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David Vs Goliath - Was David Really Such A Hero?


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Not hippies. Israel ran for their lives to get away from the Sea People. The Sea People were real. We have archeological evidence that they came through the Mediterranean and wiped out the Bronze Age super power kingdoms. And one group of Sea People settled where the Bible identifies the Philistines so that connection might be valid. Canaan had been under the control of Egypt. (You know all the leaders would have been names a-mosses-something) But when the Sea People kicked Egypt's butt suddenly refugees show up in previously unsettled hilltops. And that is how Israel got started - as hilltop farmers who didn't even have swords and were resisting the Philistines. Centuries later Deuteronomy and Exodus were created/invented to give Israel a sense of legacy.

Things like what you just cited are so scary and incredible simply because they make me realize how little I really know about the truths behind the bible stories. I think it will take 2 or 3 lifetimes to study all of these things to get a clearer picture regarding the truth and reality of why people follow religions. Thanks for sharing.
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David got into a whole lot more trouble for conducting a census than for all the insanely immoral stuff he did with Bathsheba and Uriah. For that one, God punished the entire country, not just David. That one bothered me a little even as a christian; it just seemed so arbitrary. Sure there were fancy explanations for why it was such a big deal, but really?


actually, that makes a lot of sense, when you consider the hypothesis that the ancient jews were actually disenfranchised Canaanites fleeing their city-states and life of inequality due to class to pursue a more equal way of life. I guess a census would go against their new hippy lifestyle.


Not hippies. Israel ran for their lives to get away from the Sea People. The Sea People were real. We have archeological evidence that they came through the Mediterranean and wiped out the Bronze Age super power kingdoms. And one group of Sea People settled where the Bible identifies the Philistines so that connection might be valid. Canaan had been under the control of Egypt. (You know all the leaders would have been names a-mosses-something) But when the Sea People kicked Egypt's butt suddenly refugees show up in previously unsettled hilltops. And that is how Israel got started - as hilltop farmers who didn't even have swords and were resisting the Philistines. Centuries later Deuteronomy and Exodus were created/invented to give Israel a sense of legacy.


I was tired and being facetious when I wrote "hippy lifestyle" :) Just like I'm tired right now and having trouble responding. I was going off my memory of that doco, think it was called Secrets of the Bible? Eh. It was basically what you wrote. Maybe. lol I'm just going to go to bed, and try again later lol.

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I was tired and being facetious when I wrote "hippy lifestyle" smile.png Just like I'm tired right now and having trouble responding. I was going off my memory of that doco, think it was called Secrets of the Bible? Eh. It was basically what you wrote. Maybe. lol I'm just going to go to bed, and try again later lol.


For all you have been through lately you have a license to be whatever mood you want. Take care of yourself Pud and get better.

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Everything is now.


I am David. It means "beloved".


I am also Legion, because the future is also now.

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I think testosterone makes people do stupid fucking things :) Still does these days, men are so busy waving their dicks around and thinkikng it matters who wins and how that the important things STILL get ignored.

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I think testosterone makes people do stupid fucking things smile.png Still does these days, men are so busy waving their dicks around and thinkikng it matters who wins and how that the important things STILL get ignored.


I'm a guy and I quite agree. It's ridiculous.

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David and Goliath is a typical story of an underdog winning by using some unthinkable weapon. The


David is a type of Christ and Goliath is a type of devil. David (Christ) blew Goliath's (Satan's ) mind with the ten commandments that are wriiten on stone. Look at the parallels in the narratives. Goliath taunted the Israelites 40 days. Christ was tempted 40 days. If Goliath won the Israelites had to serve him, if Satan won Christ could not save us and the devil becomes our master and so forth and so on. It's the theme of the bible.

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David and Goliath is a typical story of an underdog winning by using some unthinkable weapon. The


David is a type of Christ and Goliath is a type of devil. David (Christ) blew Goliath's (Satan's ) mind with the ten commandments that are wriiten on stone. Look at the parallels in the narratives. Goliath taunted the Israelites 40 days. Christ was tempted 40 days. If Goliath won the Israelites had to serve him, if Satan won Christ could not save us and the devil becomes our master and so forth and so on. It's the theme of the bible.

