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I have a PhD and have had a total of 2 biochemistry courses and I know very little about stem cells (except they are fantastic for many degenerative conditions and work wonders), yet some how the great pastor billy bob galatian can say they are evil and he graduated the 8th grade.


He saw the soul in that cutesy wutesy widdle cell. Awwwwwww

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I have a PhD and have had a total of 2 biochemistry courses and I know very little about stem cells (except they are fantastic for many degenerative conditions and work wonders), yet some how the great pastor billy bob galatian can say they are evil and he graduated the 8th grade.


Uh... Aren't stem cells harvested from aborted fetuses?

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I have a PhD and have had a total of 2 biochemistry courses and I know very little about stem cells (except they are fantastic for many degenerative conditions and work wonders), yet some how the great pastor billy bob galatian can say they are evil and he graduated the 8th grade.


Uh... Aren't stem cells harvested from aborted fetuses?


Some are. Others come from humans in Petri dishes. Those are the ones they're against.

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I have a PhD and have had a total of 2 biochemistry courses and I know very little about stem cells (except they are fantastic for many degenerative conditions and work wonders), yet some how the great pastor billy bob galatian can say they are evil and he graduated the 8th grade.


Uh... Aren't stem cells harvested from aborted fetuses?


there are different types and that is one of them. My issue is so what? If they can help someone, then use them

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I have a PhD and have had a total of 2 biochemistry courses and I know very little about stem cells (except they are fantastic for many degenerative conditions and work wonders), yet some how the great pastor billy bob galatian can say they are evil and he graduated the 8th grade.

What's your doctorate discipline? Just curious.
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Know something? I think I may have misjudged you when we first tangled. My apologies..



I raised you one Raoul

and I'll tell you why.

To err is human

To forgive is divine.

But to ask for forgiveness

that is sublime.

thanks. It pisses me off when that happens because I'm usually right about someone 95% of the time after some kind of initial contact. But then there's that damn 5%. LOL Oh well!
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Well the problem as I see it, is that, if we attach monetary value or some other value to harvesting of these cells, then we are thereby incentivized to harvest more of them.

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Well the problem as I see it, is that, if we attach monetary value or some other value to harvesting of these cells, then we are thereby incentivized to harvest more of them.


The value is that it saves and enriches lives.


If that has a monetary value on it, so be it.

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Well the problem as I see it, is that, if we attach monetary value or some other value to harvesting of these cells, then we are thereby incentivized to harvest more of them.


The value is that it saves and enriches lives.


A fetus is alive.

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Well the problem as I see it, is that, if we attach monetary value or some other value to harvesting of these cells, then we are thereby incentivized to harvest more of them.


The value is that it saves and enriches lives.


A fetus is alive.


Therein lies the debate.


Edit: but only in a technical sense. It had no feelings whatsoever. It's a lump of dividing cells.



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A fetus is alive.


Therein lies the debate.


No. There is no debate about this. If a fetus was not alive then we wouldn't be compelled to kill them through abortion. Now would we?

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A fetus is alive.


Therein lies the debate.


No. There is no debate about this. If a fetus was not alive then we wouldn't be compelled to kill them through abortion. Now would we?


Didn't mean that. I meant the debate at large is about whether it's ok to kill one living thing to save another living thing.

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I meant the debate at large is about whether it's ok to kill one living thing to save another living thing.


Of course it's okay. I make a concerted effort to kill and eat other living beings everyday.


But for us to kill our own unborn so that we may harvest their cells? wow

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I meant the debate at large is about whether it's ok to kill one living thing to save another living thing.


Of course it's okay. I make a concerted effort to kill and eat other living beings everyday.


But for us to kill our own unborn so that we may harvest their cells? wow


But when it saves untold millions from disease, will you then give it a thumbs up? How do you determine when it becomes worthy? Why do these lumps of cells take precedence over your momma?

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My mom died in the middle of last month, so I've an idea of how you're feeling right now.






