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Most disliked type of Christian


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I've been talking to Christians for years now, and found there are many types that show up from time to time. The two that leap to mind as my most disliked are the close minded and the wrong but to stupid to realise it.

The quote that I've had thrown at me by the close minded that pisses me off everytime is "The bible says The fool denies God, and that the fool says nothing that is good or true, therefore I won't listen to anything you have to say and any evidence or logic you use is automatically wrong". Great wall of ignorance that cannot be breached...


The second group, the grossly stupid, lock onto a strange idea that they repeat until they are labelled a troll and banned or ignored. Examples would be the girl who said evolution means humans reproduced with animals to make apes our decendants. After many pages of people, both atheist and christian pointing out how stupid this statement was, she still was unable to comprehend how ridiculous her statement was.

Or the guy who said fossils are all randomly jumbled up, which proves the global flood. When it was pointed out that fossils are in order of age, that they go from small basic creatures to more complex the further up you go, and that he was just blantantly wrong, he replied "Oh I read it on a site somewhere, so I know I'm right"


Anyone want to share your picks for most annoying christian type?

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You've pretty much pinpointed them all. I would like to add a subset of the closed-minded ones called the Bible inerrantists. I'm debating one right now, and (s)he's trying to say that when God told Adam and Eve that the would die if they ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, God actually meant they would die spiritually (whatever that means!). (S)He said I was repeating lies and accused me of hating God.

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For me, the worst are the ones who claim knowledge of atheists, as if they themselves were omniscient. Examples of statements such Christians make:


You really know there is a god, you are in denial.

You only want to do as you please and not follow the rules.

You may not realize it, but you are a wicked tool of the devil.


There are others, of course. When they are about finished with you, they play the Hell card:


One day, you will know the truth.

Every knee shall bend.

I hope you find out before it's too late!


They are so tiresome, and they seem to think their thoughts are original. :shrug:

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Oh, man one of my best friends in the whole world is a Christian (well, she says she is). She is staunchly against abortion, but has had three!!!!


We also have one of those tollway systems in Chicago where people can deduct money automatically through an account (I-Pass) and she has told me that she will never get one because she feels it is the mark of the beast. I love that girl, but fuck I can't EVER bring up God in front of her.

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The most annoying ones to me are the ones like my former cube mate, who are so arrogant that they think they know everything and it's like pulling teeth to get them to admit that they don't know everything. He is so brainwashed that he just does not want to accept that he might possibly be wrong.


The hypocrits, bigots, etc. are also annoying, but they usually fall into the fundy category. And yes, the ones who shove the hell doctrine down your throat are irritating and fall into the same category, too. I don't care if they want to worship a tyrant, but don't expect me to!


I don't mind liberal Christians so much, or the Christians-in-label-only types. It's the fundies who drive me up the wall.

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I think my most disliked Christian now are the "fake friends". These are the people who won't be your friend anymore because you're no longer a Christian. Over the past year I have come in contact with 2 former friends from when I was a Christian and both of them abruptly ceased talking to me when they found out I no longer believed in god. The worse part is they don't even tell you why, they just don't want to talk to you anymore. I thought Jesus spent time with "sinners" not cut all ties with them? Oh well fuck 'em, hope they enjoy the rest of their stupid little lives.

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You've pretty much pinpointed them all. I would like to add a subset of the closed-minded ones called the Bible inerrantists. I'm debating one right now, and (s)he's trying to say that when God told Adam and Eve that the would die if they ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, God actually meant they would die spiritually (whatever that means!). (S)He said I was repeating lies and accused me of hating God.

That's what I was taught in Church too, that A&E would die spiritually first, and then the natural death. This would be the "explanation" to what the word "sin" means, spiritual separation from God. In a sense, sin would not be an action, but rather a status.


But here's my huge dislike of explanations like that and Christians who use them, it doesn't say "spiritual" in Genesis, so if we would read it literally, A&E should have died there right on the spot. But on the other hand, hand picked verses in the Bible are supposed to be read literally, and some are supposed to be read through revelation and interpretation. So it all depends on who does the reading, and what time and culture their interpreted in. In the end there is not absolute way of reading the Bible and what they call the "truth" is bent and manipulated depending on situation. They should be ashamed, they just behave like con artists.

