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If Jesus Is God


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These "evidences" of Hebrew words coincidentally looking like what they mean or whatever is getting tiresome.


My boyfriend and I both have the same number of letters in our full names and the same number of letters in each of our three names.

5 + 4 + 7 = 16. Obviously this can't be a coincidence. I think it probably means we are soul mates. And our yearly anniversary date is on the 13th of March and my mom was born on the 13th of April so that must mean something too! These are no more than coincidences that I could probably find in any couple's names or birthdates or whatever I wanted to look for. I found coincidences when I looked for them, but they don't mean anything really. 


It would be silly to say that I was going to marry my boyfriend ONLY based on the evidence that our names have the same number of letters in them. And if that was the only evidence I had for my boyfriend and he was invisible and communicated with me through a mistake-riddled ancient book, you can bet your butt that I would have dumped him a long time ago.

No way, they are so much fun.  Here are a few more:


Every 7x7, or the 49th letter in Genesis, Exodus, Numbers and Deuteronomy spell Torah. But in Numbers and Deuteronomy it is spelled backwards. Every 49th letter in Leviticus spells his Holy name YHWH. So it would look like this.


Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy

Torah Torah>>>> YHWH <<<< haroT haroT


It's pointing to the book of Leviticus and to YHWH, which the sacrificial was a shadow of Jesus.  Next one is what is the exact middle in the Torah?


Leviticus 10:16 But Moses searched carefully for the goat of the sin offering, and behold, it had been burned up! So he was angry with Aaron’s surviving sons Eleazar and Ithamar, saying,"


"Searched carefully" in the Hebrew is actually "darash darash" and would be more accurately translated as "searchingly searched." It as well is like an arrow pointing in opposite directions to search the scriptures as the Bereans did.


Acts 17:10 Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.


John 5:39 You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me;


So the Bereans because they searched and studied diligently, would have made believing in Yeshua easy because they would have seen his fingerprints all over the scriptures.


As one of the OP's questions were about genealogies, but did you know in Matthew he presents the names in three sets of 14 generations each. In Jewish Gematria (an ancient practice that assigns a numerical value to each letter in the Hebrew alphabet), David’s name (DVD in Hebrew, which has no vowels) has a value of 14 (dalet + vav + dalet, or 4 + 6 + 4 = 14). Also, David is the fourteenth name listed in Matthew’s genealogy. So, this was a distinctive and stylistically Jewish way to present the Lord Jesus as a royal descendant of King David and the rightful heir to the throne.


Last one and how it is related to the Deity of Jesus.


"One of the most astonishing features is that virtually every one of the clearly Messianic passages of the Old Testament contains the name Yeshua - Jesus - encoded within the text at intervals such as every 2nd letter or every 20th letter, etc. As an example, Yacov found the name Yeshua embedded in the text of Isaiah 53:10 that prophesied about the atoning sacrifice that Christ made for our sins on the cross two thousand years ago.


"Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand" (Isaiah 53:10). Beginning with the second Hebrew letter yod yesh9.gif in the Hebrew phrase "He shall prolong," "ya'arik Kyray," Yacov counted forward every 20th letter and discovered the phrase "yesh10.gif - Yeshua - Shmi" which means "Yeshua [Jesus] is My Name" encoded in this verse about the suffering Messiah who died to atone for our sins. Mathematicians calculated the probability that this astonishing combination of letters spelling "Yeshua [Jesus] is My Name" would occur by random chance in Isaiah is only one chance in 50 quadrillion, an inconceivable number!"


Source: http://www.grantjeffrey.com/article/article6.htm



Maybe give this book a second look.  This stuff does not happen by "random."  10 Jews sitting in a synagogue somewhere could never have imagined all this stuff up so precise even if their circumcision depended on it.  Oh wait, that was on the 8th day. Never mind then.  



Fungi, listen to yourself.  What kind of god would hide himself behind fucking around in this way?

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So how do I know Jesus is God?  Well the OT spoke of him and the Gospels revealed him.  On the mouth of 2-3 witnesses, a matter will be established.  Thank you Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.


