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Confirmation error and cognitive dissonance


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1 hour ago, Aibao said:

Exactly. I just want to find out if this is fanatic because I never thought about it, even after I left the church. But how to check if this is a myth? It is not a very easy task ...

One way to think about this is to think in terms of what is tangible.  Can it be literally touched, seen, smelled or heard?  If not, it is a fantasy, or myth.  You have to imagine it in your mind.  All ancient gods and religion fall into that catagory.

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22 hours ago, Weezer said:

Jednym ze sposobów myślenia o tym jest myślenie w kategoriach tego, co jest namacalne. Czy można go dosłownie dotknąć, zobaczyć, powąchać lub usłyszeć? Jeśli nie, to fantazja lub mit. Musisz to sobie wyobrazić w swoim umyśle. Do tej kategorii należą wszyscy starożytni bogowie i religia.

Exactly - there is a problem, however, when an apologist says: "but love or hate is not tangible, neither is the air, nor any abstract concepts, such as the feeling of jealousy, sadness, etc.".


Although I could explain it this way: love can be observed to some extent by studying the chemical reactions in the brain (I read a book on the brain and did not realize how many reactions take place there, in addition, the gut microbiome has a big influence on the brain and the psyche on the microbiome). You cannot see the air, but you can see the wind by looking at the leaves of the trees as they move through the wind. I answered myself, but I met with indignation from apologists when someone tried to explain that man is composed of various chemical substances, etc., apologists are usually outraged by this idea and do not quite agree to it, calling man "a machine of chemical elements "or" robot ".


Another problem remains for me - how to explain the great acts of altruism. This, according to apologists, indicates the divine design of man. Today my mother told me about a beautiful movie where an American journalist stayed with an Arab tyrant husband in his country. A group of Americans flew specifically to get her to free her from her husband. The movie was based on facts. Unfortunately, my mother does not remember the title. I couldn't find this movie on the Internet, but there are many examples, e.g. I read about a young mother who wrapped her child in a special armchair during a fire and threw her through the window, saving the child's life and dying herself. I also read about a massacre at one of the American universities where a Korean student shot students and teachers - one professor blocked the door with his own body so that the students could escape through the windows - immediately after that this professor was killed. I can't really explain such a great sacrifice (mother for a child yes, but the professor sacrifices his life for students? - it's too great for me to explain why, although from what I know he was a Jew rescued from the Holocaust and perhaps he understood the value of life and wanted to repay him for saving his life when he was a boy).


Another thing: my mother told me that she recently prayed to the so-called "Christ consciousness" and all her prayers came true. She prayed to quit smoking - the cigarettes suddenly stopped tasting good to her. This scared me, so I asked: So you believe in the God of the Bible? - Yes
- And if Jesus, then also hell?
- No, no - Jesus was a man and he was wrong about Hell.


I'm stuck. I don't know what my mother believes anymore and I asked her several times not to tell me anything about God or about religious topics. But suddenly I see my mother's face beaming: It works! I discovered something! I prayed to the Christ consciousness! So again, perhaps not a great fear arises in me anymore, but a slight anxiety - the more so that my mother never managed to quit smoking. Each attempt was unsuccessful. After this prayer, there was no failure (but I will observe if my mother does not reach for cigarettes, besides she has recently had a cold, I lose my appetite during the disease, maybe my mother too, and this made her lose the taste for cigarettes? I don't know, and that's me worries - that I do not know, I do not know the answer, while the Christ consciousness can exist and judge me after death.)


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Yes you can feel the effects of your emotions, and of the air.


t will be interesting to see if your mother remains a non-smoker.

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If my mother goes back to smoking, it will only be a sign for me that praying to Christ consciousness is not working.

But wait, I have my favorite Disney Aladdin Genie mascot (I know I'm an adult, but it's a long story why this mascot finally showed up in my house, besides, I like mascots) when I have a stressful situation before going out I hug my Genie and I can handle stressful situations better every time Maybe prayer works the same way?

