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Goodbye Jesus

Common Tactics Used By Christians


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1. Have you stolen anything? If you have, doesn't that make you a thief? Have you ever lied? Doesn't that make you a liar? Have you ever looked upon a member of the opposite sex with lust in your eyes? Doesn't that make you an adulterer? We have already gone over three of the ten commandments.

Oh I love the commandments as a fine rebuttal to xtianity


"One of the Ten Commandment also says to celebrate the Sabbath on the 7th day, that is Saturday, Do you do that?Then you are not a xtian. Good bye"


Therefore, it is important to accept Jesus as your savior because he is our advocate to the Father to forgive us of our sins.


Gee, I think we'll have lawyer for that, and if Jesus is God, why does he need to advocate to the father, as soon as you told the son, the father already knows right?

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"5. If there is no god, where did life come from?"


Proto-organic manner formed in deep sea vents, where the start of terrestial life began.


Where did you learn this from (books, website or sources) and what theory does this belong too? Has this been produced in a lab expirement (creating life by stimulating pre-life conditions to create single cell organisms)? Do you know any other potential theroies currently being studied?

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49. Science and archeology and historians are always finding things that show the bible to be true. Things like wheels being found in the sea of reed from the story of moses and the rubble from the city of jericho being found. All this has happened and all this is real. Even other cultures have accounts of a worldwide flood who were obviously ancestors of those on Noah Ark. You can't deny the bible isn't true!!!!


50. Apologetics constantly get in debates against other religions, scientist, atheist and other so called wise men and win!!!! Every contradiction in the bible can be explained through apologetics as well using apologetics techniques. This shows our God is the one true God.


51. Christianity is clearly the most peaceful religion. We accept anybody. Even one of Jesus' ancestors, Rahab, was a prostitute. The one he appointed king, David, was an adulterous man. It doesn't matter who you are we accept you for you!

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52. Men without religion are evil. It's in their nature. Without religon there is no order in life. Without religion what is stop you from going outside and crapping in the streets (I've heard this one), what's to stop your little girl from letting the football team run a train on her since she doesn't believe in sin (heard this one too), what's to stop people from wasting there life just doing drugs having sex and raping women without religion present?!!!!


53. Morals can't be defined by men. We try to define morals the best we can be they aren't perfect. We need divine intervention to tell us what we should and shouldn't do. How we should and shouldn't live.


54. I know many of you have looked at other so-called christians and said I don't want to join them. But like everyone else they are just people and they make mistakes. But unlike unbelievers they have choosen a path which will in the future make them better people through God's Love. So unless you want to be like a sinful unbeliever you should want to join christ!!!


55. Why not obey God when even nature praises his name? Look at the trees, even they raise there branches up and praise his name. Look at the birds that sing up toward heaven to praise God!!!

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55. Why not obey God when even nature praises his name? Look at the trees, even they raise there branches up and praise his name. Look at the birds that sing up toward heaven to praise God!!!

But their roots go down toward Hell. How 'bout the fish that swim to the bottom of the ocean to get closer to Satan?


54. I know many of you have looked at other so-called christians and said I don't want to join them. But like everyone else they are just people and they make mistakes.

Like believing in a mythical god?


52. Men without religion are evil. It's in their nature. Without religon there is no order in life. Without religion what is stop you from going outside and crapping in the streets (I've heard this one), what's to stop your little girl from letting the football team run a train on her since she doesn't believe in sin (heard this one too), what's to stop people from wasting there life just doing drugs having sex and raping women without religion present?!!!!

Sure there is. Crapping on the street is disgusting. Heck, in some places it's illegal for you to not clean up after your dog when he does it.


The girl & football team is based on the assumption above that people cannot be moral by themselves. (See the next answer)


And, which religion?


53. Morals can't be defined by men. We try to define morals the best we can be they aren't perfect. We need divine intervention to tell us what we should and shouldn't do. How we should and shouldn't live.

But they are defined by men. Even Christian morals are defined by the authors of the Bible.


My definition - Do what you can to help others and don't intentionally hurt others or yourself.


49. Science and archeology and historians are always finding things that show the bible to be true. Things like wheels being found in the sea of reed from the story of moses and the rubble from the city of jericho being found. All this has happened and all this is real. Even other cultures have accounts of a worldwide flood who were obviously ancestors of those on Noah Ark. You can't deny the bible isn't true!!!!

Christians jump all over people who don't believe in their God for using parts of the Bible that cannot be true to try and disprove the entire book. You can't pick and choose. Just because there are parts of it that are true doesn't prove that everything in it is true.


Same logic - Take the movie Armageddon. There really is a NASA, there really are oil platforms. Because those two facts are true it must also be true that we have the technology to go and blow up an asteroid.


And those examples you gave serve to try and prove the Old Testament, nothing is said about Jesus which is critical to Christianity. The proof listed serves to strengthen the Jewish religion.

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56. Christianity has been used to reform people in prison, inspire people in poverty to seek more in life, encourage youths to stay away from drugs, gangs, and stay away from contracting diesease like AIDS!!! Don't you think this is actually helping humanity?


57. (from some creepy teenager guy) Yo you gotta join this religion man. You ever read the old testament. Blood, guts, war, sluts and sex is everywhere. It freakin rocks dude!!!!!

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57. (from some creepy teenager guy) Yo you gotta join this religion man. You ever read the old testament. Blood, guts, war, sluts and sex is everywhere. It freakin rocks dude!!!!!




Omygawd, this is the BEST argument for Xianity that I've EVER heard! :lol:

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57. (from some creepy teenager guy) Yo you gotta join this religion man. You ever read the old testament. Blood, guts, war, sluts and sex is everywhere. It freakin rocks dude!!!!!




Omygawd, this is the BEST argument for Xianity that I've EVER heard! :lol:


Yea, if I never heard of christianity that would probably make me be more interested, until you go to church and they tell you that you can't do it now (well God can but you can't)

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Hi, these are some of the answers I would give to those specific questions, but I'm sure fellow ex's have already given you plenty.


1. Have you stolen anything? If you have, doesn't that make you a thief? Have you ever lied? Doesn't that make you a liar? Have you ever looked upon a member of the opposite sex with lust in your eyes? Doesn't that make you an adulterer? We have already gone over three of the ten commandments. Therefore, it is important to accept Jesus as your savior because he is our advocate to the Father to forgive us of our sins.


Answer #1 : Have you done those things you are asking me that I've done? If so, then you are just as bad as I would be if I did those same things. And how is accepting Jesus as my saviour going to change what I did or didn't do? Obviously you still do those things, especially LIE (you are lying about your god), so Jesus obviously did not change it anyway. As far as forgiving wrongdoing, a belief doesn't really change it.