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For me, the worst are the ones who claim knowledge of atheists, as if they themselves were omniscient. Examples of statements such Christians make:


You really know there is a god, you are in denial.

You only want to do as you please and not follow the rules.

You may not realize it, but you are a wicked tool of the devil.



I'd have to agree with this. I hate when they come in and think they know the hearts and minds of any non-christian, atheist or not. I especialy hate when they make what looks like more personal, insightful or what they think are caring comments, like...


"You have obviously been hurt"


"You are just in rebellion"


"You are in rebellion over the hurt caused you by man."



First of all, if you dig deep enough, everyone has some hurt over something. So the first statement really is, to me, is used like a con-artist. The rest is just them seeing people through Jesus blinders.

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The only good Christian is a dead Christian.....


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But on the other hand, hand picked verses in the Bible are supposed to be read literally, and some are supposed to be read through revelation and interpretation. So it all depends on who does the reading, and what time and culture their interpreted in. In the end there is not absolute way of reading the Bible and what they call the "truth" is bent and manipulated depending on situation. They should be ashamed, they just behave like con artists.




This just reminds me of a hilarious interview with a pastor in television a few days ago.


In my country we have a state church, and the clergy there are currently having a lot of debate if they should develop a marriage ritual for homosexuals. The reason for the interview was, that a group of bible believing clergy had written some material against homosexual praxis, and had managed to get it published on the official state church web site. The material was only at the web site for few hours before it was removed again, but this was enough to cause some debate.


And now to the TV interview. One of the pastors who had made this anti homosexual material were asked how an old book like the bible could be used as a guide for modern people. And then of course the pastor explained what he believed the bible had to say and why he thought this still would be relevant.


And then came the hilarious part of the interview. The journalist went on to asked the pastor, if this also meant that we shouldn’t eat pork. And then the pastor had to say, that not all principles in the bible are absolute, but some are just for a given time and context.


And then the journalist went on to ask, about working on Sundays, and the pastor had to say that at one hand there were important functions that had to be carried out on Sundays, but at the other hand there were a good universal principles behind keeping the Sunday free.


It was absolutely hilarious to see this state church pastor caught by a journalist who happened to know something about the bible.

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I think it would be better to recognize the mindsets of people, and within this post, the types of christian mindsets.


These people (i.e., christians, fundamentalists, evangelicals, etc) are still people. However, they are afraid of death to varying degrees, of which can be judged based upon their promotion of christianity and the proposed gift of eternal life.


It is not that I "hate" christians, or a specific christian more than the other. I feel sorry for them. Christian beliefs, as all beliefs, are a front; a distraction from reality. Denial of reality and impending death is the necessity of belief.


Professing christian belief, no matter the tangent, is all evident of their fears, but more specifically, their exact fears. These poor bastards will never allow themselves to experience life and the reality thereof. A lot end up dying while denying life. In the crusades, they would rather another die first (witch trials, inquisitions, etc) so as to promote the ignorant perception that they will "live longer". This is the saddest case.


They, the christians, must not be hated, or they will be perpetually hated. It is up to us not to hate them, but to help them with their de-conversion. All that christian belief should mean to us is their cry for help.


No matter how wronged I may become from christians, knowing this, I cannot hate them.

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And now to the TV interview. One of the pastors who had made this anti homosexual material were asked how an old book like the bible could be used as a guide for modern people. And then of course the pastor explained what he believed the bible had to say and why he thought this still would be relevant.


And then came the hilarious part of the interview. The journalist went on to asked the pastor, if this also meant that we shouldn’t eat pork. And then the pastor had to say, that not all principles in the bible are absolute, but some are just for a given time and context.


And then the journalist went on to ask, about working on Sundays, and the pastor had to say that at one hand there were important functions that had to be carried out on Sundays, but at the other hand there were a good universal principles behind keeping the Sunday free.


It was absolutely hilarious to see this state church pastor caught by a journalist who happened to know something about the bible.

It is truly funny and weird. I remember when I was Christian that the biggest challenge was to know how a certain verse fitted into the liturgy of the Church I used to belong to. You had to know what kind of basic "beliefs" that was established in the Church, and every verse had to be interpreted in the light of that approved crede or orthodoxy. And if you went to another Church, they would have a different liturgy and the verses all of a sudden would mean something else, or be interpreted literal instead of allegorical or reversed.