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32 minutes ago, Aibao said:

when I have a stressful situation before going out I hug my Genie and I can handle stressful situations better every time Maybe prayer works the same way?

I believe it does, Aibao.  When I was a Christian, I definitely found some comfort in praying in stressful situations.  I stopped regular praying during my deconversion, but occasionally would feel the urge to pray during especially tough moments.  One such time, I addressed my prayer to Zeus, and felt the same sense of relief and comfort.  Later on again, in another stressful situation, I actually prayed to Satan.  That has been several years now, and I have not felt the need to pray since then.  Now, I don’t believe in Satan any more than I do Zeus or the god of the Bible, but I satisfied myself that it’s the process of praying that brings comfort, not the fact that the prayer is being heard by any deity.  

If praying helps you, then pray, but I would encourage you to address your prayer to some deity you know does not exist. It will work just as well, and it will help break the hold that Christianity has over your mind.  

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On 7/10/2022 at 2:32 PM, Mcsnacks said:

The Bible is a retelling of the beginning, with a lot left out because it was intended to be used a tool to gain power and wealth, never to reveal truth. The story is one told a hundred different ways in just as many cultures, the fact that the story is identical across the planet from groups who never interacted means the story is true. Translating the ancient texts and hieroglyphs tells the story of a race of beings that some called Angels, others they were known as Priests, some even said Gods. Their understanding of them was limited. Today we would have called them extraterrestrial beings. We were made in their image so the differences would be minor things like they were 8 ft tall and man was 5ft or less so giants they would have been seen as. 12 were sent by their Lord or Master to tame the wild Neanderthals that roamed the planet so they could then be used as slaves. But after years of domesticating them the 12 fell in love with them. Being immortal they weren’t allowed to conceive children but they knew where their Lord kept the information on how to do it. They stole it and began to have children with the daughters of men. When their Lord came to see the progress hundreds of years later he found the planet populated with thousands of beings with souls, which Neanderthals didn’t have. He became angry and decided to destroy the planet and all that lived on it. A Great Flood came and killed 97% of the living on the planet. The survivors were scattered amongst the world separated and having to restart civilization. Thus began the many nations. This is all proven in the DNA of current and past. The traits that come from the Fallen Angels are Blonde hair, Blue Eyes, and the RHnull blood type. These are proven to be extraterrestrial and would be impossible to occur on planet Earth. 

And they will come back Someday. Be prepared. Qabalist out! 


Mcsnacks had a different twist on things.  I googled "Qabalist" to see what that is.  I was hoping he would come back.

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On 14.07.2022 at 23:30, TABA said:

Wierzę, że tak, Aibao. Kiedy byłem chrześcijaninem, zdecydowanie znajdowałem pocieszenie w modlitwie w stresujących sytuacjach. Przestałem się regularnie modlić podczas mojego nawrócenia, ale od czasu do czasu odczuwałem potrzebę modlitwy w szczególnie trudnych chwilach. Pewnego razu skierowałem moją modlitwę do Zeusa i poczułem to samo uczucie ulgi i pocieszenia. Później znowu, w innej stresującej sytuacji, właściwie pomodliłem się do szatana. Minęło już kilka lat i od tego czasu nie odczuwam potrzeby modlitwy. Nie wierzę w szatana bardziej niż w Zeusa czy boga Biblii, ale przekonałem się, że to proces modlitwy przynosi pocieszenie, a nie fakt, że modlitwę wysłuchuje jakiekolwiek bóstwo.  

Jeśli modlitwa ci pomaga, módl się, ale zachęcam cię, abyś skierował swoją modlitwę do jakiegoś bóstwa, o którym wiesz, że nie istnieje. To zadziała równie dobrze i pomoże przełamać panowanie chrześcijaństwa nad twoim umysłem.  

It is interesting - actually a good idea to turn to another deity in prayer, such as Zeus. Actually, I am wondering if there is such a thing as a suggestion working here.