2. Let's say you committed several serious crimes and have a $1,000,000 fine or you will go to jail for the rest of your life. Now let's say you have confessed to the crimes as you did a moment ago to the lying, stealing, hating and blaspheme. You say to the judge "I am really sorry and I won’t do it again and I know you’re a good judge so I expect you to just let me go and not punish me for the crimes". What do you think a good and just judge would say to you? He would say "your right you did wrong, you should have known better, and you’re right I am a good judge so I will make sure that justice is done and find you guilty". It won’t matter in that courtroom how good you think you are or how many good things you have done. You will be found guilty as charged. Likewise you would be found by a Holy God to be guilty and spend eternity in Hell.


Answer #2 : Firstly, such examples are hypothetical and goes against the very nature I have. You asked me if I did (past tense) those things. Obviously I am still alive and not in jail, so I most likely would not go to trial. Also, you wouldn't receive a $1,000,000 fine for lying, stealing (unless it is millions of dollars), hating or blasphemy. No court of law based on the U.S. Constitution would ever do that. Also, the judge in that example is NOT a god, nor is that judge the law giver who made the law you broke. And eternity in hell is not "justice" in the bible for that which is a finite sin. The Old Testament (which is what you claim the new testament and "sin" are based on NEVER says eternity in hell is the punishment of that sin). Also, those things are WORKS (bad works). If you are saved from punishment by simply believing in a substitute sacrifice for your "crimes" which happened 2000 years ago, then every criminal in the world should be let out of prison (since most of them claim christianity).




3. if you believe there is no God, why are you afraid of death?! Is it a natural human reaction to be afraid of death? Who made you have that reaction? Oh you’re not afraid of death? then why are you afraid to lose someone close? The fear to miss that person? How is this missing implanted in you? How are you full of those invisible feelings?



Answer #3: Many people (whether theists or atheists) are not afraid of death. Each of us has our own coping mechanism, whether it is based in reality (once you're dead, you're dead) or fantasy (you're going to live forever in paradise). It is natural to fear the end of one's existence. Because unless we know exactly what happens at the moment of death, it is unknown (and naturally we fear the unknown). As far as the "who", it isn't a person, but a thing (instinct). And losing someone close via death is sad, but it is life. It isn't so much fear of losing people to death, it is merely knowing we will never see them again, which is why we have memories of them.


4. Why is a nonbeliever always feeling lost although he chose that way? Because he feels there is something missing,


Answer #4: There is no proof that a non-believer "feels" lost anymore than a believer does (I see this more frequently in Christians than non-christians). They hop from church to church and never seem to find the right place (that is what a lost person would do). They constantly don't know what they believe or why they believe it (other than the excuse they have faith). They usually don't know the bible they claim is the true word of God (a lost person generally depends on others to learn what they should be able to do themselves).


5. If there is no god, where did life come from?


Answer #5 - You first have to specify "life" and define it. Even if an atheist doesn't know where life comes from, that doesn't mean that the theist knows by default.


6. I would ask this of non - believers - when you , on your deathbed , for whatever reason , know you are dying , you are suddenly faced with a choice - who do you pray to - science , or something which 80% of people believe in - God ;


Answer #6 - First of all, an atheist would not "pray" to anyone or anything on their deathbed. Some have said atheists cry out to the christian god on their deathbed, which is not proven. Even if it was true (that atheists pray to a god at death), the most plausible explanation is they were indoctrinated as children to believe in the god of their parents or they would be punished. When we are about to die, the memory parts of the brain which have been stored away come out and are the first things to go. So, when an atheist would seem to be praying to "god", they are in fact reliving their childhood fears of a big bad god who will get them if they don't do something. That fear instills them (even though it is a false fear). That is probably why they say your life flashes before your eyes before you die. Memories become very real. This also would explain near death experiences. The person's memories recall the voices of loved ones who passed away and they think they hear them talking to them from heaven (so it makes them believe they are going to heaven). And nobody "prays" to science (at least that I'm aware of).


7. If you should die right now, would you definitely receive eternal life and live with the Father in heaven?


Answer #7: The question is biased (assuming the specific version of christianity is true). But to be honest, I would not want to live eternally with the biblegod whom you call "Father" for the very reason that he is a sadistic monster who enjoys torturing or allowing to be tortured, people that I love in hell. That is like asking "would you definitely want to live forever with Adolph Hitler who can still burn jews in the ovens from heaven?"


8. Ask non-Believers how anything can matter, since we’ll all be dead in 100 years


Answer #8: What matters is what each of us makes out of life (since what matters is each person's experience). The question is, how can anything matter if believers are right? If you really have everlasting life, then the 80 years you might live on earth are nothing compared to such eternity. Therefore, if what really matters is eternal life, then this life becomes cheap and worthless. So, in the theistic world view, this life doesn't matter one bit (the statement comes to mind, about being "pilgrims" passing through life here on earth). Christianity is based on defeatism of real life by believing in supernatural eternal life.


9. What's the point of having moral values if there is no afterlife and nothing matters?


Answer #9: In theism, there is no point in having moral values, since the majority of theists don't follow their own rulebook and also are the ones who commit the most crime compared to atheists. And as I said in question #8, things do matter. As far as the atheist reason for having moral values, it is simply this. Survival and instinct to cause us to survive. We learn what is right and wrong by experience and the result that occurs based upon wrongdoings of the past. Trial and error is often times how one comes to a proper conclusion about life.



10. If there's no definite proof that god doesn't exist, or does exist, why deny the existance of god instead of having an open-mind in between?


Answer #10 : Since one cannot disprove an unverifiable and negative claim, the one making the claim has the burden of proof. If we all had to "disprove" every claim ever made which is not based upon verification, we would never have time for any real objectivity. You cannot prove god doesn't exist, just like you cannot prove the easter bunny doesn't exist or you cannot prove that there are spaghetti monsters on Mars.


11. Have you ever felt something missing in your life that money, objects and people can't fulfil?


Answer #11 : No. Those things generally are what keep us alive to live to the next day, which means to say we are "missing" something outside of those things is a slap in the face of gratefulness to be alive.


12. Do you want to go to hell? (puts you directly into the mindset that you already assume hell is real making it really effective)


Answer #12: There is no hell to go to. Do you want to go to Santa's workshop in the North Pole?


13. Jesus loves you ....blah .....blah .....blah......why wouldn't you accept him into your life.


Answer #13 : The same reason you and I don't accept any other mythological figure like Perseus, Hercules, Thor, Odin, Zeus, Poseidon, etc.



I hope these help.


God Less You,



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1. Have you stolen anything? If you have, doesn't that make you a thief? Have you ever lied? Doesn't that make you a liar? Have you ever looked upon a member of the opposite sex with lust in your eyes? Doesn't that make you an adulterer? We have already gone over three of the ten commandments. Therefore, it is important to accept Jesus as your savior because he is our advocate to the Father to forgive us of our sins.


Oh the good ole Kirk Cameron rundown... :grin:


I can answer yes to all except one...Have you ever lusted for the opposite sex. I can honestly say no because I like other guys. :HaHa:


And what I would say to an inquiry about having Jesus as an advocate would be...