Dear BAA, I also did not know that you lost your mother last month. I am very sorry and extend my sincere condolences to you as well.


Thanks you for your sincere concern, Ficino. I appreciate it.


There is no way you could have known about my mom, because I've only shared that information with two other members, via Private Messaging. Post #216 is the first time I've been open about it. Ordinarily I'm a very private person and I choose to keep my personal life largely separate from my other activities, here at Ex-Chr.Net. However, Antixianxian's news moved me to reach out to him and express my understanding and my empathy with his situation.


Fyi, I'm currently in the (slow) process of writing up my thoughts on the topic of death and how I feel about the knowledge of my future non-existence. When I'm ready I'll share this with you all.





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I meant the debate at large is about whether it's ok to kill one living thing to save another living thing.


Of course it's okay. I make a concerted effort to kill and eat other living beings everyday.


But for us to kill our own unborn so that we may harvest their cells? wow


But when it saves untold millions from disease, will you then give it a thumbs up? How do you determine when it becomes worthy? Why do these lumps of cells take precedence over your momma?


I'm suddenly in a foul mood this morning Mac. And I even know what did it.


It was that thread on the myths about women. When I recalled that show I saw on CBS, I got my ass way, way up on my shoulders. I should best go a find a chill pill.

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I meant the debate at large is about whether it's ok to kill one living thing to save another living thing.


Of course it's okay. I make a concerted effort to kill and eat other living beings everyday.


But for us to kill our own unborn so that we may harvest their cells? wow


But when it saves untold millions from disease, will you then give it a thumbs up? How do you determine when it becomes worthy? Why do these lumps of cells take precedence over your momma?


I'm suddenly in a foul mood this morning Mac. And I even know what did it.


It was that thread on the myths about women. When I recalled that show I saw on CBS, I got my ass way, way up on my shoulders. I should best go a find a chill pill.


Seems that thread has almost EVERBODY worked up! !!!

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My mom died in the middle of last month, so I've an idea of how you're feeling right now.






Dear BAA, I also did not know that you lost your mother last month. I am very sorry and extend my sincere condolences to you as well.


Thanks you for your sincere concern, Ficino. I appreciate it.


There is no way you could have known about my mom, because I've only shared that information with two other members, via Private Messaging. Post #216 is the first time I've been open about it. Ordinarily I'm a very private person and I choose to keep my personal life largely separate from my other activities, here at Ex-Chr.Net. However, Antixianxian's news moved me to reach out to him and express my understanding and my empathy with his situation.


Fyi, I'm currently in the (slow) process of writing up my thoughts on the topic of death and how I feel about the knowledge of my future non-existence. When I'm ready I'll share this with you all.






So you apparently believe NDEs are just a process of the dying brain?

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Seems that thread has almost EVERBODY worked up! !!!


Did you see my last post in there?


Goddamn I'm angry. Fuck. I'm going to go find some herb.

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Seems that thread has almost EVERBODY worked up! !!!


Did you see my last post in there?


Goddamn I'm angry. Fuck. I'm going to go find some herb.


Good for you man. Good for you.

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My mom died in the middle of last month, so I've an idea of how you're feeling right now.






Dear BAA, I also did not know that you lost your mother last month. I am very sorry and extend my sincere condolences to you as well.


Thanks you for your sincere concern, Ficino. I appreciate it.


There is no way you could have known about my mom, because I've only shared that information with two other members, via Private Messaging. Post #216 is the first time I've been open about it. Ordinarily I'm a very private person and I choose to keep my personal life largely separate from my other activities, here at Ex-Chr.Net. However, Antixianxian's news moved me to reach out to him and express my understanding and my empathy with his situation.


Fyi, I'm currently in the (slow) process of writing up my thoughts on the topic of death and how I feel about the knowledge of my future non-existence. When I'm ready I'll share this with you all.






So you apparently believe NDEs are just a process of the dying brain?


I haven't and won't declare my hand on that one ...yet, McD.


My mom's still warm (metaphorically speaking), so can you please maintain a holding pattern until I'm ready, ok?