Once, when I was little, I believed that by singing I would make it rain. It was summer (so the summer rain was obvious and quite frequent which I didn't know then). I sang until it finally started to rain - it happened several times with the same positive result. But you know singing doesn't make it rain. However, as a child, I had a lot of fun with it.


And have you prayed to these types of gods for something to come true and have it come true?



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On 14.07.2022 at 06:15, Weezer said:

Tak, możesz poczuć skutki swoich emocji i powietrza.


Ciekawe będzie sprawdzenie, czy twoja matka nadal nie pali.

Yesterday morning my mother was nervous about the lack of a cigarette. And today she smokes cigarettes again. But I told her it didn't work, that then the Christ consciousness had failed. reluctantly, she agreed that I was right and explained that apparently she should cooperate with the Christ consciousness and then it would work. The translations of apologists come to mind ...

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17 hours ago, Weezer said:


Mcsnacks miał inne podejście do rzeczy. Wygooglowałem "Kabalista", żeby zobaczyć, co to jest. Miałem nadzieję, że wróci.

His approach scared me and made me even more confused, but I'm taking a break from pondering it, and so far I'm getting out, though the religious anxiety has returned a bit today.

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I wonder what a great role emotions play in the conversion and upholding religious beliefs, because at least I noticed that at times I can confidently and confidently say that I don't care about religion (as I told my mother recently), and at times I feel panicky fear that makes me hot, and my heart speeds up and the only thought remains: "what if you're wrong? and what if you tell yourself that there is no God because you are so comfortable and want to live your selfish, introverted life?" it is like an ebb and flow of emotions, the more strange that I signed out of the church, I describe myself as an agnostic, and I have the impression that I suffer from guilt and fear of hell just as much as any deeply Christian believer ...

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19 hours ago, Aibao said:

I wonder what a great role emotions play in the conversion and upholding religious beliefs, because at least I noticed that at times I can confidently and confidently say that I don't care about religion (as I told my mother recently), and at times I feel panicky fear that makes me hot, and my heart speeds up and the only thought remains: "what if you're wrong? and what if you tell yourself that there is no God because you are so comfortable and want to live your selfish, introverted life?" it is like an ebb and flow of emotions, the more strange that I signed out of the church, I describe myself as an agnostic, and I have the impression that I suffer from guilt and fear of hell just as much as any deeply Christian believer ...


Hi again Albao,


Emotions are said to be a bigger part of the female psyche. Belief or disbelief in the scriptures or in anything should be a matter of evidence and logic IMO. If you think a part of the Bible is backed up by evidence then you might wish to believe that part of the bible.  But if all of the Bible is not true then can you choose which parts are true and which parts are not? This understanding of not-knowing is not really a de-conversion from religion, IMO, you would simply be saying to yourself that you don't know the "truth" which is really being honest with yourself and a sincere state of internal expression which should not involve emotions since you're not committing to belief or disbelief.


In the parlance of religion this is called an agnostic, which is where I think you presently fit. Further study, knowledge, or thought can always change your mind.

since 18 is the drinking age in Poland, then hopefully you are old enough for Cheers ! there  :)   🇵🇱


with best regards, pantheory 

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The worst thing is if these apologists present this evidence and logic (listen to them for too long and you will start to believe that they are telling the truth, especially if, like me, you know little about the world - I know you know a lot, it was just an example of how they can influence people. apologists) - e.g. there is a website (I will not give you, because I do not want to search now, but if you want I will find it for you) where there is archaeological evidence for Noah's ark, the Tower of Babel, even Lot's wife turned into salt as a find archaeological. So they have the evidence - what about the evidence? In turn, modern scholars claim that there is no such evidence - but it is on this page! (ok, I'll have to look for this site somewhere else one night as there was a lot of evidence of biblical events).


