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Another shot across the bow

Guest Thegoodbook

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Guest Thegoodbook

Intelligent design:

1) Biblical history....archeological proof from pics of Noahs ark to chariot wheels under the red sea (Moses) to artifacts at Goshen (Egypt) to the empty tomb of Christ.


2) complexity of design to the star charts that date events (bethlehem star) Leo (lion from the tribe of Judah-old testament name of Jesus) to the magnificence of creation (romans 1--U R without excuse)


3) someone made something from nothing..... NOT nothing made something from nothing


4) prophecy!!! Biblical prophecies fore tell the future hundreds and thousands of years before actual events without error(Nostradamus cant do that)


5) History and actual events that have been recorded in the old and new testaments and even corroborated by secular historians


And who is this intellegent designer...Jesus is his name and he offers eternal life too all those who place their trust (belief) solely in him.

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The intelligent design of anal-pinworms is?

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Intelligent design:

1) Biblical history....archeological proof from pics of Noahs ark to chariot wheels under the red sea (Moses) to artifacts at Goshen (Egypt) to the empty tomb of Christ.


2) complexity of design to the star charts that date events (bethlehem star) Leo (lion from the tribe of Judah-old testament name of Jesus) to the magnificence of creation (romans 1--U R without excuse)


3) someone made something from nothing..... NOT nothing made something from nothing


4) prophecy!!! Biblical prophecies fore tell the future hundreds and thousands of years before actual events without error(Nostradamus cant do that)


5) History and actual events that have been recorded in the old and new testaments and even corroborated by secular historians


And who is this intellegent designer...Jesus is his name and he offers eternal life too all those who place their trust (belief) solely in him.


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Intelligent design:

1) Biblical history....archeological proof from pics of Noahs ark to chariot wheels under the red sea (Moses) to artifacts at Goshen (Egypt) to the empty tomb of Christ.


2) complexity of design to the star charts that date events (bethlehem star) Leo (lion from the tribe of Judah-old testament name of Jesus) to the magnificence of creation (romans 1--U R without excuse)


3) someone made something from nothing..... NOT nothing made something from nothing


4) prophecy!!! Biblical prophecies fore tell the future hundreds and thousands of years before actual events without error(Nostradamus cant do that)


5) History and actual events that have been recorded in the old and new testaments and even corroborated by secular historians


And who is this intellegent designer...Jesus is his name and he offers eternal life too all those who place their trust (belief) solely in him.


Show me your god. Do not show me things you attribute to your god.

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Intelligent design:

1) Biblical history....archeological proof from pics of Noahs ark to chariot wheels under the red sea (Moses) to artifacts at Goshen (Egypt) to the empty tomb of Christ.




2) complexity of design to the star charts that date events (bethlehem star) Leo (lion from the tribe of Judah-old testament name of Jesus) to the magnificence of creation (romans 1--U R without excuse)


You ignorant fuck. Try learning rather than babbling this I AM TEH STUPID SO GAWD DID EVERYTHING shit.


3) someone made something from nothing..... NOT nothing made something from nothing


What made your something, then? What made what made the something? What made what made what made the something? What made what made what made what made the something? Answer me, you ignorant fuck, or I'll make sure you never post here again.


4) prophecy!!! Biblical prophecies fore tell the future hundreds and thousands of years before actual events without error(Nostradamus cant do that)


Prophecy is bullshit. Not one word of it is true, and you know it, you fucking liar.


5) History and actual events that have been recorded in the old and new testaments and even corroborated by secular historians


Wow. People running around the world wrote down what was happening. That obviously proves that your Murderer God exists. You ignorant fuck.


And who is this intellegent designer...Jesus is his name and he offers eternal life too all those who place their trust (belief) solely in him.


Fuck you! Prove one goddamn word of your bullshit or get the fuck out of here and don't come back!


By the way, you dumb bastard, your "shot across the bow" was a clean miss that hit your own forces. You oughta try aiming there, Horatio. Or shooting actual shot, not a lot of smoke and noise. Otherwise, you're gonna get sunk real fast, real hard.

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Guest Thegoodbook

You ignorant fuck.  Try learning rather than babbling this I AM TEH STUPID SO GAWD DID EVERYTHING shit.

What made your something, then?  What made what made the something? What made what made what made the something?  What made what made what made what made the something?  Answer me, you ignorant fuck, or I'll make sure you never post here again.

Prophecy is bullshit.  Not one word of it is true, and you know it, you fucking liar.

Wow.  People running around the world wrote down what was happening.  That obviously proves that your Murderer God exists.  You ignorant fuck.

Fuck you!  Prove one goddamn word of your bullshit or get the fuck out of here and don't come back!


By the way, you dumb bastard, your "shot across the bow" was a clean miss that hit your own forces.  You oughta try aiming there, Horatio.  Or shooting actual shot, not a lot of smoke and noise.  Otherwise, you're gonna get sunk real fast, real hard.