When that time comes I'll be happy to discuss my dead father (1999), my dead mother (2012) and my dead brother (1973) with you.

But until then, could you back off a little please and perhaps show a little more of the empathy I've recently accused OrdinaryClay of lacking?










(Logging off for now, with something of a bad taste in my mouth. sad.png )

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I meant the debate at large is about whether it's ok to kill one living thing to save another living thing.


Of course it's okay. I make a concerted effort to kill and eat other living beings everyday.


But for us to kill our own unborn so that we may harvest their cells? wow


Legion i know we have completly difrent views of the world as i have a reductionist view and you have, i dont know i guess its anthtopic. But i think from a biological standpoint an early fetus before it starts to gain enough neurological cells to have a consciousness is not exactly a human because it dosent have the systems of one. It is alive because biology is simply a collection of complex chemical systems but it isnt human in its very early stages because it dosent hold the systems of a human, it is a mass of tissue.


No i dont think we should start harvesting fetuses for stem cells because that could lead to a very corrupt aspect to the red market, kinda like surrogate mothers and those who would sell their kidneys for $$$. But i think if we do have abortions we might as well but them to good use and use the aborted fetus to heal the disability of another.

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I wish the fuck people would THINK and/or RESEARCH before making speeches and firing off one liners. One of you said 'stem cells are fetus's' therefore, I guess, the xtian view about killing fetus's for stem cell research is a no no. Well, just a simple google search finds:

Stem cells are biological cells found in ALL multicellular organisms (google search, wiki, et.al.)


In other words, a micro cell which a stem cell really is can be harvested from a LIVE fetus if need be without doing any harm to the fetus. The xtian argument regarding killing babies for stem cells is specious at best and completely dishonest at worse. But then again, what xtian argument isn't?

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My mom died in the middle of last month, so I've an idea of how you're feeling right now.






Dear BAA, I also did not know that you lost your mother last month. I am very sorry and extend my sincere condolences to you as well.


Thanks you for your sincere concern, Ficino. I appreciate it.


There is no way you could have known about my mom, because I've only shared that information with two other members, via Private Messaging. Post #216 is the first time I've been open about it. Ordinarily I'm a very private person and I choose to keep my personal life largely separate from my other activities, here at Ex-Chr.Net. However, Antixianxian's news moved me to reach out to him and express my understanding and my empathy with his situation.


Fyi, I'm currently in the (slow) process of writing up my thoughts on the topic of death and how I feel about the knowledge of my future non-existence. When I'm ready I'll share this with you all.






So you apparently believe NDEs are just a process of the dying brain?


I haven't and won't declare my hand on that one ...yet, McD.


My mom's still warm (metaphorically speaking), so can you please maintain a holding pattern until I'm ready, ok?

When that time comes I'll be happy to discuss my dead father (1999), my dead mother (2012) and my dead brother (1973) with you.

But until then, could you back off a little please and perhaps show a little more of the empathy I've recently accused OrdinaryClay of lacking?










(Logging off for now, with something of a bad taste in my mouth. sad.png )




Was just a question. Sorry it struck a nerve, but I didn't know it would do so. I'm not a bad guy for asking a question relevant to tour quoted post.


You have my sincerest apologies and condolences.

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I wish the fuck people would THINK and/or RESEARCH before making speeches and firing off one liners. One of you said 'stem cells are fetus's' therefore, I guess, the xtian view about killing fetus's for stem cell research is a no no. Well, just a simple google search finds:

Stem cells are biological cells found in ALL multicellular organisms (google search, wiki, et.al.)


In other words, a micro cell which a stem cell really is can be harvested from a LIVE fetus if need be without doing any harm to the fetus. The xtian argument regarding killing babies for stem cells is specious at best and completely dishonest at worse. But then again, what xtian argument isn't?


If your talking to me i know this, ive read several books on the subject and wrote a paper on it once. My argument was to abortions and stemcells, they obviously dont haft to come from abortions but they can.

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