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Goodbye Jesus

How Is Christianity Reasonable


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"Everything that makes life worth living in my experience."


Not too experienced in anything but sin, are you?



Holy shit! I cannot believe he said that to you, EB! Rev, come over here so I can pound you into the dirt, you judgemental asshole!

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"So fuck him!"


Like your juvenile insults against Him mean anything to your Creator.

If that were true, wouldn't it not be a sin punishable by eternal damnation?
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We need Sonya29725791111!!11one and Kraptoes here for a love-in, btw...

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We need Sonya29725791111!!11one and Kraptoes here for a love-in, btw...

Jeez, you wont' give those motherfuckers a second's rest will you?

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"So fuck him!"


Like your juvenile insults against Him mean anything to your Creator.


If that were true, wouldn't it not be a sin punishable by eternal damnation?


Damn...that was a really good thought...


Besides, Rev, how do YOU know God's wittle feewings didn't get hurt by EB's insult? Did he come down and tell you he didn't give a damn? Did he tell you he was just going to squash EB like a bug? If he loves EB so much maybe his feelings were really hurt by that. Maybe he needs a big hug right now...

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Short answer - No


Long answer - No, I won't


Expounding answer - No, I won't, since their sort of high comedy is rare... they're empty sad people, who are great for Schadenfreude... and tell me you don't enjoy that... It's like watching Big Brother or paying a shilling to enter Bedlam to watch the madmen prance and grimace.... It's amusing AND you feel so much better it's not YOU who lives in something that deranged.... It's fun watching them try to tell us something we don't collectively know... after all, there must be at least 500 years collective experience of faith and how it failed here, going head to head with one person's piddling 'I've been saved for 10 years...' crap. They don't stand a hope in hell... yet they come like they think they're 'welcome' to try to reconvert the 'lost'

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First of all, while I do believe that homosexuality is wrong blah blah Sodom and Gomorrah blah blah blah potentially good influence... wrong path... scriptural view.

(pulls out Her rune bag and a spoon gouge; carves a lovely virtual niðing pole, then delivers it to RevDDM in a large earthenwear pot containing a dead fig tree)




If you decide to reject Christ and follow a non-Christian way, you are no longer a Christian. If, however, you decided this because of some misinformation or duress, then you can still come back...

No. Fucking. Way.


Rev D, ever heard the one about how the works of the 'Holy Spirit' are indistinguishable in practical terms from the works of 'Satan'? They're both just masks for your egotistical little imaginary godlet as it goes around torturing people and messing with their free will.


There. That oughta hold My place in Hell, if the place actually exists.


There was your first mistake: listening to other people, rather than the Bible itself, in regards to what it says.

That's funny... The more I read of the Bible, the more distance I want to put between myself and Christianity. An absolutely vile and primitive book.


I will only be satisfied when the truth is exposed to the world, and there are no more excuses for disbelief.

Make up your mind; you can't have it both ways. :lmao:


"Does this mean I have to give up sucking cock?" Who would want to, in their right mind? Why not? Does anything advantageous come from it?

Orgasms. 'Nuff said.


"Does it mean I have to give up masturbation?" Are their any meaningful advantages to masturbation? If not, why not give it up for something worthwhile?

Again, orgasms. IMO, much more fun than stamp collecting or origami.


Like your juvenile insults against Him mean anything to your Creator.

If your god actually exists, I'm sure it's quite capable of defending itself against insults. Waiting... (hums to Herself as She carves a few more runes on a Louisville Slugger) Anyone know if Yahweh has kneecaps?


"Evolution has OVERWHELMING support"... Support is meaningless... Evidence is what counts. I don't care if Einstein himself supported evolution (which he didn't)...

(sighs heavily) Einstein was a physicist, not a biologist. Do you hire electricians to plant your shrubbery, too?


And there is definitely evidence for evolution. My brother is a microbiologist and geneticist and observes beneficial, survival-improving changes in organisms virtually every day. Evolution is a fact. Period. The theory part is merely the best current explanation for the observations being made. If a better theory comes along later, it will amend or supplant the ToE.


Unlike the Bible, which is so busy trying to be 'eternal truth' that it is unlikely to progress beyond its xenophobic, superstitious and pre-scientific origins.