Biblical Archeologist Ron Wyatt says that he has found the wheels of the Egyptian chariots under the Red Sea, (where the chariots of Pharaoh ended up according to the Book of Exodus,)proof of the existence of Joseph, Sodom and Gomorrah and more.


Left according to Wyatt and his researchers is one of a number of gold chariot wheels located under the Red Sea.


"They were covered in coral, which made it difficult to see them clearly, but it appears that the coral was the agent the Lord used to preserve them.


They found numerous wheels- some were still on their axles, and some were off. They found chariot cabs without the wheels, also: EXO 14:24 ...in the morning watch the LORD looked unto the host of the Egyptians through the pillar of fire and of the cloud, and troubled the host of the Egyptians, 25 And took off their chariot wheels, that they drave them heavily:...


So far, this coincided with the Biblical account. They found several 6-spoked wheels, as well as an 8-spoked wheel. And finally, in 1988, Ron found the 4-spoked gold chariot wheel, which looks almost perfect. The reason this one was so well preserved is that coral does not grow on gold. The wood inside the gold "veneer" was deteriorated, which made it very fragile and for that reason, he has not attempted to retrieve it from the water.


The significance of these wheels is of extreme importance to the dating of the Exodus and determining which dynasty was involved."

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Biblical Archeologist Ron Wyatt says that he has found the wheels of the Egyptian chariots under the Red Sea, (where the chariots of Pharaoh ended up according to the Book of Exodus,)proof of the existence of Joseph, Sodom and Gomorrah and more.


Left according to Wyatt and his researchers is one of a number of gold chariot wheels located under the Red Sea.


"They were covered in coral, which made it difficult to see them clearly, but it appears that the coral was the agent the Lord used to preserve them.


They found numerous wheels- some were still on their axles, and some were off. They found chariot cabs without the wheels, also: EXO 14:24 ...in the morning watch the LORD looked unto the host of the Egyptians through the pillar of fire and of the cloud, and troubled the host of the Egyptians, 25 And took off their chariot wheels, that they drave them heavily:...


So far, this coincided with the Biblical account. They found several 6-spoked wheels, as well as an 8-spoked wheel. And finally, in 1988, Ron found the 4-spoked gold chariot wheel, which looks almost perfect. The reason this one was so well preserved is that coral does not grow on gold. The wood inside the gold "veneer" was deteriorated, which made it very fragile and for that reason, he has not attempted to retrieve it from the water.


The significance of these wheels is of extreme importance to the dating of the Exodus and determining which dynasty was involved."

Wheels don't mean shit. This has already been discussed a number of times. Lots of ways a chariot could of ended up in the sea. Hell, two trains were found out the east coast of the US. Think they were driven there? Aslo, didn't the wheels mysteriously disappear when outside scientists went to investigate?

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Intelligent design:

And who is this intellegent designer...Jesus is his name and he offers eternal life too all those who place their trust (belief) solely in him.

Are you trying to prove the Bible or prove creation? They are not one in the same. Even if you produced evidence to try and support some of the Bible (ie. an ark claimed as Noah's), it doesn't prove the rest of the Bible is true or that anything was created. The same thing could be done with the Quran and the Vedas and many other holy books, all of them contain historical events for which there is evidence to support. Does that mean the entire books are true? Of course not. Back to the drawing board for you.

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Biblical Archeologist Ron Wyatt


STOP! You've said enough. I just checked on this guy.


There are almost six billion people on earth. Many of them think that the things written in the Bible are only stories. After viewing the evidences presented in Richard's meetings, most people recognize that the Bible is a reliable history book, recording not only the past judgments of our Creator, but also future judgments, and a way of salvation.


You're quoting from biased Creationist sources.






...goddamn fucking LadyFeline is rubbing off on me.

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First, that only KINDA looks like a wheel if you squint real hard. It looks to me like it could be a lot of things. Second, I don't see why they'd be making chariot wheels out of gold- it's too fucking soft. An alloy, MAYBE, but even then I don't really think that would work.

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"They were covered in coral, which made it difficult to see them clearly, but it appears that the coral was the agent the Lord used to preserve them.


That's just fucking priceless!! So oxidization of the statue of liberty is God's way of saying fuck the tired, poor and huddled masses?

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Intelligent design:

1) Biblical history....archeological proof from pics of Noahs ark to chariot wheels under the red sea (Moses) to artifacts at Goshen (Egypt) to the empty tomb of Christ.