Exactly - I define myself as an agnostic, but the thought that I could be wrong forever and ever and end up in hell terrifies me to the point that I have become involved in researching religion to see if it is true. As everyone can see here, I got lost in it - in addition, I feel like an idiot, because every time someone presents me with an answer and his explanation, I can't understand it, but I keep asking over and over again - luckily, we don't know each other in terms of appearance or by name, so I am not ashamed because normally, for example, live, I would not dare to ask such questions, although the anxiety is so great that maybe ...? I do not know.


I'm an adult, but I'm ashamed to admit it, because as you can see my mind seems to be failing ... Anyway, I'm going to actually drink alcohol, so thank you and Cheers! Regards!


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6 hours ago, pantheory said:


Hi again Albao,


Emotions are said to be a bigger part of the female psyche. Belief or disbelief in the scriptures or in anything should be a matter of evidence and logic IMO. If you think a part of the Bible is backed up by evidence then you might wish to believe that part of the bible.  But if all of the Bible is not true then can you choose which parts are true and which parts are not? This understanding of not-knowing is not really a de-conversion from religion, IMO, you would simply be saying to yourself that you don't know the "truth" which is really being honest with yourself and a sincere state of internal expression which should not involve emotions since you're not committing to belief or disbelief.


In the parlance of religion this is called an agnostic, which is where I think you presently fit. Further study, knowledge, or thought can always change your mind.

since 18 is the drinking age in Poland, then hopefully you are old enough for Cheers ! there  :)   🇵🇱


with best regards, pantheory 

I forgot to mention - thanks for the hint that a large part of the female psyche are emotions🙏 - I am very emotional, I have even been accused of emotional immaturity, but I read books about the influence of the gut microbiome on the brain - it turns out that the microorganisms that live in our intestines also produce hormones, It can affect not only emotions and mood, but also behavior - it kind of undermines the Christian doctrine of free will, because where is free will when microorganisms in our gut crave us? Okay, although I understood it, but no, suddenly now my mind will find a way out and from this - you can say that if there is God, it will judge us somehow, despite these microorganisms that affect our free will, there is definitely some part of us that influences the final decision and here God will find the blame if he exists - so either apologetic thinking has invaded my brain completely or my mind is crazy.😕

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7 hours ago, Aibao said:


- so either apologetic thinking has invaded my brain completely or my mind is crazy.😕



You are struggling, but you are not crazy.

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18 hours ago, Aibao said:

I forgot to mention - thanks for the hint that a large part of the female psyche are emotions🙏 - I am very emotional, I have even been accused of emotional immaturity, but I read books about the influence of the gut microbiome on the brain - it turns out that the microorganisms that live in our intestines also produce hormones, It can affect not only emotions and mood, but also behavior - it kind of undermines the Christian doctrine of free will, because where is free will when microorganisms in our gut crave us? Okay, although I understood it, but no, suddenly now my mind will find a way out and from this - you can say that if there is God, it will judge us somehow, despite these microorganisms that affect our free will, there is definitely some part of us that influences the final decision and here God will find the blame if he exists - so either apologetic thinking has invaded my brain completely or my mind is crazy.😕


I think the choice of agnosticism is your best choice concerning religion Albao since you can change your beliefs, or lack thereof, at any time without stress and without feeling crazy. 


talk to you soon, with best regards, Forrest (aka pantheory)

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3 hours ago, pantheory said:


I think the choice of agnosticism is your best choice concerning religion Albao since you can change your beliefs, or lack thereof, at any time without stress and without feeling crazy. 



I agree.  Sometimes you need to just wait a while and let things "soak in".  

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23 hours ago, Aibao said:

The worst thing is if these apologists present this evidence and logic (listen to them for too long and you will start to believe that they are telling the truth, especially if, like me, you know little about the world - I know you know a lot, it was just an example of how they can influence people. apologists) - e.g. there is a website (I will not give you, because I do not want to search now, but if you want I will find it for you) where there is archaeological evidence for Noah's ark, the Tower of Babel, even Lot's wife turned into salt as a find archaeological. So they have the evidence - what about the evidence? In turn, modern scholars claim that there is no such evidence - but it is on this page! (ok, I'll have to look for this site somewhere else one night as there was a lot of evidence of biblical events).