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"You don't realize that Jews do not view Messianic Jews as Jews."


Some Jews don't. However, since Messianic Jews choose to follow Jewish traditions in accordance with their Christian faith, they are still technically Jews.


"Ever heard of Jews for Judaism?"


Not really... Any links?


Holy crap, do I hate this. All you've shown with these statements is that you haven't actually spent any time around Jews. Messianic Jews do not follow Jewish tradition. I haven't even met any that know any significant amount of Hebrew, for example. Besides, you don't just get to be a Jew. Unlike Christianity, you actually have to spend a significant time studying Judaism and be approved to convert. You don't become a Jew by "choosing to follow Jewish traditions." You have to be born into it, or formally convert to it. You see, the Jewish belief is that you should actually be educated what you are getting into, and have enough time to be sure of your convictions, before you do something as important as adopt a religion that directs how you go through life. You can't just choose it in a moment of emotional ecstacy at a youth revival because that wouldn't be... reasonable.


I had been told that Christianity was based on Judaism and I believed that until I started studying Judaism. Judaism is a completely different animal. Christianity is not "based on Judaism." It merely uses some of the same texts. The interpretations of those texts are completely different, and the traditions are completely different and you CANNOT "follow Jewish traditions in accordance with Christian faith." Those two things are inconsistent on so many levels, not the least of which is the fact that Jesus doesn't pass the requirements for messiah (in the words of a Rebbetzin friend of mine -- "What kind of piss poor messiah has to come back? Couldn't he complete the job the first time?").

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There's a reason for that... Christianity is a pagan religion with a Hebrew Gloss...

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Oldapostate and Grandpa,


Those last two posts were both absolutely brilliant.


Both such true points, and both such crushing blows to the nonsensical arrogance of the christian faith.


Christianity is built on misunderstandings, confusions and deliberate obfuscation.

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There's a reason for that... Christianity is a pagan religion with a Hebrew Gloss...


Yep. I became convinced many years ago that Christianity was simply another mystery religion that claimed the authority of eastern tradition. The promise of being led from Hades into paradise by a central figure is all mystery religion stuff. Combined with the historical timing of it and the popularity of according divinity on sundry folks, and there's really no doubt in my mind.

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The three days in hell of the creed is another pointer...

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"You parade that ignorance... I'm more accustomed to 'proper' clergy (That is Roman or Anglo Catholic...) who have a decent education,


"I don't base my conclusions on the ideas of other people." - two thirds of your eisegesis is based on Dogma, all of it Roman Catholic, that is opinion external to the much touted 'scripture'... the sin of Sodom and Gommorah was NOTHING compared to the sin of Lot... let's see... hand daughters out for gang rape, then gets pissed up and fucks his daughters? Nice guy. but that's my opinion based on reading the text, with no one else's opinion. Where did you get the idea that the Sodomites were worse than Lot? The crowd were only interested in ADULTS, not the children of Lot... and death for looking back was a bit steep for looking back. BUt then God is god thus he can do what he fucking likes... Doctrine of God's sovereignty (another Roman Dogma)I'm so pleased that someone withthe arrogance and hubris to think he's got God's only truth is here to share it... can't you just go molest a sheep or something?


You, sir are a loon... so, why are you here... we know the bible better than you, we know the cult better than you, we know history better than you... so what's the benefit to us of you being here. You have nothing we need, nothing we want, and nothing we didn't all once have...


Please, don't explain anything further... you're just depressing. I do hope you've not bred you bigot..."


I see... so,you're used to pagan practices, and cover-ups... no wonder you're anti-Christian!


I never said that Roman Catholics get it all wrong... They just come to the wrong conclusions. Like you, Roman Catholics use absolutely no logic or contemplation of study, together, for their practices. It just seems like paganism to anyone who even picks up a Bible, let alone reads it.


So, I guess raping people just because they're homeless is right in your eyes... that should make even you sick.


If Lot's daughters were children, then how could they get impregnated without suffering complications? God's Word never specifies either their ages, nor the ages of the Sodomite victims.


Besides, that doesn't excuse Lot at all. Lot's sin was one-time only, and his daughters' actions were the price he had to pay: knowing that his idea of "the lesser of the two evils" caused his daughters to produce in-bred children.