People have been saying this for years...and yet I've never seen the pictures or heard one mention of it from any rebutable souces. I have heard that most archeologests now believe that the exodus never happened. According to recent digs in Israel they have concluded that the Jews did not come from egypt but were an indigenous group in palestine. And the thing about Noahs ark is just dumb, even if the flood story was real a wooden ship would have decayed long ago :grin:



2) complexity of design to the star charts that date events (bethlehem star) Leo (lion from the tribe of Judah-old testament name of Jesus) to the magnificence of creation (romans 1--U R without excuse)


I fail to see how astrology or astronomy proves the bible...in fact I'm not sure what your even trying to say here...except for the ad hominem attack. :nono:


3) someone made something from nothing..... NOT nothing made something from nothing


This is a misunderstanding of the big bang therory...I don't claim to be that much of a science wiz ( I'm much better with philosophy) but I can clearly see that this is nothing more than a strawman argument.


4) prophecy!!! Biblical prophecies fore tell the future hundreds and thousands of years before actual events without error(Nostradamus cant do that)


You need to actually pick up a bible and read it. None....let me repeat NONE of the prophets in the OT told the future. At most they might have talked about some that would happen in a few years time. All those supposed prophecies about Jesus were actually references to events that happened durring the prophets lifetime and had nothing to to with Jesus. The writer of Matthew took the words of those prophets and took them out of context to use as proof for Jesus. However, just like the made up geneologies that Matthew and Luke provided, they can clearly be shown for what they are. If you had ever taken a class on Old Testemant prophets you would have known what these "prophecies" were actually talking about.


5) History and actual events that have been recorded in the old and new testaments and even corroborated by secular historians


So? I agree that many things in the Bible have been shown to be accurate by historians. However, historians have shown many thing to be inaccurate as well. To historians the bible is just another historical document for them to study, sometimes right, sometimes wrong. Just because one part is true says nothing about the rest of the bible.


And who is this intellegent designer...Jesus is his name and he offers eternal life too all those who place their trust (belief) solely in him.


*sigh* this isn't even an argument. There are many religions all with very different views about God, and how the world was created. Even if there is a God you have done nothing but offer your opinion that God is represented by the Bible. A postion that none of us believe and I myself have refuted many times.


You haven't said anything I haven't heard from christians 1,000 times already.


Thanks for playing though, I'd give you some lovely parting gifts but I'm sure you'll just hang around and continute to say useless stuff anyway :shrug:

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Biblical Archeologist Ron Wyatt says that he has found the wheels of the Egyptian chariots under the Red Sea, (where the chariots of Pharaoh ended up according to the Book of Exodus,)proof of the existence of Joseph, Sodom and Gomorrah and more.


Left according to Wyatt and his researchers is one of a number of gold chariot wheels located under the Red Sea.


"They were covered in coral, which made it difficult to see them clearly, but it appears that the coral was the agent the Lord used to preserve them.


They found numerous wheels- some were still on their axles, and some were off. They found chariot cabs without the wheels, also: EXO 14:24 ...in the morning watch the LORD looked unto the host of the Egyptians through the pillar of fire and of the cloud, and troubled the host of the Egyptians, 25 And took off their chariot wheels, that they drave them heavily:...


So far, this coincided with the Biblical account. They found several 6-spoked wheels, as well as an 8-spoked wheel. And finally, in 1988, Ron found the 4-spoked gold chariot wheel, which looks almost perfect. The reason this one was so well preserved is that coral does not grow on gold. The wood inside the gold "veneer" was deteriorated, which made it very fragile and for that reason, he has not attempted to retrieve it from the water.


The significance of these wheels is of extreme importance to the dating of the Exodus and determining which dynasty was involved."



Uh notice how you have to have an arrow pointing to the wheel to see it....also how even with the arrow all I see is some bumps or something....looks more like a bunch of rocks to me.


This holds about as much water as the video those guys faked of bigfoot.


Sorry this doesn't cut the mustard. But thanks for playing anyway.

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This isn't even a good try. Sheesh. Try using your brain next time.

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Too soft to ever consider building a load bearing wheel


Too precious to ever consider using for such a purpose


One of the few metals on earth that is not affected by saltwater



If these *wheels* are of the exodus -era age, then science will be able to bring them to surface, and then date them accurately.


Squirrely pictures of supposed items no more prove exodus and the argument for the hebrew sand diety than anything else so far..


Nice, nahhh, not even, try..


k, unimpressed as fuck, L.

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Intelligent design:

1) Biblical history....archeological proof from pics of Noahs ark to chariot wheels under the red sea (Moses) to artifacts at Goshen (Egypt) to the empty tomb of Christ.

The Noah's ark is a fake. It has not been found.

The chariot wheels (all 600 times 2) have not been found. Something that looks like a button, was photographed, and picked up and lost. No one knows where that so-called "wheel" is. What artifacts of Goshen? Where is the empty tomb? That has been debunked too.


But I do have a rock, that I'm convinced is the rock David used to kill Goliath. I'm going to sell in on Ebay, or maybe you want it? I found it in my yard a couple of days ago.