Sure. Taunting is such a devilish behavior. How satanic.


The underdog story is still a more overarching theme in millions of stories through history (inside and outside of any religious text).

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David and Goliath is a typical story of an underdog winning by using some unthinkable weapon. The


David is a type of Christ and Goliath is a type of devil. David (Christ) blew Goliath's (Satan's ) mind with the ten commandments that are wriiten on stone. Look at the parallels in the narratives. Goliath taunted the Israelites 40 days. Christ was tempted 40 days. If Goliath won the Israelites had to serve him, if Satan won Christ could not save us and the devil becomes our master and so forth and so on. It's the theme of the bible.

Sure. Taunting is such a devilish behavior. How satanic.


The underdog story is still a more overarching theme in millions of stories through history (inside and outside of any religious text).


Also, the story has David kill Goliath. Too bad Christ didn't kill Satan, huh? It looks like David was more victorious. ;)

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It's amazing how Christians can take almost any story following the traditional good guy/bad guy format and project their own myth onto it. Any hero that sacrifices himself is Jesus. Any opponent of that hero is Satan. If the story has more characters they will flesh those out by assigning Bible characters to them.

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It's amazing how Christians can take almost any story following the traditional good guy/bad guy format and project their own myth onto it. Any hero that sacrifices himself is Jesus. Any opponent of that hero is Satan. If the story has more characters they will flesh those out by assigning Bible characters to them.


Of course, because it's an easy thing to do. Practically no thought is needed to draw such parallels.

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David and Goliath is a typical story of an underdog winning by using some unthinkable weapon. The


David is a type of Christ and Goliath is a type of devil. David (Christ) blew Goliath's (Satan's ) mind with the ten commandments that are wriiten on stone. Look at the parallels in the narratives. Goliath taunted the Israelites 40 days. Christ was tempted 40 days. If Goliath won the Israelites had to serve him, if Satan won Christ could not save us and the devil becomes our master and so forth and so on. It's the theme of the bible.

Sure. Taunting is such a devilish behavior. How satanic.




OK maybe I could have used the word tormented but then again the Israelites had God on their side. With God in the vessel they can smile at the storm. How's that?

I think I'll say he was threatening them.




The underdog story is still a more overarching theme in millions of stories through history (inside and outside of any religious text).


D'uh, there's nothing new under the sun. We are fascinated by that stuff- I used to like watching vampire movies or movies with heroes- because it all originated from rebelling against God.

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David and Goliath is a typical story of an underdog winning by using some unthinkable weapon. The


David is a type of Christ and Goliath is a type of devil. David (Christ) blew Goliath's (Satan's ) mind with the ten commandments that are wriiten on stone. Look at the parallels in the narratives. Goliath taunted the Israelites 40 days. Christ was tempted 40 days. If Goliath won the Israelites had to serve him, if Satan won Christ could not save us and the devil becomes our master and so forth and so on. It's the theme of the bible.

Sure. Taunting is such a devilish behavior. How satanic.


The underdog story is still a more overarching theme in millions of stories through history (inside and outside of any religious text).


Also, the story has David kill Goliath. Too bad Christ didn't kill Satan, huh? It looks like David was more victorious. wink.png


Howdy Cits, long time no chat? Spar? :D Cits, you are usually so laid back but when you start a winkin' it means the mischievous bug got you.

Surely as a former Christian you know the devils are reserved for judgment, their demise WILL come.

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Here's some questions for you, Thumbelina.





You tell us... the Bible explains itself.

So, if the Bible explains itself, does it explain anything else? If so, what?



Is there anything outside of the Bible that the Bible doesn't explain? If so, what?



Can people live only by what the Bible explains? If so, how?



Does the Bible need any supporting or corroborating evidence from outside of itself?