Yes, thank you fellows for providing us with gospels that don't match up, that blatantly contradict one another, and that contain bald-faced lies.  You four have done more to disprove jesus than anyone else; and for that, you have my sincerest gratitude.

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And why did God create man just so he could sin.  




He did it to bring glory to himself.  That's what it has always been about with your god: self-aggrandizement.


That's what all the punishing and destruction of the old testament was about, all the smiting and terror and crushing of enemies, all the laws and priests and sacrificing: it was all to bring glory to god.  Glory through FEAR.  Glory through GROVELLING.  It was all to bring glory to an over-bearing tyrant who would have us grovel at his feet in sheer and utter terror at his ability to crush the human spirit into the dust at his merest whim.  


Then, just when humanity could no longer withstand the crushing of the human spirit by your insidious and maniacal despot, god swooped in and murdered his own son in order to buy us all as slaves.  We are still expected to grovel at his feet in fear, but now we are supposed to do so with grateful hearts because of his supreme sacrifice.  We are supposed to offer him glory simply because he set us up for failure in order to justify condemning us to perpetual serfdom.


That is the story of your bible, the story of your god.  I don't care if you study it in Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, Polish, Russian, or English, the story never changes.  I don't care if you play stupid word games, or pretend that numbers are significant, the story never changes.  


The story is and always will be: God sold us out in order to make us his slaves.


How you could worship such a beast is beyond me.  How you could call such a demonic over-lord righteous is beyond me.  But the one thing that is clear to me is this: if you can justify encouraging the rest of us to sacrifice ourselves on the altar of your hideously arrogant and despotic task-master, then you are as conceited and egotistic as your god.


I will leave you with one final thought: the idea that the serpent planted the tree in the garden is nothing more than a blatant LIE.  The bible makes it plain that god created the heavens and the earth and that he planted the garden in the East.  Nowhere between genesis and revelation is there any indication that satan planted any tree in the garden.  Given your inability to provide the proof I have asked you for, coupled with your willingness to break the commandments (thou shalt not lie), I am nearing the end of my patience with you.


I told you to bring your big-boy game; all you have done is quote scripture, play word games, and tell lies.  


These are not the actions of a man who has the truth at his disposal; these are the actions of a delusional fraud who will do anything to continue believing the bedtime stories that bring peace to his troubled mind.

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While I applaud Fungi for at least sticking around and fighting a losing battle, I have to admit that his ignorant Christian vomit/babble is starting to annoy me. Its like he doesn't even realize what he is saying...Oh wait, he doesn't. I haven't seen anything of substantive value in anything he has posted. Not even one thing that has even piqued my curiosity as to whether the bible is valid or whether god is real or any other thing he has posted. I generally don't get any feelings when Christians are posting on here and trying their best, but Fungi is starting to annoy me. Maybe its just one of those days.

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I told you to bring your big-boy game; all you have done is quote scripture, play word games, and tell lies.  


These are not the actions of a man who has the truth at his disposal; these are the actions of a delusional fraud who will do anything to continue believing the bedtime stories that bring peace to his troubled mind.



Redneck, the trouble here is you're dealing with a salesman for Jesus. His product is lacking and he's still trying to convince people to buy it. It looks like I was right, his attempt to sell Jesus as something special isn't working. yellow.gif

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I told you to bring your big-boy game; all you have done is quote scripture, play word games, and tell lies.  


These are not the actions of a man who has the truth at his disposal; these are the actions of a delusional fraud who will do anything to continue believing the bedtime stories that bring peace to his troubled mind.



Redneck, the trouble here is you're dealing with a salesman for Jesus. His product is lacking and he's still trying to convince people to buy it. It looks like I was right, his attempt to sell Jesus as something special isn't working. yellow.gif



That is completely true, crazyguy.  And he is sincerely convinced that his "product" works, despite the overwhelming amount of evidence to the contrary.  That quality makes for a very successful salesman.  While his success on this site has been abysmal, I don't doubt that he is spewing the same sales-pitch on other sites.  


That said, my main interest isn't "winning" against Fungi, or even trying to convince him of anything.  He is far too deluded for my simple mind to reason with.  My interest is in affording what little protection I can to the lurkers here who might otherwise fall for his salesmanship.