Exactly - I define myself as an agnostic, but the thought that I could be wrong forever and ever and end up in hell terrifies me to the point that I have become involved in researching religion to see if it is true. As everyone can see here, I got lost in it - in addition, I feel like an idiot, because every time someone presents me with an answer and his explanation, I can't understand it, but I keep asking over and over again - luckily, we don't know each other in terms of appearance or by name, so I am not ashamed because normally, for example, live, I would not dare to ask such questions, although the anxiety is so great that maybe ...? I do not know.


I'm an adult, but I'm ashamed to admit it, because as you can see my mind seems to be failing ... Anyway, I'm going to actually drink alcohol, so thank you and Cheers! Regards!



Have you traveled outside of Poland Albao? You suggest you know little of the outside world. How did you learn English so well?

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1 hour ago, Weezer said:


I agree.  Sometimes you need to just wait a while and let things "soak in".  

I have been an agnostic for several years, and I can't just wait when faith can be so important, if it is a game for the state of my eternal soul - unless it's all a myth. What religion brought me was the fear of death I never had. Therefore, I want to deal with it as soon as possible.

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To put it this way, I cannot be endlessly agnostic if there is a struggle for some eternal life that is either eternal bliss or eternal torture. I have to finally decide, since, as Richard Deem from godandscience says, this is the most important thing in the world ...

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1 hour ago, pantheory said:


Have you traveled outside of Poland Albao? You suggest you know little of the outside world. How did you learn English so well?

My English is not good at all - it is thanks to Google Translate, which I use all the time (yes, I am ashamed, but unfortunately, I was so desperate for Christianity that after about a year I found this forum, I dared to set up an account here, despite the lack of knowledge of the language - I know English at a basic level).😕

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1 hour ago, Aibao said:

My English is not good at all - it is thanks to Google Translate, which I use all the time (yes, I am ashamed, but unfortunately, I was so desperate for Christianity that after about a year I found this forum, I dared to set up an account here, despite the lack of knowledge of the language - I know English at a basic level).😕

Google translate or not, I think you are doing pretty good in English :)

1 hour ago, Aibao said:

To put it this way, I cannot be endlessly agnostic if there is a struggle for some eternal life that is either eternal bliss or eternal torture. I have to finally decide, since, as Richard Deem from godandscience says, this is the most important thing in the world ...


Do what you think is logical, not what others are saying from what you read. The only good decision is a logical decision based upon your judgement of the facts involved IMO  

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2 hours ago, Aibao said:

To put it this way, I cannot be endlessly agnostic if there is a struggle for some eternal life that is either eternal bliss or eternal torture. I have to finally decide, since, as Richard Deem from godandscience says, this is the most important thing in the world ...


I don't remember if this is addressed in the essay I sent you, so I will address it here.   "this is the most important thing in the world"  is exactly what the writers of the bible wanted you to believe.  They were master manipulators of people through the use of fear.  That is what cults and brutal rulers do to keep people under control.  Not a loving "father".  Another thing is, this afterlife (heaven or hell) idea came along ages after "god" supposedly started life in the garfen of eden. The bible was written over thousands(?) of years.  If this was so extremely important, why was this not mentioned earlier??  I think it was because the people who like to manipulate and control others thought of a better way to manipulate people, and addded it to the "bible" that was slowly formed over the years.  I think you just read my explaination of how that came about by the effort of humans.  Humans who claim it is gods word.


I am sure most of the priests and apologist who you are listening to truly believe what they are saying.  Just like you, they were programmed, or brain washed into believing what they are saying.  And they are too scared to think differently, Or too proud to admitt they may be wrong, or that the peole who taught them might have been wrong.  And it has been programmed into western society ao deeply that it has become THE TRUTH for those who believe.  But some have looked deeply into the history of gpds and religions and decided they are not valid concepts.  They may have some good, valid thoughts therein, but the overall concepts are human generated.


