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Goodbye Jesus

The Top 100 Christian Fundimentalist Quotes


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LMAO, I'm sure he'll be pleased to know there's a queue of stoned people waiting for him.


Well let's have a song for his return:


One toke over the line sweet jeebus, one toke over the line:

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YOu need to pick over Kratos' and Sonya69's posts for some fundie-mental jems...

I'm so touched that you thought of me! But get my name right sonyaj68

nothing like having to explain a mildly crude joke... I remembered the name just fine... I just added sexual overtones... 69 geddit? No... I didn't think so :Hmm:

Oh, I do get it - it just isn't that funny - I almost accused you of it being a Freudian slip but then I figured YOU wouldn’t get it, being a Grandpa and all. :-) (I really am kidding, although I understand that and why you don't want to play with me. Not as in your joke, obviously, but as in talking in general - we can't be nice to one another.)

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YOu need to pick over Kratos' and Sonya69's posts for some fundie-mental jems...

I'm so touched that you thought of me! But get my name right sonyaj68

nothing like having to explain a mildly crude joke... I remembered the name just fine... I just added sexual overtones... 69 geddit? No... I didn't think so :Hmm:

Oh, I do get it - it just isn't that funny - I almost accused you of it being a Freudian slip but then I figured YOU wouldn’t get it, being a Grandpa and all. :-) (I really am kidding, although I understand that and why you don't want to play with me. Not as in your joke, obviously, but as in talking in general - we can't be nice to one another.)

Don't underestimate the power of Grandpas. They can be sex machines, and they have much wisdom to offer.

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He's not that old yet.

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YOu need to pick over Kratos' and Sonya69's posts for some fundie-mental jems...

I'm so touched that you thought of me! But get my name right sonyaj68

nothing like having to explain a mildly crude joke... I remembered the name just fine... I just added sexual overtones... 69 geddit? No... I didn't think so :Hmm:

Oh, I do get it - it just isn't that funny - I almost accused you of it being a Freudian slip but then I figured YOU wouldn’t get it, being a Grandpa and all. :-) (I really am kidding, although I understand that and why you don't want to play with me. Not as in your joke, obviously, but as in talking in general - we can't be nice to one another.)


Don't much care it didn't amuse you... it amused me, and that's all that mattered at the moment...


And when you stop being a prissy, prosletysing, June Cleaver, Little Mary Sunshine, Steptford Drone, I'll be 'nice'... how's that for a deal.

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YOu need to pick over Kratos' and Sonya69's posts for some fundie-mental jems...

I'm so touched that you thought of me! But get my name right sonyaj68

nothing like having to explain a mildly crude joke... I remembered the name just fine... I just added sexual overtones... 69 geddit? No... I didn't think so :Hmm:

Oh, I do get it - it just isn't that funny - I almost accused you of it being a Freudian slip but then I figured YOU wouldn’t get it, being a Grandpa and all. :-) (I really am kidding, although I understand that and why you don't want to play with me. Not as in your joke, obviously, but as in talking in general - we can't be nice to one another.)


Don't much care it didn't amuse you... it amused me, and that's all that mattered at the moment...


And when you stop being a prissy, prosletysing, June Cleaver, Little Mary Sunshine, Steptford Drone, I'll be 'nice'... how's that for a deal.

Since Gramps always tries to point out my ignorance, I decided to research the latest group of names he called me.


1 Prissy -

excessively proper; affectedly correct; prim.


American Psychological Association (APA): prissy. (n.d.). Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1). Retrieved January 17, 2008, from Dictionary.com website: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/prissy

That one is definitively not me


2 Proselytizing - pros·e·lyt·ize –verb (used with object), verb (used without object), -ized, -iz·ing.

to convert or attempt to convert as a proselyte; recruit.


v. pros·e·ly·tiz·ing


To induce someone to convert to one's own religious faith.

To induce someone to join one's own political party or to espouse one's doctrine


American Psychological Association (APA): proselytizing. (n.d.). The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Retrieved January 17, 2008, from Dictionary.com website: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/proselytizing Chicago Manual Style (CMS): proselytizing. Dictionary.com. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2004. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/proselytizing (accessed: January 17, 2008).


I do this, but try not to be pushy


3. June Cleaver

Barbara Billingsley



b. December 12, 1915. Played June Cleaver on _Leave it to Beaver_ (1957-1963). Had trouble finding work after the show was cancelled due to typecasting, but this worked to her advantage for the producers of the 1980 comedy movie _Airplane!_. Seeing the actress best known for playing the squeaky-clean Mrs. Cleaver speaking "jive" had audiences laughing until they couldn't breathe.

"Barbara Billingsley is still alive? Whoa. . ." http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=june+cleaver



I’masfarawufromJune\Cleavrr as you can get


4. Little Mary Sunshine,

I work with a guy who greets me by saying, "Good morning, Mary Sunshine!" Where does this come from?

Where did this expression come from, and is it a compliment? ... (Asked by Lisa)

View Entire Question | Report Abuse | Similar Questions | See it in Y! A. It's definitely a compliment. I'll guess you smile a beautiful, radiant smile when you greet him and it just brightens his day. I'm not sure whether "Little Mary Sunshine" was a nursery rhyme or a play. I used to greet a sullen, crabby co-worker with, "Hello Sunshine" but I was being sarcastic. ( I hope that doesn't describe you. Oh, oops if it does.) ...(Answered by Whimsy) http://education.answerbox.net/education-s...y-396545214.htm



5 Drone,Stepford Wife



1.) Used to describe a servile, compliant, submissive, spineless wife who happily does her husband's bidding and serves his every whim dutifully.


