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Goodbye Jesus

Hate Crimes/culture

Guest end3

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Guest end3

Don't know where I really want to go with this, but noticed it the other day.....there was the kid that was punished for webcamming his friend that was gay and then the gay young man killed himself.....which is a tragedy.


To my understanding, they convicted the cameraman of a hate crime. The question that arose in my mind was, if this is a cultural swing, we now convict people on what years ago was law in the other direction?


And another question that came to mind.....because I still have questions about the acceptance of homosexuality in society is, why do you think the cultural shift that made it "so agregious" in the first place?

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Goodbye Jesus

Don't understand the question.

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Guest end3

Don't understand the question.


Just saying before that there culture was anti-gay.....and now a person can be convicted of a "hate" crime for what once was the norm....being anti-gay.. For example, I think there are still sodomy laws on the books in Texas.....which was the norm a number of years ago. Now, one can be convicted of harboring "hate" for still believing the law from 50 years ago......which begs the question, why was homosexuality so agregious that they made laws against it in the first place.

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We're starting to realize that hate towards homosexuals based on bronze age myths is evil.

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Guest end3

We're starting to realize that hate towards homosexuals based on bronze age myths is evil.


That's fine, but very general. Three things.....why did the myth declare it evil. Why did society agree with it. And, why is it ok now.

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Don't understand the question.


Just saying before that there culture was anti-gay.....and now a person can be convicted of a "hate" crime for what once was the norm....being anti-gay.. For example, I think there are still sodomy laws on the books in Texas.....which was the norm a number of years ago. Now, one can be convicted of harboring "hate" for still believing the law from 50 years ago......which begs the question, why was homosexuality so agregious that they made laws against it in the first place.


Because its icky.

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Guest end3

Don't understand the question.


Just saying before that there culture was anti-gay.....and now a person can be convicted of a "hate" crime for what once was the norm....being anti-gay.. For example, I think there are still sodomy laws on the books in Texas.....which was the norm a number of years ago. Now, one can be convicted of harboring "hate" for still believing the law from 50 years ago......which begs the question, why was homosexuality so agregious that they made laws against it in the first place.


Because its icky.


Yes, certainly, but without the sarcasm?

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We're starting to realize that hate towards homosexuals based on bronze age myths is evil.


That's fine, but very general. Three things.....why did the myth declare it evil. Why did society agree with it. And, why is it ok now.

Because the stories that composed the old testament were written by desert, dwelling, goat herders. It was an agricultural society where marriage was of the up most importance in preserving power and wealth amongst families. That's why in biblical society women were property and their virginity was key in securing a marriage. That's why gays were hated. Its the information age. Those bronze age norms don't matter. We understand so much more about sexuality, psychology, and we have freakin' birth control.

Why are you Christians so supportive of these social norms from a society that existed so long ago and so far away?

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Sorry, it's hard for me to turn that mode off.


It's because it's prohibited in the bible, I think it's that simple.

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We're starting to realize that hate towards homosexuals based on bronze age myths is evil.


That's fine, but very general. Three things.....why did the myth declare it evil. Why did society agree with it. And, why is it ok now.

Because the stories that composed the old testament were written by desert, dwelling, goat herders. It was an agricultural society where marriage was of the up most importance in preserving power and wealth amongst families. That's why in biblical society women were property and their virginity was key in securing a marriage. That's why gays were hated. Its the information age. Those bronze age norms don't matter. We understand so much more about sexuality, psychology, and we have freakin' birth control.

Why are you Christians so supportive of these social norms from a society that existed so long ago and so far away?


C'mon. You and I know that you know the answer.

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Gotta let him explain his bigotry for himself.

Dude's like "Waaaaaah why do they punish hate crimes against homosexuals nowadays? Why can't we beat them up and harass them like we could 50 years ago?"

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Homosexuality, among other things, has been in and out of fashion in diverse societies throughout history. At one time it was okay to discriminate against the Irish, the blacks, women and gays. At this moment in history, homosexuality is "in" with popular American culture (and law), but there are still pockets of resistance to the change, just as remnants of the KKK still exist.