How does the Bible describe the treatment of physical ailments? That is, how should the sick be treated - only according to what the Bible says or using methods from outside the Bible?



How does the Bible describe the treatement of mental illness? That is, how should the mentally ill be treated - only according to what the Bible says or using methods from outside the Bible?



Are you a Seventh Day Adventist?

(You've been asked this before, but always refused to answer. Please do so - for the sake of our trust in you.)



Why does Ellen G. White say that Heaven is located around Orion's Belt?



Are the inhabitants of other planets, orbiting other stars, watching the Earth as it is now, in 2012, or as it was, in 2008?



On your Profile page, you've configured the Last Active display to read 'Private'. Why is that?



Why would you want to hide your coming and goings from us? Have you got something to hide?



You seem to want us to trust you implicitly and take everything you write as true. But how can we do that if you won't be open and honest about yourself, with us?





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Here's some questions for you, Thumbelina.




The more I read from her the more I think she is an elaborate Poe and troll. Any True Christian TM wouldn't continually refuse to answer easy questions like simply what denomination she belongs to.

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Is Thumbelina back to her old ticks again? No matter how many times we ask her to respect us . . .

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She keeps spewing "God's word" and it keeps returning void. I guess she hasn't learned to shake the dust off her feet and move on. So much for following the Bible. Of course, even that logic is probably lost on her, since she doesn't seem to have the slightest clue about thinking rationally, but rather just regurgitates the crap she's been swallowing for years. There's no reasoning with the unreasonable, so I have no desire to engage in conversation with her anymore.

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David and Goliath is a typical story of an underdog winning by using some unthinkable weapon. The


David is a type of Christ and Goliath is a type of devil. David (Christ) blew Goliath's (Satan's ) mind with the ten commandments that are wriiten on stone. Look at the parallels in the narratives. Goliath taunted the Israelites 40 days. Christ was tempted 40 days. If Goliath won the Israelites had to serve him, if Satan won Christ could not save us and the devil becomes our master and so forth and so on. It's the theme of the bible.

There are several problems with your imaginative "theme".

Satan is never said to be Goliath by the Bible, David actually was anointed as king while Jesus wasn't, and the role of a valid king messiah was to lead people into great compliance with the law, rule over a restored kingdom of Israel, and usher in a golden age of peace and prosperity.

Jesus didn't do any of those things.

There is no "devil" that becomes a master of humanity in the Hebrew scriptures.


In all honesty - many on this site do claim to know the Bible. But in my conversations, I have come across sheer lack of knowledge of the Scriptures, lousy hermeneutics, shockingly superficial & wooden literalistic interpretations, failure to trace doctrines throughout the Bible, inability to understand context, failure to take into account genre, etc. ---- Rayskidude

This quote is a wonderful example of the pot calling the kettle black.

It projects exactly what it embodies itself.

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David and Goliath is a typical story of an underdog winning by using some unthinkable weapon. The


David is a type of Christ and Goliath is a type of devil. David (Christ) blew Goliath's (Satan's ) mind with the ten commandments that are wriiten on stone. Look at the parallels in the narratives. Goliath taunted the Israelites 40 days. Christ was tempted 40 days. If Goliath won the Israelites had to serve him, if Satan won Christ could not save us and the devil becomes our master and so forth and so on. It's the theme of the bible.

Sure. Taunting is such a devilish behavior. How satanic.


Waitaminut Ouroboros!


If taunting is devilish and Satanic behavior, does that mean that Thumbelina is acting like Satan, when she taunts us?

Surely not!

All 'True' Christians should behave like Christ.... right? Wendytwitch.gif



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David and Goliath is a typical story of an underdog winning by using some unthinkable weapon. The


David is a type of Christ and Goliath is a type of devil. David (Christ) blew Goliath's (Satan's ) mind with the ten commandments that are wriiten on stone. Look at the parallels in the narratives. Goliath taunted the Israelites 40 days. Christ was tempted 40 days. If Goliath won the Israelites had to serve him, if Satan won Christ could not save us and the devil becomes our master and so forth and so on. It's the theme of the bible.