As for your molestation comment... what are you, some kind of monster?


If you know so much, why can't any of you provide any logical argument to oppose the confirmational sources I referenced? All I hear from people like you is, "You're a monster for believing in a religion of peace and love... we know so much, and that's why we're anarchists at heart... Molestation, rape, murder: you must be guilty of these things, by association... You know nothing; yet we have no defense against any of the information you provide us... MONSTER! Die, Christian infidel! Death to Christianity! Death to America! Death to God!" So yes, even you can see why I'm on here, defending my Faith to heathens like you.


Again, you prove that you're displacing all your own characteristics on me, because you consider Christians to be your personal scapegoats. I hope your children and grandchildren are not as brainwashed as you are... It's not like I haven't questioned my faith; I just did a little more research, and found out more facts to support it.


The only thing depressing about me is that you can't disprove the truth I impart to you. You are the true bigot, "Grandpa Harley"!


"GH, you are correct. I tried to be nice and make sense, but it is hopeless. I clearly stated that I relied on the Bible itself for understanding, not other's opinions, as he has obviously done. I guess everyone has the correct interpretation of the book, they all just happen to be different."


You may have tried to make sense, but you can't pull it off on flimsy arguments and online shouting matches. 1+1 will always equal 2; not fish, and not some higher evolutionary number. I do remember someone on here telling me that all my answers are scripturally accurate... If that's the case, then I must have learned directly from the Bible; not from somebody else...


Everybody thinks they have the correct interpretation, florduh; only the Bible itself actually does. Anyone who teaches you something that can't be proven by scripture, or can be disproven by scripture, must be wrong in their interpretation.


"I awlays find it painful when people trash RCs when they spout their Dogma 99% of the time. It's just hypocrisy... but then, Christians are vermin, thus I don't bother with 'nice' anymore... interesting to note how he went on to my fitness to be Grandfather... means he has done no reading... It's a shit bomber, like Kraphead, the 'Ladies' Friend'... Let's hear it for pregnant and barefoot!"


Who said I "trash" Roman Catholics? Many of them honestly want to please God. It's their religion I dislike...


Once again, Grandpa Harley, you prove that you're displacing your own characteristics onto your favourite scapegoats... If I were like some of the anti-Christians here, I'd sue you for committing a hate crime... Fortunately, I'm not like them at all...


As for your comment about your fitness to be a grandfather... I don't know you well enough to know how fit, or unfit, you may be. All I do know is the kind of language you apparently use all the time; and no parent would disagree with me that children should not hear that kind of language. As for s***-bombing, your own posts in reply to me, when you can't prove me wrong (but I can prove you wrong), are evidence that this is another displacement tactic on your behalf... Thankfully, as a Christian, I could care less about what you think of me as a person; I do care, though, about my Faith...


Forgive my ignorance, but I don't get the reference to the "Ladies' Friend"...


"My experience flies in the face of every promise in the NT. My logic hits a brick wall when the only answer available is Goddidit. The evidence I see to support the Bible hits my logic and my experience and falls flat. Of course I am biased. Unless Jesus comes down and apologizes in person to me I will never follow him again."


I feel bad that you have suffered so much... and yet, you don't realize that there is more than just one reason for suffering (though it doesn't excuse it). All logic hits a brick wall, when the only argument that can be given in explanation is "goddidn't"...


To someone falling on their back, it seems like whatever hit them is falling instead. It's all in how you look at it. Example: I provide scripture, logic, and evidence to base my argument; while the only arguments against these things are flimsy and feeble rantings, designed to instigate a fascist mob action, based on egotism and overemotionality.


If you think Christ should apologize to you, then why not apologize to Him? even if His death hadn't paid for your sins, He believed it did. Why, if you think He's such a lying monster, do you state "blood spilled for nothing"? Would a lying monster let his blood be spilled for any reason?


A link:





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Ah the fruit cake that won't leave...


Still hammering that you're the only one who 'KNOWS'... you're a loon.


And you have yet to prove jack shit...

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BTW, it is you who are the monster... and an ignorant one, who tries to wrap himself in the Flag to hide his bigotry, cant and bronze age superstition...



