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What do Apostate Christians think of the persecution of Christians in the world today?

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I don’t know, OrdinaryClay.  Maybe you can answer this:  what do Religious Fanatics think of non-believers?

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I think the same about it as I think about "christian" persecution of Muslims, Buddhists, Jews, and Hindus, to wit: it sucks to be bullied for pretending to know things that nobody actually knows.

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If christians and all other religious fanatics would mind their own business,  respect the boundaries and privacy of others, not meddle into the pelvic areas of consenting adults,  and keep their personal relationship with their particular deity out of politics, they probably wouldn't be "persecuted."   But that would really suck because it would mess up their big  ol' martyr complex.   





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59 minutes ago, buffettphan said:

If christians and all other religious fanatics would mind their own business,  respect the boundaries and privacy of others, not meddle into the pelvic areas of consenting adults,  and keep their personal relationship with their particular deity out of politics, they probably wouldn't be "persecuted."   But that would really suck because it would mess up their big  ol' martyr complex.


^  ^  ^   ! ! !


A basic tenet of Christianity is proselytization. If they'd stick to themselves I think most folks wouldn't mind. But they have a long, long history, one that continues today, of forcing their beliefs down other people's throats, either indirectly through social pressure or directly through the passage of laws that favor their beliefs and diminish or deny others, or through outright force. 



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When I hear Christians talk about persecution, it often has a tone suggesting that the persecution of fellow Christians is somehow more significant, more urgent, more tragic than persecution of people from non-Christian groups.  If you shrug off the pain of someone outside your clique, it should come as no surprise at all when people shrug at your pain too.


Suffering is suffering.  Any cruelty to anyone diminishes us all.

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8 hours ago, OrdinaryClay said:

What do Apostate Christians think of the persecution of Christians in the world today?


In the west,  it's not really a thing. 


It's true that Christians are persecuted in certain other parts of the world, usually by extremists of one stripe or another. But such people usually don't specifically target Christians; rather, they target anyone who doesn't agree with them.


The myth that Christians are a major target of persecution needs to die. 

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13 hours ago, OrdinaryClay said:

What do Apostate Christians think of the persecution of Christians in the world today?


Do you have an example? Are we talking like Afghanistan? If someone is evangelizing in a barbaric country where they know it is illegal to be a Christian then no sympathy from me. You lost your head for your imaginary friend. 


In the USA there is little to no persecution. People may tell you christianity is stupid but that's just free speech. 


Nobody gives me shit for my pagan spirituality in real life because I dont have a compulsion/obsession to spread my pagan gospel. I keep my crazy beliefs to myself. :)


edit. I'll rephrase your question: What do people who escaped a mindfuck think of the persecution of a group of people who want to spread that same mindfuck to all people and nations? It's like asking what do I think of the persecution of small pox? Really, we'd be better off without it. 

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On 9/3/2019 at 2:21 AM, Astreja said:

When I hear Christians talk about persecution, it often has a tone suggesting that the persecution of fellow Christians is somehow more significant, more urgent, more tragic than persecution of people from non-Christian groups.

I don't know any Christians that believe this. 

"Never pay back evil for evil to anyone. Respect what is right in the sight of all men. If possible, so far as it depends on 
you, be at peace with all men. Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written,
DRINK; FOR IN SO DOING YOU WILL HEAP BURNING COALS ON HIS HEAD." Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. "
(Rom 12:17-21 NASB)
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All religions proselytism. It demonstrates a lack of critical thinking to believe otherwise. If this were not true no religion would grow.

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On 9/2/2019 at 11:25 PM, buffettphan said:

If christians and all other religious fanatics would mind their own business,  respect the boundaries and privacy of others, not meddle into the pelvic areas of consenting adults,  and keep their personal relationship with their particular deity out of politics, they probably wouldn't be "persecuted."   But that would really suck because it would mess up their big  ol' martyr complex.   





Early history is not the subject of my question. My interest is current persecution.

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1 hour ago, OrdinaryClay said:

Early history is not the subject of my question. My interest is current persecution.



The first link shows the myth of persecution from the early history of christianity.


The second link shows that the myth of persecution  continues and remains applicable today.  A small snippet:





...There simply is no great persecution of Christians in the United States—or even a not-so-great one—nor is any expected. If anything, President Donald J. Trump, a great hero to the religious right despite his lack of personal piety, is trying to hand them much of what they want.


Far from being persecuted, religious groups in the United States enjoy great privilege. A few years ago I wrote a book titled Taking Liberties: Why Religious Freedom Doesn’t Give You The Right To Tell Other People What To Do. In that book, I listed some of the privileges US religious groups get. Tax exemption is one example, with special laws making it next to impossible for the IRS to audit churches. Others are exemptions from lobbying disclosure laws, exemptions from anti-discrimination laws, exemptions from laws designed to protect employee rights, exemptions from many forms of oversight that are applied to comparable secular institutions, and even exemptions from laws intended to protect employees’ pensions. (This is a partial list.)