And there is another catch.  If you had been born in India, you might be having the same struggle with the Hindu religious leaders who think their religion is the true religion.  After all, it is considerably older than Christianity, and more humane.   And there are the Muslims who also think they have the true religion.    Which one is the true religion?  Or, are all of them human concieved myths?  Superstitions.


I hope this helps.  It may take a while to "soak in", but that is okay.  And it is okay if you decide to go back to church and believe them.   YOU!  ARE! OKAY!  whichever way you go.

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On 20.07.2022 at 01:36, pantheory said:

Tłumacz Google czy nie, myślę, że radzisz sobie całkiem nieźle po angielsku:)


Rób to, co uważasz za logiczne, a nie to, co mówią inni na podstawie tego, co czytasz. Jedyną dobrą decyzją jest logiczna decyzja oparta na Twojej ocenie faktów związanych z IMO  

Thank you☺️

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On 20.07.2022 at 02:56, Weezer said:


Nie pamiętam, czy jest to poruszone w eseju, który ci wysłałem, więc zajmę się tym tutaj. „To jest najważniejsza rzecz na świecie” jest dokładnie tym, w co autorzy Biblii chcieli, abyś uwierzył. Byli mistrzowskimi manipulatorami ludzi za pomocą strachu. To właśnie robią kulty i brutalni władcy, aby utrzymać ludzi pod kontrolą. Nie kochający „ojciec”. Inną rzeczą jest to, że ten pomysł na życie pozagrobowe (niebo lub piekło) pojawił się wieki po tym, jak „bóg” rzekomo rozpoczął życie w ogrodzie Edenu. Biblia została napisana przez tysiące(?) lat. Jeśli było to tak niezwykle ważne, dlaczego nie wspomniano o tym wcześniej? Myślę, że to dlatego, że ludzie, którzy lubią manipulować i kontrolować innych, pomyśleli o lepszym sposobie manipulowania ludźmi i dodali to do „biblii”, która powoli powstawała przez lata. Myślę, że właśnie przeczytałeś moje wyjaśnienie, jak to się stało dzięki wysiłkowi ludzi. Ludzie, którzy twierdzą, że to słowo bogów.


Jestem pewien, że większość księży i apologetów, których słuchasz, naprawdę wierzy w to, co mówią. Tak jak ty, zostały zaprogramowane lub wyprane z mózgu, aby uwierzyć w to, co mówią. I są zbyt przerażeni, by myśleć inaczej, Lub zbyt dumni, by przyznać, że mogą się mylić, albo że ludzie, którzy ich nauczali, mogli się mylić. I został zaprogramowany w zachodnim społeczeństwie tak głęboko, że stał się PRAWDĄ dla tych, którzy wierzą. Ale niektórzy przyjrzeli się głęboko historii gpd i religii i uznali, że nie są to ważne koncepcje. Mogą mieć w sobie jakieś dobre, ważne myśli, ale ogólne koncepcje są stworzone przez człowieka.


I jest jeszcze jeden haczyk. Gdybyś urodził się w Indiach, mógłbyś toczyć taką samą walkę z hinduskimi przywódcami religijnymi, którzy uważają, że ich religia jest prawdziwą religią. W końcu jest znacznie starsza niż chrześcijaństwo i bardziej humanitarna. I są muzułmanie, którzy również myślą, że mają prawdziwą religię. Która z nich jest prawdziwą religią? A może wszystkie z nich są ludzkimi mitami? Przesądy.


Mam nadzieję, że to pomoże. Może trochę potrwać, zanim "wchłoniesz", ale to jest w porządku. I to jest w porządku, jeśli zdecydujesz się wrócić do kościoła i im uwierzyć. TY! SĄ! W PORZĄDKU! w którąkolwiek stronę pójdziesz.