1.) How do you know for CERTAIN he is INFACT the REAL god? For all I know I could choose Jesus and burn in hell on a technicality...It could be Buddha, it could be Allah, or it could be the Goddess Athena...


2.) If god is so omnipotent and perfect then why did he need to devise such an elaborate scheme for salvation?


3.) Why didn't "he" give us a clear cut path for salvation...So that EVERYONE could believe and be fine with it?







3. if you believe there is no God, why are you afraid of death?! Is it a natural human reaction to be afraid of death? Who made you have that reaction? Oh you’re not afraid of death? then why are you afraid to lose someone close? The fear to miss that person? How is this missing implanted in you? How are you full of those invisible feelings?


1.) I still believe in a high power, just not YOUR god.

2.) I fear death because it is the great unknown...and I don't care how much you THINK you know about death you don't know. And don't give me a story about your NDE either!

3.) When you lose someone close you LOST them! You fear it because you won't have that person anymore! Fear of loss has to deal with emotional attachment...Not some unseen GOD SHAPED HOLE.


4. Why is a nonbeliever always feeling lost although he chose that way? Because he feels there is something missing,


I don't feel lost...I feel happier than I've ever been since abandoning Christianity.


5. If there is no god, where did life come from?


It evolved out of nothing...


Hey, It is hard for me to believe someone inventing the entire universe and all reality in a week.


6. I would ask this of non - believers - when you , on your deathbed , for whatever reason , know you are dying , you are suddenly faced with a choice - who do you pray to - science , or something which 80% of people believe in - God ;


I don't know. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. Furthermore, I could die a quick and painless death...No time to sit up and pause and ponder.


7. If you should die right now, would you definitely receive eternal life and live with the Father in heaven?


This question always makes me laugh now...LOL I would laugh at this one.






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I love how many of these can simply be answered with "prove it".


1. Have you stolen anything? If you have, doesn't that make you a thief? Have you ever lied? Doesn't that make you a liar? Have you ever looked upon a member of the opposite sex with lust in your eyes? Doesn't that make you an adulterer? We have already gone over three of the ten commandments. Therefore, it is important to accept Jesus as your savior because he is our advocate to the Father to forgive us of our sins.

Have you stolen anything or lied? Doesn’t that make you a thief and a liar too? Also, simply looking at a woman and thinking “Damn, she’s hot!” isn’t adultery. If I then had sex with her while I was married or dating someone else, that would be adultery. Why do you accept the ten commandments yet ignore the commandment against eating shellfish?


2. Let's say you committed several serious crimes and have a $1,000,000 fine or you will go to jail for the rest of your life. Now let's say you have confessed to the crimes as you did a moment ago to the lying, stealing, hating and blaspheme. You say to the judge "I am really sorry and I won’t do it again and I know you’re a good judge so I expect you to just let me go and not punish me for the crimes". What do you think a good and just judge would say to you? He would say "your right you did wrong, you should have known better, and you’re right I am a good judge so I will make sure that justice is done and find you guilty". It won’t matter in that courtroom how good you think you are or how many good things you have done. You will be found guilty as charged. Likewise you would be found by a Holy God to be guilty and spend eternity in Hell

The punishment far outweighs the crime. No one deserves hell, not even Hitler. The most we deserve is punishment in equal proportion to the crime.


3. if you believe there is no God, why are you afraid of death?! Is it a natural human reaction to be afraid of death? Who made you have that reaction? Oh you’re not afraid of death? then why are you afraid to lose someone close? The fear to miss that person? How is this missing implanted in you? How are you full of those invisible feelings?


I’m afraid of death because I like living. There’s so much I wanna do in life but I know I can’t cuz eventually I’ll die. It is a natural human reaction to be afraid of death but it’s not necessary for a god to have given humans that reaction. Indeed, all animals are afraid of death but a god is still not necessary. The fear of losing a loved one is the same way.


4. Why is a nonbeliever always feeling lost although he chose that way? Because he feels there is something missing,


Nonbelievers don’t always feel lost in their chosen way. Many non-believers (such as me) are completely happy with their choice. There is no “god-shaped hole” in my heart.


5. If there is no god, where did life come from?

As far as we know, abiogenesis and evolution.


6. I would ask this of non - believers - when you , on your deathbed , for whatever reason , know you are dying , you are suddenly faced with a choice - who do you pray to - science , or something which 80% of people believe in - God ;

Just because 80% of people believe in God doesn’t mean he exists.


7. If you should die right now, would you definitely receive eternal life and live with the Father in heaven?

Nope, because the Bible states I’m gonna go to hell for not believing. However, I’m pretty sure the Bible is a load of crap so no worries.


8. Ask non-Believers how anything can matter, since we’ll all be dead in 100 years


True, nothing really matters in the grand cosmic sense but it does in our own smaller human sense. Things matter because we tend to want to make things better for ourselves.


9. What's the point of having moral values if there is no afterlife and nothing matters?


My morals are necessary for me to live a good life in the best way I can. I’d rather live a good life and help people so that I can die happy, knowing that I did something important.


10. If there's no definite proof that god doesn't exist, or does exist, why deny the existence of god instead of having an open-mind in between?


I do have an open mind. It is true that it’s not philosophically right to simply deny a god’s existence without proof, but when you define your god in as many details as Christians do then you can test the definition and determine whether it’s logically consistent. If it isn’t then it is philosophically right to deny that god’s existence.


11. Have you ever felt something missing in your life that money, objects and people can't fulfil?




12. Do you want to go to hell? (puts you directly into the mindset that you already assume hell is real making it really effective)

No, I don’t but I’m pretty sure hell doesn’t exist so I’m not worried.


13. Jesus loves you ....blah .....blah .....blah......why wouldn't you accept him into your life.

I’m not required to accept someone simply because they love me.


1. Are you 100% sure you will go to heaven at death


No, I’m not, because I’m 99% certain that the Christian version of heaven doesn’t exist. I’m not 100% certain, however, because there’s always a chance I could be wrong. I have studied Christianity extensively, though, so this is why I’m as certain of heaven’s non-existence as I am. However, you yourself are certain that the hells of all other religions don’t exist and yet you probably haven’t studied all other religions very much. Without studying their claims how can you be so certain that you won’t go to one of those hells when you die?


2. Upon death when arriving at the gate of heaven, and Jesus ask's; Why should I allow you to enter? What would you answer?


I would answer “You should let me in because I’ve tried to live a good life. I’ve tried my best not to hurt anyone and I’ve tried my best to be equal in my treatment of everyone I meet. When the occasion called for it I was even willing to go out of my way to help someone I had never met before, even if they held completely opposite philosophical views to mine. However, the Bible states that God will condemn someone to an eternity in hell for simply not believing he exists. Therefore, I would say that I’m a better person than you since I’ll help those who don’t accept my beliefs and you won’t. So, even though I believe you should let me into heaven for being a good person, if you’re the same God as the god of the Bible then I would rather you send me to hell because I would rather be there than be with a monster like you for all eternity.”