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Guest end3

We're starting to realize that hate towards homosexuals based on bronze age myths is evil.


That's fine, but very general. Three things.....why did the myth declare it evil. Why did society agree with it. And, why is it ok now.

Because the stories that composed the old testament were written by desert, dwelling, goat herders. It was an agricultural society where marriage was of the up most importance in preserving power and wealth amongst families. That's why in biblical society women were property and their virginity was key in securing a marriage. That's why gays were hated. Its the information age. Those bronze age norms don't matter. We understand so much more about sexuality, psychology, and we have freakin' birth control.

Why are you Christians so supportive of these social norms from a society that existed so long ago and so far away?


I don't have an answer about homsexualityJC. I don't subscribe myself, but I can't see the harm against society at this point.....and is the reason I am asking. I DO however have an opinion on women.

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We're starting to realize that hate towards homosexuals based on bronze age myths is evil.


That's fine, but very general. Three things.....why did the myth declare it evil. Why did society agree with it. And, why is it ok now.

Because the stories that composed the old testament were written by desert, dwelling, goat herders. It was an agricultural society where marriage was of the up most importance in preserving power and wealth amongst families. That's why in biblical society women were property and their virginity was key in securing a marriage. That's why gays were hated. Its the information age. Those bronze age norms don't matter. We understand so much more about sexuality, psychology, and we have freakin' birth control.

Why are you Christians so supportive of these social norms from a society that existed so long ago and so far away?


I don't have an answer about homsexualityJC. I don't subscribe myself, but I can't see the harm against society at this point.....and is the reason I am asking. I DO however have an opinion on women.

Exactly!!! You can't see the harm in it. There is no harm in it. Congratulations! You've just thought for yourself. You hold an opinion contrary to that of scripture. Now use that same logic towards women. Women are no longer property. They no longer exist to create economic ties between families. They are now in charge of their own destinies. Biblical traditions not relevant in making demands of them in the information age.
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We're starting to realize that hate towards homosexuals based on bronze age myths is evil.


That's fine, but very general. Three things.....why did the myth declare it evil. Why did society agree with it. And, why is it ok now.

Because the stories that composed the old testament were written by desert, dwelling, goat herders. It was an agricultural society where marriage was of the up most importance in preserving power and wealth amongst families. That's why in biblical society women were property and their virginity was key in securing a marriage. That's why gays were hated. Its the information age. Those bronze age norms don't matter. We understand so much more about sexuality, psychology, and we have freakin' birth control.

Why are you Christians so supportive of these social norms from a society that existed so long ago and so far away?


I don't have an answer about homsexualityJC. I don't subscribe myself, but I can't see the harm against society at this point.....and is the reason I am asking. I DO however have an opinion on women.


You don't "subscribe"? Wtf does that mean? You don't know why they are gay? Your "god" (read:nature) created them that way.

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what do you know about being gay, or being black, or being a woman? i know about being a white heterosexual woman, so should i only accept what I understand? as it's been said, fear breeds hate, and we fear what we don't know. Most of us don't know much about homosexuality, including myself.

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Guest end3

We're starting to realize that hate towards homosexuals based on bronze age myths is evil.


That's fine, but very general. Three things.....why did the myth declare it evil. Why did society agree with it. And, why is it ok now.

Because the stories that composed the old testament were written by desert, dwelling, goat herders. It was an agricultural society where marriage was of the up most importance in preserving power and wealth amongst families. That's why in biblical society women were property and their virginity was key in securing a marriage. That's why gays were hated. Its the information age. Those bronze age norms don't matter. We understand so much more about sexuality, psychology, and we have freakin' birth control.

Why are you Christians so supportive of these social norms from a society that existed so long ago and so far away?


I don't have an answer about homsexualityJC. I don't subscribe myself, but I can't see the harm against society at this point.....and is the reason I am asking. I DO however have an opinion on women.