2.) Can also be used to describe a wife who is cookie-cutter & bland in appearance and behavior. Subscribes to a popular look and dares not deviate from that look.


This term is borrowed from the fictional suburb of Stepford, Connecticut in Ira Levin's 1972 novel, The Stepford Wives, later made into movies (in 1975 and 2004). In the story, men of this seemingly ideal town have replaced their wives with attractive robotic dolls devoid of emotion or thought.

1.) She's such a stepford wife, I've seen her greet her husband at the door after work with a beer and a kiss 4 days in a row!


2.) I just got back from the pta meeting, I've never seen so many stepford wives.


2b.) The SNL skit "Mom Jeans" features women dressed to earn the SW distinction.




Definitely not me!!!!!



Sounds like you’ve judged me on your assumptions.. Sounds like you’re doing what you’ve accused me of doing.;

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Goddamm it never ends :o



Highly entertaining though....

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Since Gramps always tries to point out my ignorance, I decided to research the latest group of names he called me.


1 Prissy -

excessively proper; affectedly correct; prim.


American Psychological Association (APA): prissy. (n.d.). Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1). Retrieved January 17, 2008, from Dictionary.com website: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/prissy

That one is definitively not me


2 Proselytizing - pros·e·lyt·ize –verb (used with object), verb (used without object), -ized, -iz·ing.

to convert or attempt to convert as a proselyte; recruit.


v. pros·e·ly·tiz·ing


To induce someone to convert to one's own religious faith.

To induce someone to join one's own political party or to espouse one's doctrine


American Psychological Association (APA): proselytizing. (n.d.). The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Retrieved January 17, 2008, from Dictionary.com website: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/proselytizing Chicago Manual Style (CMS): proselytizing. Dictionary.com. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2004. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/proselytizing (accessed: January 17, 2008).


I do this, but try not to be pushy


3. June Cleaver

Barbara Billingsley



b. December 12, 1915. Played June Cleaver on _Leave it to Beaver_ (1957-1963). Had trouble finding work after the show was cancelled due to typecasting, but this worked to her advantage for the producers of the 1980 comedy movie _Airplane!_. Seeing the actress best known for playing the squeaky-clean Mrs. Cleaver speaking "jive" had audiences laughing until they couldn't breathe.

"Barbara Billingsley is still alive? Whoa. . ." http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=june+cleaver



I’masfarawufromJune\Cleavrr as you can get


4. Little Mary Sunshine,

I work with a guy who greets me by saying, "Good morning, Mary Sunshine!" Where does this come from?

Where did this expression come from, and is it a compliment? ... (Asked by Lisa)

View Entire Question | Report Abuse | Similar Questions | See it in Y! A. It's definitely a compliment. I'll guess you smile a beautiful, radiant smile when you greet him and it just brightens his day. I'm not sure whether "Little Mary Sunshine" was a nursery rhyme or a play. I used to greet a sullen, crabby co-worker with, "Hello Sunshine" but I was being sarcastic. ( I hope that doesn't describe you. Oh, oops if it does.) ...(Answered by Whimsy) http://education.answerbox.net/education-s...y-396545214.htm



5 Drone,Stepford Wife



1.) Used to describe a servile, compliant, submissive, spineless wife who happily does her husband's bidding and serves his every whim dutifully.


2.) Can also be used to describe a wife who is cookie-cutter & bland in appearance and behavior. Subscribes to a popular look and dares not deviate from that look.


This term is borrowed from the fictional suburb of Stepford, Connecticut in Ira Levin's 1972 novel, The Stepford Wives, later made into movies (in 1975 and 2004). In the story, men of this seemingly ideal town have replaced their wives with attractive robotic dolls devoid of emotion or thought.

1.) She's such a stepford wife, I've seen her greet her husband at the door after work with a beer and a kiss 4 days in a row!


2.) I just got back from the pta meeting, I've never seen so many stepford wives.


2b.) The SNL skit "Mom Jeans" features women dressed to earn the SW distinction.




Definitely not me!!!!!



Sounds like you’ve judged me on your assumptions.. Sounds like you’re doing what you’ve accused me of doing.;


Actually, it's called an 'insult'


in·sult (n-slt)

v. in·sult·ed, in·sult·ing, in·sults



a. To treat with gross insensitivity, insolence, or contemptuous rudeness.

b. To affront or demean


Can you say 'insult'? I like the way you say that...


and it seems you disagree with Burns when he said 'ay wha' a wunderful gif' tae gi' us, tae see oorsels as o'ers see us...'


I think the only vertebrate on the board who couldn't identify you in that list of invective was you...

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re the terrible things fundamentalists say. but they only say them because they genuinely believe they are following the will of God. how can they do otherwise, if they believe its God's will? of course there are some sick, spiteful and hateful people who spew forth against gays, but i wouldnt have called them true christians when i was a christian myself, not long ago. i think people dont realize that with christians, when they say 'outrageous things', like that homosexuality is a sin, they are not just giving their own opinion, but saying what they believe is God's opinion. in those cases they might be misguided, but not malicious. and they are prepared to be 'persecuted for standing up for the word of God'.

when i used to try to witness, and people got angry becos i said Jesus is the only way', i couldnt understand why they thought i was the prejudiced one. God wrote the bible, not me, i thought. i'm only saying what God said. how could i not?' i mean if it really was God's word, well, that was that, no point in arguing about it or taking it personally.' maybe i'm too logical. i mean, if God is God, and you know what he's said, wouldnt it be stupid not to follow his word? we're talking about God here. well i dont believe in it any more, but if i did, i'd be stuck with echoing the sentiments of the bible because God told me to.

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