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Um...Rev...the only "purpose" for suffering is, "shit happens." The only "reason" there is to any of it is what we ourselves apply to it.


Yes, suffering can make us tougher or it can damage us further, but there is no "purpose" behind it. You are obviously trying to imply that God causes it to make us grow and if that is indeed the case then that makes us nothing more than puppets with him pulling the string.


If Christ so-caused my suffering then it still served no purpose. It makes no sense to apologize to him.


"Dear Jesus, I'm sorry that I had a hormone imbalance that I had no control over, that made me feel like shit day after day after day. I'm sorry that I prayed to you all those years. I'm sorry that you didn't heal me. Please forgive me for being such a selfish asshole when I just wanted to be normal so I could be there for my family and friends."


As for "blood spilled for nothing"...who says I'm only talking about Jesus' blood?

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We're both wasting our time and we know it... but it's still funny watching the silly little man defend his faith...

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To someone falling on their back, it seems like whatever hit them is falling instead. It's all in how you look at it. Example: I provide scripture, logic, and evidence to base my argument; while the only arguments against these things are flimsy and feeble rantings, designed to instigate a fascist mob action, based on egotism and overemotionality.


If you think Christ should apologize to you, then why not apologize to Him? even if His death hadn't paid for your sins, He believed it did. Why, if you think He's such a lying monster, do you state "blood spilled for nothing"? Would a lying monster let his blood be spilled for any reason?


A link:





What is your proof? The flying spaghetti monster has more credability.


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Why, if you think He's such a lying monster, do you state "blood spilled for nothing"? Would a lying monster let his blood be spilled for any reason?


LOL the word "LET" caught my eye. He didn't "let" his blood get spilled, he got pwned! He had no choice at all, he was arrested, beaten, then crucified, and there was not jack shit he could do about it. He didn't *let* any damn thing happen...



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I.D. not religion


First, what I.D. theory is not: It is not creationism. Full disclosure here: I am a creationist. As a Christian, I believe God is the author of life. But I.D. theory is a science-driven enterprise. It is not a deduction from Scripture but an inference from observation. It says that the intricate design found in living things and in the universe itself is best explained by an intelligent cause. Darwinism, on the other hand, says that undirected natural processes led life to arise spontaneously; then evolution by natural selection (survival of the fittest) resulted in living things that appear to be designed, but really aren't. The question boils down to this: When considered objectively, where does the evidence actually lead?


Hey, everyone, it's 1946!!! :lmao:

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Rev. if you think you have some proof worth debating over why not start a new post in the colliseum. As is this thread is filled rather full, which makes it hard to go through all the things that have been said.


If you read the guidelines for this section of the forum (Lions Den) you will find it is hardly the place serious discussion. If you would like a more civilized discussion with less name calling the colliseum would be more appropriate for your wishes. And if you are really up to it the Arena is for formal 1v1 debates.


I hope you will take my advice on this, as I for one would like to see you represent your view more thoroughly.

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We're both wasting our time and we know it... but it's still funny watching the silly little man defend his faith...


Yes...I was sadly aware of it as I posted...I just find the strangest thing to be that there is no shortage of these trolls. They think they're on some holy mission from Gawd to convince us backsliders back into the fold or else smite us with judgement from the great white throne...

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"Rev. if you think you have some proof worth debating over why not start a new post in the colliseum. As is this thread is filled rather full, which makes it hard to go through all the things that have been said.


If you read the guidelines for this section of the forum (Lions Den) you will find it is hardly the place serious discussion. If you would like a more civilized discussion with less name calling the colliseum would be more appropriate for your wishes. And if you are really up to it the Arena is for formal 1v1 debates.


I hope you will take my advice on this, as I for one would like to see you represent your view more thoroughly." -The-Doctor


Thanks for the info. I just happened to stumble this part of the board on a web-search, and had to put in my two cents. I was responding to questions posed to Christians, because it is my duty. I will remember your advice, though.


You're a little calmer and more rational than most of the people on here. How, may I ask, were you drawn to this part of the message board?


