL return to the streets from falling back into an old lifestyle -- which is detrimental to our public safety. This is invariably used against them in political campaigns, though -- their GOP competitor is likely to use support for such rehab by saying something like: "If you elect DEMOCRAT John Doe, you'll be saying YES to spending more tax money on child molesters . . . Judy Jones wants to spend that money FIGHTING crime, not rewarding it. A vote for Judy is a vote for YOUR child's safety!" . . . all bullshit.


Rehabilitation programs aren't about rewarding bad behavior -- they're about changing behavior for someone who WILL walk the streets again. As a voter of left-wing politicians for 13 years, I've never heard one say if they were elected, they'd care more about the criminals -- or that the criminals were the true victims. I'm sure there may have been one or two, but I doubt they were ever elected.

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The problem with that is that most prisons do not have "rehab" services unless it is AA,NA, or one of those.

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I have changed my mind on a lot of things. ESPECIALLY politics.


When I was growing up and still an unquestioning, unable to think for myself youngster, I liked whoever was President. I still like what Clinton did, dress and intern or no, at least the economy wa sin shape and people had jobs.


But I saw a platform with a chance to keep it going or change, and I had the ability to finally make a decision for myself in 2000, the first election for president I could vote in. And I changed by voting for myself and who I wanted to see instead of just blindly supporting the President regardless.


So that being said, I still voted for Gore. I just wanted to see Tipper TRY and get the PMRC bullshit going again and see her go down in flames, and I have never liked Republicans. I knew GW would be bad news, and man do I hate being right sometimes. You probably saw the image I put up of GW and Hitler together, well I think that says alot.


I have always criticized GW since he started, and hold him firmly responsible for 9/11. All the shit he did then and is doing now, its a wonder why I voted for Kerry. I CANNOT condone a president who is doing so many things wrong on such a huge level. I have even not been calling him president, I have been calling him Walking Constitutional Violation, as that is what he has proven himself to me as.


Granted, Democrats ain't perfect, Republicans more than likely never will be, and there will always be a Giant Douche and a Turd Sandwich.


So yeah I changed, maybe not for the better, but at least I value the decision I made. And I can say with my head held high, I did not vote for this fuck up prez.


-Brutal Brian

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Guest aexapo
The problem with that is that most prisons do not have "rehab" services unless it is AA,NA, or one of those.


Hmmm. I don't know about that. I know someone who was stupid and reckless as a youth, served time in prison for crime they committed, and came out with two years technical training -- enough to find work as a plumber's apprentice. Here in conservative Texas, if you ain't up for life, they'll let you get an education till you're out. It's a good program.

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I was one of those stupid kids who did stupid stuff. I spent some time in prision in FL. I can say from personal experience that there wasn't any rehab. The closest it came to education was if you needed a GED. I didn't qualify.


I guess it all depends on the state.

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Guest aexapo
Aexpo, I really appreciate this, so very much.  Also I'd like to thank you for treating me with respect and not lashing out.  Clearly how you responsded was due to you seeing that I admitted that I honestly have no clue.


I can understand where you're coming from. I personally loathe child predators, and as a nurse, have often myself been reduced to tears when confronted with a patient that was injured due to child brutality. If it was my child, I would want the person dead.


But, in our form of government, the society at large makes those determinations -- through our representatives in government. If we left all punishment decisions to the families of those injured, people would be killed for accidental manslaughter, adult rape, grand theft, assault & battery, etc. Victims and their families are too emotional to make rational decisions -- if it were left up to them, vengeance would be the priority, not justice. And if the wrong person were prematurely punished in such a "final" fashion -- it wouldn't make the verdict any better than the crime.


I believe the first priority of the criminal justice system should be the protection of the public. If it is found that certain types of criminals virtually never become normal and are always a threat -- I'm with you on permanent life sentences for such crimes. I can't quote statistics, but I believe child predators have a VERY high rate of repeat offenses -- right up there with serial murderers. If this is proven beyond a reasonable doubt, I would have no problem locking these sickos up for life -- first offense.

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Guest aexapo
I was one of those stupid kids who did stupid stuff. I spent some time in prision in FL. I can say from personal experience that there wasn't any rehab. The closest it came to education was if you needed a GED. I didn't qualify.


I guess it all depends on the state.


Yeah, except for federal crimes -- it's ALL up the state. I think the TX system operates on some sort of point system: it all depends on how long you're in for, and what your degree of education is before coming in.

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You would think that there would be some kind of federal guideline concerning this. At least TX is making an effort where there are states that do not do anything.


I do agree with the three strike rule up until it gets silly. I once heard (heard so I am not stating this as fact) that CA convict on the 3 strike rule if it is anything more than a speeding ticket.


If you are going to give the sexual predators a chance, then I would vote for one and one only. just when it comes to kids, I am one of those emotional ones who want them in for life.

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Guest aexapo
You would think that there would be some kind of federal guideline concerning this. At least TX is making an effort where there are states that do not do anything.


I agree with you on how to treat child predators . . . not sure if federalizing it is the answer . . . too much of that already.

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I am normally against big government. zbut if they are going to let people out of jail that have a good possibilty of hurting children, then SOMEBODY has to do something. I don't really care who, just somebody.

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There is a fondly held social philosophy over here in Old Blighty accrued over many, many centuries of experience with politicians of every stripe, and that is that they are to a one lying, scheming opportunists who "...are only out for themselves."


My experience of politics since becoming eligible to vote (I am currently 21) seems to support this.

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I am normally against big government. zbut if they are going to let people out of jail that have a good possibilty of hurting children, then SOMEBODY has to do something. I don't really care who, just somebody.


Target practice.

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Guest Winchester Slate
I threw my vote away to another nut that year

If you voted, you should NEVER say you threw your vote away. Third party vote != wasted vote

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