3. I can tell you so much about Jesus has touch my life, my families life….love….Jesus blah blah (testimonies- especially the really heart touching crap)

And a Muslim can tell you so much about how Allah has touched their life. In fact, a member of any religion can tell you how their god helped them. Your god is nothing special.


4. A good friend ask do you want (to go to church/ or watch a tv evangelist) with me?


I would politely turn them down.


5. "What do you think happens after death?"


We are put in coffins and placed in the ground. Our bodies completely decompose and mix with the surrounding dirt. In a couple billion years the sun will use up all its fuel and expand, thus swallowing the earth. My atoms will then join with the sun’s atoms. After a few thousand more years the sun will completely burn out, throwing its outer layers (and thus, my atoms) into the far reaches of space. In time my atoms will combine with other gas, dust, and matter to form a gas cloud. This cloud will start spinning because of its own gravity and will condense in the center to form a new star. The remaining gas will then condense into planets, asteroids, and many other things to form a solar system around this star. Maybe after billions of years one of the planets surrounding this new star will evolve life. Thus, my atoms will become part of something immensely greater than myself.


6. "How do you think a person becomes a Christian?"

There are several ways:

1. They are born into a Christian family and raised as one.

2. They are converted from either non-belief or another religion and made a Christian.


7. Have you ever received Christ as your personal Lord and Savior? (how do you answer as an ex-christian?)


Yes I have. In fact, I recieved Christ as my personal Lord and Savior at least 4 times in my life. Each time he failed to help me, make me feel better, or improve my life in any way. I was constantly plagued by an intense fear that I wasn’t good enough to get to heaven, even though I was supposedly “saved”. This caused my many instances of getting “resaved”. Eventually I realized that there was not much truth to my faith and so I left. Ever since I became a non-believer my life has been so much better than when I was Christian since I’ve been able to live my life the way I want to without fear.


8. "Look, if you will give me a minute of your time, I can show you how to be sure that you will spend eternity in heaven, not in hell. All you need do is ask Jesus into your heart, and you can do that just by saying a brief prayer with me. Will you pray the prayer that will save you from eternity in hell? It takes only about ten seconds."

No I won’t pray the prayer with you because I’ve prayed that same pray at least 4 times in my life and it never worked once. Please don’t try to tell me that I didn’t “pray hard enough” or “believe enough” or any such idiocy. You said yourself just now that all I need to do is ask Jesus into my heart. You never tacked on any other stipulations such as the level of belief needed.


9. begin with a positive statement - "God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life."

I prefer to live my life on my own terms.


10. Do you face problems and trials in your life? I guarantee a life with Christ Jesus will help you through whatever you face.


Let’s say a Christian husband and wife have a kid and that kid is born with severe brain damage and physical deformities. The doctors tell them that the child only has a few hours to live and will live them out in excruciating pain. Let’s say these Christian parents pray, begging through their tears for God to save their child. What if God doesn’t save the child’s life? Indeed, it happens all the time throughout the world. Doesn’t that indicate that he doesn’t help you with whatever you face? The very fact that many prayers go unanswered indicates that the assertion of God helping with whatever you face is wrong.


11. We don't have all the answers in life and I know it's hard to understand our purpose. Only through Christ can we truly find meaning.


People can find meaning in life through anything they want. Personally, I find meaning through my hobbies and spending time with my friends and loved ones.


12. You know that the world won't love you and the world will reject you. Jesus on the other hand won't. You just have to believe.

Why is Jesus’ love conditional on my acceptance of him? If I saw a person get hit by a car I would help them immediately, even if they didn’t accept my help. You’re saying Jesus wouldn’t do that.


13. If you don't believe in God, then it won't hurt to (pray, speak to him, go to church etc).


If I don’t believe in God then why would I pray to him at all? You don’t believe in Zeus so you don’t pray to him for the exact same reason.

14. It may be hard to understand but I know in my heart that Jesus is real and he loves me. I'm sure if you search your heart you will too.


“Knowing something in your heart” is an extremely poor way of knowing anything. Every member of every religion “knows in their heart” that their god(s) exist. Why are they wrong and you’re not?


15. This world we live in is just so complex and wonderfully made. There are so many things science just can't comprehend. How can you deny after seeing all of this.


Just because science can’t explain something doesn’t mean God did it. Besides, there’s so much science can explain that used to be attributed to God. Your argument simply pushes God into the gaps that science currently has no answers for. As more and more gaps in our knowledge are filled there’s less and less for your God to do.


16. Just look around you. Wars are breaking out. Earthquakes and floods are devastating America. Europe is beginning to become one nation just like the bible predicts (any other Jack Van Impe prediction crap). Prophecies are coming true. The world is ending and Jesus will be coming soon. Will you be ready?

People have been saying that Jesus’ return is immanent ever since Christianity was born. Floods, wars, earthquakes, nations joining and fragmenting, they happen all the time. I’m not gonna hold my breath.


17. Why take a chance with your soul? If I'm wrong then I just die, if your wrong you spend eternity in hell!!! Why even risk it?


Why take a chance with your soul? If Allah doesn’t exist then you don’t have to worry but if he does you’ll spend eternity in Muslim hell. Why even risk it? By your own logic you should be a member of every single religion that ever existed just on the off chance that one of them was right.


18. It is rational to believe in the Christian God and irrational not to believe in the Christian God.

Until you have proof for this claim I’m going to call “bullshit”.


19. You can not deny that there is some kind of evil presence in this world


No I can’t, but there’s no reason to ascribe it to Satan.


20. God wants to help this world not hurt it. He heals the sick and they recover.

But he doesn’t heal all sick people. The majority of people who pray for healing are refused by your so called “all-loving” god.


21. Here read this (hands you chick tract, bible, some book whatever) doesn't take long. It will change your life.

No thanks.


22. I know that this stuff is real. I've had visions, felt Christ in my dreams and I believe I've entertained angels unaware. I can tell you about each of my experiences


And Joe, who lives in the local mental asylum, is absolutely sure that little blue pixies live in his sock drawer. He can tell you about his experiences too. “A casual stroll through a mental asylum shows that faith proves nothing.” - Nietzsche


23. In Near Death Experiences, patients have been able to come out of their bodies and view them. Afterwards many went to heaven and/or hell and came back to tell us about it. No one has ever come back saying don't believe in God. Doesn't this give you a little reason to believe that their might be a higher power than us?


No, because Near Death Experiences can also easily be explained by a lack of oxygen to the brain during death causing neurons to fire randomly, thus producing the visions people see.


24. The sins described in the bible are there for a reason and it is wise to know them. Everyone who has lived those sin that I have know has had bad experiences. This includes fornicators, adulterer, drunks etc.