"LOL the word "LET" caught my eye. He didn't "let" his blood get spilled, he got pwned! He had no choice at all, he was arrested, beaten, then crucified, and there was not jack shit he could do about it. He didn't *let* any damn thing happen..." -Michael


Even if He weren't God the Son, He could have gotten out of the situation at any time. He could have said He was wrong, and faded into obscurity. He could have slipped away into a foreign country. He could have run away at the Garden of Gethsemane; or, since they looked the same, He could have told the soldiers that one of His disciples was He Himself, allowing Him to get away. There were any number of ways. However, He didn't even try to resist.


"What is your proof? The flying spaghetti monster has more credability." -HereticZero


Did you not read the article via the link? Note that WND is a respectable journalistic resource... at least, to most informed people.


"Um...Rev...the only "purpose" for suffering is, "shit happens." The only "reason" there is to any of it is what we ourselves apply to it.


Yes, suffering can make us tougher or it can damage us further, but there is no "purpose" behind it. You are obviously trying to imply that God causes it to make us grow and if that is indeed the case then that makes us nothing more than puppets with him pulling the string.


If Christ so-caused my suffering then it still served no purpose. It makes no sense to apologize to him.


"Dear Jesus, I'm sorry that I had a hormone imbalance that I had no control over, that made me feel like shit day after day after day. I'm sorry that I prayed to you all those years. I'm sorry that you didn't heal me. Please forgive me for being such a selfish asshole when I just wanted to be normal so I could be there for my family and friends."


As for "blood spilled for nothing"...who says I'm only talking about Jesus' blood?"


If your ideas on suffering are true, then why not have killed myself when I was homeless, and living (almost literally,) on the streets? And, I'm not alone... nor do I contend that only the homeless suffer.


If God didn't care, then why try to get us to grow? If God wanted us to never suffer, why would He allow the choices to be up to us?


I didn't say Christ caused your suffering. Perhaps someone else did... perhaps it was inherited; that way, in your willingness to fight your illness and retain your faith, the strength your faith produced in you would lead others who were suffering to the source of that strength... thus destroying the influence to which all suffering can be traced: the Devil's way.


You seem to forget that you're not the only one who suffers... or the only one with an uncontrollable mental illness... others struggle, in some cases even worse than you do and did, but they don't give up.


So... might you be talking also about all the true Christians, persecuted by false Christian and anti-Christians alike, who have suffered and died over the millennia, trying to spread peace, love and compassion?


"BTW, it is you who are the monster... and an ignorant one, who tries to wrap himself in the Flag to hide his bigotry, cant and bronze age superstition..." -Grandpa Harley


And yet, you're the one obssessed with beastiality. You even took the time to post a disgusting smiley of your favourite sexual act.


On that note, I suppose you're one of those hippee Nazis, who was too cowardly to fight for his country and people; and then, after the war is over and he is safe, abuses our freedoms - freedoms people like my dad fought for, - and tries to use fascist/socialist control to silence your opposition... typical!


BTW, in reply to the question about my age, I'm 22, going on 23... and my dad was a sergeant in the 1st cavalry, who spent 2 1/2 tours in Viet-Nam, during the war... fighting, and risking his life for the very freedoms people like you abuse and take from law-abiding citizens, until the entire nation becomes your own Nazi Shangri-La!

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"That's new, you are obviously not of the "once saved always saved" crowd."


Nope; that kind of idea is not entirely scriptural...


"Whoops, maybe you are? Anyway, for the record, it wasn't "meaningless" to me at the time I was baptised. You are quite confusing, Rev."


The idea that it's always meaningless to the apostate is just as erroneous as the idea that it's always meaningful. As for why I'm so confusing... I have a condition called schizoaffective disorder; which, among other things, makes it hard for me to properly express my ideas. Hence, another reason for coming to boards like this: an exercise in communication... There's always more than one reason for everything I do.


"According to whose standards? How developed an understanding of Christianity do I need to be saved? Being raised in it and reading it isn't sufficient?"


You make the decision based on what you know. Then, you learn what you can about the doctrine of God's Word as you go. The great thing about true Christianity is that it's a constant learning experience. If you get confused, you turn to other Christians for help, in conjunction with the Bible; not just their thoughts alone.


IF you were raised in a scripturally Christian home, you should know all you need to know to get you started. If not, you might have a problem understanding it. You have to understand what you read. Just reading the words is about as successful as an unbelieved mantra to a hindu in revealing truth.