2) complexity of design to the star charts that date events (bethlehem star) Leo (lion from the tribe of Judah-old testament name of Jesus) to the magnificence of creation (romans 1--U R without excuse)

I love the correlations between the Lion as a sign for one of the tribes. There were 12 tribes, with 12 signs. One of them was Leo. The Israel's tribes represented the 12 constellations in astrology, the 12 months. It's interesting that God uses astrology, which is a mystical religion from early civilization, before the Jewish.


3) someone made something from nothing..... NOT nothing made something from nothing

Who says something was made from nothing? You did. There was something before something, so nothing was never made to something. You say "Someone", which refers to GOd, so God existed before "Something" (our universe), but God is something too, so something existed before something. Basically you're not saying "Something from nothing", but "Something from something", which science says too. It's the same false assumption every Christian apologetic is doing over and over again. Use your head! Please!


4) prophecy!!! Biblical prophecies fore tell the future hundreds and thousands of years before actual events without error(Nostradamus cant do that)

No. They didn't. It's only interpolations and twisted interpretations that makes old statements fit into current events.


5) History and actual events that have been recorded in the old and new testaments and even corroborated by secular historians

Such an idiot you are. Closed minded and can't think beyond your belief. You are stuck in a line of thinking that blocks your intelligence. Religion makes you dumber than dumb.


And who is this intellegent designer...Jesus is his name and he offers eternal life too all those who place their trust (belief) solely in him.

Nope. He's not. There's no intelligent design.


Your little thesis was one of the worst I've seen. You haven't proven anything.


Besides, you have argued that there is No intelligent design, since you claim it is "intellegent", which I have no clue what it means. Maybe "Intellegent" means "Big Bang" and "Evolution"???

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Are Ron Wyatt's Archeological Claims Reliable?




Click here: Apologeticsindex.Org

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Awwww....I think we scarded the twit away.

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I can't even listen to young earthers anymore. They just keep making the same tired rhetorical mistakes, which is understandable since they can't use science to back up their fairy tales.


Learn some new patter and try again. Or don't. :Wendywhatever:

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Looks like a button. How big is it? What's the diameter?


Biblical Archeologist Ron Wyatt says that he has found the wheels of the Egyptian chariots under the Red Sea, (where the chariots of Pharaoh ended up according to the Book of Exodus,)proof of the existence of Joseph, Sodom and Gomorrah and more.

He "says"? Where are the evidence? Which museum can I go to and see his findings? It's funny that to Christians, "words" are the same as "evidence". "Someone told my brothers neighbors housekeepers TV-repairguy, that he found Moses' staff." That's how the evidence works in Christian-World.


Left according to Wyatt and his researchers is one of a number of gold chariot wheels located under the Red Sea.

So where is the wheel now?


"They were covered in coral, which made it difficult to see them clearly, but it appears that the coral was the agent the Lord used to preserve them.


They found numerous wheels- some were still on their axles, and some were off. They found chariot cabs without the wheels, also: EXO 14:24 ...in the morning watch the LORD looked unto the host of the Egyptians through the pillar of fire and of the cloud, and troubled the host of the Egyptians, 25 And took off their chariot wheels, that they drave them heavily:...

And where are they now?


So far, this coincided with the Biblical account. They found several 6-spoked wheels, as well as an 8-spoked wheel. And finally, in 1988, Ron found the 4-spoked gold chariot wheel, which looks almost perfect. The reason this one was so well preserved is that coral does not grow on gold. The wood inside the gold "veneer" was deteriorated, which made it very fragile and for that reason, he has not attempted to retrieve it from the water.

Why? So he can maintain the claim, and if someone goes back trying to find them, and they're gone, he can claim that someone stole them? Typical scam artist tricks. If there where so many wheels and findings, first of all you take a lot of pictures, secondly you do retrieve as much as you can for public display.


Then we come to dating. Since you're an apologist, and probably an YEC too, you can't trust the dating method. I guess you still will, when you try to date this items. And they will come out to be exactly dated to the year, month, day, hour, minute, second and microsecond they landed in the water, because that's how dating works when Christians do them, but when scientists use dating, then all of a sudden every Christian screams that it isn't exact.


The significance of these wheels is of extreme importance to the dating of the Exodus and determining which dynasty was involved."

How can you date them? What method would you use? And why haven't they been dated yet, when they were supposedly found 20 years or more ago?

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First, that only KINDA looks like a wheel if you squint real hard. It looks to me like it could be a lot of things. Second, I don't see why they'd be making chariot wheels out of gold- it's too fucking soft. An alloy, MAYBE, but even then I don't really think that would work.

Very true. Why would they use gold? I could think that they would use it for pharaoh's chariot, but every soldiers??? What a waste! It would be like putting gold and diamonds on our armored humvees in Iraq! WTF would anyone do that???

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