This can also be taken as evidence for the Buddhist doctrine of Karma. Are you saying that the Buddhists are right?


25. This is for the all the people still living with mommy and daddy. Works real well. "As for me and my house, we WILL serve the Lord" i.e. serve God or we will kick you out

Wow, what loving parents. Here’s a comparison for you:

Rapist - “Love me or I’ll kill you.”

God: “Love me or I’ll torture you for all eternity”.


26. The bible is the only religious book written by 40 authors all about the same person and they don't contradict! Any contradictions that seem to be in the bible are easily explained by scholars (don't have too much fun with this one)



27. Christianity has done so much to help the world like feed the hungry and clothe the poor. They've done so many good things because they followed the positive teachings of Christ like love your neighbor. Why wouldn't you want to join?

Christianity also caused the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, and the Salem Witch Trials. I’d say the bad far outweighs the good.


28. The message of the bible is clearly loving and peaceful. Love you neighbor, love your enemy, do good to those who abuse you, do not steal, do not lie and many more. These teachings have set the morals for America why not follow it?


Deuteronomy 22:23-29: A woman who is raped must marry the rapist. How is that good and moral?


29. Christianity is the one clearly the one true religion. Unlike other religions it has stood the test of time. Also it is the world's largest religion. This shows that God is clearly manifesting in the lives of all people


The African Tribal Religion is the worlds oldest religion. It has been around for thousands of years longer than Christianity. This obviously means that the African Tribal Gods are manifesting in the lives of all people.


30. "you look cute. Wanna go out with me tomorrow morning for chruch. It'll be fun!!" (whoring for Jesus


Hell no. Sounds too much like my first girlfriend.


31. Don't you see how things got worse for America after they took prayer out of schools. This is because Christ is no longer in the school and making are youth more loving.


Prayer was never taken out of schools. Forced prayer was taken out of schools. It’s not illegal for a kid to pray in school, as long as he doesn’t disrupt others or force them to pray too.


32. Christian schools have a lower rate of violence in schools. Christians have been shown to live longer. Kids brought in church have a lower rate of teen pregnancy. Adults in church have marriages that last longer. Doesn't this tell you something?!! (these are stats i pulled out of my ass so they must be true woohoo.gif )

Show me the studies that prove these statistics true.


33. Without Christ, can you picture how America would be. There would be social anarchy and America would be the nation we now and love now.

That’s a completely subjective opinion.


34. I've have seen people actually be healed under the power of God in real life and plenty of times on television. I've seen the crippled walk, I've seen the sick healed, and I personally had cancer chased out of my body praise the Lord

Prove it.


35. I just love the Christian atmosphere, you can dance, sing and worship. It's truly an uplifting feeling. Wouldn't you like to experience it.

A good atmosphere doesn’t make the doctrine true.

36. I've meet actual prophets of God how predicted my life and helped guide me on my path. To me this shows that God is real


Prove it.

48. Do you feel complete? Doesn't it feel like part of you is missing? Well there is a something that is missing inside of you that needs to be filled. This part of you can't be compensated for with money, your job, success or relationships. In the end all of those things still leave you feeling unfulfilled (yeah I can't spell whatever). I mean think about it, you see rich successful people all the time who aren't happy with life. People who have the job they always wanted still feeling unsatisfied. People who try to have other people or relationships to complete them end up getting hurt and still end up with something missing from there life. None of these things will ever complete you. But I know someone who will. Jesus Christ who died for your sins. By doing so he re-established that missing connection from God that has been severed by man. That missing part of you is God and your relationship with him. And all you have to do is believe in Jesus and you will be made whole.


Prove it.


49. Science and archeology and historians are always finding things that show the bible to be true. Things like wheels being found in the sea of reed from the story of Moses and the rubble from the city of Jericho being found. All this has happened and all this is real. Even other cultures have accounts of a worldwide flood who were obviously ancestors of those on Noah Ark. You can't deny the bible isn't true!!!!

Prove it.


50. Apologetics constantly get in debates against other religions, scientist, atheist and other so called wise men and win!!!! Every contradiction in the bible can be explained through apologetics as well using apologetics techniques. This shows our God is the one true God.

Prove it.


51. Christianity is clearly the most peaceful religion. We accept anybody. Even one of Jesus' ancestors, Rahab, was a prostitute. The one he appointed king, David, was an adulterous man. It doesn't matter who you are we accept you for you!

Would “the most peaceful religion” cause things as terrible as the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, or the Salem Witch Trials?


52. Men without religion are evil. It's in their nature. Without religion there is no order in life. Without religion what is stop you from going outside and crapping in the streets (I've heard this one), what's to stop your little girl from letting the football team run a train on her since she doesn't believe in sin (heard this one too), what's to stop people from wasting there life just doing drugs having sex and raping women without religion present?!!!!


What’s to stop a Christian from killing babies? After all, if there’s an “age of accountability” before which all babies are free of sin then you should kill as many babies as you can before they reach that age. That way they all go to heaven. Wouldn’t sacrificing your own place in heaven because of murder be a small price to pay for the thousands of souls saved?


53. Morals can't be defined by men. We try to define morals the best we can be they aren't perfect. We need divine intervention to tell us what we should and shouldn't do. How we should and shouldn't live.

Prove that your god exists and that he is truly moral. Only then will I think about accepting his morals.


54. I know many of you have looked at other so-called Christians and said I don't want to join them. But like everyone else they are just people and they make mistakes. But unlike unbelievers they have chosen a path which will in the future make them better people through God's Love. So unless you want to be like a sinful unbeliever you should want to join Christ!!!

As long as I live a good life and try to help others and do good then I don’t consider myself a “sinner”, nor do I consider myself in need of Christ.


55. Why not obey God when even nature praises his name? Look at the trees, even they raise there branches up and praise his name. Look at the birds that sing up toward heaven to praise God!!!


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *wipes tears from eyes* wow, that was a good one. You’re funny!


56. Christianity has been used to reform people in prison, inspire people in poverty to seek more in life, encourage youths to stay away from drugs, gangs, and stay away from contracting disease like AIDS!!! Don't you think this is actually helping humanity?

In some aspects, yes, Christianity does do good, but so do many other religions.


57. (from some creepy teenager guy) Yo you gotta join this religion man. You ever read the old testament. Blood, guts, war, sluts and sex is everywhere. It freakin rocks dude!!!!!


Dood, I know! It’s fucking insane!!! Why would anyone follow such an unrepentant murderer as god? Dude, it blows my freakin’ mind!

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My answers to some of your questions.


1. Are you 100% sure you will go to heaven at death

No, but laying in the ground sure as hell sounds better than being in church for eternity.