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"But something happened in the garden, the serpent came in and planted another tree that was of the knowledge of good and evil."


Bullshit... nowhere does it say or even imply that Satan put the tree in the garden. Yahweh put the tree in the garden. (or El Elyon, actually, - Yahweh wasn't a thing yet)


lies, lies, lies... you are dishonest to a degree even Thumbelina can't match.


and Jesus is not god, not the god of the Hebrews, that's idolatry.. very first commandment. Fail.

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As one of the OP's questions were about genealogies, but did you know in Matthew he presents the names in three sets of 14 generations each. In Jewish Gematria (an ancient practice that assigns a numerical value to each letter in the Hebrew alphabet), David’s name (DVD in Hebrew, which has no vowels) has a value of 14 (dalet + vav + dalet, or 4 + 6 + 4 = 14). Also, David is the fourteenth name listed in Matthew’s genealogy. So, this was a distinctive and stylistically Jewish way to present the Lord Jesus as a royal descendant of King David and the rightful heir to the throne.

The problem is that Jesus has no paternal blood link to David, which is required by scripture.

The author of Matthew also traced the genealogy through a cursed king, none of whose descendants could sit on the throne.


Last one and how it is related to the Deity of Jesus.


..."Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand" (Isaiah 53:10). Beginning with the second Hebrew letter yod yesh9.gif in the Hebrew phrase "He shall prolong," "ya'arik Kyray," Yacov counted forward every 20th letter and discovered the phrase "yesh10.gif - Yeshua - Shmi" which means "Yeshua [Jesus] is My Name" encoded in this verse about the suffering Messiah who died to atone for our sins. Mathematicians calculated the probability that this astonishing combination of letters spelling "Yeshua [Jesus] is My Name" would occur by random chance in Isaiah is only one chance in 50 quadrillion, an inconceivable number!"

The servant in Isaiah 53 was defined in Isa 49, which is the nation Israel.

A valid king messiah cannot serve as a sin sacrifice because it's against God's law.

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...Well, after God reformed the earth and gave it a spring cleaning after the chaos and darkness that developed after satan and his minions rebelled, he made man and gave him instructions to tend the garden.

Where does the Old Testament specifically state that "satan and his minions rebelled"?
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So how do I know Jesus is God?  Well the OT spoke of him and the Gospels revealed him.  On the mouth of 2-3 witnesses, a matter will be established.  Thank you Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

But wishful thinking isn't proof of anything.

The OT did not speak of Jesus, you've simply injected what you want to be Jesus into the texts.

In The NT Jesus claimed to have a God multiple times.

The God of the OT declared that he was not a man nor a son of man.

Jesus referred to himself as the son of man many times.

Jesus better fits the role of the false teacher and prophet that God warned his people not to be seduced by in Deut 13 and Deut 18.

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I cannot possibly respond to all these rebuttals and what not.


Centauri knows the bible and uses the same arguments rabbinic and orthodox jews use to rebut Jesus could possibly be the fulfillment of all the OT prophecies.  If you are interested, I saw there is another topic area here to dialogue, or debate one on one.  Would you be interested in that?  If not, that is fine.  I can only respond to a few posts a day, but I am interested. 


Also, you have been the only one to not provide some form of derogatory put down or insinuation towards me personally.  I respect that even though we disagree.

My goal is to counter the standard Christian claims that have been used as compelling arguments in favor of Christianity.

There are lurkers that may be trying to sift through these issues and they come here to investigate what they've been repeatedly taught by believers.

But it's useful to keep in mind that these forums have seen the same arguments over and over again for years, so there isn't much new to debate.

Personally, I don't know if there's anything to be achieved by continued dialog other than equalizing the perspectives.

Many Christians that come here like to play "last man standing", where no further responses by skeptics are seen as an inability to respond, the goal being for lurkers to assume that the Christian claims cannot be refuted.

Virtually all of these talking points have been covered in specific detail before and are stored in the older threads (which go back years).

If you want to continue this activity, I have no objection but it's the moderators who determine how much space is to be used doing this sort of thing.

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Fungi's religion only lacks one minor detail: An actual God that walks and talks and appears to people like every other real person does. So because of this Christians have to mentally masturbate with the bible. They have nothing else.