I wonder, however, how primitive people who lived 2,000 years ago could be so manipulative that they could compose stories about Jesus in such a clever way.


This is just hard - I can't dig into the history of religion, because there are so many different answers even among non-believers (from the idea that Jesus existed but was just an itinerant preacher to the idea that Jesus did not exist and was created from other myths) .


Yes, I think if I was born in India I would be wondering about Hindu deities and "digging up" them just like Jesus and Christianity do now. But how do you explain the fact that there are Hindus who are converting to Christianity? Or Muslims who are also converting to Christianity because in their dreams Jesus appeared to them as the true God? It does not happen that a Hindu will convert to Buddhism, or a Muslim will convert to Buddhism or another religion - most often if they convert, it is usually Christianity. Why?


Thank you for your response.🙂 You gave me another tip here - to seek the truth in the history of religion. As I have already mentioned, it is difficult due to different positions of historians (historical Jesus or Jesus as a myth? Or maybe Jesus related to astrology? - ok, I exaggerated with astrology, it has nothing to do with that). Nevertheless, I will expand my library with books on the history of religion.



I am reading your essay, but I have not finished reading everything yet - at the beginning of the essay you mention Karen Armstrong - I have her/him? book, but I did not dare to read it because apparently she ( he?  - name seem feminine) recognizes that there is some higher power but it is not a biblical God. Is this a good book?🤔


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On 7/20/2022 at 10:15 AM, Aibao said:

To put it this way, I cannot be endlessly agnostic

Actually you can.  My father is a pure agnostic, in that he believes we can't know, don't have enough information to ever know and no one can prove their position one way or the other.  He says that if god is all-good and all-loving then He will not punish good hearted people for ignorance or confusion.  Things outside of their control should not damn them, because that is unjust.  He believes we can only ever know after we die, at which point we should be judged on our limited human understanding, and not on some perfect impossible to reach scale.


2 hours ago, Aibao said:

It does not happen that a Hindu will convert to Buddhism, or a Muslim will convert to Buddhism or another religion

That is only because you are in a Christian focused view.  If you lived in India you would hear the stories of the Christians who converted to Hinduism, or the Muslims who converted to Buddhism.  Those people are out there, but in the western world they are not widely reported, or are reported only in their own regional language so we can't easily find those stories if we try. 

You do have the obvious example of tens of thousands of ex-Christians, such as everyone on here.  People who searched for god with an open heart, invested themselves in the church and truly believed they had a personal relationship with god, only to fall away and come to realize they were wrong.  The latest Gallup poll shows Christian belief has dropped to its lowest amount in the US ever, at 80% (If I remember correctly it was 86% 10 years ago), so more people are leaving than converting.


On 7/19/2022 at 10:10 AM, Aibao said:

archaeological evidence for Noah's ark, the Tower of Babel, even Lot's wife turned into salt

The only evidence for Noah's ark that I've seen was a scam artist called Ron Wyatt who claimed to have found it.  He sold books and movies about his find, making him tons of money, and when other scientists checked the area they found it was false.  There was no boat, and some evidence had been faked.


The tower of babel has never been found.  There is the belief that it may have been a pyramid, and similar pyramids have been found, but none of those have been confirmed as the one.  Even if they could find a destroyed tower that claimed it was Babel, that would just tell us that such a structure existed, and may have been destroyed by lightning, meteor, sank due to its weight or knocked down by an earthquake.  There are so many natural explanations as to why it could occur, that finding such a place would be quite mundane.


Lot's wife...  I have seen a claim that there is a statue carved from basalt, that is called Lot's wife by the locals.  They say there was a volcanic eruption, many died, and the survivors carved the statue as a memorial to those lost.  Her form being basalt rather than salt makes sense (salt would have dissolved away).  Confirming those claims would again be mundane, other than proving that Lot's wife was not physically changed but was killed and the statue is the only memory left of the natural disaster. 

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