2. Upon death when arriving at the gate of heaven, and Jesus ask's; Why should I allow you to enter? What would you answer?
You are forcing me to assume that Heaven even exists.
3. I can tell you so much about Jesus has touch my life, my families life….love….Jesus blah blah (testimonies- especially the really heart touching crap)
I can tell you so much about how my life has been better without church and religious nonsense. Allow me to share MY testimony.
4. A good friend ask do you want (to go to church/ or watch a tv evangelist) with me?
Ask him if he wants to go to an atheist convention or watch a video of Carl Sagan with you.
5. "What do you think happens after death?"
I will spend eternity in a place of eternal torment called Hell.
6. "How do you think a person becomes a Christian?"
By throwing away their brain and shackling themselves to a Bible. (Usually stops the conversation right there)
7. Have you ever received Christ as your personal Lord and Savior? (how do you answer as an ex-christian?)
Unfortunately, yes. Then I saw the light.
8. "Look, if you will give me a minute of your time, I can show you how to be sure that you will spend eternity in heaven, not in hell. All you need do is ask Jesus into your heart, and you can do that just by saying a brief prayer with me. Will you pray the prayer that will save you from eternity in hell? It takes only about ten seconds."
Wait, no, I won't give you a minute of my time. Allow me to answer, jackass.


Either that or say yes and then parody his prayer. Something like, "God, I don't care if I'm a sinner. I have no intention of repenting. I thank you for sending your son to die, because it proves how bad of a father you are. I no longer want you in my heart, so get out. Thank God I am not saved anymore. Amen."

9. begin with a positive statement - "God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life."
Thanks, but I like my plan better.
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Got these from Christian answers net:


How do you explain the high degree of design and order in the universe?

>> Learn more about the universe / origin of life / origin of species / origin of mankind



How do you account for the vast archaeological documentation of Biblical stories, places, and people?

>> In what ways have archaeological discoveries verified it?

>> Bible archaeology evidences



Since absolutely no Bible prophecy has ever failed (and there are hundreds), how can one realistically remain unconvinced that the Bible is of Divine origin?

>> Read about fulfilled biblical prophecies...


Explain David's graphic portrayal of Jesus' death by crucifixion (Psalm 22) 1000 years previous to crucifixion being established as a form of capital punishment?


How could any mere human pinpoint the birth town of the Messiah seven full centuries before the fact, as did the prophet Micah?

>> Read the "God's Story" account of Micah describing the Messiah...


Account for the odds (1 in 10 to the 157th power) that even just 48 (of 300) Old Testament prophecies were fulfilled in one person, i.e Jesus.

>> More about statistical odds surrounding Jesus Christ Go

>> What messianic prophecies were fulfilled by Christ? Answer

>> More about messianic prophecies


How was it possible for the Old Testament prophet Isaiah to have predicted the virgin birth of Jesus (Isaiah 7:14) 700 years before it occurred?

>> Read the "God's Story" account of the prophets describing the Savior

>> Is the virgin birth a myth?


How can anyone doubt the reliability of Scripture considering the number and proximity to originals of its many copied manuscripts?

>> Read about the importance of the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls / Discovering the Bible videos explain the manuscript evidence and much more


Are you able to live consistently with your present worldview?

>> Visit Summit Ministries for worldview comparisons...


Wouldn't it make better sense, even pragmatically, to live as though the God of the Bible does exist than as though He doesn't?


In what sense was Jesus a 'Good Man' if He was lying in His claim to be God?

>> Is Jesus Christ really God?...


Do you think that Jesus was misguided in affirming the truthfulness of Scripture, i.e. John 10:35, Matthew 24, Luke 24:44?


If the Bible is not true, why is it so universally regarded as the 'Good Book'?

>> How can I know if the Bible is true?... / Is the Bible truth or tabloid? / Can the Bible be infallible if it is written by fallible humans?


Are you aware that the Old Testament alone claims to be God's inspired word at least 2600 times?


Did you know that the Bible has been the number one best-seller every year since the 1436 invention of the Gutenberg printing press?

>> The Bible -- an amazing book...



From whence comes humanity's universal moral sense?



If man is nothing but the random arrangement of molecules, what motivates you to care and to live honorably in the world?


Explain how personality could have ever evolved from the impersonal, or how order could have ever resulted from chaos.


If Jesus' resurrection was faked, why would twelve intelligent men (Jesus' disciples) have died for what they knew to be a lie?

>> Is the resurrection a myth?...


How do you explain the fact that a single, relatively uneducated and virtually untraveled man, dead at age 33, radically changed lives and society to this day?

>> Learn more about Jesus' life, death and resurrection...




Why have so many of history's greatest thinkers been believers? Have you ever wondered why thousands of intelligent scientists, living and dead, have been men and women of great faith?

>> Do real scientists believe in Creation? / Is the Bible completely accurate, or does it contain some inaccuracies about history and science?



Isn't it somewhat arrogant to suggest that countless churches and people (including men like Abraham Lincoln) are all radically in error in their view of the Bible?


How do you account for the origin of life considering the irreducible complexity of its essential components?

>> Learn more about the origin of life...



How can the Second Law of Thermodynamics be reconciled with progressive, naturalistic evolutionary theory?

>> Second Law of Thermodynamics - Does this basic law of nature prevent Evolution?...


How do you reconcile the existence of human intelligence with naturalism and the Law of Entropy?


Why does the Bible alone, of all of the world's 'holy' books, contain such detailed prophecies of future events?

>> Learn more about the Bible...


On what basis can the Bible (interpreted as per historic Christian orthodoxy) be challenged as a sole, final truth-standard (Galatians 1:8)?


Is it absolutely true that "truth is not absolute" or only relatively true that "all things are relative?"

>> The Loss of Truth -- Are we living in a moral stone age?...


Is it possible that your unbelief in God is actually an unwillingness to submit to Him?

>> God's plan



Does your present worldview provide you with an adequate sense of meaning and purpose?


How do you explain the radically changed lives of so many Christian believers down through history?



Are you aware that every alleged Bible contradiction has been answered in an intelligible and credible manner?

>> More about Bible contradictions...



What do you say about the hundreds of scholarly books that carefully document the veracity and reliability of the Bible?



Why and how has the Bible survived and even flourished in spite of centuries of worldwide attempts to destroy and ban its message?

>> Recommended resource: The Indestructible Book (video)...


Why isn't it absurd to try to speak or even conceive of a non-existent 'God' when an existing God would, by definition, be greater?


Have you ever considered the fact that Christianity is the only religion whose leader is said to have risen from the dead?

>> Is Christianity really unique among world religions?...



How do you explain the empty tomb of Jesus in light of all the evidence that has now proven essentially irrefutable for twenty centuries?

>> Is the resurrection a myth? / Did Christ really rise from the dead? / Were the witnesses hallucinating?



If Jesus did not actually die and rise from the dead, how could He (in His condition) have circumvented all of the security measures in place at His tomb?

>> Did Jesus really die? / How did Jesus die? / What is crucifixion?