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I cannot possibly respond to all these rebuttals and what not.




I think you made a good effort.  Unfortunately you don't have the evidence to support your ideas.  We are not going to stop you from believing without evidence.  That is something only you could do.  And for the most part we are done with believing without evidence.




I am not the typical Christian though in that I don't believe Jesus came to release us from Torah.


Actually all Christians have a variation in their favorite doctrine.  If you look close enough it's as unique as the individual.  And of course they believe their favorite doctrine combo is the right one according to God.  The personal God always believes exactly what the believer holds.  (hint hint wink wink)  So in that sense you are quite typical.  What sets you apart from the average Christian we see is that you have read more of the Bible than most.

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  But I guess you must of heard that angle as well and I have nothing new to contribute?



I suggested on the first day that you weren't bringing anything to the table that we hadn't already heard.  


That said, I also wish to express my appreciation for your dedication and your sincerity.  You have an exceptional mind, funguyrye; I only hope you can someday liberate it from your doctrine.

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I cannot possibly respond to all these rebuttals and what not.


Centauri knows the bible and uses the same arguments rabbinic and orthodox jews use to rebut Jesus could possibly be the fulfillment of all the OT prophecies.  If you are interested, I saw there is another topic area here to dialogue, or debate one on one.  Would you be interested in that?  If not, that is fine.  I can only respond to a few posts a day, but I am interested. 


Also, you have been the only one to not provide some form of derogatory put down or insinuation towards me personally.  I respect that even though we disagree. 


Not entirely true, Funguyrye.


I've dealt with you on the level...


...and I'm still waiting on your response to my last post to you, # 303.





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Ah, I see.  I am not the typical Christian though in that I don't believe Jesus came to release us from Torah.  He came to magnify it and teach proper observance of such.  It is silly Jesus came to say we could eat ham now?!  That would contradict his Word and himself.  I also saw ex-christians on another thread say this was one of the sticking points for them to lose their faith.  Contradictions between what Paul and Jesus said.  The problem is Paul taught Torah observance as well and under law certainly never meant as those following it.  It merely meant being under the curse of condemnation due to sin.  But I guess you must of heard that angle as well and I have nothing new to contribute?

It's been awhile but I have run across your particular version before.
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Thanks for your honesty.  I really do want to stay here though and contribute a peso or two when I can.  I understand the knives and daggers will be thrown from time to time, but I am used to it.  Maybe only when I get a nudging from the big guy upstairs to do so.  In the meantime...


I hope you will stay here as well, and I mean that sincerely.  I want you to know, funguyrye, that although I disagree with your theology, I respect you as a man who is willing to stand up for what he thinks is right.  You stood alone for three days, taking a pounding from all sides; yet you respectfully offered replies that were lucid, articulate, and well thought.  That is a singular quality for a man to have, even if, in my opinion, you are using it for the wrong reasons.  

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Thanks for your honesty.  I really do want to stay here though and contribute a peso or two when I can.  I understand the knives and daggers will be thrown from time to time, but I am used to it.  Maybe only when I get a nudging from the big guy upstairs to do so.  In the meantime...


Just to clarify, the passages in Mark 7 spoke only about the tradition of washing hands before eating.  Youtube jewish tradition of washing hands and you can see why Jesus was so upset.  That was the tradition of the elders he was so miffed about, yet the pharisees were saying the people were sinning if they didn't wash their hands a certain way.

It would appear you don't think that Jesus was referring to food when he said this:


Mark 7:18-19(NIV)

“Are you so dull?” he asked. “Don’t you see that nothing that enters a person from the outside can defile them?

For it doesn’t go into their heart but into their stomach, and then out of the body.” (In saying this, Jesus declared all foods clean.)


Since food enters a person from the outside it seems strange to think Jesus wasn't intending this to apply to food.

As noted by the NIV, the standard interpretation is that Jesus declared all foods clean, and I'm inclined to agree.


The NLT is even more explicit by specifically using food as the subject:

“Don’t you understand either?” he asked. “Can’t you see that the food you put into your body cannot defile you?