You don't "subscribe"? Wtf does that mean? You don't know why they are gay? Your "god" (read:nature) created them that way.


I'm not attracted to men....i.e. I don't "subscribe". What verbage would be acceptable to you. Please loose the attitude. I am trying to understand here. Obviously society has adopted anti-gay for a long time. What I am looking for in this conversation is what qualities did homosexuality bring to society that made it detrimental in regard to something they would accept of disapprove of. Again, I don't accept that "just because Christianity said so" as a valid answer to what society has done with the stance.

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Guest end3

what do you know about being gay, or being black, or being a woman? i know about being a white heterosexual woman, so should i only accept what I understand? as it's been said, fear breeds hate, and we fear what we don't know. Most of us don't know much about homosexuality, including myself.


Understanding, walking in another's shoes sometimes helps acceptance, no? Is it wrong of me to ask?

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Consider the sexual revolution and the civil rights movement. Two examples of our society undergoing rapid social change. It just continues to change...

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Guest end3

Consider the sexual revolution and the civil rights movement. Two examples of our society undergoing rapid social change. It just continues to change...


Yes, but I consider the sexual revolution detrimental and the civil rights movement a good thing.

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Consider the sexual revolution and the civil rights movement. Two examples of our society undergoing rapid social change. It just continues to change...


Yes, but I consider the sexual revolution detrimental and the civil rights movement a good thing.

The sexual revolution did have some problems in the beginning. Society had been sexually repressed for so long and we did not realize the consequences of our new found sexual freedom, but once reeled in we found a good equilibrium. Promiscuity is still frowned upon by most people, but sex within devoted non-married couples is okay with most folks. Unprotected sex is frowned upon, but protected sex is seen as better.

Its about individuals making choices on their own sex-lives. As with most modern social advances your religion lost a little more authority. Just as its losing authority in the debate over homosexuality. But again, this time we decide how we live; not some smelly, ancient, superstitious goat herder.

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C'mon. You and I know that you know the answer.


Where's the fucking redflag emoticon?


Who the hell are you? Just who the fuck do you think you are to assert that you know what someone else knows? As if you had direct access to their thoughts.


Yeah man, you just popped up on my radar big time.

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Guest end3

Consider the sexual revolution and the civil rights movement. Two examples of our society undergoing rapid social change. It just continues to change...


Yes, but I consider the sexual revolution detrimental and the civil rights movement a good thing.

The sexual revolution did have some problems in the beginning. Society had been sexually repressed for so long and we did not realize the consequences of our new found sexual freedom, but once reeled in we found a good equilibrium. Promiscuity is still frowned upon by most people, but sex within devoted non-married couples is okay with most folks. Unprotected sex is frowned upon, but protected sex is seen as better.

Its about individuals making choices on their own sex-lives. As with most modern social advances your religion lost a little more authority. Just as its losing authority in the debate over homosexuality. But again, this time we decide how we live; not some smelly, ancient, superstitious goat herder.


I didn't ask about authority nor a goat herder's opinion. Again, there has to be some legitimate reason(s) why straight or homosexuality is good or bad in societal evolution. I have a hard time thinking that somehow Christianity changed society that much. Why only now is it "hate".

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C'mon. You and I know that you know the answer.


Where's the fucking redflag emoticon?


Who the hell are you? Just who the fuck do you think you are to assert that you know what someone else knows? As if you had direct access to their thoughts.


Yeah man, you just popped up on my radar big time.


Are you going to spank me? Send me to my room? Chill, Leg. Now you're the one jumping to conclusions. I meant that it was pretty obvious that "the bible says so" is the standard answer to why homo is considered wrong in this country. That's all. CHILL.


Don't be so jumpy. Try asking me to clarify if you don't agree or understand before you start waving your red flag around like a bad ass.

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Society has been that way for centuries based on Christianity. Only now are we starting to depart from the old Christian norms. In the past homosexuality was deemed evil because of the Christian tradition. Today in our society we're able to see that there is nothing wrong with it. Its because we're becoming more and more free to question religious authority that we can see that.

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