"I heard it, I believed it at one time, I was baptized -- but, when I was an adult I saw it was not in accordance with reality. I don't know how old you are Rev, but do you think that you could go back again to think the same way you did when you were 12?"


I grew in my understanding since I was twelve. Nobody can be expected to easily unlearn what they have seen for themselves is the truth.


"Passing by the arrogance of the rest of this statement - I'll take that as a Yes, in your view I would have to be baptised again."


That is correct. I didn't mean to come across as arrogant.


"Bad example or not, without the Catholic church you would have no Bible. Thats a fact whether you like it or not. Put that in your pipe and smoke it."


Actually, the Catholic church stole their texts from some of the few true Christian churches they could catch, before they went underground. Non-Catholic "reformationist" scribes, like John Wycliffe, Martin Luther, and the two men working for King James (and their team of references and Hebrew translators) brought us the real Bible, translated from the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. The Catholic version is taken from the Latin Vulgate translation, which obviously would have misinterpreted some Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek texts out of context. The Catholic church tried to stop the direct translations of the original books of the Bible that could be historically verified (OT&NT), because it eliminated the Catholic tradition sources (like the Apocrypha, deuterocanonical texts, Gnostic gospels, and pseudepigraphical texts). "Put that in your pipe and smoke it", Deva :grin:



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Oh, plenty of people want to. Women, for example. And some men too.


Does anything disadvantageous come from it?


How about S.T.D.'s, for just one example?


Something has to be disadvantageous to be wrong. Otherwise, all our little hobbies and interests could be wrong simply because they are not particularly advantageous.


If that's true, then urinating in a pool would be okay. Is it?


It depends in what way I am being dominated. Perhaps I didn't explain myself very well.


I love assertive women - I love being the passive, receptive partner to a strong, assertive woman. I actually like giving up control in some areas of my life - so that I can better admire the power and strength that she has.


Of course I always like to be treated with respect - and I won't stand for someone dominating and controlling me in ways that don't bring me pleasure but actually hurt me and make me feel angry.


But I do like to switch gender roles a little bit - to be the receptive, passive, sensitive partner and for the woman to be the strong leader in the relationship.


Nothing wrong with that, as long as it keeps you and your wife in love with each-other. It can even be good for both of you... however, it would be wise if you didn't take it too far... I hope, for your sake, you don't...


But the Bible seems to support and require traditional gender roles - and that leaves a very bad taste in my mouth.


The Bible also says that, as long as you are not breaking one of God's rules by your own understanding, and you're okay with it, what you do personally behind closed doors is your business.


Yes. Plenty.


But I think I've made my thinking clear on why I think this way. Criminals hurt other people against their will. That makes what they do very different.


In some way, isn't excessive masturbation harmful to yourself? And, if so, isn't it safer to just "steer clear" of it?


The way Christianity portrays this Creator it's not very hard to be better than him. Ever considered that Christianity's portrayal of God is what is wrong? That God, if he exists, cannot be at all like that - because the Christian God is clearly a creation of flawed human minds?


And surely you've considered that maybe there are some things about God that He allows us to understand... and that these things are found in one place, where all the facts might be gathered... like, say, a bible?


You don't know me or what I am experienced in. I was a christian once (surprise, surprise - this is ex-christian.net after all). I have been a very faithful, very well-behaved boyfriend of a fundamentalist christian woman in the past.


If we're all so dominating and pushy, wouldn't you like that? :grin:


I have experience of things other than sin. I have lived 'pure' in the past. I didn't like it.


Here's a question: if you try not to sin, do you want to sin? Do you get all upset when you can't? Isn't that an addictive behavior characteristic? Doesn't Christianity teach that you should do your best to get away from everything that makes you turn to your addictions?


Now I try to be good (ie. not hurt people) - but I don't believe in being 'chaste', 'pure' etc. If sex, drinking and music really are sin (as you seem to be implying above) - then I'd say that sin is more fun than not sinning!


Just because it's more fun doesn't make it more right. Many teen-aged prostitutes claim that what they do is more fun for them than living by their parents' rules... not that I compare you to a teen-aged prostitute, or a drug addict.



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