Sure. Taunting is such a devilish behavior. How satanic.




OK maybe I could have used the word tormented but then again the Israelites had God on their side. With God in the vessel they can smile at the storm. How's that?

I think I'll say he was threatening them.




The underdog story is still a more overarching theme in millions of stories through history (inside and outside of any religious text).


D'uh, there's nothing new under the sun. We are fascinated by that stuff- I used to like watching vampire movies or movies with heroes- because it all originated from rebelling against God.


Not if we all evolved from primates, it didn't.


Care to present even one line of evidence from outside of the Bible to support the the book of Genesis, Thumbelina?



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OK maybe I could have used the word tormented but then again the Israelites had God on their side. With God in the vessel they can smile at the storm. How's that?

I think I'll say he was threatening them.



But in their defense, they had a God too and they believed the Israelites were worshipping a false God.


The underdog story is still a more overarching theme in millions of stories through history (inside and outside of any religious text).


D'uh, there's nothing new under the sun. We are fascinated by that stuff- I used to like watching vampire movies or movies with heroes- because it all originated from rebelling against God.

Hah. Free will is independence. We wouldn't have free will if God didn't want us to have it. Right? Slaves and robots are not free. A true God would encourage people to think and use their free will.

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Free will is the way a torturer feels about his victims resisting him. Just ask Biblegod.

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She keeps spewing "God's word" and it keeps returning void. I guess she hasn't learned to shake the dust off her feet and move on. So much for following the Bible. Of course, even that logic is probably lost on her, since she doesn't seem to have the slightest clue about thinking rationally, but rather just regurgitates the crap she's been swallowing for years. There's no reasoning with the unreasonable, so I have no desire to engage in conversation with her anymore.



I was NOT trying to engage you in any debate. I was trying to say hello. We tend to come to a stalemate because you (currently)use secular methodologies to intepret scripture and the bible claims to be spiritual so I was not looking to debate you. Was/is it OK to say hello at least?

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She keeps spewing "God's word" and it keeps returning void. I guess she hasn't learned to shake the dust off her feet and move on. So much for following the Bible. Of course, even that logic is probably lost on her, since she doesn't seem to have the slightest clue about thinking rationally, but rather just regurgitates the crap she's been swallowing for years. There's no reasoning with the unreasonable, so I have no desire to engage in conversation with her anymore.



I was NOT trying to engage you in any debate. I was trying to say hello. We tend to come to a stalemate because you (currently)use secular methodologies to intepret scripture and the bible claims to be spiritual so I was not looking to debate you. Was/is it OK to say hello at least?


Looks like Citsonga has decided to give you exactly what you usually give me, Thumbelina... no response whatsoever.


One by one, people here are becoming more and more disgusted and repelled by your antics and just plain tired of your e-n-d-l-e-s-s preaching. The more you push your obsession with the Bible down their throats, the more you push people away from you. Stop doing that and people will want to talk with you. Carry on and they won't. It's that simple.


But I'm more than happy to talk to you about the Bible and your beliefs. smile.png I'll be your friend, seeing as nobody else here wants to be.


(Please note that members like Centauri don't really want to talk to you at all. I'm sure there's 101 other things they'd rather be doing. But they reply to everything you post and keep on replying to you, to keep you from harming others with your venom. They respond to keep you busy and engaged here so that you don't spend the time elsewhere, infecting others with your toxic thoughts. A normal, rational and sensible person would have wised up to these time-wasting, delaying and blocking tactics by now. They'd have recognized a no-win situation when they saw one and moved on.


But you just can't do that... can you?

Your fanatical devotion to the Bible just won't let you give up. And so you persist and persist and persist, steadily poisoning the minds of the very people you're trying to save. And you call this obstinate, unwelcome and disrespectful behavior, 'love'? How very sad. sad.png )


Anyway Thumbelina, I'll re-state my offer. I'll talk about the Bible for as long as you want.


How about it?



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