Food doesn’t go into your heart, but only passes through the stomach and then goes into the sewer.” (By saying this, he declared that every kind of food is acceptable in God’s eyes.)


Same application with the RSV Bible:

And he said to them, “Then are you also without understanding? Do you not see that whatever goes into a man from outside cannot defile him,

since it enters, not his heart but his stomach, and so passes on?”(Thus he declared all foods clean.)


There are many other examples that draw the same conclusion.


Washing is an essential part of a priests ritual, so I don't think it's unreasonable for the Pharisees to incorporate it in their eating habits, perhaps thinking that they should also wash.


Exo 30:17-21(NIV)

Then the Lord said to Moses,

“Make a bronze basin, with its bronze stand, for washing. Place it between the tent of meeting and the altar, and put water in it.

Aaron and his sons are to wash their hands and feet with water from it.

Whenever they enter the tent of meeting, they shall wash with water so that they will not die. Also, when they approach the altar to minister by presenting a food offering to the Lord,

they shall wash their hands and feet so that they will not die. This is to be a lasting ordinance for Aaron and his descendants for the generations to come.”


Ritual cleanliness is also important, which is why the water of cleansing was described in the law.

Hand washing for the elders is specifically called for in Deut 21, which is part of a criminal investigation.

From a practical view, I think Jesus would be in favor of washing simply to reduce bacterial infections.

Rhetorical question:

Did Jesus know about bacteria or did he think infections were caused by demons?

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Mark 7:18-19 seems to indicate a profound ignorance of the human circulatory system.  But of course anything in the Bible that isn't literally true was just a metaphor.  

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I was very, very close in theology as FunGuyrye, just before I deconverted.

I studied the bible voraciously, I was impressed by the coding and numerology claims about the Torah, I believed the NT fulfilled and was compatible with the OT. Etc, etc, etc... The theology he describes was almost exactly what I believed.



And taking such a deep, introspective, rational approach to scripture... Led me to deconversion!


It's very refreshing. As an unbeliever, I can now fully and deeply look at the bible and see it clearly for what it is... I can look at the universe and life in the same light.


It's very refreshing to wake up from a religious delusion. I have a hunch, that just maybe FunGuyrye, is on the same path.


Keep studying, keep searching. The truth will set you free.

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I am not a scientist or have much knowledge of the science world, but the little I do know, science and the bible can go hand in hand.





About as well as science and comic books going hand in hand.

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I made it from page one to page twelve(ish) and I couldn't read any more tonight. Just want to throw in my two cents, and I might not be back to answer any responses for a few days. Sorry if any of this was covered between pages 13 and 20.



If there is a state of water where the molecules are in a perfect balance between liquid, gas, and solid, then what state would that be? All three at once? No, none of the above.. It would be a fourth state of the water molecule. There would be liquid, solid, gas, and suspended.

There may also be things smaller than small, as string theory and all of that quantum stuff I don't understand might tell us someday, and  we might find some answer to the trinity, or we may find that water has a fourth state.  Really, all science would find is that the trinity is possible, but only in the chemical solution of the human brain so far.

In less than a hundred years, when we are all dead, our children will be needing water. Thank God someone is studying it. I don't think there will be a Moses around to strike a rock knowing that he, Moses, the very lawgiver himself would be punished by disobeying his God so his children could drink water in the desert.

At least that is my bet.



Hi. What you wrote in your post #146?  I used to say the same thing to my friends and relatives that would question their faith because of all that was going on in the world or in their lives. It worked wonderfully.

Of course God can do anything, and loves us, and doesn't want any of us to perish, but He just doesn't do a damn thing. It's up to us. He's looking down, but we are looking up, and He is God and we are made from dirt and because of "Adam and Eve" we are born into sin, but still, we have to do everything while God just sits there, looking down to see what we will do.

Isn't that strange?


Oh, and you posted a lot about the Original language, and how 'this word could also mean that'.  Take a look at your Strong's Concordance. Lots of words, right? Plus words change, don't they.. So if each word could also mean three or four different things, and words change, and you have to account for that, then how many Bibles is it possible to have? Which one do you believe?  Who made your Bible? Who decided which of the books were "Holy"?