Turn on your television and start flipping channels. Chances are, you won’t have to go far to hit a TV ministry. Spin the radio dial and you’ll hear lots of preaching. Drive through the streets of any town, even a small one, and you’ll pass numerous churches. Websites? Twitter accounts? Facebook pages? Publishing arms? Door-to-door proselytizers? Overseas missionaries? Schools and colleges? Religious groups have them in spades.


What sort of treatment do religious lobbyists receive in Washington, DC, or in your state capital? I’m going to go out on a limb here and suggest that it’s deference.


As for that rising tide of secularism that’s going to wipe out religion? It exists only in the fevered dreams of the right wing...



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28 minutes ago, buffettphan said:



The first link shows the myth of persecution from the early history of christianity.


The second link shows that the myth of persecution  continues and remains applicable today.  A small snippet:




I'm not talking about the US either. Is it really that hard to break out of your bubble?

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4 minutes ago, OrdinaryClay said:

I'm not talking about the US either. Is it really that hard to break out of your bubble?


HA HA.  Sometimes I'd love to live in a bubble away from all the Authentic Christian (and other obnoxious religions') Believers in the world, but alas that's not going to happen.  So I live in reality.  But I do think it would be nice if christians living within their own martyr complex could escape from it.  So I provide resources.  Take 'em or leave 'em.  



As @disillusionedl  said above:





In the west,  it's not really a thing. 


It's true that Christians are persecuted in certain other parts of the world, usually by extremists of one stripe or another. But such people usually don't specifically target Christians; rather, they target anyone who doesn't agree with them.


The myth that Christians are a major target of persecution needs to die. 


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    On 9/3/2019 at 6:43 AM, disillusioned said:


    In the west,  it's not really a thing. 


    It's true that Christians are persecuted in certain other parts of the world, usually by extremists of one stripe or another. But such people usually don't specifically target Christians; rather, they target anyone who doesn't agree with them.


    The myth that Christians are a major target of persecution needs to die. 

    Yes, it's true Christians are persecuted in other parts of the world. Your conclusion that they are not a major target of persecution is on it's face nonsense.


    First, it does not matter whether your subjective  evaluation of  those persecuting  is that they are "extremist" or not. It simply has no bearing on whether they are a major target or not.

    Second, again it matters not whether they persecute others as well. I mean really? What?


    The breadth and depth of the persecution of Christians is unmatched by any other group.



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    17 minutes ago, buffettphan said:


    HA HA.  Sometimes I'd love to live in a bubble away from all the Authentic Christian (and other obnoxious religions') Believers in the world, but alas that's not going to happen.  So I live in reality.  But I do think it would be nice if christians living within their own martyr complex could escape from it.  So I provide resources.  Take 'em or leave 'em.  



    As @disillusionedl  said above:




    You seem easily impressed.

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    27 minutes ago, OrdinaryClay said:

    The breadth and depth of the persecution of Christians is unmatched by any other group.

    Please support this claim.

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    1 minute ago, OrdinaryClay said:

    Please support the claim that "the breadth and depth of the persecution of Christians is unmatched by any other group."

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    8 minutes ago, TheRedneckProfessor said:

    Please support the claim that "the breadth and depth of the persecution of Christians is unmatched by any other group."

    Really? You really can't reason that one on your own? Obviously you did not read the information in the query. HINT: Christians are ubiquitous. (even though North Korea alone almost makes the case)


    Anti Christian parrot responses are very unimpressive.

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    32 minutes ago, OrdinaryClay said:

    Anti Christian parrot responses are very unimpressive.

    As are christian ones. 


    Twice now, on two different threads, I have asked you to support your claims; and you have done so in neither case.  Instead, you have simply expected that I should think as you think, with implications that the way I think is faulty.  More clever than some other christians we've had here of late, you are not as brazen with your ad hominems; but you employ them nonetheless. 

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    2 hours ago, OrdinaryClay said:

    Yes, it's true Christians are persecuted in other parts of the world. Your conclusion that they are not a major target of persecution is on it's face nonsense.


    First, it does not matter whether your subjective  evaluation of  those persecuting  is that they are "extremist" or not. It simply has no bearing on whether they are a major target or not.

    Second, again it matters not whether they persecute others as well. I mean really? What?


    The breadth and depth of the persecution of Christians is unmatched by any other group.





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    Define "persecution." Do you mean mass murder, censorship, exclusion from something?


    Define "Christian." Do you mean quietly practicing churches and sects, missionaries disrupting a culture, attempts at creating a theocracy, vocal opposition to the dominant religion of the area?


    After the definitions are in, I'd like to see some examples that can be verified. FTR I am opposed to actual persecution of any harmless group.


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    9 hours ago, OrdinaryClay said:


    So in some countries Christians aren't allowed to infect people with their toxic faith. Sweet. Hopefully with enough education and free flow of information, Christianity will wither away and die. The internet really has dealt a major blow to this idiotic religion. 

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    21 hours ago, OrdinaryClay said:

    You seem easily impressed.


    Nope.  If I were easily impressed, I'd be impressed by you.

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