If the authorities stole Jesus' body, why? Why would they have perpetrated the very scenario that they most wanted to prevent?

>> Could Jesus' body have been stolen from the tomb?...


If Jesus merely resuscitated in the tomb, how did He deal with the Roman guard posted just outside its entrance?

>> Could Jesus' have merely fainted? / Is the resurrection a myth? / Did Christ really rise from the dead?


How can one realistically discount the testimony of over 500 witnesses to a living Jesus following His crucifixion (see 1 Corinthians 15:6)?

>> Maybe the witnesses were just seeing things?...


If all of Jesus' claims to be God were the result of His own self-delusion, why didn't He evidence lunacy in any other areas of His life?

>> Is Jesus Christ's character consistent with his high claims?...


If God is unchanging, wouldn't it be true that one who changes by suddenly "realizing" that he/she is 'God' therefore isn't God?



Is your unbelief in a perfect God possibly the result of a bad experience with an imperfect Church or a misunderstanding of the facts, and therefore an unfair rejection of God Himself? >> Why should I consider Christianity, if all Christians are hypocrites? / What kind of world would you create? / How did bad things come about? / Why do the innocent suffer? / Does God feel your pain? / Goodness of God / Is God fair? / How can a God of love send anybody to Hell?



How did 35-40 men, spanning 1500 years and living on three separate continents, ever manage to author one unified message, i.e. the Bible?

>> Can the Bible be infallible if it is written by fallible humans? / More about the congruency of the Bible / The Discovering the Bible videos explain the amazing authorship of the Bible and many other evidences



Would you charge the Declaration of Independence with error in affirming that "all men are endowed by their Creator..."?


Because life origins are not observable, verifiable, or falsifiable, how does historical 'science' amount to anything more than just another faith system?

>> What is the nature of science and scientists? / Why do so many scientists endorse Evolution? / Frequently asked questions on the Origin of Life



What do you make of all the anthropological studies indicating that even the most remote tribes show some sort of theological awareness?



Why subscribe to the incredible odds that the tilt and position of our planet relative to the sun are merely coincidental?

>> Consider: Was there a big bang?...



If every effect has a cause, and if God Himself is the universe (i.e. is one with the universe, as some non-Christians suggest), what or who then caused the universe?

>> See our Creation SuperLibrary for answer about Creation/Evolution...



What would be required to persuade you to become a believer?

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Good ones, toxic. I looked at about half of those though and immediately saw the assumptions we are forced to make just to answer the question, and therefore we are set up from the get-go.


For example, in order to answer a question regarding how we explain fulfilled biblical prophecies, we have to assume that biblical prophecies have been fulfilled. Not that hard to explain, really. When Christians translated both the Old and New Testaments, they could very easily have made some *ahem* modifications to the Scriptures in order to make them more accurate. When you know the ending of the book and you are just trying to write the beginning, it is real easy to foreshadow.


How do you think a Christian would like it if you asked them, "How do you explain all of the scientific evidence for evolution?" or "Why were so many of our nation's founding fathers not Christian?" or my personal favorite, "Does it bother you that Jesus was gay?" These are obviously loaded questions, and the Christian would be the first to tell you so. Somehow, they don't see their questions the same way. It is just a ploy to get you to admit they're right without you even knowing it, that way they can kick your legs out from under you.

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Heres a common witnessing tactic that people use that gets on my nerves:

1. I seen you walking down the street looking at the ground and not smiling you looked so depressed jesus can make you happy and heal your pain.

RESPONCE: pain what pain? i always walk down the street this way I hardly ever smile It's just how I walk! it has nothing to do with pain.

2. I love you and jesus loves you.

RESPONCE: jesus lived 2000 years ago if he even existed he wouldn't of known me and how can you love me and even if you did it's pointless to this conversation.

3. jesus sees your disabilty and knows your suffering and can heal you.

RESPONCE: I am not suffering anything and why doesn't he. I have no disabilty i work for a living quit treating me like some wounded kitten your trying to rescue and fuck off.

I made these responces up and never used them yet what would your be? would these even work?

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First I'd like to thank everyone for there responses. They have really helped me out. I think I'll make a big list of all the questions and put the best responses with them and post them at a later date.

Good ones, toxic. I looked at about half of those though and immediately saw the assumptions we are forced to make just to answer the question, and therefore we are set up from the get-go.

I think the loaded questions like you mentioned are what get me. I think it's very important to know them and recognize them first hand so you won't get caught. That's why I made this, so I and others won't fall into traps like these.


Heres a common witnessing tactic that people use that gets on my nerves:

1. I seen you walking down the street looking at the ground and not smiling you looked so depressed jesus can make you happy and heal your pain.

RESPONCE: pain what pain? i always walk down the street this way I hardly ever smile It's just how I walk! it has nothing to do with pain.

2. I love you and jesus loves you.

RESPONCE: jesus lived 2000 years ago if he even existed he wouldn't of known me and how can you love me and even if you did it's pointless to this conversation.

3. jesus sees your disabilty and knows your suffering and can heal you.

RESPONCE: I am not suffering anything and why doesn't he. I have no disabilty i work for a living quit treating me like some wounded kitten your trying to rescue and fuck off.

I made these responces up and never used them yet what would your be? would these even work?

I think they are pretty good responses. The last one is good because it closes the converstations (fuck off usually does). The other two might be setting you up for more annoying questions though. Being a fairly recent exchristian I can remember what I would say. Like for number 2 I would start going jesus is in lives on in your heart and other bull like that. I'd say try to kill the conversation before it starts unless you feel like debating. Here are my answers


1. I seen you walking down the street looking at the ground and not smiling you looked so depressed jesus can make you happy and heal your pain.

"Man I just need to get laid. Will Jesus helped me get laid?" (It doesn't have to be true, the intent is to piss them off and leave you alone)

2. I love you and jesus loves you

"Well I love Lucifer!! Will that interfere with my relationship with you and Jesus?"

3. jesus sees your disabilty and knows your suffering and can heal you.

"I'll pass because (Allah, Zeus, Venus or any other god) knows my suffering and I'm already healed!!!! I'm so blessed" (it doesn't matter if you believe in these so called gods or not. Christians just don't like you mentioning or being happy about something other than there god in your life.)

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1. I seen you walking down the street looking at the ground and not smiling you looked so depressed jesus can make you happy and heal your pain.

"Man I just need to get laid. Will Jesus helped me get laid?" (It doesn't have to be true, the intent is to piss them off and leave you alone)

I could see a christian saying jesus can give you a wife you can someday lay.



2. I love you and jesus loves you

"Well I love Lucifer!! Will that interfere with my relationship with you and Jesus?"

A christian could say lucifer doen't love you jesus does.






3. jesus sees your disabilty and knows your suffering and can heal you.