Considering homosexuality, the Bible is kind of flimsy about it, but it is extremely clear about the pork. So people go of into the rants and attacks of homosexuals, without a clear foundation or support in the Bible, but again go to the Chinese restaurant and order sweet&sour pork.


:Hans shaking his head:

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I got this recently:


Annoying Christian wrote: (some veiled but empty threat of hellfire)

I wrote: some explanation of his ridiculous veiled but empty threat.

He wrote:

bingo Godlesss! but p.s. Godless, if the threat is so empty, why are you here shadow boxing so hard against it? Lotta 'pretty girls' in Houston son, if the threat is so empty, I'd be with 'them' 'stead of us!!!! med school 101 "anxiety is the sign of unrequited fears".....worried about anything Godless?


This is after going round and round with this idiot who had claimed, "the evidence for the resurrection is rock solid!" but when pressed for any evidence, didn't even try to give any evidence, not so much as a bible quote or a URL to some dumbfuck website. Just arrogannt shameless, -- no, not shameless -- prideful, prideful idiocy.

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The only good Christian is a dead Christian.....



It was a joke, Khan.... :Doh:

Well, I am sure that *some* people will see it that way too. :Hmm:

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The only good Christian is a dead Christian.....

I bet this is going to exacerbate daniel_1012's paranoid delusions that we're out to get him. You're trying to push him over the edge aren't you, silly boy? :HaHa:

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The only good Christian is a dead Christian.....

I bet this is going to exacerbate daniel_1012's paranoid delusions that we're out to get him. You're trying to push him over the edge aren't you, silly boy? :HaHa:


I don't see any reason NOT to feed that particular fear, Mike...it just makes him more fun to deal with.

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The only good Christian is a dead Christian.....

I bet this is going to exacerbate daniel_1012's paranoid delusions that we're out to get him. You're trying to push him over the edge aren't you, silly boy? :HaHa:


I don't see any reason NOT to feed that particular fear, Mike...it just makes him more fun to deal with.

Well, it's probably not healthy during one of his manic bipolar episodes like he is having now. But as long as we're amused and having fun that's all that counts.

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I take pride in not being bigoted, nor prejudiced.




I dislike ALL Christians (and theists) equally. Why discriminate?

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My least favorite kind? The religious kind.


Seriously, though, I'd say one of the groups that I hate most (because yeah, I do tend to hate some of them) is the exact opposite of that. The kind that insists that it isn't a religion. I could lay out a lengthy and carefully thought-out rebuttal to their position, but I prefer to go with the tried-and-true "Fuck you. It is."

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1.I hate sympathetic Christians I utterly hate them

Heres an example to show you what I mean they say things like:

The lord told me to talk to you

Jesus loves you so much he knows your pain

God sent his son to die for you.

I was once like you hurting and needing a friend


Man I hate that kind so much. Especially when they put their hand on me I just want to rip their arm off and beat them with it!

Damn just cause im walking down the street by myself do not mean im some depressed person needing the lord!

Gosh, I hate them so much words cannot describe it!


2. Witnesses who knock on my door and say can we talk to you?

I say no im not interested

And the dumb asses keep talking till I slam the door


3. People who push their views on me over and over and wont shut up.


I hate sympathetic Christians the most though, oh man do I hate them.

If you’re going to be all nice and sweet to me you better have a better damn reason than that.

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I don't hate them until they try to proselytize me or tell me how

to live. Then I hate them with a passion.

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Guest DaoJones

The only good Christian is a dead Christian.....


I like to shock people by telling them that the problem with christians is the romans didn't feed enough of them to the lions. But as for the prosylitizing, ignorant fundie types I'd be satisfied with their head on a stick.

Just kidding. Again. Maybe.

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The only good Christian is a dead Christian.....


I like to shock people by telling them that the problem with christians is the romans didn't feed enough of them to the lions. But as for the prosylitizing, ignorant fundie types I'd be satisfied with their head on a stick.

Just kidding. Again. Maybe.


You've got some sharp teeth, don't ya???


Welcome to the board

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