No. Wait. You are that special kind of Christian, who's transcendence goes even beyond the Bible.

Been there, did that. It's not sustainable. I hope you stick around and read read read.


Welcome to ex-c. Or, if it makes you feel better, "ex-C".

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Thanks for your honesty.  I really do want to stay here though and contribute a peso or two when I can.  I understand the knives and daggers will be thrown from time to time, but I am used to it.  Maybe only when I get a nudging from the big guy upstairs to do so.  In the meantime...


I hope you will stay here as well, and I mean that sincerely.  I want you to know, funguyrye, that although I disagree with your theology, I respect you as a man who is willing to stand up for what he thinks is right.  You stood alone for three days, taking a pounding from all sides; yet you respectfully offered replies that were lucid, articulate, and well thought.  That is a singular quality for a man to have, even if, in my opinion, you are using it for the wrong reasons.  


Thanks for that.  I really did not come here to lecture, condemn, lord over, speak down to, etc, and the usual reasons why Christians come on here.  Just thought I could add something a bit new, bit different, as it is probably pretty nauseous defending yourself to people like me all the time.  I get that.  I was truly intrigued there was a site for ex-christians and wanted to find out more.  Whether we agree or disagree, I just want to put out information.  What you do with it is up to you.  Ignore it, tell me to eff off, or put it in the memory bank for future use.  I am still a human being like you who just wants a bit of peace in this world which is literally going to hell before our eyes.


Be sure to pick up some information as well, while you're here.

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Did Jesus know about bacteria?  Well since he told Israel to go outside the camp, I am pretty sure he knew where the best place was to take a dump was.


12 "You shall also have a place outside the camp and go out there, 13 and you shall have a spade among your tools, and it shall be when you sit down outside, you shall dig with it and shall turn to cover up your excrement

Well, this is just one of the problems I have with apologists.

You've assumed a character called "Jesus" gave these instructions in the OT.

That's because you want Jesus to be God.

Jesus is everywhere.

No matter how much scriptural evidence I present that Jesus was not God, it won't matter to you.

This is where dialog becomes pointless.


The issue in regards though to the pharisees was their man made rules.  They were telling the people they were sinning by not washing their hands a certain way and laying a burden on their yokes they could not bear.   They were saying they were defiling themselves before God by not washing their hands a certain way before eating.  Yes washing hands is good, but is it necessary to do so, and in a ritual everytime you sit down to eat.  And if you don't do it, you were labeled as a sinner.  God only had 613 commandments, but the pharisees were adding stuff in that made no sense.  They were twisting and distorting the Torah, Jesus taught it properly.

Here again, you've ignored every citation I provided from the New Testament which indicates Jesus taught that all foods were acceptable.

All foods are not acceptable according to the Torah or laws of God.

If Jesus had simply said "you don't have to wash" that would have been sufficient, but he didn't stop there, he went on to declare that nothing consumed from the outside can defile a person.

Paul came along and also claimed that the food regulations were not binding.

That's simply wrong and contradicts the law.

If the OT is to be taken seriously, then it's a contradiction.


But none of this is going to matter to you because "Jesus taught it properly".

No matter what evidence is presented, you're going to make that claim over and over again.

This is a pattern with believers that come here and it's been going on for years.

That's why people simply run out of patience with apologists.

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 I am not a scientist or have much knowledge of the science world….



Perhaps you could spend a few hundred hours studying various scientific disciplines.  If you do, utilize credible sources, such as college textbooks.  Avoid creationist websites.  They frequently lie about science topics.


OH MY GOD!!!  A tornado just ripped through our town and went through the wrecking yard, and when it cleared it gave birth to a brand new beemer!  How believable is that? 



Once you have started your studies, as a suggested first homework assignment, answer the following questions:


1)  Why is the "a tornado in a junk yard makes a BMW" hypothetical an extremely poor analogy to the Biological Theory of Evolution?


2)  Why is the "a tornado in a junk yard makes a BMW" hypothetical an extremely poor analogy to the current Abiogenseis Hypotheses?


3)  Is the statistical probability of "a tornado in a junk yard makes a BMW" greater than zero?

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