"I'll pass because (Allah, Zeus, Venus or any other god) knows my suffering and I'm already healed!!!! I'm so blessed" (it doesn't matter if you believe in these so called gods or not. Christians just don't like you mentioning or being happy about something other than there god in your life.)

They could say they are false and you are not healed.


I could see how this conversation could go in circles a long time.

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1. I seen you walking down the street looking at the ground and not smiling you looked so depressed jesus can make you happy and heal your pain.

"Man I just need to get laid. Will Jesus helped me get laid?" (It doesn't have to be true, the intent is to piss them off and leave you alone)I could see a christian saying jesus can give you a wife you can someday lay.


2. I love you and jesus loves you

"Well I love Lucifer!! Will that interfere with my relationship with you and Jesus?"

A christian could say lucifer doen't love you jesus does.



3. jesus sees your disabilty and knows your suffering and can heal you.

"I'll pass because (Allah, Zeus, Venus or any other god) knows my suffering and I'm already healed!!!! I'm so blessed" (it doesn't matter if you believe in these so called gods or not. Christians just don't like you mentioning or being happy about something other than there god in your life.)


They could say they are false and you are not healed.


I could see how this conversation could go in circles a long time.

yeah I know it's very easy to have the conversation go in circles and lead to no where. If they are going to bother you you might as well have fun with it. Like for question 2 and 3 just pretend like you are trying to convert them to satanism or to some other pagan god saying they are real and they love me. It would go like this....

Them: Jesus can knows your suffering and can heal you

You: Zeus already did that.

Them: Zeus is a false god and you are not healed

You: Your god is false and Zeus did heal me

Them: NOO Your god is false

You: no yours is

Them:(minutes later) well I hope jesus will show himself to you

You: yes and may Zeus be with you


If you don't want to play with their heads just tell them to "fuck off". Or if they bring up something about Jesus or God you could say...

You: I don't believe in Jesus or God

Them: Why don't you believe in God he loves you

You: Why don't you believe in Karishna or Allah?

Them: The bible says they are false

You: If you can reject other gods based on knowledge you've gained from reading then so can I.

Them: But my God is true!!!

You: Again you reject other god's as the true god so I will reject yours as well

Them: But the bible says.....

You: You reject the teachings from other gods so I reject yours as well

Them: But Jesus Loves you. he died for you!!!

You: You reject the love of other gods so I rejects yours as well. You also think the tales of other gods are just stories. So I do the same. Your story of Jesus and his death is just that, a story


(you can see this can go back and forth as well. But at least with this one you don't have to think as much. As long as christians reject other religions gods, truths, love, afterlife beliefs, scriptures, stories etc. why isn't it logical that you reject theirs as well)

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This reminds me of something else do you mind pretending you are pagan well I will post the questions anyway and put up my responces winch sadly never get me anyway were.

1. Oh, my god you have witchcraft books in your house do you do witchcraft it's satanic and you can invoke demons that'll posses you.

Responce: witchcraft is not satanic and i have never been possesed by a demon.

2. You know that pentacle you wear is from satanists it means satan.

Responce: no it dosen't it means the 4 elements earth, air,fire, water and spirit the god and goddess.

3. Them are false gods devils in disguise.

Responce: no they are not I don't worship the devil

4. The bible says witchcraft is evil also witches eat babies and sacrifice cats.

Responce:I don't care what the bible says and I been in a coven 6 years and never once did we eat babies or sacrifice cats that's bullshit invented by the catholic church to draw people to their religion.

5. their is ongly one god his name is jesus and has no wife.

Responce: Again i do not worship jesus so why should i care?

6.Your going to hell mister! the devils playing a big joke on you

Responce: I don't believe in hell or a devil

7. you will when you die and wake up their.

Responce: are you gonna be in hell?


Responce: then i will be happy knowing I won't spend eternity with the likes of you

7&8 I never tried in this situation.

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one that pisses me off....

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Cleaning the windows or stoping the noise is a way to listen to what our own inner being is telling us and to what nature is bringing us. This is truth. The Word within shows us everything good and bad as clear water shows all the objects hidden on a lake's bottom; broken glass, diamond rings, empty bottles, cans, nails, and other distasteful or beautiful objects. The clear water in the lake can also show what is above it. It reflects the sun off of the lake or in our case the mind, but when the mind or the water is polluted then the higher truths become hidden. How do we know what is pollution? Pollution is what brings one down. Don't worry, be happy, smile and don't be so negative that is a fundamental virtue.


fuck off with that happy clappy shit! :lmao:

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one that pisses me off....

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Cleaning the windows or stoping the noise is a way to listen to what our own inner being is telling us and to what nature is bringing us. This is truth. The Word within shows us everything good and bad as clear water shows all the objects hidden on a lake's bottom; broken glass, diamond rings, empty bottles, cans, nails, and other distasteful or beautiful objects. The clear water in the lake can also show what is above it. It reflects the sun off of the lake or in our case the mind, but when the mind or the water is polluted then the higher truths become hidden. How do we know what is pollution? Pollution is what brings one down. Don't worry, be happy, smile and don't be so negative that is a fundamental virtue.


fuck off with that happy clappy shit! :lmao:

Are you debating with buddhist monks or sumthin?!

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one that pisses me off....

quotes current post...


Cleaning the windows or stoping the noise is a way to listen to what our own inner being is telling us and to what nature is bringing us. This is truth. The Word within shows us everything good and bad as clear water shows all the objects hidden on a lake's bottom; broken glass, diamond rings, empty bottles, cans, nails, and other distasteful or beautiful objects. The clear water in the lake can also show what is above it. It reflects the sun off of the lake or in our case the mind, but when the mind or the water is polluted then the higher truths become hidden. How do we know what is pollution? Pollution is what brings one down. Don't worry, be happy, smile and don't be so negative that is a fundamental virtue.


fuck off with that happy clappy shit! :lmao:

Are you debating with buddhist monks or sumthin?!


Nah....sumthin' going by the dogma of kooky xianity....the "unity chruch"

http://www.unityonline.org -

Never heard of them before but that wouldn't be hard...what with all the new sects being created probably because the sad little fucker's can't find enough 'joy, joy' in the mainstream or even the fundamental stream of this wonderful (gag) religion. That or there aren't enough rigid rules... they seem to desire the 'true christian' deal - is that found in a 'liberal' church...???


The twat is still on the 'preachin' path...as you might see if you glance into the site...its all about 'POSTIIVE' crap...but get this......its the usual thing. The truth according to who..yep! Their's -the keeper's of the 'correct' definition & also what 'positive' looks like.


I guess my definition of 'truth' doesn't make it (everyone poops)......... I of course need to change...*yawn*


Here's how he/she replied to my one of my pictural comments.




I didn't know that happy and truth could be so irritating. Why not try hitting your finger with a hammer over and over because when you stop it will feel good. Happy trails!!!!!!


:lmao: is that typical or what?

He/she has put me in a box. At least that's the effect of their 'truth' and happiness has on me.

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